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 Monte Judah: The Saudi Connection To The Boston Marathon Bombing (guv told media to stand down on that story)

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Monte Judah: The Saudi Connection To The Boston Marathon Bombing (guv told media to stand down on that story) Empty
PostSubject: Monte Judah: The Saudi Connection To The Boston Marathon Bombing (guv told media to stand down on that story)   Monte Judah: The Saudi Connection To The Boston Marathon Bombing (guv told media to stand down on that story) I_icon_minitimeSat Apr 20, 2013 1:59 am

Been a long while since I posted something from Monte, huh? Most weeks he's talked about things we find out for ourselves right here. This week is different. You will want to hear about this Saudi / Boston Marathon connection. You will, I promise, WILL NOT hear this anyplace else just yet. Alex Jones et al haven't caught up on this one yet. Update starts at the 38 min 45 sec mark.

I had trouble getting the mp3 file to upload to Mediafire so please let me know if anything is wrong with the audio and I'll try to fix if broken. Thanks.

File Name: 2013_04_19 - Acharei Mot and Kedoshim.mp3
File Size:
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Monte Judah: The Saudi Connection To The Boston Marathon Bombing (guv told media to stand down on that story)
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