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 Boston Saudi "set for deportation" after bombing at presidential 4th party

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Super Elite

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Boston Saudi "set for deportation" after bombing at presidential 4th party Empty
PostSubject: Boston Saudi "set for deportation" after bombing at presidential 4th party   Boston Saudi "set for deportation" after bombing at presidential 4th party I_icon_minitimeWed Jul 10, 2013 9:41 am

I don't know why I waste time posting this or you're wasting time reading it, but if you're not convinced this might help. I think I just threw up a little.

Alharbi named a “person of interest” in the Boston bombings, reportedly set for deportation on 212 (3)(B) grounds – “security and related grounds” — “Terrorist activities” — after the tragedy.

Boston Saudi "set for deportation" after bombing at presidential 4th party Screen-Shot-2013-07-08-at-3.13.16-PM-620x564
Obviously doing their best to blend in. Forgot their bed bath & beyond supplied white sheet gear.

Boston Saudi "set for deportation" after bombing at presidential 4th party Screen-Shot-2013-07-08-at-3.13.33-PM-620x562

UPDATE: A law enforcement official with direct knowledge of the investigation into the Boston Marathon Bombing has confirmed to TheBlaze that the person in the photo is Alharbi.
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Super Elite

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Boston Saudi "set for deportation" after bombing at presidential 4th party Empty
PostSubject: Re: Boston Saudi "set for deportation" after bombing at presidential 4th party   Boston Saudi "set for deportation" after bombing at presidential 4th party I_icon_minitimeWed Jul 10, 2013 7:06 pm

BOSTON (AP) — His arm in a cast and his face swollen, a blase-looking Dzhokhar Tsarnaev pleaded not guilty Wednesday in the Boston Marathon bombing in a seven-minute proceeding that marked his first appearance in public since his capture in mid-April.
As survivors of the bombing looked on, Tsarnaev, 19, gave a small, lopsided smile to his two sisters upon arriving in the courtroom. He appeared to have a jaw injury and there was swelling around his left eye and cheek."

Getting worked over in solitary, eh???
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Boston Saudi "set for deportation" after bombing at presidential 4th party
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