SPRING'S 12-15-17 !GENE EDITOR "WMD" CRISPR! & HEALTH RANGER GARDEN vs YOUTUBE FLORIDA! & !!!Assange Warns of Coup to Install Pence as POTUS !! &
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Subject: SPRING'S 12-15-17 !GENE EDITOR "WMD" CRISPR! & HEALTH RANGER GARDEN vs YOUTUBE FLORIDA! & !!!Assange Warns of Coup to Install Pence as POTUS !! & Fri Dec 15, 2017 9:29 am
December 15, 2017 This Unbelievable Tool Is Now At The Disposal Of Madmen!Called A 'WMD Threat', This Technology Could Be Used To Wipe Out The Human Race In A Very Short Period Of Time
By Stefan Stanford - All News Pipeline - Live Free Or Die
According to this new story from Mac Slavo over at SHTFPlan, one of the most dangerous experiments that mankind has ever embarked upon is DARPA’ s desire for gene drive technology.Warning us within his story that scientists now have the knowledge and the tools they need to create and deliver “ Doomsday genes” which can selectively target and exterminate an entire species, DARPA recently announced that they will be spending tens of millions of dollars on 'genetic extinction research' with the official aim of this research being 'fighting harmful insects'.
As Joe Joseph of The Daily Sheeple states as heard in the first video below, a quick Google search for 'gene drive technology' will give us a plethora of information about just how horrific this kind of technology can be and like nuclear weapons in the hands of North Korea 's Kim Jong Un, we' re watching what is akin to kids playing with fire.From the video:
“...You’ ll find it fascinating just at how unbelievable a weapon this could be, how unintentionally mistakes can be made that can cause irreversible damage… irreparable damage… to the human race.And I mean, FAST!” Joseph said.“ A gene drive… if let’ s just say there’ s a mistake, you could feasibly wipe out the human race in a very very short period of time.It’ s an unbelievable tool at the disposal of madmen.”
While many might ask, what exactly is 'gene drive technology' and 'why is it so dangerous', we see one of the answers in this recent story from Technology Review titled "If Unleashed in the Wild, Gene Drives Could Create a 'Highly Invasive Species'”. With researchers warning " Technology’ s answer to invasive species and disease - spreading insects is looking riskier than ever in its current form ", we see that gene drive technology evolves from CRISPR technology, the 'editing' of DNA almost as if it were simply a film strip being edited as seen in the graphic above.
Yet as Joseph warns, this kind of technology in the hands of madmen could wipe us out as a species.As the website New Scientist reported back in March of 2017, "backyard gene editing risks creating a monster" with biohackers already signalling their intention to use CRISPR, which poses a big problem for the authorities.
As we see and hear in the 2 nd video below from Reason TV, a $140 mail order CRISPR kit is already available for just about anybody to get their hands upon leading Reason to ask, is unregulated biohacking the future of science ? From the Technology Review story :
Aside from astonishing cures, one of CRISPR’ s most tantalizing uses could be so - called gene drives.As we’ ve reported in the past, the technique can be used to easily insert fertility - reducing genes into the DNA of disease - carrying insects or invasive species(such as the humble starling in the U.S., were we so inclined).
That would systematically wipe them out.Applied to mosquitoes, the technology could fight malaria and Zika.Targeted at interloping animals, it’ s been suggested as a means of preserving fast - declining species in New Zealand.
But the trick is obviously not without its risks.As we’ ve explained before, the wholesale removal of a species from a geographic region might be useful, but it’ s easy enough to imagine the technique getting out of control, spreading further than intended, and transforming entire ecosystems in ways it wasn 't meant to.
Back in December of 2015, Steve Quayle linked to this story from Motherboard titled "Someone Will Eventually Use CRISPR to Try to Make a Dragon or Unicorn" while leaving this self - explanatory SQnote: "I’d like to remind everyone that dragons are not vegans!"
And while CRISPR created dragons or unicorns might be a bit further away than happening within the next year, we remind you that during the Obama administration, the long standing moratorium banning human beings from creating human hybrids or 'chimeras' was lifted according to this June story from Futurism.
While this May 30 th story from the Columbia University Medical Center reported that CRISPR gene editing can cause hundreds of unintended mutations, we can see some of the intended results in the creation of 'super dogs' in China where they 've already successfully used “gene editing” to create two beagles with twice the muscle mass of a regular dog, and plans are already being made to increase their size, intelligence, and even eliminate diseases.
super_dog.png DONATEANP1.jpg
And we probably shouldn 't be surprised when we read that earlier this year, The Bill and Melinda Gates Foundation paid a PR firm called Emerging Ag $1.6 million to recruit a covert coalition of academics to manipulate a UN decision-making process over gene drives, according to emails obtained through Freedom of Information requests.
As the Independent Science News story reports, Gene drives are a highly controversial new genetic extinction technology.They have been proposed as potentially able to eradicate malarial mosquitoes, agricultural pests, invasive species, as well as having potential military uses.
Emerging Ag calls itself “ a boutique international consulting firm providing communications and public affairs services.” Its president and founder is Robynne Anderson, a former international communications director of CropLife, the global lobby group for the biotechnology, seed, and pesticide industries.
