Subject: SPRING'S === 11-6-2017 TEXAS FALSE FLAG!!!! USGS HIDDEN WEST COAST QUAKES REVEALED!!!!!!-SEE!!! Mon Nov 06, 2017 8:11 am
Within a week, there wil be yet another photo at the top of an article on this webiste, depicting a scene in which dozens more are killed in another false flag attack. There are 3 soft targets that I have identified as likely to be hit and these are schools, malls and of course churches. Both Paul Preston and myself believe that schools are next. Any area in America which is declared a gun-free-zone is now a top tier target for psyops Antifa-related assassins and an organized terror attack similar to what we saw in Vegas.
The Common Sense Show would like to offer our prayers and heart-felt sympathies to the loved ones, in regard to the horrific attack upon Christians in Sutherland, Texas, on November 5, 2017. May the Lord bring comfort to the grieving loved ones.
[size=42]Attention Democrats: Please Spare Us Your Ridiculous Cries for Gun Confiscation[/size]
Here is comes America, the gun confiscators are showing up in mass and will use any excuse to sieze your guns. Here are two related headlines following the Texas shooting:
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MSNBC’s Jansing on Texas: This ‘Puzzles’ Foreign Countries Like Japan with ‘Restrictive Gun Laws’
— Rep. Gonzales: Texas Shooting ‘the 4th of 5th This Year that Could Have Been’ Prevented via Gun Control
The fact of the matter is that it took a citizen with a gun to put an end to this massacre. The mass shooting in Sutherland Springs, Texas, was only stopped after an armed Texan “engaged the killer and put an end to the rampage, the Texas Rangers reported”. From
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“Freeman Martin, a major in the Texas Rangers and a spokesman for the Texas Department of Public Safety, says the suspect dropped his rifle and fled after being confronted by a local man who had grabbed his rifle. Freeman provided a timeline of the tragedy in a press briefing Sunday evening. “At approximately 11:20 this morning a suspect was seen at a Valero gas station in Sutherland Springs, Texas,” Martin said. “He was dressed in all black. That suspect crossed the street to the church, exited his vehicle and began firing at the church.” “That suspect then moved to the right side of the church and then continued to fire,” he continued. “That suspect entered the church and continued to fire. As he exited the church, a local resident grabbed his rifle and engaged that suspect. The suspect dropped his rifle, which was a Ruger AR assault-type rifle and fled from the church.” “Our local citizen pursued the suspect at that time,” Freeman went on. “A short time later as law enforcement responded that suspect right at the Wilson/Guadalupe County line crashed out and was found deceased in his vehicle. At this time we don’t know if it was a self-inflicted gunshot wound or if he was shot by the local resident. We know he’s deceased in the vehicle. “ The suspected killer is being reported as Devin Patrick Kelley. However, Freeman would reported, “The suspect has not been completely identified. We believe he’s a young white male, maybe in his early 20s. He was dressed in all black, tactical type gear and was wearing a ballistic vest.” A local resident and neighbor of the good samaritan, Kevin Jordan, witnessed his as-yet unnamed neighbor put an end to the rampage, and possibly kill the shooter. Jordan is also a trained medical assistant and tended to the victims.”
In Israel, teachers carry guns in schools and on to the playground.
Instead we are facing the following:
Sometimes a picture is worth a 1000 words. Ask the families of the one million genocidal victims how well gun control worked in Rwanda.
[size=42]Kelly Was An Antifa Member[/size]
This was from Kelly’s Facebook page. It was mysteriously taken down within moments of the shooting. How could anyone have known to take this Facebook page that early into the event unless this person ws made known to Facebook ahead of time. This fact opens up a whole host of possibilities. I used to work with drug addicts trying to get probation from prison. Therefore, based my experience, I must state that this man in the picture is on drugs. Please note the “I am not there” look. I think it highly likely that both shooters, as evidenced by the comparative photos and surrounding circumstances, are Manchuraian Candidates (ie psyops assassins).
[size=42]How Many Shooters Were There?[/size]
I am not letting go of the following report which surfaced within moments after the mass murder event in Texas and this was the account that I published on The Common Sense Show.
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“The shooter’s name is being reported as Chris Ward. He has reportedly killed his entire family before launching the attack upon the church. I am not buying any more lone nut mass killers. We will find what we did with Paddock. Ward, or whomever, will have been on psychotropic meds and is the perfect Manchurian Candidate.”
The above news report is convincing and is presented with conviction. And now, this has all disappeared. The authorities have their man. And of course, as always, it is a lone nut assassin with a paper trail that implicates him as the sole assassin. It is normally the case that the assassin does not survive and that is very convenient because dead men tell no tales. However, the above news report is highly suggestive of at least one other shooter and we don’t have to go the 4th floor to find muzzle flashes like we did in the Vegas massacre. There is more potential evidence that is surfacing that suggests the presence of another shooter. First, we have a communication that demonstrates forethought of action which removes any typical “random act of violence” as a possible explanation.
Devin Kelley, who killed at least 27 people and injured many more, was one of two shooters in the church, according to eyewitnesses, who also report Kelley carried an Antifa flag and told the churchgoers “this is a communist revolution” before unloading on the congregation, reloading several times. Please go to the following link to see a tweet about the fact that there was 2 shooters and that an Antifa flag was unveiled in the church. This is an unconformed report. However, it is important to note that this is the second account in which some measure of evidence is presented to indicate that this is a second shooter. My expert source tells me that a second shooter is often employed to ensure the primary assassin does not survive and plans are usually made to evacuate the “handler”.
Is this real? The way that we will know what was real, such as the case of the news report naming a “Chris Ward” as the shooter, is if the information begins to disappear. What is ignored by the MSM is what should be paid attention to. As the reader will not in the following section of this report, I believe we are looking at an assassin that was part of a psyops.
[size=42]Where Have We Seen the Clown Face Before?[/size]
Have you seen the clown face of the alleged assassin? If not, you should and then you should compare what you see to another mass murder that took place just over five years ago. Paul Preston and I spoke late in the evening on November 5th. He directed me to the following Tweet and subsequent photo. Ask yourself a question America, where have we seen this before? While you are pondering the answer to this question, I will present this very telling Tweet. The answer to the question follows the Tweet. Paul Preston @a21rpaul
FollowFollow @a21rpaul
More Texas shooter part of the Insane Clown Posse. Carried Antifa flag into church before shooting and killing 26 Christians as they worshipped.
5:23 PM – 5 Nov 2017 from California, USA
1 Like
Here is the answer to the above quetion. His name is James “Joker” Holmes in what was left of his clown face. He was the infamous Dark Knight Batman shooter in Aurora, Colorado. Compare the clown face of Holmes to Kelly. Please note the far away, “I am not here look”. The detached look is explained in detail in the following paragraphs as Holmes behavior was explained following his heinous act. Further, I am told that the clown look is part of the psyops approach to conditioning mass shooters into a state of automatic programming using classical conditioning (Pavlovian) techniqes. This is designed to elicit a conditioned response to a neutral stimulus designed to trigger the subject into carry our predetermined acts of violence.
On September 19, 2012, I published the following excerpts:
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…PhD candidate, James Holmes, 24, residing in Aurora, Colorado, acting with the precision and sophistication of a well-trained, killing-machine commando killed 12 people and wounded 59 as he opened fire at a Batman movie premiere The Dark Night Rising. Yet, as many mainstream media outlets, including the BBC, are reporting that James Holmes had no criminal arrest record and had absolutely no military training in his known background, yet, Holmes had every detail of “what the police call tactical equipment. He wore a ballistic helmet, a flak jacket and gas mask, but also the gloves and breeches you would expect from a Swat team….” …The media has hung its hat on two analyses and subsequent explanations for Holmes’ actions: (1) Holmes is a mentally ill mass murderer who was suffering from paranoid schizophrenic delusions; and, (2) this horrible tragedy could have been averted if only effective gun control measures were in place. First of all, there doesn’t seem to be any history of serious mental illness with regard to what the media is stating that Holmes most likely suffers from. Secondly, the paranoid schizophrenic argument loses steam because the killer abruptly stopped killing when he got outside the theatre where the perpetrator calmly sat down and peacefully surrendered to authorities as if to say “MISSION ACCOMPLISHED!” Are these actions consistent with a crazed mass murderer? I do not believe so. If the murderers intent was to kill as many innocent people as possible, then it appears likely that this rage would have continued outside the movie theater. Adrenaline alone, would’ve accounted for several more minutes added on to the killing rampage unless, of course, someone literally or metaphorically flipped a switch, MK Ultra style, which caused Holmes to shut down and passively surrender. Thirdly, the delusional beliefs and subsequent behavior of paranoid schizophrenics does not follow a calm, rational, predictable and methodical pattern of behavior which is exactly what we see in Holmes’ homicidal actions on that fateful night. The manifested behaviors of paranoid schizophrenics are normally preceded by disorganized and delusional thinking which causes the person to appear and act in an illogical and irrational manner. This is the opposite behavioral pattern of what we saw from James Holmes who carried out his act with the precision of a well-trained professional killer.
