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 Have Our Troops Been Attacked by ISIS In Kuwait?

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Have Our Troops Been Attacked by ISIS In Kuwait? Empty
PostSubject: Have Our Troops Been Attacked by ISIS In Kuwait?   Have Our Troops Been Attacked by ISIS In Kuwait? I_icon_minitimeSun Sep 21, 2014 4:57 pm


Have Our Troops Been Attacked by ISIS In Kuwait?
20 Sep, 2014 by Dave Hodges
Have Our Troops Been Attacked by ISIS In Kuwait? CSS-Offical-New-Logo24
Today, I have received two emails from a family member and a friend of the family of soldiers who have been stationed in Kuwait. Both emails indicate that our troops have been the victim of a terrorist attack and some are dying/or have died. The only concrete information is that their water supply may have been poisoned.
My initial reaction is that there is something to these reports. However, the media is not reporting anything like this at the present .  I am hopeful that by publishing these two emails, that others, with information about this event, will come forward with relevant details.
Quote :
Please take Notice,
On Friday Sept 19, 2014, early afternoon, my sister spoke with a woman she knows personally who is the mother of a Marine that has been stationed in Kuwait. The mother was very frantic and getting ready to fly to Cal. From Colo. She had been notified yesterday morning by the military that her son would be returning to camp Pendleton from Kuwait along with 3200 marines …following is the message my sister posted on face book.
I just heard from a lady that lives here in Palisade, that her son and a company of 3,200 Marines are being flown back to Camp Pendleton Calif. from Kuwait because evidently ISIS has poisoned their water supply, and our boys are either sick or perhaps dying or have died. The doctors so far do not know what kind of poison was used. The mother is flying out to Calif. 
End of message
There has been no news of this anywhere, is it possible that this will be one more thing that is kept hidden from the public? Please look into this and find out what has happened. Thank you and please PRAY FOR OUR TROOPS     Vicky White
Quote :
Sent:  Sat 9/20/2014 3:37 PM
Mr. Hodges,
I read your articles everyday. Now it is time for you to read my note. My son has been stationed in Kuwait.  A parent of one of my son’s fellow soldiers  called me and has told me that my son has been exposed to terror attack by “something deadly” while in Kuwait and he and his unit are being flown back to the States. I can find no news stories on this…Will you please investigate? I am a desperate mom!
God Bless you,
Martha Rodriguez
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PostSubject: Re: Have Our Troops Been Attacked by ISIS In Kuwait?   Have Our Troops Been Attacked by ISIS In Kuwait? I_icon_minitimeSun Sep 21, 2014 5:14 pm

In the case of water.
This is why water is better with chlorine rather than chloramine because it is easier to detect any other ingredients/contaminants that have been added. Chlorine evaporates where chloramine does not, so it is ingested.
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