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 Urfa Man: The 11,000 year old Balikligöl Statue Found Near Göbekli Tepe

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Urfa Man: The 11,000 year old Balikligöl Statue Found Near Göbekli Tepe Empty
PostSubject: Urfa Man: The 11,000 year old Balikligöl Statue Found Near Göbekli Tepe   Urfa Man: The 11,000 year old Balikligöl Statue Found Near Göbekli Tepe I_icon_minitimeWed Apr 12, 2017 7:05 am

Urfa Man: The 11,000 year old Balikligöl Statue Found Near Göbekli Tepe

Published on Apr 11, 2017

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Andrew Collins and Hugh Newman investigate one of the world's oldest human statues. The Balikligöl Statue was found in the city of Sanliurfa at a site similar to Göbekli Tepe, and nearly as old. Urfa man has no mouth and has a unique double v-neck style, looking a bit ‘Star Trek’, plus has a stump at his base as though he was planted in the ground. A similar base exists on a Costa Rica statue that looks very similar, although not as old. Although there is a mouth, the arms and hands point towards his navel – a feature that also exists in Sulawesi in Indonesia, and on the Moai on Easter Island. This is a tradition that also exists in many prehistoric cultures worldwide, focussing on the ‘navel’, including at Göbekli Tepe itself. Filmed in 2013 at the old Urfa museum with footage from the new museum opened in 2015.

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Urfa Man: The 11,000 year old Balikligöl Statue Found Near Göbekli Tepe
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