Chemtrails Not Enough: Climate Engineers Now Dumping Large Volume Aerosol Plumes
Climate Engineering Enters Increasingly Toxic Phase Where Large Volume Aerosol Dumps Are Being Added to Aircraft Chemtrails Emissions.
The Evergreen Airways patent claims the aircraft is fully capable of large volume aerosol deployment as “Weather Modification” (PDF)
“The system of claim 1 Wherein the material tanks are confgured to contain material selected from the group consisting of at least a Water, gel, decontamination compound, Weather modifcation compound, oil spill treatment compound, and a firefghting compound.” – (page 12 of 12)
12-1-2015 Massive Florida Aerosol Seeding Captured by Worldview Satellite (LINK)
11-30-2015 Massive Florida Aerosol Seeding Captured by Worldview Satellite (LINK)
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[list=commentlist] [*] Runenkrieger11 says:
April 13, 2016 at 12:20 pm
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Reblogged this on Treue und Ehre.
[*] healthyone4u2 says:
April 14, 2016 at 11:16 am
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Massive, massive, ugly chemical spraying this am in So Cal. All over the skies, streaks of chemical sprays. Why do I have to wake up and scream at the sky? Why do they have to keep poisoning us ?(I know the reason).
[*] creators. intent says:
April 15, 2016 at 9:02 am
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It is seems logical that who or what ever is behind the spraying-us-like-cockroaches …. It is Not human… as It is spraying It self / children too… IMO, It is making Our atmosphere more like Its atmosphere
Chemtrails Not Enough: Climate Engineers Now Dumping Large Volume Aerosol Plumes