It is my considered opinion that the same psyops techniques that were used on Holmes were also utlized on Kelly. Police have identified Antifa member Devin Patrick Kelley as the Sutherland Springs Church Killer
I agree with Paul Preston, schools better tighten their security protocols. This is the beginning of the TET Terror Offensive I warned was coming as long as three years ago. There is no turning back, we are in a full-fledged war. So long as George Soros is allowed to walk freely among us, we will see more acts of violence such as this. Please donate to offset the costs of The Common Sense Show
Last edited by spring2 on Mon Nov 06, 2017 10:12 am; edited 3 times in total
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Subject: RAND PAUL: 5 BROKEN RIBS AFTER NEIGHBOR ATTACK Mon Nov 06, 2017 8:12 am
'This type of injury is caused by high velocity severe force'
Published: 10 hours ago (ASSOCIATED PRESS) — U.S. Sen. Rand Paul was recovering Sunday from five broken ribs after he was assaulted by a neighbor who tackled him from behind at the senator’s Kentucky home, officials said. Senior Adviser Doug Stafford said it is unclear when the Republican will return to work since he is in considerable pain and has difficulty getting around, including flying. Stafford said this type of injury is marked by severe pain that can last for weeks to months.
“This type of injury is caused by high velocity severe force,” Stafford said in an email to the Associated Press.
Read the full story ›
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Subject: Mueller Investigation has enough evidence to charge Michael Flynn Mon Nov 06, 2017 8:17 am
Mueller Investigation has enough evidence to charge Michael Flynn
By Jim W. Dean, Managing Editor - November 5, 2017
by Jim W. Dean, VT Editor, …with Sputnik News, Moscow
Flynn and son during happier times
[size] [ Note: VT was all over this story eight months ago, that Flynn had stepped into the doo doo big time, not so much for the minor speaking fee from the Russia Today anniversary event during the campaign, but the much larger $530,000 from Turkey given to his new lobbying firm, The Flynn Intel Group. But NBC News is reporting today that federal prosecutors have gathered enough evidence to press charges against former national security adviser Michael Flynn and his son. The news does not specifically claim the charges pertain to any Russian election meddling. We saw only this week the arrests of Trump campaign chairman Paul Manafort and Mr. Gates for their lobbying work in Ukraine and the laundering of millions made during that work. As I wrote back on March 11th, “No government [Turkey] pays out sums like a half million dollars [$530K], even through a middleman corporation, for open source intelligence to be done via a former Defense Intelligence Agency director. The idea of it in this case was ludicrous.” [/size]
Fethullah Gülen
[size] When Flynn was forced to file retroactively as a foreign agent for Turkey, he stated he was hired “to collect information” on Fethullah Gülen, the cleric who Erdogan was willing to do anything to get his hands on due to suspicion of his involvement in the bloody Turkish coup. Turkish Intelligence has a history of being an active “wholesaler” of espionage in the US, keeping what it can use and selling off anything else to others to help fund its operations. But it also has a history of offensive operations involved in harassing Kurdish dissidents in the West, and even suspicion of murdering them, something commonly done during the Cold War that many claim continues. A rookie counter intelligence agent could reasonably suspect that Turkey’s reaching out to Flynn, with his Special Ops background, could have been motivated by looking for insider assistance in renditioning Gulen out of the US. Gordon Duff weighed in on his March 31st, 2017 article: ‘Veterans Today, in a major investigation of financial interrelationships between Russian and Turkish “oligarchs,” really gangsters running the world’s largest criminal underground, have identified many of those connected with Trump’s “rise from the ashes” after his financial collapse in the late 1980s as fronting for Turkey’s Erdogan family. VT has identified Erdogan himself as one of the biggest criminal forces in the world.’ [/size]
Ex-CIA chief James Woolsey – of “Free Jonathan Pollard fame’
[size] Gordon quotes none other than ex-CIA director James Woolsey, who arrived late to one of the meetings with General Flynn and the Turks, September 2016, and claimed that those present discussed sending Fethullah Gulen, a Muslim leader who Erdogan has accused of being behind a failed military coup to overthrow him, back to Turkey to face charges — possibly outside the legal US extradition system. Those are not my words, but Woolsey’s. While the claims of evidence of Trump-Russia collusion to help his campaign have been voiced by major US Intel agencies, no proof has yet been laid on the table. Leaks coming out of Mueller’s investigation are going to hurt it if they continue, possibly giving Trump an opening to dismiss him on the grounds that he cannot control his investigators. I think both might be walking a knife edge now, along with others, and they all know it. See the links at the end of the article to VT early coverage on this story… JD ] [/size]
Jim’s Editor’s Notes are solely crowdfunded via PayPal –
This includes research, needed field trips, Heritage TV Legacy archiving, and more – Thanks for helping out
– First published … November 05, 2017 –
[size] Federal investigators have gathered enough evidence to press charges against former national security adviser Michael Flynn and his son, NBC News reports, citing sources reportedly close to Robert Mueller’s investigation into alleged collusion between the presidential campaign of US President Donald Trump and Russian actors. A team of federal investigators led by Special Counsel Robert Mueller have gathered sufficient evidence to charge Michael T. Flynn and his son Michael G. Flynn, as they carry out a probe into alleged collusion between Trump aides and Russian actors, NBC Newsreported on Sunday. Lt. Gen. Michael T. Flynn served as Trump’s national security adviser for just 24 days until he was forced to quit due to accusations he had contact with Russia’s ambassadorto the US and misled Vice-President Mike Pence about the conversations. Mueller Investigation Expands to Include Podesta Group, Top GOP Lobbyist
The sources reportedly told NBC that investigators are examining Flynn’s lobbying contacts and exploring possible charges of money laundering and lying to federal agents.They are also investigating whether he attempted to orchestrate the extradition of Fethullah Gulenfrom the US to Turkey in exchange for millions of dollars. Mueller’s investigation, which is being carried out on behalf of the US Department of Justice, has already indicted three members of Trump’s campaign team. They are former campaign manager Paul Manafort, and former campaign aides Rick Gates and George Papadopoulos. [/size]
VT’s early coverage on this important story that has so much to be told yet
Subject: EXCLUSIVE: The San Antonio Distraction from Trump’s Impending Fall Mon Nov 06, 2017 8:21 am
LONG ARTICLE WITH SCRIBD EXCLUSIVE: The San Antonio Distraction from Trump’s Impending Fall By Ian Greenhalgh - November 5, 2017
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Subject: Syrian Teen Arrested For Plotting Terror Attack Was Given Asylum Without Vetting, Background Check Mon Nov 06, 2017 8:24 am
Syrian Teen Arrested For Plotting Terror Attack Was Given Asylum Without Vetting, Background Check
by CHRIS TOMLINSON6 Nov 201729
A report claims the 19-year-old Syrian Islamist who was arrested for plotting a terror attack in Germany last week was given refugee status without a formal interview or background check.
According to media sources, the Federal Office for Migration and Refugees (BAMF) granted terror suspect Yamen A. full asylum status for a three-year period without formally interviewing him. The teen came to Germany in 2015 but was only given a brief written questionnaire by the agency, Westfaelische Rundschau reports. The questionnaire was taken by tens of thousands of Syrians, Iraqis, and Eritreans until it was later abandoned by the German government over fears it could expose the country to security risks. Since then, the government has required BAMF to personally interview each asylum applicant and do a more thorough background check.
The period in which Yamen A. was granted asylum was considered to be a “transition” from the old questionnaire system to the new interview system; since BAMF had confirmed his identity they allowed him to simply send in the written form. The extent to which other potential radical Islamists who may have come to Germany posing as asylum seekers and been granted refugee status without being formally interviewed is unknown. Yamen A. was arrested last week in the town of Schwerin on suspicion of plotting a large-scale terror attack using a remotely-detonated explosive device. The Syrian Islamist described himself as a “soldier of the caliphate” and is believed to be a supporter of Islamic State.
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Breitbart London@BreitbartLondon
[ltr]Half of terror plots in Germany were planned by asylum seekers and refugees. …[/ltr] 5:13 AM - Aug 3, 2017
Report: Half of Terror Plots in Germany by ‘Refugees’
More than half (54 per cent) of terror plots in Germany have involved asylum seekers and refugees since 2014 and the onset of the migrant crisis.
2222 Replies
[size][ltr] Twitter Ads info and privacy
German authorities have foiled multiple terror plots since the height of the migrant crisis in 2015, many of which were planned by asylum seekers. The most deadly attack, which occurred last December at a Berlin Christmas Market, was also committed by failed asylum seeker Anis Amri from Tunisia who used a truck to kill 12 people and injured more than 50 others.[/size]
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Subject: JFK PAPERS TITLE: THE CIA FLIPS OFF AMERICA (back@ya)! Mon Nov 06, 2017 8:32 am
Open Letter from JFK Assassination Expert Dan Hardway
Photo credit: Adapted by WhoWhatWhy from sarang / Wikimedia and CIA / Wikimedia.
