... --- ... SPRING'S May-19-2019 = Intelligence Agencies 'Flipped' - COMMIE COUP & ILLEGALS @ 6000 PER FLIGHT! & Feinstein (D) Unregistered Agent for Communist China & FLYNN YOUR SON OR COUNTRY & IRAQ
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Subject: ... --- ... SPRING'S May-19-2019 = Intelligence Agencies 'Flipped' - COMMIE COUP & ILLEGALS @ 6000 PER FLIGHT! & Feinstein (D) Unregistered Agent for Communist China & FLYNN YOUR SON OR COUNTRY & IRAQ Sun May 19, 2019 10:12 am
US Intelligence Agencies 'Flipped' Under Barack Obama And America Really DID Dodge A Full-Scale Communist Coup
Hundreds of illegal migrants will be flown into U.S. cities at the cost of $6000 per flight.
Senator Feinstein (D) Is An Unregistered Agent for Communist China
MUST READ: Mueller’s Reprehensible Ultimatum to General Flynn: Your Son or Your Country? Make Your Decision!
Has Trump Been the Victim of a Coup?
Massive Crimes Will Soon Be Revealed & Prosecuted
Last edited by spring2 on Sun May 19, 2019 5:21 pm; edited 9 times in total
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Subject: US Intelligence Agencies 'Flipped' Under Barack Obama And America Really DID Dodge A Full-Scale Communist Coup Sun May 19, 2019 10:13 am
Signs US Intelligence Agencies 'Flipped' Under Barack Obama And America Really DID Dodge A Full-Scale Communist Coup: This Is What America Might Look Like Now Had Hillary Clinton Won
- The Deep State Traitors MUST Pay For Their Crimes Of Treason!
By Stefan Stanford - All News Pipeline - Live Free Or Die
While we now find ourselves nearly 28 months into the Presidency of Donald Trump and only 18 months away from the 2020 presidential election, we thought we'd take a look here at what America might look like right now had Hillary Clinton won the presidency in 2016, as she, the mainstream media and the entire establishment along with much of America just KNEW would happen.
With Barack Obama's 'deep state' going so far as to devise an 'insurance policy' against Donald Trump in what has been called the greatest abuse of power in US history, and then working to completely derail his presidency for the past 2+ years, and going so far as to call Trump 'treasonous' when it was they themselves who had committed treasonous crimes behind America's back, we'll also take a look at more signs here that America really did just dodge a full-scale Communist coup with 2 of the deep state coup leaders having voted 'Communist' during the Cold War as Zero Hedge reports in this new story.
As the ZH story reports, while the Cold War with Russia was raging, both James Comey and John Brennan voted for Communists during US elections BUT SOMEHOW they were both able to move up in the ranks of the US intelligence communities that had spent decades fighting against that same ideology. Anybody else see where the truth appears to be in this? Were US intelligence agencies somehow 'flipped' during the 8 years of Barack Obama or even before that?
As Dr. Peter Vincent Pry had warned in this April 27th story on ANP titled "President Trump, This Is Why It's Time For A Full-Scale Purge Of The Intelligence Community: A 'Red Thread' Still Runs Through It", the deep state had used ruthless tactics of a Soviet-style police state against President Trump and his associates, absolutely the same kind of 'police state tactics' that had become synonymous with the Soviet Union's Stasi. Just a little coincidence? From Zero Hedge.:
Journalist Paul Sperry noted on Wednesday that former FBI Director James Comey admitted in a 2003 interview to having voted Communist before casting his ballot for Jimmy Carter in 1980.
"In college, I was left of center," Comey told New York Magazine, and through a gradual process I found myself more comfortable with a lot of the ideas and approaches the Republicans were using.” He voted for Carter in 1980, but in ’84, “I voted for Reagan—[size=16]I’d moved from Communist to whatever I am now. I’m not even sure how to characterize myself politically. Maybe at some point, I’ll have to figure it out.”
Of note, Comey's wife and four daughters were all giant Hillary Clinton supporters who wanted her to win "really badly."
Former CIA Director John Brennan, meanwhile, admitted in 2016 to voting Communist in the 1970s. When asked at the Congressional Black Caucus Foundation's annual conference whether past activism would create a barrier for diverse candidates who want to enter the intelligence community, Brennan said that he was forced to admit to voting for Communist Gus Hall for president in 1976, according to CNN.
So Two of President Obama's spy chiefs voted Communist, while Obama was influenced by the likes of radicals Bill Ayers, Saul Alinsky and his pastor - Jeremiah 'God damn America' Wright.
(Also to note), weeks before he died of a sudden heart attack at the age of 43, journalist Andrew Breitbart claimed to have a videos that would expose Obama as a communist radical.
So with the leaders of this 'coup attempt' against President Trump having not too long ago subscribed to Communist ideological viewpoints while just back in 2015, Hillary Clinton herself had argued that American adults might have to be sent to 'fun camps' where we can be 're-educated' to be more 'accepting' of others views, we'll argue here that America would look much different than it does now had Hillary won the election.
With the left already attempting to impose their own viewpoints upon Conservatives, attacking President Trump supporters openly and completely out of touch with reality on 'Russian collusion' due to the never-ending lies of the mainstream media, imagine (knowing what we know now) what America might look like had Hillary Clinton won and it was her sitting in the White House this very moment.
(If you appreciate stories like this, please consider donating to ANP to help keep us in this battle for the future of America.)
[/size] To see where we were headed under a Hillary presidency, let's take a quick look back at where we were under Obama.
Back in late 2015 as we were heading towards the 2016 election and what looked to most like a shoo-in for Hillary Clinton following 8 years of increasingly totalitarian Barack Obama, his DHS and 'surveillance police state' were completely focused upon surveilling law-abiding American citizens including Conservatives, Christians, preppers, survivalists and a total of 72 different 'types' of Americans as Michael Snyder had reported within this linked story.
Let's take a really quick look, with source links, at just 30 of the different 'kinds' of Americans that Barack Obama's White House and the 'Democrat deep state', which nearly completed a coup over our nation, had designated as potential terrorist threats while Robert Mueller's FBI had whitewashed all mention of Islamic terrorism from FBI training manuals.