The FOIA emails reveal that the project coordinated by Emerging Ag was dubbed the “ Gene Drive Research Sponsors and Supporters coalition”.It consisted of three members of a UN committee called the Ad Hoc Technical Expert Group on Synthetic Biology(AHTEG) plus a larger group of 65 covertly recruited, but seemingly independent, scientists and officials, all coordinated by a still larger number of government officials(mainly from English - speaking countries), PR advisors, academics, and members of various Gates - funded projects.
As the website Science asked on December 11 th, "is there really a covert manipulation of U.N. discussions about regulating gene drives?" Why would the Gates Foundation attempt to cover up such discussions with the UN ?
While this February of 2016 story from the MIT Technology Review reported that top US intelligence officials have labeled the easy to use gene editing technology a "WMD threat", their story helps to explain why they feel its such a threat.
Genome editing is a weapon of mass destruction.That’ s according to James Clapper, U.S.director of national intelligence, who on Tuesday, in the annual worldwide threat assessment report of the U.S.intelligence community, added gene editing to a list of threats posed by “ weapons of mass destruction and proliferation.”
Gene editing refers to several novel ways to alter the DNA inside living cells.The most popular method, CRISPR, has been revolutionizing scientific research, leading to novel animals and crops, and is likely to power a new generation of gene treatments for serious diseases.
It is gene editing’ s relative ease of use that worries the U.S.intelligence community, according to the assessment.“ Given the broad distribution, low cost, and accelerated pace of development of this dual - use technology, its deliberate or unintentional misuse might lead to far - reaching economic and national security implications, ” the report said.
Although the report doesn’ t mention CRISPR by name, Clapper clearly had the newest and the most versatile of the gene - editing systems in mind.The CRISPR technique’ s low cost and relative ease of use— the basic ingredients can be bought online for $60— seems to have spooked intelligence agencies.
“ Research in genome editing conducted by countries with different regulatory or ethical standards than those of Western countries probably increases the risk of the creation of potentially harmful biological agents or products, ” the report said.
The concern is that biotechnology is a “ dual use” technology— meaning normal scientific developments could also be harnessed as weapons.The report noted that new discoveries “ move easily in the globalized economy, as do personnel with the scientific expertise to design and use them.”
Clapper didn’ t lay out any particular bioweapons scenarios, but scientists have previously speculated about whether CRISPR could be used to make “ killer mosquitoes, ” plagues that wipe out staple crops, or even a virus that snips at people’ s DNA.
With the US military and DARPA now heavily investing in 'doomsday genetic technologies' and concerns that an accident or planned event could create irreversible conditions that could possibly lead to the extinction of the human race, the creation of dragons or unicorns might seem like small potatoes when comparing them to the 'worst case scenario' of human extinction.And shall the future take us down that road we 'll just need to remember, dragons are not vegetarians!
Last edited by spring2 on Fri Dec 15, 2017 9:40 am; edited 2 times in total
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Subject: Growing vegetables in your own yard now confirmed as a criminal offense by Florida courts… INSANITY is now LAW Fri Dec 15, 2017 9:32 am
Growing vegetables in your own yard now confirmed as a criminal offense by Florida courts… INSANITY is now LAW Wednesday, December 13, 2017 by: Vicki Batts
(Natural News) It’s a sad day in Florida: Property rights for homeowners have taken a huge blow as courts confirm that growing edible plants in your own front yard is, in fact, a crime. Out of all the terrible things a person can do these days, gardening is the last thing you may have suspected would become a punishable offense. To no one’s surprise, Big Government continues to use strong-arm tactics against innocent people looking to engage in some basic self-sufficiency. If they can’t take your guns, they’ll take your garden. This display of obvious government overreach first began back in 2013, when Hermine Ricketts and her husband Tom Carroll were faced with fines of up to $50 per day — for the crime of growing edible plants like tomatoes and Asian cabbage in their front yard — after city ordinances were changed. While they didn’t face any jail time, the couple had to dig up their prosperous garden. Due to their north-facing backyard that gets little sun, they’ve not been able to resume gardening. The couple has been fighting against the Village of Miami Shores and their outrageous ordinance ever since — along with help from the Institute of Justice (IJ), a non-profit law firm. IJ lawyer Ari Bargil, contended, “This decision gives local governments tremendous leeway to regulate harmless activities in the name of aesthetics. It gives government the power to prohibit homeowners from growing plants in their front yards simply because they intend to eat them.” Despite the recent ruling by the 3rd District Court of Appeal, which favored Miami Shores’ absurdity, Ricketts and Carroll are now looking to take their case all the way up to the state of Florida’s Supreme Court. According to the most recent ruling, Miami Shores has the right to brandish authority over design and landscaping criteria to maintain “property values and the enjoyment of property rights by minimizing and reducing conflicts among various land uses,” as well as for “protecting” the look of the village. Is a well-maintained vegetable garden really an eyesore that would damage property values? Richard Sarafan, attorney for the Village of Miami Shores, essentially argued that allowing the couple to keep their front-yard garden would somehow pave the way for total pandemonium. Sarafan complained that the couple’s yard was “filled with pots” that “should have” been placed in the backyard. But yet, had those pots been filled with flowers instead of vegetables — the city would have had no legs to stand on with their arbitrary complaint. There is no shortage of reasons to object to the 3rd District Court’s ruling, but perhaps the most inane explanation for their decision was the attempt at rationalizing why it’s okay for the government to legislate against edible plants but not ornamental ones. IJ attorney Ari Bargil objected to the court’s claim that “it is rational for government to ban the cultivation of plants to be eaten as part of a meal, as opposed to the cultivation of plants for ornamental reasons,” — and it’s easy to see why. How can the government tell citizens what kinds of plants they can grow? Government overreach regarding the cultivation of edible plants and other healthy living choices is a growing problem in the United States. Where will we draw the line? Food and health freedom are already under attack — this ruling is proof of that. [Related: Read more stories like this at Tyranny.news.] Sources for this article include: MiamiHerald.com WOGX.com
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Subject: Julian Assange Just Warned of a Deep State Coup Meant to Install Mike Pence as President Fri Dec 15, 2017 9:37 am
Julian Assange Just Warned of a Deep State Coup Meant to Install Mike Pence as President
The founder of WikiLeaks is warning the public about a Deep State plot to overthrow Trump, and install Mike Pence as President of the United States.