The following is an article about an open letter Dan Hardway sent to his senator. Hardway worked as an investigator on the House Select Committee on Assassinations (HSCA) in the late 1970s, and is a noted expert on the JFK assassination. He calls on all people interested in transparency to reject an all-encompassing government secrecy that threatens our very liberty and democracy. — WhoWhatWhy Staff
A 1964 CIA memo spells out clearly how James Jesus Angleton, the agency’s famous counterintelligence chief, wanted to deal with inquiries from the Warren Commission:
Jim would prefer to wait out the Commission.1
History seems to be repeating itself. The events of the past two weeks have shown that the CIA is still running a disinformation campaign against anyone who questions the “lone-nut” theory that, according to historian David Robarge, constitutes the agency’s “best truth.”
I recently published an article about the delay in releasing records under the 1992 JFK Records Collections Act. In that article I explained the CIA’s play to discredit those who question the agency’s lone-nut theory,2 and suggested that Robarge, its historian, has told us what to look for in the documents that are still being withheld.3
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There has been no explanation, let alone a presidential certification, that the massive redactions in these “released in full” documents meet any of the mandatory exemptions that allow withholding. No identifiable harm is specified. No rationale is given as to why the secrets protected outweigh the public interest in disclosure.
In that article I suggested we should look for information regarding covert operations against Cuba that would, according to Robarge, “circumstantially implicate CIA in conspiracy theories.”4 While I doubt the existence of a “smoking gun,” the circumstantial evidence we might look for in the delayed files could show a correlation between Lee Harvey Oswald’s activities in New Orleans and Mexico City in the late summer and fall of 1963 and CIA covert operations against Cuba being run by George Joannides and David Atlee Phillips involving anti-Castro groups such as the Directorio Revolucionario Estudiantil (DRE).5
I specifically suggested that we look to files on those operations. Some of these files are in the JFK records that are scheduled for release.
George Joannides (left) receiving a commendation from Bobby Inman. Photo credit: CIA / JFKFacts.
On October 26, 1992, Congress passed S. 3006, with only one amendment and very little, if any, opposition. The Senate bill, introduced by Sen. John Glenn (D-OH), was signed the same day by President George H.W. Bush and became Public Law 102-526, (“JFK Records Act”). Among other things the JFK Records Act provided for the collection, preservation and eventual release of all records related to the 1963 assassination of President John F. Kennedy, with minimal exceptions.
It mandates, in clear and unambiguous language, “[e]ach assassination record shall be publicly disclosed in full, and available in the Collection nolater than the date that is 25 years after the date of enactment of this Act.” The Act allows an exemption to this mandatory requirement only if the president “certifies” that the release of each withheld document “is made necessary by an identifiable harm to” either 1) military defense; 2) intelligence operations; 3) law enforcement; or 4) the conduct of foreign relations and “the identifiable harm is of such gravity that it outweighs the public interest in disclosure.”6
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They stood by, grinning, as they watched my reaction upon opening the file to find it largely expurgated. They were grinning so hard because they knew they had waited out the HSCA and there was nothing I could do about it. The Angleton strategy still worked. It is still working today.
On November 3, NARA released some of the files that I have been waiting on. The Excel spreadsheet listing the released files include four files referenced to David Atlee Phillips and one file referenced to the DRE.7 Of the files referencing Phillips, three are of an unspecified nature and one is listed as his Office of Personnel (OP) file. The DRE file is listed as “CIA file on DRE AMSPELL operations.”
AMSPELL is a CIA cryptonym for DRE, the anti-Castro Cuban group that was run by George Joannides in 1963, that had the encounter with Oswald in New Orleans in 1963, and published the first conspiracy theory blaming Castro in their CIA-financed newspaper in Miami on November 23, 1963. For such an active group, the file that was released is a very thin 87 pages of which 61 are expurgated in full.
November 23, 1963, leaders of anti-Castro Cuban Student Directorate (DRE) newspaper link Lee Harvey Oswald in conspiracy with Fidel Castro to assassinate JFK. Photo credit: Unknown / JFKFacts.
Of the remaining 26 pages, many are largely expurgated. The Phillips files are even worse. The three files of unspecified type may be some of his operational files. These files are even more highly expurgated than the AMSPELL file. Taking the 73-pages long file RIF 104-10177-10135 as an example, a full 48 pages are completely redacted and NOTHING that was released in the file has any substantive info. For all intents and purposes, it remains withheld in full.
The file that is listed as David Atlee Phillips’s OP file is not as heavily redacted as the other three Phillips files, although many of the documents — mainly personnel forms — it contains have been cleansed of any significant data. That, however, is not the end of the story on this file.
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This release not only demonstrates that the Angleton strategy is still being applied. It also illustrates the point I have been making about what they are covering up. There may well be nothing we can do about it. It appears our lawmakers are spineless in the face of the intelligence community.
The file starts with a few items of post-retirement correspondence between Phillips and the CIA in 1975 and then proceeds chronologically backwards from his retirement in 1975. I have not yet been able to go through the 358-page file to carefully study all the documents, but I have gone through it well enough to note that all his fitness reports between 1956 and 1965 are missing — not redacted, just simply not there.
Indeed, so far as I have been able to find, there is no record whatsoever of a document in the file dated between 1961 and 1965 — not redacted, just simply not there.
There has been no explanation, let alone a presidential certification, that the massive redactions in these “released in full” documents meet any of the mandatory exemptions that allow withholding. No identifiable harm is specified. No rationale is given as to why the secrets protected outweigh the public interest in disclosure.
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“You represent Congress. What the f*** is that to the CIA? You’ll be gone in two years and the CIA will still be there.”
These files are not in compliance with the law no matter what the mainstream media says.
They are an in-your-face flipped bird to the American public. They basically tell us that the CIA is saying that it doesn’t have to comply with the law of the land and that it will not tell us its secrets and that there is nothing we can do about it.
I’ve been here before. It was in a small room in CIA Headquarters in late 1978. I had been fighting to see a file generated by the CIA debriefing of its hired mafioso Johnny Roselli. Scott Breckinridge and George Joannides, CIA liaisons with the HSCA, had just handed me a highly redacted file that violated the HSCA/CIA Memorandum of Understanding mandating unexpurgated access by HSCA to CIA files.
They stood by, grinning, as they watched my reaction upon opening the file to find it largely expurgated. They were grinning so hard because they knew they had waited out the HSCA and there was nothing I could do about it. The Angleton strategy still worked. It is still working today.
James Jesus Angleton Photo credit: Adapted by WhoWhatWhy from National Counterintelligence Center / Wikimedia.
This release not only demonstrates that the Angleton strategy is still being applied; it also illustrates the point I have been making about what they are covering up. There may well be nothing we can do about it. It appears our lawmakers are spineless in the face of the intelligence community. Joseph Burkholder Smith, a retired CIA officer, told me and fellow investigator Gaeton Fonzi in 1978, “You represent Congress. What the f*** is that to the CIA? You’ll be gone in two years and the CIA will still be there.”
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I also encourage you to not take this insult to your intelligence and ability to govern yourselves without reaction. Refuse to accept the cancer of secrecy that destroys our liberty and ability to govern ourselves. Get involved. Get informed. Stay informed.
To paraphrase that to fit the situation in which we now find ourselves: “You are the people that Congress supposedly represents. What’s that to the CIA? You’ll forget about it in a few weeks or so.”
But I won’t. I wrote a letter to my senator, West Virginia Democrat Joe Manchin, on November 3 before I saw the travesty that was the day’s release of JFK documents by NARA. Probably a futile gesture, but one I had to take anyway. Here’s part of what I told him:
On October 26, 2017, as I am sure you are aware, President Donald Trump, at the request of the Central Intelligence Agency and other intelligence community members, disregarded the clear provisions of the law and postponed release of ninety percent of the remaining withheld documents in the JFK Records Collection for an additional six months. In doing this, the President made no findings, issued no orders and certified nothing, merely issuing a statement through the press office saying that all documents will be released “with redactions only in the rarest of circumstances” by April 26, 2018.
The President’s action was not only without authority in law, it was also taken in patent violation of the clear, unambiguous and mandatory terms of a law that your institution passed. …
The real problem that this presents is that it is showing to the nation that the intelligence agencies of our nation are not subject to the laws of the nation. They are effectively above the law. At their request, or pressure, the President of the United States will violate the clear mandates of enacted legislation. And, to date, the reaction of our elected representatives in Congress seems to reinforce the fact that no one is willing to stand up to such blatant disregard of the clear provisions of the duly enacted laws of the nation. I understand that it is the executive branch that is charged with the enforcement of the laws your branch enacts and, in this case, it is the executive branch that is violating the law so there can be little realistic expectation of enforcement from them. But this is the heart of the problem and why it is incumbent upon the Congress to act. At a minimum there should be oversight hearings. At a minimum the Congress should not be seen to willingly acquiesce in executive contempt for the Legislative branch of government and the law of the land.
This action on the part of the intelligence community, the National Archives, and the Executive is only the latest in a long string of actions that disregard the provisions of the JFK Records Act that also subvert and cover up the information related to the assassination of our 35th president. Those other actions are beyond the present scope of this letter, but are things about which I would be glad to speak with you if you have any interest, so I will not go into them here.
