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 Ancient Aliens 2015: The Ancient Cosmic War || New BBC Documentary || Aliens Sightings HD

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Ancient Aliens 2015: The Ancient Cosmic War || New BBC Documentary || Aliens Sightings HD Empty
PostSubject: Ancient Aliens 2015: The Ancient Cosmic War || New BBC Documentary || Aliens Sightings HD   Ancient Aliens 2015: The Ancient Cosmic War || New BBC Documentary || Aliens Sightings HD I_icon_minitimeWed Aug 05, 2015 11:32 am

Ancient Aliens 2015: The Ancient Cosmic War || New BBC Documentary || Aliens Sightings HD
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Ancient Aliens 2015: The Ancient Cosmic War || New BBC Documentary || Aliens Sightings HD Empty
PostSubject: Re: Ancient Aliens 2015: The Ancient Cosmic War || New BBC Documentary || Aliens Sightings HD   Ancient Aliens 2015: The Ancient Cosmic War || New BBC Documentary || Aliens Sightings HD I_icon_minitimeWed Aug 05, 2015 12:42 pm

This isn't even close to being anything from the BBC, however it's worth watching anyway. This is various video clips (of dubious provenience) set behind various interview snippets with Joseph Farrell talking about an ancient cosmic war. This is a person (Farrell) and subject (cosmic war) that I have shared with this forum many times.


EDIT TO ADD:  Ahhhh . . . the video said about half way through that the audio comes from Red Ice Radio. Somebody did a real good job on this video. The images sync up nicely with the subject being discussed and show the viewer real-time examples of what Farrell is talking about. Believe it or not this video is worth saving and archiving.


Much more at link.  Scroll down to "Cosmic War". Also much more info in Farrell's book, The Cosmic War, available on Amazon.

Last edited by researcher on Wed Aug 05, 2015 3:52 pm; edited 1 time in total (Reason for editing : add info)
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Ancient Aliens 2015: The Ancient Cosmic War || New BBC Documentary || Aliens Sightings HD
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