1. [size=16]“Those that talk about “individual liberties” 2. “Those that advocate for states’ rights 3.“Those that want “to make the world a better place” 4.“The colonists who sought to free themselves from British rule” 5.“Those that are interested in “defeating the Communists” 6.“Those that believe “that the interests of one’s own nation are separate from the interests of other nations or the common interest of all nations” 7.“Anyone that holds a “political ideology that considers the state to be unnecessary, harmful,or undesirable” 8.“Anyone that possesses an “intolerance toward other religions” 9.“Those that “take action to fight against the exploitation of the environment and/or animals” 10.“Anti-Gay” 11.“Anti-Immigrant” 12.“Anti-Muslim” 13.“The Patriot Movement” 14.“Opposition to equal rights for gays and lesbians” 15.Members of the Family Research Council 16.Members of the American Family Association 17. Those that believe that Mexico, Canada and the United States “are secretly planning to merge into a European Union-like entity that will be known as the ‘North American Union” 18.Members of the American Border Patrol/American Patrol 19. Members of the Federation for American Immigration Reform 20.Members of the Tennessee Freedom Coalition 21.Members of the Christian Action Network 22.Anyone that is “opposed to the New World Order” 23.Anyone that is engaged in “conspiracy theorizing” 24.Anyone that is opposed to Agenda 21 25.Anyone that is concerned about FEMA camps 26.Anyone that “fears impending gun control or weapons confiscations” 27.The militia movement 28.The sovereign citizen movement 29. Those that “don’t think they should have to pay taxes” 30.Anyone that “complains about bias”
Is it really too much of a stretch to suggest that where we would have been heading under Hillary Clinton would have delivered more 'progressive tyranny'? With the left once again talking about doing away with the 2nd Amendment while they stamp upon the rights of anybody not toeing the Democratic party online to speak freely, had Hillary had 8 years to destroy America following Barack Obama's 8 years, America would have been unrecognizable by 2025. And if the left has their way going forward, we still may be. [/size]
With Hillary Clinton's own deputy communications director Christina Reynolds insanely babbling prior to the 2016 election that websites such as Breitbart News and Infowars 'don't have a right to exist', is it really a stretch to say that had Hillary won, websites such as Breitbart, Whatfinger News, SteveQuayle.com, Infowars, Natural News, ANP and other pro-America, anti-globalist websites would have been 'memory holed' from the internet by now?
As we had reported within this May 17th story, America did a rapid descent into Orwellian tyranny under Barack Obama for 8 years and between the mainstream media lying to the American people, covering up Obama/Hillary/Democrat/deep-state crimes and their demonization of whites, Christians and Conservatives, a quantum shift took place.
And as we had mentioned previously above, we can't forget about Hillary Clinton's 'fun camp' remarks in which she also just happened to mention 'blue cabins' and 'red cabins' (think 'red list'/'blue list') as was reported within this 2015 Breitbart story. From Breitbart.:
Thursday at a conference for camp professionals, former Secretary of State Hillary Clinton proposed [size=16]“camps for adults” that would have “red” and “blue” cabins which would force Americans with differing political views to work together.
Clinton said, “As I have gotten older, I have decided we really need camps for adults. And we need the kind of camps that you all run. I mean, really. Where — none of the serious stuff, none of the life challenge stuff, more fun. I think we have a huge fun deficit in America and we need to figure out how to fill that fun deficit. Certainly, for our kids, but also for the rest of us. We’ve become, in so many ways, a country that has slowly but surely figured out how to get along with more people, from more backgrounds, but there are still differences that we need to get over.
You know, I said the other day at an event that we are much less racist, sexist, homophobic, all of those things, but we sure don’t want to spend time with anybody who we disagree with politically. I mean, that is just too stressful. So, you know, maybe mix it up a little bit. You know, you can have the red cabin, the blue cabin, have them come together, actually listen to each other. Wouldn’t that be a novel idea! And sort of create this much more open dialog opportunity, which I would like to see more of in our country.”[/size]
But if anybody really believes that Hillary meant the left listening to the right and trying to understand why America shouldn't have illegal immigrants just flowing into the country unchecked or why it's very bad for baby's to be murdered at near record levels in America or why law-abiding Americans should NEVER give up their means of protecting themselves and their families from the bad guys who'll never voluntarily give up their guns, they'd be mistaken.
If the past two years have proven to us anything, it's that the left doesn't want to listen to a word that the right has to say without blasting it as 'homophopic' or 'Islamophobic' or 'hateful', but who decides what's 'hateful'? Isn't it the duty of Americans, as free citizens, to 'hate' and 'oppose' all forms of tyrannical governments, such as Islam, that completely oppress their people while using a religious component of their political system as justification to impose 'the will of Allah' upon any and all 'disbelievers' or 'chop off their heads'? Is it hateful to oppose the mass sacrifice of unborn children, who have NO ONE to speak up for THEIR rights? Hillary would have only delivered more tyranny to America and as we'll take a look at in the final section of this story below, they may have been setting themselves up perfectly to impose it.
As we had reported several times on ANP back in 2015, something very strange was happening all across America back then. Even though US shopping malls were hurting severely financially in 2015 as Americans shopped online for many goods and Amazon exploded, the builders still kept on building one shopping mall after another, even with hundreds of shopping malls and outlets already going bankrupt and a 'retail apocalypse' taking place.
And as we had pointed out within several different ANP stories back in 2015, almost all of these new malls that were being designed looked like Nazi-style prison camps with 'guard towers' and many built like fortresses. From this June of 2015 ANP story.:
Coming in October of 2015, all across the country, happy American shoppers will see a whole slew of new shopping malls opening, just in time for the Christmas shopping season. Interestingly enough, and possibly just by 'coincidence', EVERY one of these shopping malls that will be opening in October of 2015 has characteristics of FEMA concentration camps including guard towers overlooking the properties and several of them LOOKING just like fortresses!
The story by Chris Tucker at the Central Kitsap Reporter begins: "[size=16]The massive walls at the Trails at Silverdale construction site loom over the surrounding area as if it were a modern-day hilltop fortress." Trails at Silverdale in the state of Washington will be opening in October of 2015. Situated on 18 acres on a hill overlooking everything, Trails at Silverdale will include 'soldier pile' and 'lock and load' retaining walls and be the future home of 24 tenants.
According to the ABC Action News, excitement runs high for the upcoming October 2015 opening of the Wesley Chapel outlet mall in Pasco, Florida, however, there are 'concerns'. We learn here that officials have yet to announce what retailers will be inhabiting these 100+ 'stores' and, after being emailed a tip by an ANP reader that this mall looked almost like it could be a prison, we decided to take a look into how many more 'malls' across America are scheduled to be opened in October of 2015 and wanted to see what these malls will look like. To say that we found a disturbing pattern would be an understatement. [/size] Why did US builders begin building most of their malls as if they could be quickly transformed into concentration camps if necessary at a time when the retail industry was completely falling apart and many malls were going out of business? With a Hillary Clinton presidency also likely to have brought a major push by Democrats to disarm the American people, most likely via many more deep state sponsored false flag terrorist shooting events, is it really too much of a stretch to argue that should Hillary have won the election, some of those malls could have been transformed into Hillary's 'fun camps' for Americans who wouldn't go along with 'progressive tyranny' and hand over their guns as Democrats may have pushed for?