To my knowledge there has been no coverage or explanation of why the intelligence community has requested this delay of the President. It was made in secret. What reason have they given for the delay? What kind of pressure have they brought to bear? How can they force a president to so blatantly disregard the law? If they can do this in regard to disclosure of fifty-year-old records, in what else can they exercise a like secret influence that corrupts the laws of the nation? What affect does the existence and use of such secret power have on our democracy? If these things — not just the documents but the method of influence — remain always secret, then how can a citizenry be sufficiently informed so as to exercise their franchise to any real purpose? How can we have faith in our democracy, let alone our government, if this kind of practice is allowed to continue unchallenged? These are the questions that I would like to have answered. But, to make it easier for you, I note you are in a unique position in regard to these issues due to your membership on the Senate Select Committee on Intelligence. Are you at least going to call and press for public hearings on any of these issues? Or are you going to join the vast majority of our representatives and once again cower before the intelligence agencies? Will you stand up for your constituents’ right to participate in their government on an informed basis? Will you stand for holding our government to a standard of open honesty before its citizens and against allowing the real affairs of state to be conducted in secret and in disregard of the laws enacted by the people’s representatives?8
The questions I asked Manchin in that letter are even more pressing today. I don’t know if he’ll even answer, let alone do anything. Maybe, like Sen. Chuck Grassley (R-IA), he’ll send out an apparently frustrated tweet. Or maybe, like the mainstream press, he’ll tout the release of the documents, hoping no one will look to see what a travesty the “release” is because of the massive redactions. At this point all I can do is try to tell the truth about this whole state of affairs.
I also encourage you to not take this insult to your intelligence and ability to govern yourselves without reaction. Do something. If nothing else, circulate this article to everyone you know. Refuse to accept the cancer of secrecy that destroys our liberty and ability to govern ourselves. Get involved. Get informed. Stay informed. Read and follow and Read WhoWhatWhy.
Join the AARC at Join CAPA at If those who exercise the power in this country have such blatant contempt for the law, then the time for serious peaceful civil disobedience may be upon us. Get the word out. Don’t be silent any longer. This is not an issue of the left or the right. Do something. Say something. And don’t stop until you are heard.
1. Raymond Rocca to Richard Helms, Memo Re Response to Rankin, 5 Mar 1964, NARA Record No. 1993.06.24.14:59:13:840170, available at
2. David Robarge, “DCI John McCone and the Assassination of President John F. Kennedy,” Studies in Intelligence, (Vol. 57, No. 3, 09/2013), Approved for Release and declassified, 09/29/2014, at page 20. Available at Robarge wrote: “The DCI was complicit in keeping incendiary and diversionary issues off the commission’s agenda and focusing it on what the Agency believed at the time was the ‘best truth’: that Lee Harvey Oswald, for as yet undetermined motives, had acted alone in killing John Kennedy.” For my commentary on the CIA’s “best truth”, see Thank You, Phil Shenon available at Note that the “best truth” was conditioned by “at the time” leaving open the real possibility that alternative cover stories may have to be brought to play in the event that time undermined what the Agency considered to be the best truth for them.
3. Dan Hardway, What Were They Hiding and What Should We Look For, 30 Oct 2017, available at
4. Robarge, n. 2 above, at p. 9.
5. This is addressed in more detail at JFKFacts, Exclusive: JFK investigator on how CIA stonewalled Congress,; Declaration of Dan L. Hardway, Morley v. CIA, CA # 03-02545-RJL, D.C.D.C. 11 May 2016, Docket No. 156.
Saudi Prince Abdul Aziz bin Fahd, a business partner of former Lebanese PM Hariri, dies during arrest
The Saudi purges continue to become increasingly brutal as it appears that the Hariri resignation had everything to do with internal Saudi matters.
by ADAM GARRIENovember 6, 2017, 14:57
Former FBI special agent Ali H. Soufan has confirmed that Prince Abdul Aziz bin Fahd has been killed during an attempt by the authorities to arrest him as part of Crown Prince Muhammad bin Salman’s great purge of the Saudi elites. He died when his security contingent got into a firefight with regime gunmen attempting to make an arrest.
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Abdul Aziz is confirmed dead. He was 44 years old. Earlier, Mansour son of the former crown prince Muqrin was also declared dead. — Ali H. Soufan (@Ali_H_Soufan) November 5, 2017
Prince Abdul Aziz was deeply involved in Saudi Oger Ltd, a company which until it ceased operations in the summer of this year, was owned by the Hariri family. Former Lebanese Prime Minister Saad Hariri was punitively in charge of the company until it ceased operations. Prince Abdul Aziz’s strange and sudden death which is said to have occurred during an attempted arrest, sheds light on the theory that the clearly forced resignation of former Lebanese Prime Minister Saad Hariri had more to do with internal Saudi affairs than the Saudi attempt to bring instability to Lebanon. As I wrote yesterday, [/size]
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“This therefore, forces one to consider why the Saudi regime would involve itself in the Hariri affair on the same day as the ‘great purge’? The answer lies in exploring whether the Hariri ‘purge’ was more for domestic consumption than for international consumption. As a powerful Saudi citizen, one could think of Hariri’s apparently forced resignation as the first Saudi purge of the day, on a day that saw many powerful Saudi citizens dethroned from powerful places in society. The message to all powerful Saudis, including to Hariri, is that no one is too big to fall at the hands of MBS, even a Saudi citizen who is the Prime Minister in a foreign democracy. The fact that both Hariri and MBS are young men in a leadership role, would indicate that for the famously politically trigger happy MBS, it was also an ego boost”.
Furthermore, during his speech yesterday afternoon, Hezbollah leader Sayyid Hassan Nasrallah remarked that perhaps Hariri was involved with the business dealings or personal relations of some of the Saudi officials who had been victims of great purge.
The sudden death of Prince Abdul Aziz bin Fahd now appears to confirm this line of thinking. This also sheds light on yesterday’s helicopter crash which killed another Saudi prince, Mansour bin Muqrin. When taken in totality, the ‘crash’ does not appear to be an accident.
With reports of no-fly lists being drawn up by the Saudi regime to keep various princes and other official inside the country, the purge looks to be only growing in terms of its scope and its brutality.
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Subject: 13 BOMBS in 25 DAYS | SWEDEN :( Mon Nov 06, 2017 9:41 am
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Subject: Real Time Tremor Map Swarms below Redding Calif. HIDDEN U.S. QUAKES Mon Nov 06, 2017 9:50 am
last night dutchsinse video
Last edited by spring2 on Mon Nov 06, 2017 10:19 am; edited 1 time in total
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Subject: Re: SPRING'S === 11-6-2017 TEXAS FALSE FLAG!!!! USGS HIDDEN WEST COAST QUAKES REVEALED!!!!!!-SEE!!! Mon Nov 06, 2017 10:14 am
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Subject: Re: SPRING'S === 11-6-2017 TEXAS FALSE FLAG!!!! USGS HIDDEN WEST COAST QUAKES REVEALED!!!!!!-SEE!!! Mon Nov 06, 2017 11:09 am
It appears Dutch is aware of USGS in his chat room monitoring.. He is calling them out and giving some new quake warnings near Santa Barbra soon! Stop playing games USGS you are doing a disservice and risk lives!
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Subject: New Virus With NO CURE Spreading: This Is WORSE Than The ‘Black Death’ Mon Nov 06, 2017 11:19 am
New Virus With NO CURE Spreading: This Is WORSE Than The ‘Black Death’
Mac Slavo November 6th, 2017
A new virus for which medical officials have no remedy is spreading. The infectious disease also has a fatality rate of almost 90% making it much more deadly than the black death plaguing Madagascar. A deadly outbreak of a rare and highly fatal virus has broken out in eastern Uganda and five cases have already been identified, the World Health Organization (WHO) has confirmed. The disease is known as the Marburg virus. It is similar to the Ebola virusand can be fatal in up to 88% of cases. The outbreak of the contagious and deadly Marburg virus disease in the Kween district of eastern Uganda was declared by the nation’s Ministry of Health back on October 19. Since then, five cases have been identified as international aid agencies, stretched thin by Madagascar’s black death outbreak, have rushed to deploy teams on the ground to control the recent outbreak. This news comes amid a surge in cases of plague in Madagascar, which is considered to be the “worst outbreak in 50 years” and now at “crisis” point. Marburg virus disease (MVD), which causes severe viral hemorrhagic fever, ranks among the most virulent pathogens known to infect humans, according to the World Health Organization. The WHO website reads: “Marburg virus disease is a rare disease with a high mortality rate for which there is no specific treatment. The virus is transmitted by direct contact with the blood, body fluids, and tissues of infected persons or wild animals (e.g. monkeys and fruit bats).” MVD also falls within the same family as the Ebola virus – the hemorrhagic fever that decimated West Africa and killed around 11,000 in 2014 and 2015. The outbreak is thought to have begun in September when a man in his 30s, who worked as a game hunter and lived near a cave with a heavy presence of bats, was admitted to a local health center with a high fever, vomiting, and diarrhea. The man’s condition deteriorated quickly and he failed to respond to antimalarial treatments. He died after being taken to another hospital, and a short time later, his sister in her 50’s also died of the same ailment. Emergency screening has begun at the Kenya-Uganda border in Turkana after all three members of the same family died of the disease in Uganda. Health workers have been asked to work with communities to stop the deadly Marburg outbreak from devastating communities in the rural region. Dr. Zabulon Yoti, a Technical Coordinator for Emergencies at the World Health Organization (WHO) Regional Office for Africa, said: “Community engagement is the cornerstone of emergency response.” He urged health officials to “work with the communities to build their capacity for success and sustainability” and develop a better understanding of the local customs and traditions. Early symptoms include fever, chills, headache, and myalgia (muscle pain). Several hundred people have been exposed to the virus as officials worry this outbreak could spread rapidly into regions already devastated by the ongoing black death outbreak. Click here to subscribe: Join over one million monthly readers and receive breaking news, strategies, ideas and commentary.
