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 The Counterfeit Rapture

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PostSubject: The Counterfeit Rapture   The Counterfeit Rapture I_icon_minitimeTue Feb 05, 2013 10:16 am

The Counterfeit Rapture

By Douglas Hamp

Not only are demons (sons of God) manifesting in the heavenlies, but they are also sending messages to many on earth, which reveals their true character. In general the entities are communicating that the earth will soon go through a period of cataclysmic changes. The descriptions they give are what the Bible refers to as the Great Tribulation. However, these so called “aliens” are nothing more than demons pretending to be from some other galaxy. Their messages, as we will see, consist of some basic ideas that are the diabolical mirror to the Bible.

  • Cataclysmic events will come upon the earth
  • They will help us overcome those events
  • They will take those that can’t or won’t evolve to the next level
  • Those that remain get to evolve to the next level now
  • A man from among us will be raised up with special powers and knowledge
In historical studies, the strongest type of witness we can have is what is referred to as a hostile witness. A hostile witness is when someone’s enemies (or perhaps competition) are forced to admit certain things about that person that are not in their best interest to say.
Satan, in a sense, has proven the rapture event by the messages that his horde have been giving over the years. Clearly, their messages, as they are given, are full of lies. Nevertheless, they do include some elements of truth, which is always the point of a deception. That there will be an “evacuation” of the earth is certain as we learn from Scripture: “Then we who are alive [i]and
remain shall be caught up together with them in the clouds to meet the Lord in the air,” (1 Thessalonians 4:17). The truth of that verse is proven by the lies that are being told by the “aliens”. In effect, they are getting the world ready for what is coming so that when it does happen people will not likely consider the biblical rapture as an option.

The enemy undoubtedly will have a counter explanation ready for when that happens; after all, he has read the Bible too. “Missiologist Ralph Winter estimated in early 2001 that there are 680 million ‘born again’ Christians in the world, and that they are growing at about 7% a year. This represents about 11% of the world’s population and 33% of the total number of Christians (based on the UN projected world population of 6.301 billion for mid-2003.)” [ii] In 2010 the population was 6.856 Billion and assuming (conservatively) that the percentages had stayed the same, then 754 million people were born again followers of Jesus. These followers will be taken from the earth in a flash.

While born again followers of the Lord Jesus Christ will not be here to see what follows, we can safely conclude that some time shortly after the rapture, the demons will most likely appear to the world as the saviors of the world and will provide an answer for the disappearance of over 700 million people worldwide. Many believe that the aliens/demons will say that they were the ones that seeded the planet (were the creators of man) and have returned to help in our hour of greatest need. The reason that most of the world will not immediately turn to the God of heaven and earth following the rapture is because the enemy has been conditioning people for just such an event. The rapture is certain in that God has clearly said it would come to pass; therefore, Satan (as the father of lies, cf. John 8:44), must have some type of event in place to deceive the world when the event actually occurs. Sometimes the message is that the people evacuated will be resettled to another planet. Sometimes the “aliens” tell us not worry about where the ones taken will go. And sometimes we see it is the bad aliens that have come to catch people up into their space ships and those brave enough to resist will survive as portrayed in the 2010 movie Skyline whose motto is “do not look up” because those that look at the light will be taken. Jesus told us to “look up” (Luke 21:28) when we see all these things beginning to come to pass.

Could it be that Satan has found a clever way to encourage people to do just the opposite?
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The Counterfeit Rapture Empty
PostSubject: Re: The Counterfeit Rapture   The Counterfeit Rapture I_icon_minitimeTue Feb 05, 2013 10:31 am

Keep up the good posts ColonelZ! I think all these things need to be brought up again, especially here on the new forum. I've been around so long and so much that is old to me is, I forget, new to the younger generation. I appreciate your posts. SmileThe Counterfeit Rapture 3493825412alien
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