And with it long said that Hillary Clinton had never met a war that she didn't want other Americans to fight, the chances that we'd now be at war in either Syria or Venezuela or Iran or North Korea would have definitely been much higher had Hillary gotten into office and turned her foreign policy over to the same 'neocons' who ruled over Barack Obama and who are now attempting to push President Trump into war.
And with any one of those potential wars possibly having gotten Russia involved against us at a point in time where Russia holds 'escalation dominance' over the US thanks to 8 years of Barack Obama's policies as Dr. Pry had also reported within this March of 2018 ANP story, it's easy to see why America is so much better off with President Trump in office now despite 2+ years of Democrat obstruction and 'deep state treason' compared to where we might be had Hillary Clinton succeeded at stealing the election afterall.
ONGOING FUNDRAISER:Despite generous donations, the still dwindling advertising revenue over the course of the last two years has forced us to completely deplete all our savings just to survive and continue to keep All News PipeLine online.
So ANP is accepting reader donations.
Last edited by spring2 on Sun May 19, 2019 2:15 pm; edited 1 time in total
Guest Guest
Subject: Hundreds of illegal migrants will be flown into U.S. cities at the cost of $6000 per flight. Sun May 19, 2019 10:30 am
Hundreds of illegal migrants will be flown into U.S. cities at the cost of $6000 per flight. Hundreds of illegal migrants will be flown into U.S. cities at the cost of $6000 per flight.
Jerome Strauss/Flickr
(INTELLIHUB) — United States Customs and Border Protection announced on Friday that hundreds of migrant families will be flown on jets to their final destination in San Diego and possibly even Miami, Detroit and New York where they will be processed after facilities at the southern Texas border have become immensely overcrowded, according to a new report. Between 120 and 135 migrants will depart from the Rio Grande Valley three times a week at the cost of $6000 per flight. Once migrants arrive they will be processed and ordered to appear in immigration court at a later date. However, the reality is that a good number of them will fail to appear.
The bombshell report published by the Globe and Mail also reveals that four busloads full of migrants depart daily from the Rio Grande Valley to their destination in Laredo, Texas along with a daily flight adding to the mess.
Last edited by spring2 on Sun May 19, 2019 2:16 pm; edited 1 time in total
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Subject: Senator Feinstein (D) Is An Unregistered Agent for Communist China Sun May 19, 2019 10:36 am
Senator Feinstein (D) Is An Unregistered Agent for Communist China
Submitted by Dave Hodges on Saturday, May 18, 2019 - 14:20.
[size=19]Please let me remind everyone of Trevor Louden’s work, Enemies Within, in which Trevor showed proof that many Democratic leaders belong to front groups for the world’s largest terrorist organization, the Muslim Brotherhood, and/or the American Communist Party. Dianne Feinstein loves communists. Senator Feinstein cavorts with communists. She has close alliances with many of America’s most dangerous enemies. In short, Senator Dianne Feinstein is an enemy of the State. In 2007, the FBI attempted to solicit information from citizens in Chinatown regarding Communist Chinese subversion directed at the government of the United States. The FBI ran an ad, in three Chinese language newspapers operating in Chinatown, asking for informants to come forward. Instead of obtaining informants the FBI drew criticism from Rose Pak and her close ally, Senator Dianne Feinstein who criticized the FBI for their prejudicial behavior. This issue solidified the relationship between Communist Chinese agent Rose Pak and Sen. Feinstein. The New York Times, the Washington Post and the LA Times has never seen fit to report the story that Senator Dianne Feinstein had employed a Chinese spy for over two decades. This major media blackout is as concerning as the event itself. Of course we know that the Bezos (ie Amazon) ownership of the Washington Post had previously entered into a $600 million deal with the CIA. So much for journalistic integrity. This media collusion speaks to the fact that the left, including their mainstream media minions are seeking to overthrow this country. From the Weekly Standard: [/size]
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Five years ago, Senator Dianne Feinstein, the California Democrat who then chaired the Intelligence Committee, was approached by the FBI. The bureau had learned that a staffer in her San Francisco office was a Chinese operative “run” out of Beijing’s consulate in that city
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… no charges were filed against the driver. Feinstein’s press secretary ignored requests for comment on this story; her office has issued standard boilerplate to media outlets saying that the senator was “mortified” by the revelation that she had a spy on her payroll.
Feinstein and her husband have a long relationship with China and enormous personal and professional investments. Few media outlets have pointed out that Feinstein has had Chinese spies in her office before. So it was not a surprise to those who follow this odd Chinese love affair that yet again a spy was found in her office — her driver and office manager of 20 years. If China is embedding spies in the Senate offices of people willing to advance the agenda of the communist state, one must assume they are actively influencing other industries as well. Feinstein’s husband, Richard Blum, has made billions with regard to investing in the Communist Chinese country. He has used his wife’s senatorial contacts list from China in order to facilitate further business with Communist China. Perhaps a reminder is in order when I remind everyone that a virtual state of war exists between the United States and nation of Communist China. Communist China has attempted to illegally close the South China Sea to trade. The Communist Chinese have troops in Venezuela, they are in the Middle East and Africa and they are there to oppose what they call “American imperialism”. The Chinese have repeatedly threatened the United States with war. Presently, the United States is locked in a vicious trade war, which often precedes a shooting war. As Alexandra Daley, Marilyn Rupar and myself have conclusively presented the facts that demonstrated conclusively that the Communist Chinese run the Sinoloa drug cartel which controls the politics, law enforcement, drug trafficking, and human trafficking in Humboldt, CA. Feinstein is complicit in this unholy alliance.