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Published: November 6, 2017
Today, Israel kicked off its largest international aerial training exercise ever - coined: Blue Flag 2017.
Air-forces from nine countries with about 50 planes are now starting to drill in the most southern region of the country utilizing Uvda Air Base in Israel. Teams from India, the United States, Greece, Poland, France, Italy and Germany with be flying over 300 sorties simulating ‘real war’.
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Israeli Air Force@IAFsite
[ltr]#BlueFlag2017 - It's going to be bigger and better[/ltr] 9:15 AM - Nov 2, 2017
1313 Replies
[size][size][ltr] Twitter Ads info and privacy
According to Israel Defense, [/size]
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Throughout the first week of the two-week-long exercise, the international aircrews will acclimate themselves to the base and get to know each other. Throughout the second week, the participants will rehearse complex scenarios and coalition flights.
During some of the sorties, the participants will fly against the “Flying Dragon” Squadron, the IAF’s aggressor squadron, which will simulate enemy forces via “enemy” aircraft, SAM (Surface-to-air missile) batteries and MANPADS (Man-portable air-defense systems).
[size] Lt. Col. Nadav, Commander of the 133rd Squadron (“Knights of the Twin Tail”), which operates “Baz” (F-15) fighter jets and is heading up the drill says, [/size]
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“...the Blue Flag exercise is a significant quantum leap in our ability to hold an exercise and provide our multi-national participants with a quality training experience as performed in Israel. This is a significant milestone in our relationship with the international air forces, some of which are arriving in Israel to train for the first time. This exercise will allow us to continue cooperating with these forces in the future as well.”
[size] The Indian Air Force sent a C-130J transport plane, other countries sent fighter jets, transport planes and refueling aircraft. Israel Defense notes some other various types of aircraft participating in the war games, [/size]
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Participating on behalf of Israel are a “Baz” (F-15) squadron, a “Sufa” (F-16I) squadron and two “Barak” (F-16C/D) squadrons, alongside tactical transport aircraft, helicopters, UAVs (Unmanned Aerial Vehicles) and EL (Electronic Warfare).
The US, Hellenic, and Polish air forces arrived with F-16 fighters; the French with “Mirage” 2000D fighters; the Germans with “Eurofighter Typhoon” jets; the Italians with variants of the “Panavia Tornado” multirole fighter and the Indians with a C-130J “Super Hercules.”
[size] According to Maj. (res.) Tal, Head of the Blue Flag Management Team: [/size]
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“One of the more significant ways to improve international relationships and connect countries is to create military cooperation. The IAF is Israel’s ‘display window,’ and the direct encounter between the air forces is an inseparable part of forming strong, continuous relationships with other countries, near or far.”
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Rowan Van Dijk@Lastkombo
[ltr]Israel: The BLUE FLAG exercise will take place at the Uvda Air Force base in Southern Israel from five November until sixteen November. 05-11-2017[/ltr] 11:54 AM - Nov 5, 2017
[size][size][ltr] Twitter Ads info and privacy
* * * Meanwhile, across the sand dunes this evening, a far more interesting story is developing, and could shed light on the end game for Blue Flag 2017. Yesterday we reported that the Saudis intercepted a ballistic missile over the nation’s capital of Riyadh. Now the Saudis call the missile attack “blatant act of aggression” by Iran and “could be considered act of war”.
The smell of war is in the air and simultaneously Israel and other countries are drilling for ‘real war’. As, what we’ve seen before – drills sometime go live.[/size]
Two days after the most stunning purge in recent Saudi history, the so-called "anti-corruption probe" - which was really a countercoup - that led to the arrest of dozens of Saudi Arabian royals, ministers and businessmen allowing Mohammed to further cement control over the Kingdom, appeared to be widening on Monday when, as Reuters reports, Saudi banks begun freezing the accounts of those arrested. The Saudi central bank ordered commercial banks to freeze the accounts of people under investigation in the probe, the Reuters sources said, adding that the number of accounts affected could run into the hundreds, although the names of those affected have yet to emerge. “The freezing of accounts has already happened,” said another source. “The freezing is a precautionary measure that will end as soon as the suspects are either charged or pronounced innocent.” Considering that prince Alwaleed alone has over $19 billion in assets, including nearly a billion dollars in jewelry, plans, yachts, furniture and cash...
... the local central banks may have "accidentally" found an unexpectedly efficient way of refilling Saudi's dwindling foreign reserve account. At the same time, fears of a broader crackdowns were spreading, and as Bloomberg reported this morning, the Olayan family, which runs one of Saudi Arabia’s biggest conglomerates, is putting plans to sell shares in some of its local assets on hold "amid slow economic growth in the kingdom." What it means is that right now it is a good idea to keep a very low profile.
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Olayan Financing Co., which controls the billionaire family’s investments in the Middle East, decided not to proceed with an initial public offering of a holding company of about 20 local units, the people said, asking not to be identified because the discussions are private. Plans for the sale of the holding company, which may worth as much as $5 billion, could be revived in the future, they said.
Olayan had been working with Saudi Fransi Capital on the planned sale that could have happened as early as next year, people familiar with the matter said in March. It’s also working with HSBC Holdings Plc’s local unit on the 30 percent sale of its Health Water Bottling Co., people said in May. The IPOs would be the first time Olayan Financing sold shares in one of its Saudi businesses since at least 2000. The family still plans to proceed with the IPO of its water business, the people said.
Such fears appear justified, because as Reuters writes, the crackdown continued on Monday when the founder of one of the kingdom’s biggest travel companies was reportedly detained. Al Tayyar Travel plunged 10% in the opening minutes after the company quoted media reports as saying board member Nasser bin Aqeel al-Tayyar had been held by authorities. The company gave no details but online economic news service SABQ, which is close to the government, reported Tayyar had been detained as part of the anti-corruption probe. Many more are coming: the front page of leading Saudi newspaper Okaz challenged businessmen on Monday to reveal the sources of their assets, asking: “Where did you get this?” in bright red text. Another headline from Saudi-owned al-Hayat warned: “After the launch (of the anti-corruption drive), the noose tightens, whomever you are!” Meanwhile, to prevent royals from quietly fleeing the country, a no-fly list has been drawn up and security forces in some Saudi airports were barring owners of private jets from taking off without a permit, pan-Arab daily Al-Asharq Al-Awsat reported. And as the crackdown extended, so did the confusion, and many analysts were puzzled by the targeting of technocrats like ousted Economy Minister Adel Faqieh and prominent businessmen on whom the kingdom is counting to boost the private sector and wean the economy off oil. “It seems to run so counter to the long-term goal of foreign investment and more domestic investment and a strengthened private sector,” said Greg Gause, a Gulf expert at Texas A&M University. “If your goal really is anti-corruption, then you bring some cases. You don’t just arrest a bunch of really high-ranking people and emphasize that the rule of law is not really what guides your actions. It just runs so counter to what he seems to have staked quite a lot of his whole plan to.” Robert Jordan, former U.S. Ambassador to Saudi Arabia, says on Bloomberg TV, said that the Saudi Crown Prince’s anti-corruption drive, which included detaining Prince Alwaleed bin Talal, was "almost the equivalent of arresting Bill Gates." "The Saudis have come to a fork in the road and they have taken it," he said adding that "this is about the most breathtaking revelation I think we could possibly have imagined." The reforms have been well-received by much of Saudi’s overwhelmingly young population, but caused resentment among some of the more conservative old guard, including parts of the Al Saud dynasty frustrated by Prince Mohammed’s meteoric rise. “It’s overkill - and overkill in a way that makes it harder to achieve his long-term objectives,” said Gause. Meanwhile, in a more troubling escalation, overnight The Saudi-led military coalition said on Monday it would temporarily close all air, land and sea ports to Yemen to stem the flow of arms from Iran to Houthi rebels after a missile fired toward Riyadh was intercepted over the weekend. Saudi Arabia has been involved in a two-year-old war in Yemen, where the government says it is fighting Iran-aligned militants, and into a dispute with Qatar, which it accuses of backing terrorists, a charge Doha denies. Detractors of the crown prince say both moves are dangerous adventurism. Saudi's focus now appears to have turned to Iran, and with the war drums beating louder, some wonder how long before the increasingly chaotic events in Saudi Arabia lead to another Middle-east war.
