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 July 14th = 70 days to feast of Trumpets - Israel takes control of Temple Mount

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J 1967

J 1967

Posts : 27
Reputation : 6
Join date : 2016-06-16

July 14th = 70 days to feast of Trumpets - Israel takes control of Temple Mount Empty
PostSubject: July 14th = 70 days to feast of Trumpets - Israel takes control of Temple Mount   July 14th = 70 days to feast of Trumpets - Israel takes control of Temple Mount I_icon_minitimeMon Jul 24, 2017 8:21 am

All hail J! 
Man, why you put them rats in my locker?!
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July 14th = 70 days to feast of Trumpets - Israel takes control of Temple Mount
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