The Communist Chinese Party Runs Chinatown and Most of San Francisco and Feinstein Is Connected to the Communist Party Leadership
I recently interviewed Chris Kitze and Chris clearly demonstrated that the Communist Chinese Party runs Chinatown inside the United and until her recent death, Rose Pak was the Chinese key agent. Paul Preston validated most of Chris Kitze stated on the CSS. Both of my sources indicated that the late Rose Pak had deep ties both Kamala Harris when she was the Alameda County District Attorney and she was close with Senator Dianne Feinstein! A sitting US senator had a chummy relationship with Rose Pak an agent of the Communist Chinese. Before Pak’s death in 2016, she controlled the police, the politics and the underworld in San Francisco. This point was not lost on the local politicians. A case in point, can be found with Mr.Aaron Peskin, the San Francisco Board of Supervisors member who proposed the name, has previously criticized Pak, identifying her as an agent of China. In short, the Pak forces got to Mr. Peskin and “persuaded” him to change his mind on naming the new subway after this communist subversive. However, Supervisor Peskin’s knowledge of Paks ties to Beijing were well documented: “Rose Pak has been able to work with people to get undue influence in gaining city contracts and in gaining land use approval to build new buildings in San Francisco. “It is really about the political influence and how political influence works, and that even includes working with and representing the interests of outside governments from San Francisco. I am happy to name those names, and those names include the People’s Republic of China.” Peskin made the preceding comment in an interview with New Tang Dynasty (NTD) Television during the 2011 San Francisco mayoral election. The only reason for the controversy over naming the station after the Communist Chinese serving Pak was the grave concern about her close ties with Beijing’s communist regime and her involvement in corruption in local politics with San Francisco’s underworld.
Feinstein Mourns the Passing of Pak
Is anyone surprised at the fact that Feinstein and Pak were friends? Washington—Senator Dianne Feinstein (D-Calif.) today released the following statement on the passing of Rose Pak:
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“I am deeply saddened by the passing of Rose Pak, one of Chinatown’s and San Francisco’s leading public figures. “I have known Rose for decades and observed with great admiration her tireless efforts to improve the lives of San Francisco’s Chinese community. “No one could question Rose’s unparalleled devotion to her community—she gave every ounce of her being to serving others. “Rose was always spirited and determined. She made her positions clear and did all she could to achieve her goals. Whether or not you agreed with her, there is no question that she was an indefatigable leader. “We will all miss her indomitable spirit. May she rest in peace.”
The Feinstein's Procure Food for Communist China at the Expense of California Farmers
Finally, I have covered, on multiple times about how Richard Blum has bought up distressed farmland from farmers that have been driven from their land by either the BLM or the EPA, only to have Blum sell the distressed land to the Chinese. This practice has greatly helped the Communist Chinese government effectively deal with their national food shortage. Please keep in mind that these farmers are represented by Senator Feinstein!
Can there be any doubt that Senator Dianne Feinstein, just like the late Rose Pak, is an agent of the Communist Chinese government. She is guilty of violating the Logan Act and she is a traitor. People of California, why is she still in office
Last edited by spring2 on Sun May 19, 2019 2:16 pm; edited 1 time in total
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Posts : 14774 Reputation : 962 Join date : 2011-08-13 Age : 72 Location : San Diego
Subject: Re: ... --- ... SPRING'S May-19-2019 = Intelligence Agencies 'Flipped' - COMMIE COUP & ILLEGALS @ 6000 PER FLIGHT! & Feinstein (D) Unregistered Agent for Communist China & FLYNN YOUR SON OR COUNTRY & IRAQ Sun May 19, 2019 11:30 am
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Senator Dianne Feinstein, just like the late Rose Pak, is an agent of the Communist Chinese government
I follow these happenings closely seeing as how I'm in California. Never heard of Rose Pak? You wanna know more? Wade in deep - really deep. Listen to the Chris Kitze interview below. Your ear-balls will drop out!
2019_05_15 Chris Kitze - The Most Powerful People You've Never Heard of - 1 hour
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Subject: Mueller’s Reprehensible Ultimatum to General Flynn: Your Son or Your Country? Make Your Decision! Sun May 19, 2019 2:12 pm
MUST READ: Mueller’s Reprehensible Ultimatum to General Flynn: Your Son or Your Country? Make Your Decision!
by Jim Hoft May 18, 2019 Guest post by Joe Hoft
General Flynn was given an ultimatum by the corrupt Mueller team – choose either your son or your country! This grotesque abuse of power and the legal system by the Mueller gang should never have happened and should not go unpunished!
General Flynn worked for the Obama Administration but at some point was fired by Obama for apparently disagreeing with his policies and actions and speaking out against his failed policies in Iraq and Syria. Soon after, then candidate Trump ran for office and General Flynn supported the future President and introduced the candidate at rallies and then was offered a position on the Trump team. Obama was upset with Flynn for supporting Trump and it appears that he had some sort of vendetta with Flynn for his comments on the growing threat of ISIS. It’s also suspected that after Flynn parted ways with President Obama he was set up at a dinner with Russians where he was seated next to Russian President Putin in December 2015.
The American spy in England used often by the Deep State, Stefan Halper, seated Flynn next to Putin and then it is suspected used this information as an informant for the Obama administration to obtain a FISA warrant to spy on General Flynn. Additional information on the framing of General Flynn was reported from a woman who said she was used as a Russian against the General –
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Svetlana Lokhova, the Russian historian at the center of Michael Flynn investigation for ‘alleged contacts with Russians’, told Fox News in an exclusive interview with Catherine Herridge, that she is not a Russian spy and that she thought “there’s a high chance that is was coordinated, and believe it needs to be properly investigated.” In 2017, American various media outlets framed her as a Russian operative and linked her to Michael Flynn. The allegations involved her contact with Flynn three years prior at a 2014 dinner at the University of Cambridge, England, when Flynn was Defense Intelligence Agency director.
General Flynn’s actions had nothing to do with collusion with Russia. He was set up and spied on! In October 2016, shortly before the election, based on a bogus and fake dossier financed by the Hillary Clinton campaign and the DNC, Obama’s gang of corrupt Intel Heads filed for and eventually obtained a warrant to spy on fellow Americans. The warrants were fraudulent due to their source and made up content.
Obama spied on the Trump team as well as President Trump’s leadership team, including General Michael Flynn for some time. (When and for how long is still unknown. Many suspect this is why Flynn was targeted by the Mueller gang – because Flynn was spied on illegally by the Obama Deep State for some time before the 2016 election most likely based on the phony reports that Flynn was working with Russians. By indicting General Flynn the Deep State could say – see he was a Russian sympathizer and therefore their illegal spying was justified.) General Flynn was participating in Trump rallies throughout the US and he also became an advisor for the campaign. At this same time the Obama administration was in full force beginning their efforts to frame candidate Trump as a compatriot with Russia to steal the election. One way they did this was to set up Flynn with the Russians. After Trump eventually won the election, the Deep State that represented and supported Obama was in a panic. They feared that if Flynn looked into efforts to spy on the Trump campaign, they would be found guilty of their many illegal actions in spying on the incoming President, the opposition party and many others. When President-elect Trump met with President Obama for the first time, Obama even recommended that the future President not select Flynn to be on the Trump administration team. It’s suspected that Obama didn’t want Flynn on Trump’s team because Obama feared Flynn would uncover the illegal spying that the Obama team carried out during the 2016 campaign and before. So the same FBI investigator who led the Hillary Clinton email investigation – – The same individual who led the Hillary interview and neglected to take notes, put her under oath or record the meeting – The same individual who assisted in drafting the memo months before the Hillary was interviewed that was presented by corrupt FBI Director Comey to explain why the FBI was not pressing charges against Hillary – The same individual who lead the Russia – Trump investigation – The same individual who neglected to do anything when presented with information that China was hacking Hillary’s emails real-time – The same individual who personally reviewed over 300,000 Hillary emails found on perp Anthony Weiner’s computer a week before the 2016 election – The same individual that said all of Weiner’s emails were reviewed in less than a week and no criminally related information was found – This individual, Peter Strzok, went to the White House a couple days after President Trump’s inauguration and entrapped General Flynn, President Trump’s National Security Advisor, in discussions related to Russia.