Guest Guest
Published: November 5, 2017
Among the numerous high-profile figures arrested overnight in Saudi Arabia on “anti-corruption” charges, in addition to the shocking detention of prince Alwalaleed bin-Talal another unexpected name has emerged: that of Bakr bin Laden, chairman of Saudi Binladin Group and brother of Osama bin Laden. The Binladin Group is one of the biggest construction companies, with an annual turnover of $30 billion. It was carrying out the expansion of the Kaaba complex. bin laden.jpg][/url]
The family rejected al-Qaeda's former leader, Osama Bin Ladin, because he was involved in terrorist activities in the 1990s. A quick primer on the Binladin Group from the WSJ:
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Based in Jeddah and [ZH: formerly] favored by Saudi Arabia's royal family, Saudi Binladin Group derives billions in annual revenue from a wide range of enterprises, including mosque construction, telecommunications and selling Snapple soft drinks in Saudi Arabia. Although the family's U.S. spokesman says Saudi Binladin Group is wholly owned by the extended bin Laden family, not including Osama, he said he could provide no information on exactly which members have an equity interest in the company.
British paging company Multitone Electronics PLC said it was shocked to learn that its reseller in Saudi Arabia, Baud Telecommunications Ltd., is owned by the Binladin Group. "You're joking," Chief Executive Michael Walker said. "Oh bloody! I didn't know. I thought it was just Baud Telecom."
* * *
The family has donated to colleges, Islamic organizations and other nonprofit causes in both England and the U.S. Abdullah, one of Mr. bin Laden's brothers, received a master's degree in law from Harvard Law School in 1992.
Two years later, on a fundraising trip to the Middle East, the law school's dean made a pitch to another brother, Sheik Bakr Mohammed bin Laden, chairman of the family group. Bakr and the group subsequently donated $1 million to the law school, half for a visiting scholars program and half for financial aid for law students from the Muslim world. The family also gave $1 million to Harvard's Graduate School of Design in 1993.
Robert Clark, the law school dean, said the gift was intended "to promote mutual understanding between scholars trained in Islamic legal systems and those trained in Western legal systems. We need that more than ever."
Still, outside the Arab world, the Binladin name has become an increasing liability. Until a year and a half ago, the group had a prominent storefront on the main street of Astana in the new Kazakhstan, with a contract to create the city's master plan. Then, although the Kazak government believed the company's assurances that it was not linked to Mr. bin Laden, President Nursultan Nazarbayev dropped the company just in case someone got the wrong idea, a government official said.
In 1999, the group changed the name of its telecommunications division from Binladin to Baud. John Dickson, a Baud manager, says the switch reflects a desire to choose a more modern name. Baud means distance in Arabic, and in English it is a measurement of speed.
[size] As the WSJ concluded back in 2001, "In the Arab world the Binladin name is looked upon with "absolute reverence - like IBM."
Not any more, even though the reason why the Binladen chairman has fallen out of grace with the Saudi royalty has yet to be determined. As a reminder, a total of eleven princes, four current ministers and dozens of former ministers were among those who were detained. A list of those detained includes: [/size]
Bakr bin Laden, chairman of Saudi Binladin Group;
Prince Alwaleed bin Talal, chairman of Kingdom Holding;
Prince Miteb bin Abdullah, minister of the National Guard;
Prince Turki bin Abdullah, former governor of Riyadh province;
Khalid al-Tuwaijri, former chief of the Royal Court;
Adel Fakeih, Minister of Economy and Planning;
Ibrahim al-Assaf, former finance minister;
Abdullah al-Sultan, commander of the Saudi navy;
Mohammad al-Tobaishi, former head of protocol at the Royal Court;
Amr al-Dabbagh, former governor of Saudi Arabian General Investment Authority;
Alwaleed al-Ibrahim, owner of television network MBC;
Khalid al-Mulheim, former director-general at Saudi Arabian Airlines;
Saoud al-Daweesh , former chief executive of Saudi Telecom;
Prince Turki bin Nasser, former head of the Presidency of Meteorology and Environment;
Prince Fahad bin Abdullah bin Mohammad al-Saud, former deputy defence minister;
Saleh Kamel, businessman;
Mohammad al-Amoudi, businessman;
[size] As reported overnight, many of the detainees were held at the opulent Ritz-Carlton hotel in the diplomatic quarter of Riyadh. The hotel’s exterior gate was shuttered on Sunday morning and guards turned away a Reuters reporter, saying it had been closed for security reasons though private cars and ambulances were seen entering through a rear entrance. Ironically, the hotel and an adjacent facility were the site of an international conference promoting Saudi Arabia as an investment destination just 10 days ago attended by at least one of those now being held for questioning. People on Twitter applauded the arrests of certain ministers with some comparing them to Germany's “the night of the long knives.” The arrest orders came from an anti-corruption committee just hours after the King Salman issued a Royal Decree to form the committee, which is headed by Crown Prince Mohammed bin Salman. The new body was given broad powers to investigate cases, issue arrest warrants and travel restrictions, and seize assets. “The homeland will not exist unless corruption is uprooted and the corrupt are held accountable,” the royal decree said. As Reuters adds, the line between public funds and royal money is not always clear in Saudi Arabia, an absolute monarchy ruled by an Islamic system in which law is not systematically codified and no elected parliament exists. WikiLeaks has detailed the huge monthly stipends that every Saudi royal receives as well as various money-making schemes some have used to finance lavish lifestyles. In September the king announced that a ban on women driving would be lifted, while Prince Mohammed is trying to break decades of conservative tradition by promoting public entertainment and visits by foreign tourists. Analysts say the arrests were another pre-emptive measure by the crown prince to remove powerful figures as he exerts control over the world’s leading oil exporter. Others have speculated that the move was a "countercoup" similar to that conducted in June by crown prince Mohammad bin Salman to cement his control on Saudi power. The royal decree said the arrests were in response to “exploitation by some of the weak souls who have put their own interests above the public interest, in order to, illicitly, accrue money.” The real reason behind the arrests: to shore up power, remove even more potential opponents and threats, all under the guise of cracking down on corruption, a page taken right out Xi Jinping playbook as he sought to - and eventually became last month's - China's quasi emperor. [/size]
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The most recent crackdown breaks with the tradition of consensus within the ruling family, wrote James Dorsey, a senior fellow at Singapore’s S. Rajaratnam School of International Studies.
“Prince Mohammed, rather than forging alliances, is extending his iron grip to the ruling family, the military, and the National Guard to counter what appears to be more widespread opposition within the family as well as the military to his reforms and the Yemen war,” he said. Scholar Joseph Kechichian said the interests of the Al Saud, however, would remain protected.
“Both King Salman and heir apparent Mohammed bin Salman are fully committed to them. What they wish to instill, and seem determined to execute, is to modernize the ruling establishment, not just for the 2030 horizon but beyond it too,” he said.
[size] Yet while Xi Jinping's demi-god status is safe - at least until China's middle class revolts - that of Mohammed bin Salman may be far more precarious in the coming weeks, especially if he overestimated his power and influence, and the two consecutive countercoups ultimately lead to precisely what he fears the most: a coup - either peaceful or not so much - that ultimately removes him from power.
Guest Guest
Subject: Re: SPRING'S === 11-6-2017 TEXAS FALSE FLAG!!!! USGS HIDDEN WEST COAST QUAKES REVEALED!!!!!!-SEE!!! Mon Nov 06, 2017 11:35 am
[size] According to a statement from the state-run Saudi Press Agency, the missile out of Yemen that targeted Riyadh has been called "a direct military aggresion" by Iran against Sauid Arabia, that "could rise to be considered an act of war."
In response, the Saudi-led coalition has closed all Yemen's land, sea and air ports after missile targeted Riyadh.
This is what I wrote in the June 21, 2017 EPJ Daily Alert: [/size]
Quote :
Overnight, Saudi's King Salman unveiled his decision to relieve 57-year old Interior Minister Muhammad bin Nayef of his position as crown prince in favor of his 31-year old son, Deputy Crown Prince and Defense Minister Mohammad bin Salman.
This could be significant for the oil price going into 2018.
Bin Salman, known as MbS, has a reputation for interacting in an impulsive and often abrasive manner, particularly with regards to international relations. It is believed that he is largely responsible for the aggressive military action the Kingdom is conducting against Yemen.
He also sees Iran as a major enemy.
He is also the main driver putting forward the plan to take Aramaco public next year.
More than anyone else, Mbs wants the oil price higher going into 2018. And more than anyone else, he is in a position to do something about it and has the aggressive personality to do whatever it takes. I am not ruling anything out that he might try.
The Yemen escalation comes on top of the consolidation of power over the weekend by the Crown Prince and the shock resignation of Lebanon's Prime Minister Saad al-Hariri.
The events suggest the first moves in a major Saudi escalation of interference in the Middle East.
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Subject: Trump Drafting Executive Order To Kill Obamacare's Individual Mandate, Report Mon Nov 06, 2017 11:42 am
Trump Drafting Executive Order To Kill Obamacare's Individual Mandate, Report
After having previously cut so-called "cost reduction subsidies" and the marketing budget for Obamacare, Trump is now reportedly ready to also repeal the legislation's controversial "individual mandate" which taxes people who choose to forego health insurance.
