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 !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! AIR STRIKES ON SYRIA !!!!!!!!!!

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PostSubject: !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! AIR STRIKES ON SYRIA !!!!!!!!!!   !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!     AIR STRIKES ON SYRIA    !!!!!!!!!! I_icon_minitimeThu Apr 06, 2017 8:59 pm

BREAKING NEWS - US launches airstrikes on Syria: Military fires more than 50 tomahawks on Homs airfield just hours after Trump said 'something should happen' following gas-attack atrocity

  • The military fired more than 50 tomahawk missiles at al-Shayrat military airfield
  •  Moves comes just hours after Trump said 'something should happen' following gas-attack atrocity
  • Trump had been weighing up the possibility of launching military strikes after 72 were killed and countless more were injured in the sarin poison gas attack
  • 'I think what happened in Syria is a disgrace to humanity. I guess something should happen,' he said
  • Secretary of state Rex Tillerson said earlier today that the U.S. was already exploring the enlistment of an international coalition to oust Assad

By Hannah Parry For

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PostSubject: Re: !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! AIR STRIKES ON SYRIA !!!!!!!!!!   !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!     AIR STRIKES ON SYRIA    !!!!!!!!!! I_icon_minitimeThu Apr 06, 2017 9:02 pm

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Wise Foods Freeze Dried Vegetable 160 Servings Gluten Free includes 160 assorted vegetables in a bucket that is full of gluten free vegetables for emergency preparedness or every day meal
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PostSubject: U.S. strikes Syrian military airfield in first direct assault on Bashar al-Assad’s    !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!     AIR STRIKES ON SYRIA    !!!!!!!!!! I_icon_minitimeThu Apr 06, 2017 9:07 pm

U.S. strikes Syrian military airfield in first direct assault on Bashar al-Assad’s government
Published: April 6, 2017

Source: Washington Post

The U.S. military launched approximately 50 cruise missiles at a Syrian military airfield late on Thursday, in the first direct American assault on the government of President Bashar al-Assad since that country’s civil war began six years ago.
The operation, which the Trump administration authorized in retaliation for a chemical attack killing scores of civilians this week, dramatically expands U.S. military involvement in Syria and exposes the United States to heightened risk of direct confrontation with Russia and Iran, both backing Assad in his attempt to crush his opposition.
The missiles were launched from two Navy destroyers in the eastern Mediterranean. They targeted an airbase called Shayrat in Homs province, which is the site from which the planes that conducted the chemical attack in Idlib are believed to have originated.
In comparison, the start of the Iraq war in 2003 saw the use of roughly 500 cruise missiles and 47 were fired at the opening of the anti-Islamic State campaign in Syria in 2014.


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PostSubject: RICK WILES   !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!     AIR STRIKES ON SYRIA    !!!!!!!!!! I_icon_minitimeThu Apr 06, 2017 9:16 pm
Rick Wiles: Has President Trump Surrendered to the Deep State?
April 06, 2017
!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!     AIR STRIKES ON SYRIA    !!!!!!!!!! TN02-Has-President-Trump-Surrendered-to-the-Deep-State-2017-04-06-001_600_338_80

Is the unanimous capitulation to the fake news propaganda driving for fresh NATO intervention in Syria proof President Trump has surrendered to the Deep State plot for World War 3? Today on TRUNEWS, Rick Wiles details the latest statements from the White House as turncoat operatives led by Jared Kushner push a Make America Guilty Again neocon mission, gambling God’s divine reprieve.
Today’s Audio Streamcast. Click the audio bar to listen:
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Rick Wiles: Has President Trump Surrendered to the Deep State?
April 06, 2017
!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!     AIR STRIKES ON SYRIA    !!!!!!!!!! TN02-Has-President-Trump-Surrendered-to-the-Deep-State-2017-04-06-001_600_338_80

Is the unanimous capitulation to the fake news propaganda driving for fresh NATO intervention in Syria proof President Trump has surrendered to the Deep State plot for World War 3? Today on TRUNEWS, Rick Wiles details the latest statements from the White House as turncoat operatives led by Jared Kushner push a Make America Guilty Again neocon mission, gambling God’s divine reprieve.
Today’s Audio Streamcast. Click the audio bar to listen:
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PostSubject: Re: !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! AIR STRIKES ON SYRIA !!!!!!!!!!   !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!     AIR STRIKES ON SYRIA    !!!!!!!!!! I_icon_minitimeFri Apr 07, 2017 8:42 am

Reference the TRUNEWS article directly above this one: NO, Trump has NOT capitulated to the deep state! He did however send a message loud and clear to the tin pan dictators of the world; "there's a new sheriff in town"!