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The FBI agent that questioned General Flynn and determined he “lied” while the other FBI agents believed he was not being “misleading” failed his FBI polygraph.
That FBI Agent’s name was Peter Strzok.[/ltr]
2,798 4:18 PM - May 3, 2019 Twitter Ads info and privacy
2,225 people are talking about this
Corrupt Strzok asked Flynn questions related to a call Flynn made to a Russian official before the inauguration – totally legal. The rumor is that the FBI Agent with Strzok, Joe Pientka, said Flynn never lied. Strzok and Pientka asked Flynn questions, did not tell him he was under investigation, did not read him his rights, did not allow him to have an attorney and then lied about what was said. The location of the FBI’s original Form 302 recording this discussion is unknown. After this meeting a few days later, then acting AG Sally Yates, an Obama holdover, went over to the White House and stated that General Flynn had lied to the FBI. Eventually General Flynn resigned from his position at the White House on February 13, 2017. A few months passed and then the corrupt Mueller investigation started. Mueller’s first target was General Flynn. Mueller had nothing on Flynn so he and his goons went after Flynn’s son, Michael Flynn, Jr. Micheal Jr had a brand new baby and was grilled by the Mueller team. Eventually, they used the General’s family against him. It’s believed that the General could plea guilty to a bogus charge of lying to the FBI or he could watch Mueller’s goons put his son in prison for some bogus crime.
“Make a decision, either your country or your son?”
Mueller’s goons put the General in the worst position possible. He chose his son. The goons then placed the General under a gag order while the media persecuted him for months for a false crime, unrelated to Russia collusion. They paraded him as a criminal.
The judge overseeing the case who took Flynn’s plea was a friend of corrupt cop Strzok and was also a FISA Court judge. He was recused from the sentencing but to this day we don’t know why. They never told Flynn that he was being spied on for months before the election. The Mueller team and the Deep State and the Democrats didn’t stop with the General, they went after others including the President’s eldest son, Don Jr.
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Joseph J. Flynn @JosephJFlynn1
[ltr]This exactly what they did to @GenFlynn ‘s son w/o cause or evidence .. What would you if they went after your son ?... Soviet style bullshit..so infuriating! @realDonaldTrump @DonaldJTrumpJr[/ltr]
@gsPatton007 CLEAR GEN FLYNN@gspatton007
Presi Trump on Trump Jr. subpoena:
"I was very surprised....The last thing he needs is Washington D.C. He would rather not ever be involved."
DON JR being used to get at Trump for any number of EVIL DEM reasons inc similar to Mike Flynn Jr wo cause
2,463 5:30 AM - May 11, 2019 Twitter Ads info and privacy
1,461 people are talking about this
There are so many questions yet unanswered. One question is why did Obama’s Deep State not tell the President that General Flynn was under investigation during his campaign? Who made this decision? This would have been the proper thing to do. Were they afraid that illegitimate spying by the Obama team would be uncovered?
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Kimberley Strassel
· May 15, 2019
[ltr]1) Lost in this spat is that it ignores a bigger question. There were two outrageous aspects to that Jan. 2017 briefing. One is the subject of this dispute: Who pushed to include dossier in the briefing, clearly as a hook for media to then run with the dossier allegations?[/ltr]
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Kimberley Strassel
[ltr]2) But the other outrage of that briefing was the deliberate decision not to tell Trump the whole truth--that dossier was being used as a basis to investigate members of his campaign. If FBI had any reason to suspect anyone in Trump's orbit, incoming Prez needed to know[/ltr]
2,772 9:41 AM - May 15, 2019 Twitter Ads info and privacy
1,116 people are talking about this
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Kimberley Strassel
· May 15, 2019
Replying to @KimStrassel
[ltr]3) Especially if FBI was actively looking at Flynn, who was about to become NSA! There was no reason not to brief, since according to FBI, Trump was not a subject. Who decided not to give Trump a FULL briefing about dossier? To deliberately hide this from new commander in chief?[/ltr]
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Kimberley Strassel
[ltr]4) Comey alone? Clapper? Brennan? Obama White House? That's a question that is as big as this one. https://fxn.ws/2E9gPUc #FoxNews[/ltr]
5,024 9:41 AM - May 15, 2019 Twitter Ads info and privacy
Dispute erupts over whether Brennan, Comey pushed Steele dossier, as DOJ probe into misconduct...
A high-level dispute over which senior government officials pushed the unverified Steele dossier amid efforts to surveil the Trump campaign has broken out into the open again, after it emerged... foxnews.com
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General Flynn is a patriot. He never should have been put in this situation. He was illegally set up and lied to. He was forced to choose MUST READ: Mueller’s Reprehensible Ultimatum to General Flynn: Your Son or Your Country? Make Your Decision!
Jim Hoft by Jim Hoft May 18, 2019 498 Comments
Guest post by Joe Hoft
General Flynn was given an ultimatum by the corrupt Mueller team – choose either your son or your country! This grotesque abuse of power and the legal system by the Mueller gang should never have happened and should not go unpunished!
General Flynn worked for the Obama Administration but at some point was fired by Obama for apparently disagreeing with his policies and actions and speaking out against his failed policies in Iraq and Syria. Soon after, then candidate Trump ran for office and General Flynn supported the future President and introduced the candidate at rallies and then was offered a position on the Trump team.
Obama was upset with Flynn for supporting Trump and it appears that he had some sort of vendetta with Flynn for his comments on the growing threat of ISIS. It’s also suspected that after Flynn parted ways with President Obama he was set up at a dinner with Russians where he was seated next to Russian President Putin in December 2015.
The American spy in England used often by the Deep State, Stefan Halper, seated Flynn next to Putin and then it is suspected used this information as an informant for the Obama administration to obtain a FISA warrant to spy on General Flynn.
