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 North Korea's ACTUAL Capabilities: Be Afraid. Be VERY Afraid. Prepare Right Now!

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North Korea's ACTUAL Capabilities: Be Afraid. Be VERY Afraid. Prepare Right Now! Empty
PostSubject: North Korea's ACTUAL Capabilities: Be Afraid. Be VERY Afraid. Prepare Right Now!   North Korea's ACTUAL Capabilities: Be Afraid. Be VERY Afraid. Prepare Right Now! I_icon_minitimeSun Aug 13, 2017 8:49 pm

WELL RESEARCHED ARTICLE:North Korea's ACTUAL Capabilities: Be Afraid. Be VERY Afraid. Prepare Right Now!From 1993 through 2008, I, Hal Turner, worked with the FBI: In my final five years, 2003-2008, with its Joint Terrorism Task Force (JTTF).

North Korea's ACTUAL Capabilities: Be Afraid. Be VERY Afraid. Prepare Right Now!

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We in the United States are in GRAVE DANGER from North Korea.  I cannot emphasize this enough.  Based upon already demonstrated capabilities, they can literally "make good" on every one of their threats.  It is a matter of life and death that you have these facts.


CNN Is Reporting “the 1% Are Bugging Out”-Something Evil This Way Comes

50% of the Silicone Valley billionaire elite are building underground bunkers and their numbers are growing exponentially. Why? What do they know that we don’t? Bankers are leaving the country. Many of our leaders have escape plans that have leaked out (i.e. Dick Cheney). CNN reported 3 days ago that the 1% billionaires are bugging out.
Relevant Background to the Elite Bugging Out
A migration to underground hideouts began almost 5 years ago in earnest for members of the alphabet soup agency retirees. I knew one of these “refugees” personally and he pointed to 2015 as the time when he anticipated that all hell was going to break loose. I wrote an article about the defection of my FEMA contact, his family and like-minded individuals from FEMA and DHS,  almost five years ago.
Pastor Lindsay Williams sent me an email regarding a survival tip for the difficult times ahead. Pastor Williams has been a guest on my show several times and I sent him back an email asking when he would like to come back on my show. He responded that he has stopped doing interviews. His message indicated it is almost time to stop talking and to start preparing for some very dark days.
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North Korea's ACTUAL Capabilities: Be Afraid. Be VERY Afraid. Prepare Right Now!
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