See Jack Englehard's newest OP-ED over at Israel National News. Great stuff.

Jack Engelhard wrote:
Trump strikes Assad and sends the world a message

The world will never be the same after President Donald Trump ordered the military to take action against Syrian dictator Bashar al-Assad.

Jack Engelhard,  07/04/17 06:59

Everything changed last night and the world will never be the same after President Donald Trump ordered the military to take action against Syrian dictator Bashar al-Assad. Two Navy warships fired 50 Tomahawk missiles upon a Syrian airfield from which chemical weapons were dropped on civilians, killing some 80, including children.

It was the slaughter of children that provoked Trump and led him to change his mind about interfering with force in the throes of Syria’s civil war – though he was critical of Obama for declaring a red line during a previous chemical assault but that saw no action from Obama.
Trump sent a message to Assad that indeed there’s a new sheriff in town. At the same time, Trump alerted the nations that this President means business and that the days of taking the United States for granted are over. His UN envoy Nikki Haley has been his voice of change at the UN – warning the nations that the United States has had its fill of Israel bashing while ignoring war crimes throughout the rest of the world.

In his message last night, Trump vowed to stop Assad and asked the civilized world to join him in eradicating terrorism everywhere.

He did not mention North Korean dictator Kim Jong-un. But that is one Supreme Leader that got a wake-up call, as did every other tyrant.

World leaders everywhere will now have to think twice before going ahead rashly. This includes Putin.

Americans got the news at around 8 pm last night. Full coverage was immediate throughout the cable networks.

CNN bested Fox news with sharper and more immediate facts and analysis. Anderson Cooper was factual and let the experts speak.

Fox News’ Shepard Smith was unable to mask his disdain for the President and kept interrupting his analysts with critical and inappropriate asides.

This was no time for backstabbing, but there was more of it on MSNBC. 

A time like this, our military in action, is no time for bickering. The news media, so hostile to Trump from day one, will have to find a new voice in which to speak to America, whether Trump speaks their political language or not. Americans won’t tolerate divisiveness while our servicemen are in hostile waters – and certainly not when the job is about putting a stop to the random killing of infants.

For Israel there is a dark undercurrent to Trump’s response. The Palestinian Arabs who’ve been waging terrorism against Israel throughout the years, namely the PA and Hamas, have surely taken note at

Trump’s heightened sensibilities toward children – they watch and they learn. 

They learn that harming infants is one way to get at Trump, and so Israel must be prepared for a Gaza war aimed not to defeat Israel by arms, but through bombing Israeli towns and villages, and creating terror on the streets, drawing the IDF into a conflict that leaves Israel no choice but to move in at all costs. Otherwise the risk to the Jewish State would be unbearable.

Hamas has perfected the use of human shields to wage warfare through soliciting sympathy…with the PA’s Mahmoud Abbas cheering on.

They did it three times previously – 2008, 2012, 2014.

Hamas and the PA care nothing for the number of children that get killed, Jewish children and even their own children – if it makes a point.

So that’s Israel’s challenge against this epidemic of terrorism that has spread throughout the world.   

Trump’s world is a new world and we all better start getting used to it, for the best we trust, and so far, so good.

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PostSubject: SYRIA! Trumps Response   !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!     AIR STRIKES ON SYRIA    !!!!!!!!!! I_icon_minitimeFri Apr 07, 2017 10:07 am

SYRIA! Trumps Response

Published on Apr 7, 2017

SYRIA! Trumps Response. L. A. Marzulli weighs in on the recent rocket attacks by the Trump administration in response to the chemical weapons used on civilians by the Assad regime.

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