Additional information on the framing of General Flynn was reported from a woman who said she was used as a Russian against the General –
Svetlana Lokhova, the Russian historian at the center of Michael Flynn investigation for ‘alleged contacts with Russians’, told Fox News in an exclusive interview with Catherine Herridge, that she is not a Russian spy and that she thought “there’s a high chance that is was coordinated, and believe it needs to be properly investigated.”
In 2017, American various media outlets framed her as a Russian operative and linked her to Michael Flynn. The allegations involved her contact with Flynn three years prior at a 2014 dinner at the University of Cambridge, England, when Flynn was Defense Intelligence Agency director.
General Flynn’s actions had nothing to do with collusion with Russia. He was set up and spied on!
In October 2016, shortly before the election, based on a bogus and fake dossier financed by the Hillary Clinton campaign and the DNC, Obama’s gang of corrupt Intel Heads filed for and eventually obtained a warrant to spy on fellow Americans. The warrants were fraudulent due to their source and made up content.
Obama spied on the Trump team as well as President Trump’s leadership team, including General Michael Flynn for some time. (When and for how long is still unknown. Many suspect this is why Flynn was targeted by the Mueller gang – because Flynn was spied on illegally by the Obama Deep State for some time before the 2016 election most likely based on the phony reports that Flynn was working with Russians. By indicting General Flynn the Deep State could say – see he was a Russian sympathizer and therefore their illegal spying was justified.)
General Flynn was participating in Trump rallies throughout the US and he also became an advisor for the campaign. At this same time the Obama administration was in full force beginning their efforts to frame candidate Trump as a compatriot with Russia to steal the election. One way they did this was to set up Flynn with the Russians.
After Trump eventually won the election, the Deep State that represented and supported Obama was in a panic. They feared that if Flynn looked into efforts to spy on the Trump campaign, they would be found guilty of their many illegal actions in spying on the incoming President, the opposition party and many others.
When President-elect Trump met with President Obama for the first time, Obama even recommended that the future President not select Flynn to be on the Trump administration team. It’s suspected that Obama didn’t want Flynn on Trump’s team because Obama feared Flynn would uncover the illegal spying that the Obama team carried out during the 2016 campaign and before.
So the same FBI investigator who led the Hillary Clinton email investigation –
– The same individual who led the Hillary interview and neglected to take notes, put her under oath or record the meeting
– The same individual who assisted in drafting the memo months before the Hillary was interviewed that was presented by corrupt FBI Director Comey to explain why the FBI was not pressing charges against Hillary
– The same individual who lead the Russia – Trump investigation
– The same individual who neglected to do anything when presented with information that China was hacking Hillary’s emails real-time
– The same individual who personally reviewed over 300,000 Hillary emails found on perp Anthony Weiner’s computer a week before the 2016 election
– The same individual that said all of Weiner’s emails were reviewed in less than a week and no criminally related information was found
– This individual, Peter Strzok, went to the White House a couple days after President Trump’s inauguration and entrapped General Flynn, President Trump’s National Security Advisor, in discussions related to Russia.
The FBI agent that questioned General Flynn and determined he “lied” while the other FBI agents believed he was not being “misleading” failed his FBI polygraph.
That FBI Agent’s name was Peter Strzok.
4:18 PM - May 3, 2019
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Corrupt Strzok asked Flynn questions related to a call Flynn made to a Russian official before the inauguration – totally legal. The rumor is that the FBI Agent with Strzok, Joe Pientka, said Flynn never lied. Strzok and Pientka asked Flynn questions, did not tell him he was under investigation, did not read him his rights, did not allow him to have an attorney and then lied about what was said. The location of the FBI’s original Form 302 recording this discussion is unknown.
After this meeting a few days later, then acting AG Sally Yates, an Obama holdover, went over to the White House and stated that General Flynn had lied to the FBI. Eventually General Flynn resigned from his position at the White House on February 13, 2017.
A few months passed and then the corrupt Mueller investigation started. Mueller’s first target was General Flynn. Mueller had nothing on Flynn so he and his goons went after Flynn’s son, Michael Flynn, Jr. Micheal Jr had a brand new baby and was grilled by the Mueller team. Eventually, they used the General’s family against him. It’s believed that the General could plea guilty to a bogus charge of lying to the FBI or he could watch Mueller’s goons put his son in prison for some bogus crime.
“Make a decision, either your country or your son?”
Mueller’s goons put the General in the worst position possible. He chose his son. The goons then placed the General under a gag order while the media persecuted him for months for a false crime, unrelated to Russia collusion. They paraded him as a criminal.
The judge overseeing the case who took Flynn’s plea was a friend of corrupt cop Strzok and was also a FISA Court judge. He was recused from the sentencing but to this day we don’t know why. They never told Flynn that he was being spied on for months before the election.
The Mueller team and the Deep State and the Democrats didn’t stop with the General, they went after others including the President’s eldest son, Don Jr.
Joseph J. Flynn :star::star::star:
This exactly what they did to @GenFlynn ‘s son w/o cause or evidence .. What would you if they went after your son ?... Soviet style bullshit..so infuriating! @realDonaldTrump @DonaldJTrumpJr
:star::star::star: @gsPatton007 CLEAR GEN FLYNN
Presi Trump on Trump Jr. subpoena:
"I was very surprised....The last thing he needs is Washington D.C. He would rather not ever be involved."
DON JR being used to get at Trump
for any number of EVIL DEM reasons
inc similar to Mike Flynn Jr wo cause
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5:30 AM - May 11, 2019
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There are so many questions yet unanswered. One question is why did Obama’s Deep State not tell the President that General Flynn was under investigation during his campaign? Who made this decision? This would have been the proper thing to do. Were they afraid that illegitimate spying by the Obama team would be uncovered?
Kimberley Strassel
· May 15, 2019
1) Lost in this spat is that it ignores a bigger question. There were two outrageous aspects to that Jan. 2017 briefing. One is the subject of this dispute: Who pushed to include dossier in the briefing, clearly as a hook for media to then run with the dossier allegations?
Kimberley Strassel
2) But the other outrage of that briefing was the deliberate decision not to tell Trump the whole truth--that dossier was being used as a basis to investigate members of his campaign. If FBI had any reason to suspect anyone in Trump's orbit, incoming Prez needed to know
9:41 AM - May 15, 2019
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Kimberley Strassel
· May 15, 2019
Replying to @KimStrassel
3) Especially if FBI was actively looking at Flynn, who was about to become NSA! There was no reason not to brief, since according to FBI, Trump was not a subject. Who decided not to give Trump a FULL briefing about dossier? To deliberately hide this from new commander in chief?
