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 Report: Iraq PM 'Invites' Iran to Seize US Embassy in Baghdad

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Report: Iraq PM 'Invites' Iran to Seize US Embassy in Baghdad Empty
PostSubject: Report: Iraq PM 'Invites' Iran to Seize US Embassy in Baghdad   Report: Iraq PM 'Invites' Iran to Seize US Embassy in Baghdad I_icon_minitimeSun Feb 10, 2013 12:48 pm

Report: Iraq PM 'Invites' Iran to Seize US Embassy in Baghdad
Iraq allegedly has agreed to allow 50,000 Iranian Basij militia to help suppress riots against the government and seize the US embassy.
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By Chana Ya'ar
First Publish: 2/10/2013, 9:14 AM

Grieving for Iranian dissidents in Iraq
Grieving for Iranian dissidents in Iraq

Iraq allegedly has agreed to allow 50,000 Iranian Basij militia troops into the country to help suppress riots against the government and seize Arab and other foreign embassies, including that of the United States. The two leaders allegedly agreed to allow the Basij forces to attack and occupy the foreign embassies considered hostile to Iran in Baghdad, and to detain their staffs.

Iraq’s Prime Minister Nuri al-Maliki and Iranian military commander Qassaem Soleimani, head of Iran's Al Qods Force, allegedly shook hands on the plan over the weekend at a meeting in Baghdad. Pledging 50,000 Basij military troops to help al-Maliki put down the nationwide riots against his government, Soleimani was quoted as saying "the Iraqi Front is the last front to defend the security of Iran."

The report, which appeared Saturday on the Voice of Iraq website and that of the Nashwan News, apparently offered enough evidence to create concern among analysts in the United States. “Even if there is a slim chance that the report is true, it should be published immediately,” commented U.S.-based Middle East strategy expert Mark Langfan.

U.S. embassies have become an increasingly popular target for disgruntled Islamists who wish to whip up popular support, attempt to terrorize Western leaderships or terrorize a local population into submission, such as last year's September 11, 2012 attack on the U.S. Consulate in Benghazi, Libya in which four American diplomats were killed -- including U.S. Ambassador to Libya Christopher Stevens.
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Report: Iraq PM 'Invites' Iran to Seize US Embassy in Baghdad Empty
PostSubject: Re: Report: Iraq PM 'Invites' Iran to Seize US Embassy in Baghdad   Report: Iraq PM 'Invites' Iran to Seize US Embassy in Baghdad I_icon_minitimeSun Feb 10, 2013 1:54 pm

Hmmm, tall order for them to pull off I'd say.

The Embassy of the United States in Baghdad is the largest and most expensive of any embassy in the world. At 440,000 square meters it is nearly as large as Vatican City.[1] It also employs 15,000 people and cost $750 million to build. The Embassy opened in January 2009 following a series of construction delays. It replaced the previous embassy, which opened July 1, 2004 in Baghdad's Green Zone in a former Palace of Saddam Hussein.[2]
It is located along the Tigris River, west of the Arbataash Tamuz bridge, and facing Al Kindi street to the north. The embassy is a permanent structure which has provided a new base for the 5,500 Americans currently living and working in Baghdad. During construction, the US government kept many aspects of the project under wraps, with many details released only in a U.S. Senate Foreign Relations Committee report.[8] Apart from the 1,000 regular employees, up to 3,000 additional staff members have been hired, including security personnel.
With construction beginning in mid-2005, the original target completion date was September 2007. "A week after submitting his FY2006 budget to Congress, the President sent Congress an FY2005 emergency supplemental funding request. Included in the supplemental is more than $1.3 billion for the embassy in Iraq..." An emergency supplemental appropriation (H.R. 1268/P.L. 109-13), which included $592 million for embassy construction, was signed into law on May 11, 2005. According to the Department of State, this funding was all that was needed for construction of the U.S. Embassy in Baghdad.[9] Construction is being led by the Kuwaiti firm First Kuwaiti Trading & Contracting.[10][11][12]
The embassy has extensive housing and infrastructure facilities in addition to the usual diplomatic buildings. The buildings include:[8]

  • Six apartment buildings for employees
  • Water and waste treatment facilities
  • A power station
  • Two "major diplomatic office buildings"
  • Recreation, including a gym, cinema, several tennis courts and an Olympic-size swimming pool
The complex is heavily fortified, even by the standards of the Green Zone. The details are largely secret, but it is likely to include a significant US Marine Security Guard detachment. Fortifications include deep security perimeters, buildings reinforced beyond the usual standard, and five highly guarded entrances.
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Report: Iraq PM 'Invites' Iran to Seize US Embassy in Baghdad
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