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 Is this their path? It makes me cry~

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Is this their path? It makes me cry~ Empty
PostSubject: Is this their path? It makes me cry~   Is this their path? It makes me cry~ I_icon_minitimeWed Apr 12, 2017 3:03 pm

Premiering April 16, Easter Sunday, on the History channel:
"The Jesus Strand: A search for DNA"

"Now for the first time in history a man of faith and a man of science are teaming up to search for Jesus' DNA. Using the latest advances in DNA technology Oxford University geneticist George Busby and biblical scholar Pastor Joe Basile are investigating the world's most famous holy relics including the Shroud of Turin, The Sudarium of Oviedo and the newly discovered bones of Jesus' cousin, John the Baptist. Their journey takes them to holy sites around the world from Spain and Italy to Israel and the shores of the Black Sea. By extracting and analyzing samples of each of these holy relics they hope to retrieve a sample of DNA that possibly belongs to Jesus or a member of his family. They believe that if they can find a strand of Jesus' DNA it could help identify who among us today are descendants of Jesus and provide us with new insight into the man many consider to be the most important person in history, Jesus."

This could satisfy Jigsaw's comment on Isaiah that the "Messiah" must be born of a virgin.  A 'resurrected' Jesus from dna would meet that criteria.

short vid at link.

            I want to know the thoughts of God. Everything else is just details.
            A Miracle is when God makes His Reality our Experience              
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Location : Heart of Dixie

Is this their path? It makes me cry~ Empty
PostSubject: Re: Is this their path? It makes me cry~   Is this their path? It makes me cry~ I_icon_minitimeWed Apr 12, 2017 3:33 pm

The History Channel  ….. ugh when it comes to their Bible "investigations."  I think their whole goal is to create confusion among people.  Just throw it out there along with all their UFO-type series.   To them, it's about ratings, advertising dollars and sensationalism.

The only show I watch regularly on the History Channel is the "The Curse of Oak Island."   I just put myself in a mindless state and watch it and go along with them, all the while knowing that I'm being bamboozled.  Very Happy
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