Kimberley Strassel
4) Comey alone? Clapper? Brennan? Obama White House? That's a question that is as big as this one.
https://fxn.ws/2E9gPUc #FoxNews
9:41 AM - May 15, 2019
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Dispute erupts over whether Brennan, Comey pushed Steele dossier, as DOJ probe into misconduct...
A high-level dispute over which senior government officials pushed the unverified Steele dossier amid efforts to surveil the Trump campaign has broken out into the open again, after it emerged...
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General Flynn is a patriot. He never should have been put in this situation. He was illegally set up and lied to. He was forced to choose between his family or his country. General Flynn chose his family. What would you have done?
Please donate to the Michael T. Flynn Legal Defense Fund. This ordeal has cost him and his family millions.between his family or his country. General Flynn chose his family. What would you have done?
Please donate to the Michael T. Flynn Legal Defense Fund. This ordeal has cost him and his family millions.
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[url=http://twitter.com/share?url=https://halturnerradioshow.com/index.php/en/news-page/world/under-attack-u-s-embassy-in-baghdad-heavy-mortar-fire&text=UNDER ATTACK: U.S. EMBASSY IN BAGHDAD - HEAVY MORTAR FIRE][/url]
2 Comments The UNited States Embassy in Baghdad, Iraq is under attack at this hour, being hit by numerous barrages of heavy Mortar fire. This is a developing story as of 1:51 PM eastern US time. Live Updates to appear below. Check back. Sirens heard across Green Zone, Baghdad. Numerous blasts heard. Arab media beginning to report Katyusha rockets hitting the vicinity of the Green Zone in Baghdad. Updates will continue below ad . . .
Eyewitnesses: Falling shells and air raid sirens sounding in the vicinity of the US Embassy in Baghdad
URGENT: U.S. Marines not only defending Embassy, but deploying with helicopters and HumVee's to CAPTURE attackers. "Any proof of Iranian Involvement means immediate war."
2:04 PM EDT -- Iraqi security forces have closed the green zone and are now combing the area
Mortars reportedly fired in the Green Zone of Baghdad which mostly has foreign embassies and government buildings. Blasts heard around the US embassy. US two days ago had asked non-emergency staff to leave Iraq and advised US Citizens to avoid travel.
2:07 PM EDT -- Iran Militia publicly threatening to Kidnap and Kill USA citizens in Iraq.
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Additional PUBLIC Updates will appear below . . . .
2:13 PM EDT -- President Trump has reportedly been briefed by the NSA. (SIGINT)
UH OH . . . FLASH Emergency briefings at Pentagon NOW (2:17 PM EDT) [This is HIGHLY unusual. In fact, it pretty much NEVER happens. Something very, very big is taking place right now . . . .]
2:22 PM EDT -- John Bolton arriving at the White House right now
Incident apparently over for now. All quiet.
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Iranian-backed Shiite militia affiliated Aletejah TV release first footage of rocket attack on US Embassy in Baghdad (Hal Turner Remark: They're now openly admitting it was an Iran-backed attack. These fools have just sealed their own fate. Donald J. Trump is not Barack Obama. )
IMAGE First imagery of US Embassy after Mortar/Rocket attack an hour ago:
3:10 PM EDT -- It is confirmed that IRGC Quds Force was behind the rocket attack at GreenZone of Baghdad during which rockets/Mortars fired by IRGC-backed militias hit in the vicinity of the US Embassy. IRGC owned Aletejah TV released the first footage of the attack.
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Subject: Has Trump Been the Victim of a Coup? Sun May 19, 2019 2:25 pm
#6 Has Trump Been the Victim of a Coup? | The Common Sense Show
Has Trump Been the Victim of a Coup?
Submitted by Dave Hodges on Sunday, May 19, 2019 - 15:24.
Has President Trump been deposed? Has he been the victim of a coup? If not, please read the following and help me make sense of what is going on. And please spare me the "be patient with Trump he has a plan". His term is well over half over and it is time to act. I recently did a podcast where I stated that President Trump has infuriated his advisors. Most of the President’s advisors are Deep State, or become Deep State after serving him.The President has angered his Deep-State-serving advisors because he backed out of Operation Nitro-Zeus as part of an invasion plan for Venezuela, Syria and Iran. In other words, the President just said no to World War III. He publicly said, he “was not convinced about Iran”. In fact, it is known that Ron Paul advised the President against wars of occupation because it would result in World War III. Then why are all the signs which indicate WW III is imminent, in play? Is John Bolton the new President? Please consider the following:
Quote :
12:27 p.m. EDT --
U.S. begins deployment of ***ground troops*** to Saudi Arabia.
2:29 p.m. --
Bahrain issues another statement talking of very grave developments today in the region.
2:30 p.m. --
Secretary of State Mike Pompeo has called urgent meetings (rare on a Saturday) with key US politicians and officials. They are being referred to as crisis meetings. Further meetings hurriedly being coordinated with international allies for later today.
----- Forwarded Message ----- Date: Sat, 18 May 2019 11:55:40 -0400 Subject: 11:35 Update -- Extremely High Military Activity over Persian Gulf Saturday
Update 10:46 a.m. EDT --
IRGC chief: Iran is in a full intelligence war with the United States already.
Update 11:35 a.m. --
Dozens of Iranian families, some of them officials, entered Iraq during the past two days and settled in Kadhimiya and Karbala in anticipation of a possible US strike.
----- Forwarded Message ----- Date: Sat, 18 May 2019 10:26:30 -0400 Subject: Updates as of 10:25 a.m. -- Extremely High Military Activity over Persian Gulf Saturday
Update 9:23 a.m. EDT --
Bahrain foreign minister warns of "critical and dangerous developments unfolding in the region."
Covert Intel
For about twelve seconds today, "someone" secured "target lock" on each vessel in the USS Abraham Lincoln Aircraft Carrier Strike Group operating in the Arabian Sea/gulf of Oman. , At this time, no one knows who obtained the target lock because the signal stopped before triangulation could complete.
Obtaining a "target Lock" with fire control radar is "an act of war" and when any military vessel is on the receiving end of such a target lock, the Rules of Engagement make clear they are free to engage . . . because only seconds after such "lock" might they be on the receiving end of hostile fire.
Someone is playing a deadly serious game with our military and it is exactly this type of foolishness that could lead to theaccidental start of war.
This info comes to me from a known source, who works for a foreign government, with whom I spoke personally, minutes ago. (Thanks Maria)
I have many more of these communications which indicative of a nation preparing for war. Again, I was told the same was coming last week and this was at a time when the President was standing down to invading Iran and rejecting the authenticity of Iranian hostilities leveled against the United States.