NOV 6, 2017 10:35 AM
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Subject: FOIA Documents: FBI Scrambles To Preserve Records In Clinton ‘Uranium One’ Scandal Mon Nov 06, 2017 12:57 pm
FOIA Documents: FBI Scrambles To Preserve Records In Clinton ‘Uranium One’ Scandal Mac Slavo November 6th, 2017
New FOIA documents are showing proof that the FBI was investigating the “Uranium One” scandal back in 2015. Now, internet sleuths are doing the job of the mainstream media, and have discovered Hillary Clinton’s IT guy trying to strip the former presidential candidate’s name from emails – and that isn’t all. Months after the Peter Schweizer book Clinton Cash exposed the Russian collusion scheme, along with an article in the New York Times which laid out allegations of criminal malfeasance by the Clintons, their charitable foundation, and several associates, new FOIA documents are shedding light on the scandal being ignored by the mainstream media. Twitter user Katica (@GOPPollAnalyst) – who notably discovered Hillary Clinton’s IT guy “Stonetear” asking Reddit users how to strip Clinton’s name from archived emails – discovered several Preservation and Records requests sent by an FBI special agent to various agencies involved in the approval of theUranium One dealon August 28th, 2015, as first published by The Conservative Treehouse. Katica found the requests buried in an FBI file released via the Freedom of Information Act (FOIA).
Quote :
While the Clinton email investigation was launched in March of 2015 after it was revealed that Secretary of State Hillary Clinton used a personal server and non-approved email accounts to conduct government business, reports from August, 2015 revealed that the FBI investigation was actually a criminal probe – though most assumed it was simply covering Clinton’s mishandling of classified information and not the content of her emails. What Katica discovered is that weeks after the criminal probe began, the FBI sent notices to nearly every agency involved in the Uranium One approval process to preserve records. –iBankCoin
This is very important, and a big deal, considering the agencies who received the request included the Nuclear Regulatory Commission, the U.S. Department of Treasury, the Office of Director of National Intelligence (ODNI James Clapper), The National Counter Terrorism Center, and the U.S. Department of Energy (DOE).
Five days after the initial request, the same FBI agent sent another round of notifications to the same agencies, adding the National Security Agency (NSA) and the U.S. Secret Service (USSS) to the list. The next day, September 3rd, 2015, three more agencies were added to the preservation request. Those were: The CIA, the Defense Intelligence Agency (DIA) and the Department of Defense (DOD) At this point, every single member of the Committee on Foreign Investment in the United States (CFIUS) which signed off on the Uranium One deal was served with a notice to preserve the records.
The sequence of events highlights a criminal probe starting in early August 2015, followed by notifications to the “Uranium One” CFIUS participants in late August 2015. If you consider the larger Clinton timeline; along with the FBI special agent requests from identified participants; and overlay the Nuclear Regulatory Commission as the leading entity surrounding the probe elements and the fact that the CFIUS participants were the recipients of the retention requests, it seems like too much to be coincidental, and to think this is unrelated to the Uranium One scandal and the more alarming implications. While the FBI investigation into Hillary Clinton was sold as a simple matter of mishandling of classified material, we now have proof that the FBI set their sights on the Uranium One scandal weeks after they began looking into Hillary Clinton’s emails. It is also known that five FBI field offices and the IRS have been investigating the Clinton Foundation on accusations of pay-to-play and other criminal acts.
Quote :
[ltr]Wallace Says HARD NEW PROOF Hillary Clinton Foundation/Bill & State Colluded 4PAY4PLAYS via Doug Band #PodestaEmails20 's #Thursdaythoughts[/ltr]
10:12 AM - Oct 27, 2016
No wonder the leftist mainstream media is more worried about what Donald Trump feeds koi fish than the major scandal unfolding right before our eyes. For the entire timeline of events, please click here.
Guest Guest
Subject: Re: SPRING'S === 11-6-2017 TEXAS FALSE FLAG!!!! USGS HIDDEN WEST COAST QUAKES REVEALED!!!!!!-SEE!!! Mon Nov 06, 2017 1:01 pm
Submitted by An internet researcher has uncovered what appears to be proof that the FBI was investigating the Uranium One deal back in 2015 – months after the Peter Schweizer book Clinton Cash exposed the scheme, along with an article in the New York Times which laid out allegations of criminal malfeasance by the Clintons, their charitable foundation, and several associates. Twitter user Katica (@GOPPollAnalyst) – who notably discovered Hillary Clinton’s IT guy ‘Stonetear’ asking Reddit users how to strip Clinton’s name from archived emails – discovered several Preservation and Records requests sent by an FBI special agent to various agencies involved in the approval of the Uranium One deal on August 28th, 2015, as first published by The Conservative Treehouse. Katica found the requests buried in an FBI file released via the Freedom of Information Act (FOIA). Revealing Timeline While the Clinton email investigation was launched in March of 2015 after it was revealed that Secretary of State Hillary Clinton used a personal server and non-approved email accounts to conduct government business, reports from August, 2015 revealed that the FBI investigation was actually a criminal probe – though most assumed it was simply covering Clinton’s mishandling of classified information and not the content of her emails. What Katica discovered is that weeks after the criminal probe began, the FBI sent notices to every agency involved in the Uranium One approval process to preserve records.
This is huge… The agencies which received the request included the Nuclear Regulatory Commission, the U.S. Dept. of Treasury, the Office of Director of National Intelligence (ODNI James Clapper), The National Counter Terrorism Center, and the U.S. Department of Energy (DOE). Five days after the initial request, the same FBI agent sent another round of notifications to the same agencies, adding the National Security Agency (NSA) and the U.S. Secret Service (USSS). The next day, September 3rd, 2015, three more agencies were added to the preservation request: The CIA, the Defense Intelligence Agency (DIA) and the Department of Defense (DOD) At this point, every single member of the Committee on Foreign Investment in the United States (CFIUS) which signed off on the Uranium One deal was served with a notice to preserve records. As The Conservative Treehouse notes:
Quote :
It would be intellectually dishonest not to see the very likely attachment of the special agent’s action. That is to say an FBI probe originating as an outcome of information retrieved in parallel to the timing of the “criminal probe” of Secretary of State Hillary Clinton’s email use.
The sequence of events highlights a criminal probe starting [early August 2015], followed by notifications to the “Uranium One” CFIUS participants [late August 2015].
If you consider the larger Clinton timeline; along with the FBI special agent requests from identified participants; and overlay the Nuclear Regulatory Commission as the leading entity surrounding the probe elements; and the fact that the CFIUS participants were the recipients of the retention requests; well, it’s just too coincidental to think this is unrelated to the Uranium One deal and the more alarming implications.
FBI Mole Let’s not forget a bombshell report from The Hill two weeks ago which revealed that as early as 2009, the FBI – led by Robert Mueller at the time, had a mole in the Russian uranium industry, and that the agency had evidence that “Russian nuclear officials had routed millions of dollars to the U.S. designed to benefit former President Bill Clinton’s charitable foundation during the time Secretary of State Hillary Clinton served on a government body that provided a favorable decision to Moscow” – a deal which would grant the Kremlin control over 20 percent of America’s uranium supply. The mole was forced to sign an iron-clad non-disclosure agreement (NDA) which threatened criminal penalties for revealing information, even to Congress. After a request was made by Reps Ron DeSantis (R-FL) and Chuck Grassley (R-IA) calling for the Justice department to invalidate the NDA, the gag order was lifted, and the FBI informant was authorized to speak with congress.
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Lou Dobbs
[ltr]BREAKING: DOJ authorizes FBI Informant to speak with Congress concerning alleged corruption involving Clintons & Uranium One. #MAGA #DTS[/ltr] 3:59 PM - Oct 25, 2017
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[/ltr] Tony Podesta and Uranium One While one-time Trump campaign manager Paul Manafort turned himself in to the FBI a week ago on charges of money laundering, let’s not forget what a former Podesta Group executive interviewed by Special Counsel Robert Mueller told Tucker Carlson Tonight: the FBI probe is now focusing on people in Washington who have worked as de-facto operatives on behalf of Russian government and business. To that end, he had quite a bit to say about his former boss Tony and his relationship to the Uranium One deal.
In late 2013 or early 2014, Tony Podesta and a representative for the Clinton Foundation met to discuss how to help Uranium One – the Russian owned company that controls 20 percent of American Uranium Production – and whose board members gave over $100 million to the Clinton Foundation.
In 2013, John Podesta recommended that Tony hire David Adams, Hillary Clinton’s chief adviser at the State Department, giving them a “direct liaison” between the group’s Russian clients and Hillary Clinton’s State Department.
“Tony Podesta was basically part of the Clinton Foundation.”
As far as the current state of the FBI investigation, “They are more focused on facilitators of Russian influence in this country than they are on election collusion,” Carlson’s source told Fox. Tying it together – previous reports of Federal investigations into the Clinton Foundation: Katica’s FOIA discovery corroborates a New York Times report from November 1, 2016, which asserts that an FBI investigation was kicked off based on revelations of pay-for-play in the book “Clinton Cash” written by Peter Schweizer:
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The investigation, based in New York, had not developed much evidence and was based mostly on information that had surfaced in news stories and the book “Clinton Cash,” according to several law enforcement officials briefed on the case.
The book asserted that foreign entities gave money to former President Bill Clinton and the Clinton Foundation, and in return received favors from the State Department when Mrs. Clinton was secretary of state. Mrs. Clinton has adamantly denied those claims. -NYT
The Wall St. Journal also reported last October that five FBI field offices were investigating the Clinton Foundation; New York, Los Angeles, Washington, Little Rock and Miami, and “were collecting information about the Clinton Foundation to see if there was evidence of financial crimes or influence-peddling, according to people familiar with the matter.”