These factors lead me to believe that for all intents and purposes, the President has been deposed and is operating as a figurehead. In light of what the poll numbers show that are in support of the President, this makes sense, because the liberals cannot win in 2020. I am saying this for the record, even if the President has not been overthrown, something is not right. The military has continued with preparations to invade Iran at the same time that Trump was ordering a stand down. This is reminiscent of the Syrian false flag chemical weapons attack in which Assad was blamed for unleashing chemical weapons. Trump had already ordered the withdrawal of troops from Syria and did an about face. And we shouldn't forget that at the same time, that dead body showed up at Trump Towers, presumably as a warning to his continued defiance.
Another indicator that the President has been deposed lies in the sudden reversal by the Pentagon to transfer money to build a wall. This follows the near mutiny position when the military was refusing to fully cooperate with the President's border agenda. One has to ask, is the Pentagon building a wall to keep illegal aliens out, or are they now willing to build a wall to keep conservative Americans in?
If the President has been deposed and a coup has been initiated, we can expect that right before hostilities break out, that this country will go under martial law. In order for that to happen the country must be put in a state of unparalleled crisis. What will it be? None of us who are not on the inside can be sure and not even insiders know what will transpire. I have learned from previous insiders that when a false flag is initiated, there are often several false flags planned. This is done to keep the legitimate authorities guessing as to what is the real target and it gives federal law enforcement agencies too much ground to cover.
I don't know what false flag attacks will be used to put America under martial law, but I can reasonably speculate as to the range of events and I can state with confidence that we will not see one false flag attack, we will see several. Here are my top candidates if this is indeed where we are headed.
The Oroville Dam fails and a million people are in peril. Agricultural losses, combined with Midwest flooding will make food prices unaffordable for most. Controlling the population through food is a popular means to introduce control and incarceration as leverage. Further, the UN will have an excuse to enter America disguised as a benevolent humanitarian force to impose fake medical martial law. Don't forget that on April 9, 2019, the Washington Post exposed the fact that the UN was providing "humanitarian" training to the newly formed Mexican National Guard. These could be the new FEMA camp guards. Also, the loss of 30% of the nations retail following an Oroville collapse would indeed collapse the economy and Adam Schiff tipped his hand when 4 days ago he warned against an economic collapse.
A Tet Offensive style of terror attacks will occur all across the nation. Remember, it was just 5 days ago, that the FBI stated that they found an ISIS training base camp in Alabama. There are dozens just like it all across the country.
According to two federal agents at the border, there are now 20 cases of confinement for insurgents diagnosed with Ebola. Will they be weaponized?
We have reliable reports which indicate that 8,000 Spetsnaz are in America and their speciality is taking down the grid.
As I wrote this past week, Pence is forced to resign because of his misdeeds in Indiana and Trump is deposed. Subsequently, Pelosi assumes command of the Presidency and will initiate martial law and FEMA camp detainments for deemed dissidents. This will be expanded upon in Part Two.
There are literally dozens of these types of scenarios that could bring down our country. I think we must all agree that even if the President is not the subject of a successful coup, we must admit that he is either a fake plant by the Deep State or he is deeply compromised. Consider the following:
If the President it going to have a realistic chance to win the 2020 election, he must restore the power of his base centered in the Independent Media. He has done nothing to enforce federal law against the big tech companies that are illegally censoring the alt media. Richard Sauder writes emails to me on a regular basis telling me how full of crap I am with regard to believing in Trump. Perhaps he's correct. Many in the alt media no longer believe in Trump for this reason. They are afraid to say so because they don't want to lose their following consisting of many people who believe in Santa Claus, the Easter Bunny and Donald Trump.
Trump clearly has lost control of the Pentagon as witnessed by their mutiny at the border and ongoing preparations for WW III against Trump's wishes. This could be the muscle behind the coup.
As Trump attempts to bring the economy under control, why is military spending continuing at record rates? This is clearly a President who is not in control of military spending. Beware of the military industrial complex, right Mr. President?
Why is the President being allowed to destroy free trade agreements with China? If he is controlled, this would piss off the elite. However, if one is planning war with China, who cares about free trade agreements at this point? Allowing Trump to do this, pacifies some of his base and adds to the globalist deception.
I have been stunned as AG Barr appears to be taking on the Deep State. However, if one slows down and looks at Barr, he has done nothing but make noise. In basketball parlance, he has delivered a lot of head fakes, but he has not scored even one basket.
If the President has been deposed, who are his handlers? This is easy to anticipate. They would be Bolton and Pompeo. I could go on and on America. We, as a nation, have been deplatformed. We have no leadership. We are the Viet Cong, it's just that most of us don't realize that yet!
Last edited by spring2 on Sun May 19, 2019 5:23 pm; edited 2 times in total
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Subject: Massive Crimes Will Soon Be Revealed & Prosecuted Sun May 19, 2019 2:30 pm
By Greg Hunter On May 19, 2019 In Political Analysis2 Comments
By Greg Hunter’s USAWatchdog.com (Early Sunday Release) The FISA abuse report compiled by Inspector General Michael Horowitz is finished and will be released soon according to Dr. Dave Janda from the Operation Freedom radio show. The fraudulent FISA applications, using a phony dossier, made spying on the Trump Administration possible. Not long after the release of the IG FISA report, President Trump will declassify the documents surrounding the so-called “hoax” that he has repeatedly called “treason.” Janda also says there are massive crimes that are going to be revealed that involve data collection by President Obama’s top intelligence chiefs. This data collection was ordered by Obama and involves 600 million pages of information on judges, business people and politicians, including the head of the FISA Court and Chief Justice John Roberts. The illegal data stash is information used for leverage and blackmail on possibly millions of unsuspecting Americans. Join Greg Hunter as he lays out upcoming extraordinary events that will probably be happening in the next month. (Program note: Technical problems have postponed the video interview with DR. Dave Janda.) (To Donate to USAWatchdog.com Click Here) https://youtu.be/zeRWWNhRNwA
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Subject: Re: ... --- ... SPRING'S May-19-2019 = Intelligence Agencies 'Flipped' - COMMIE COUP & ILLEGALS @ 6000 PER FLIGHT! & Feinstein (D) Unregistered Agent for Communist China & FLYNN YOUR SON OR COUNTRY & IRAQ
... --- ... SPRING'S May-19-2019 = Intelligence Agencies 'Flipped' - COMMIE COUP & ILLEGALS @ 6000 PER FLIGHT! & Feinstein (D) Unregistered Agent for Communist China & FLYNN YOUR SON OR COUNTRY & IRAQ