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The FBI field office in New York had done the most work on the Clinton Foundation case and received help from the FBI field office in Little Rock, the people familiar with the matter said. –WSJ
And in November, as tweeted by Wikileaks and reported on by the Dallas Observer, the Clinton Foundation has been under investigation by the IRS since July of 2016, after 64 GOP members of Congress received letters urging them to push for an investigation. The investigation has been notably held at the Dallas IRS office – far away from Washington.
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The Earle Cabell Federal Building in downtown Dallas is an all purpose office complex, a bastion of federal bureaucracy located at 1100 Commerce St. Most people come for a passport or to get business done in front of a federal judge. But inside, a quiet review is underway that has direct ties to the raging presidential election: The local branch of the IRS’ Tax Exempt and Government Entities Division is reviewing the tax status of the Bill, Hillary and Chelsea Clinton Foundation.
So – while the FBI investigation into Hillary Clinton was sold as a simple matter of mishandling of classified material, we now have proof that the FBI set their sights on the Uranium One scandal weeks after they began looking into Hillary Clinton’s emails. We also know that five FBI field offices and the IRS have been investigating the Clinton Foundation on accusations of pay-to-play and other criminal acts. Bets on who’s indicted next? Flashback to October 27, 2016
[ltr]Wallace Says HARD NEW PROOF Hillary Clinton Foundation/Bill & State Colluded 4PAY4PLAYS via Doug Band #PodestaEmails20 's #Thursdaythoughts[/ltr] 10:12 AM - Oct 27, 2016
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Guest Guest
Subject: Re: SPRING'S === 11-6-2017 TEXAS FALSE FLAG!!!! USGS HIDDEN WEST COAST QUAKES REVEALED!!!!!!-SEE!!! Mon Nov 06, 2017 1:02 pm
Guest Guest
Subject: Tony Podesta Lobbied For Russia’s ‘Uranium One’ And Did Not File As A Foreign Agent Mon Nov 06, 2017 4:42 pm
Tony Podesta Lobbied For Russia’s ‘Uranium One’ And Did Not File As A Foreign Agent
Daily Caller November 6, 2017 Tony Podesta’s lobbying firm, the Podesta Group, represented the Russian-owned company Uranium One during former President Barack Obama’s administration and did not register under the Foreign Agents Registration Act, The Daily Caller News Foundation has determined. Podesta collected lobbying fees of $180,000 from Uranium One, according to the non-partisan Center for Responsive Politics, that discloses lobbying documents filed with Congress. The uranium company states on its web site it is a “wholly owned subsidiary” of RUSANO, the Russian State Corporation for Nuclear Energy. Special Counsel Robert Mueller already is scrutinizing Podesta and his firm for allegedly failing to register as a lobbyist for the European Center for a Modern Ukraine, a Ukrainian government entity. His role there is tied up with former Trump campaign chairman Paul Manafort who was indicted on 12 counts on Oct. 30, including the failure to register under the Foreign Agents Registration Act (FARA). A cabinet-led federal committee that included former Secretary of State Hillary Clinton, approved the sale of Uranium One to RUSANO in 2010, that permitted Russia to acquire twenty percent of America’s uranium reserves. Read more
This article was posted: Monday, November 6, 2017 at 7:28 am
Guest Guest
Subject: Comey Memo Accused Hillary Of "Gross Negligence, Intel Committee Demands Fusion GPS Bank Records Mon Nov 06, 2017 4:46 pm
Early Comey Memo Accused Hillary Of "Gross Negligence," Punishable By Jail
"There is evidence to support a conclusion that Secretary Clinton, and others, used the email server in a manner that was grossly negligent with respect to the handling of classified information."
NOV 6, 2017 4:58 PM
Intel Committee Demands Fusion GPS Bank Records; Suspects Journalists Paid To Spread "Russian Collusion" Claims
Fusion GPS lawsuits heat up as Devin Nunes is now demanding bank records on suspicions that Fusion, and therefore Hillary and the DNC,
NOV 6, 2017 4:45 PM
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Subject: SERIOUS::: !!! For The First Time In 13 Years, U.S. Deploys 7 Aircraft Carriers Simultaneously Mon Nov 06, 2017 8:15 pm
For The First Time In 13 Years, U.S. Deploys 7 Aircraft Carriers Simultaneously
by Tyler Durden Nov 6, 2017 7:06 PM
The US has simultaneously deployed 7 of the 11 U.S. nuclear aircraft carriers for the first time in over a decade according to the US Naval Institute. The three aircraft carriers with full air wings and strike groups positioned in the Western Pacific are the following: USS Ronald Reagan (CVN-76); USS Nimitz (CVN-68); USS Theodore Roosevelt (CVN-71). Another four are conducting “short training missions as part of training operations or workups ahead of deployment”. Two out of four are operating in Eastern Pacific - USS Carl Vinson (CVN-70) and USS John C. Stennis (CVN-74) - and the remaining two are operating in the Atlantic, the USS Abraham Lincoln (CVN-72) and USS Gerald R. Ford (CVN-78). Top: USS Ronald Reagan (CVN-76), USS Theodore Roosevelt (CVN-71), USS John C. Stennis (CVN-74) Center: USS Abraham Lincoln (CVN-72) Bottom: USS Carl Vinson (CVN-70), USS Nimitz (CVN-68), USS Gerald R. Ford (CVN-78) Back in 2016, six carriers were underway and that was considered a “milestone event” by Chief of Naval Operations Adm. John Richardson. The last time 7 carriers were deployed dates back to 2004, according to USNI. The report quotes an unidentified Navy official to sheds more light on the upcoming drills:
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The Reagan, Nimitz and Roosevelt strike groups are all operating in the U.S. 7th Fleet area of operations. Reagan is operating in the Sea of Japan near the Korean peninsula while Nimitz is returning to its homeport at Naval Station Kitsap-Bremerton, Wash. after a deployment to the Persian Gulf to conduct air strike against ISIS targets. Roosevelt deployed from San Diego, Calif. on Oct. 7 set to replace Nimitz as part of the continued U.S. operation against ISIS.
More basic details were provided by the report for the remaining aircraft carriers:
Vinson is conducting a planned sustainment exercise and flight tests with the F-35C Lighting II Joint Strike Fighter, while Stennis left Kitsap-Bremerton last week for training after coming out of a repair period. A sailor on Vinson was injured Friday after being struck with a plane being towed on the flight deck.
Lincoln is undergoing a series of qualifications following the completion of a mid-life refueling and complex overhaul and return to the fleet in May.
Ford is continuing years of tests and training before the ship will be fully integrated into the U.S. fleet and leave on its first deployment sometime in the early 2020s.
“Naval aviation is supporting the requirements of combatant commanders forward while building our capabilities for future deployments–and qualifying new pilots–with training near our shores,” Vice Adm. Michael Shoemaker, commander Naval Air Forces said in a Monday statement provided to USNI News. “The addition of USS Gerald Ford is exciting, as we test the capabilities for the future. This optempo is not ordinary, but the demand for carriers remains as high as ever.” Also on Monday, VoA's White House bureau chief Steve Herman, confirmed what had been speculated previously, namely that 3 of the carriers will participate in an extremely rare drill in "the estern Pacific", read off the Korean peninsula. As the report states, this would be the first time the “7th Fleet converged for the “first simultaneous three-strike group training operations in a decade”.
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Steve Herman
[ltr]Confirmed: @USNavy to stage exercise in western Pacific in coming days with 3 aircraft carrier strike groups.[/ltr] 1:15 PM - Nov 6, 2017 · Chiyoda-ku, Tokyo
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Last week, Chairman of the Joint Chiefs Gen. Joseph Dunford tried to diffuse the situation, saying that “these three carriers are not there specifically targeting North Korea. This is a routine demonstration of our commitment to the region.” The exercise is overlapping President Trump’s 12-day excursion across Asia amid high-tensions between Pyongyang and Washington. Indicatively, as of last week, this was the latest positioning of US Carrier Strike Groups, courtesy of Stratfor. deploy 11.2.2017.jpg][/url] The timing of the 3-carrier drill in the Western Pacific coincides with President Trump’s trip to South Korea. As Trump’s latest tweet indicates (4:28pm), he is “getting ready to leave for South Korea”.
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Donald J. Trump
[ltr]Getting ready to leave for South Korea and meetings with President Moon, a fine gentleman. We will figure it all out![/ltr] 1:28 PM - Nov 6, 2017
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With 7 carriers deployed today of which 3 about to launch drills in Western Pacific, we find it odd this is all occurring around President Trump’s trip to Asia. On October 28, North Korea accused the US of making “criminal moves for igniting a war of aggression”, after Kim Jong-Un learned three US-Navy carriers will operate in Asian waters. According to Jim Mattis, United States Secretary of Defense, said “our goal is not war, but rather the complete, verifiable and irreversible denuclearization of the Korean Peninsula”, something North Korea has previously said it will never agree to. Finally, another drill that should be closely watched is Israel’s “largest-ever aerial military drill”, which started yesterday. Sometimes these drills "accidentally" go live.