By Jay Syrmopoulos - December 14, 2017
Washington, D.C. – In a tweet this morning, WikiLeaks founder, Julian Assange, made a prescient observation that the ongoing deep state coup against President Trump is an operation by establishment forces to unseat Trump and replace him with Vice President Mike Pence. Assange noted that Trump’s political capital has “been openly looted for months now by GOP, CIA, Netanyahu, Goldman Sachs, etc.”
[ltr]Trump's political capital has been openly looted for months now by GOP, CIA, Netanyahu, Goldman Sachs, etc. Game is clearly to extract as many unpopular positions as possible (e.g tax cuts for the super rich), push the resulting political corpse to Mueller & install Mike Pence.[/ltr] 1:19 AM - Dec 14, 2017
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Essentially, Assange is saying is that the aforementioned stakeholders who want to see Trump gone have played a long-game, whereby they have worked “to extract as many unpopular positions as possible (e.g tax cuts for the super rich), push the resulting political corpse to Mueller & install Mike Pence.”
This, of course, was done as means of severing Trump from his political base, which largely opposes CIA interventionism, Zionism, and globalist banking cartels. The idea behind it being that when Mueller moves to recommend impeachment, Trump will have strayed so far from the positions that got him elected that there will be a minimal public outcry in his defense.
This follows chatter earlier this year that some saw Mike Pence as “the Deep State’s insurance policy.”
In fact, Wikileaks’ Assange, tweeted back in March, that there was a plan afoot by Hillary Clinton and her loyalists within the Intelligence Community to force a “Pence takeover.”
[ltr]Clinton stated privately this month that she is quietly pushing for a Pence takeover. She stated that Pence is predictable hence defeatable.[/ltr] 3:20 AM - Mar 14, 2017
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As the Washington Post’s Josh Rogin observed back in March:
READ MORE:Same Judge who Covered Up CIA Torture Dismisses Suit Against NSA Surveillance
“Pence is seen by many in Washington as a figure who might stand up for the traditionally hawkish views he espoused while in Congress, a proxy of sorts for the GOP national security establishment.”
[ltr]Two IC officials close to Pence stated privately this month that they are planning on a Pence takeover. Did not state if Pence agrees.[/ltr] 3:29 AM - Mar 14, 2017
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Assange’s position about the Pence coup has been acknowledged by independent journalist, Mike Cernovich, who broke the Susan Rice unmasking story, and has previously said that inside sources have confirmed that Pence is working to remove Trump in a deep state coup.
Back in August, Cernovich reported having inside information from White Houses sources that claimed Pence was working behind the scenes to count Republican votes in Congress for a possible impeachment vote to remove Trump. T
Rumors of an internal coup began during the election campaign when it was reported that Pence began plotting a coup after a tape of Trump boasting about groping women was made public.
The tape’s release, one month before the election, caused dissent among senior Republicans and led to several withdrawing their endorsements and calling for Trump to withdraw as the party’s presidential candidate.
Pence, known as a deeply religious man, was said to be “beside himself” over Trump’s comments on the tape. Pence’s wife Karen was reportedly disgusted and called Trump “reprehensible—just totally vile,” according to the Atlantic.
Sources close to the campaign have claimed that the situation was so serious that Trump held a meeting to determine what step to take next.
READ MORE:Trump: If Elected 'You Will Find Out Who Really Knocked Down The World Trade Center'
Reince Priebus, who would become Trump’s first Chief of Staff, was reportedly bombarded with calls from party officials and donors pleading with him to get rid of Trump, with some suggesting replacing him with Pence and making Condoleezza Rice his running mate.
Priebus reportedly told him he would suffer a huge defeat if he did not drop out.
At the time, RNC lawyers attempted to find a legal mechanism by which they could remove Trump as the Republican candidate, while a group of billionaires attempted to offer Trump $800 million in order to voluntarily quit the race, according to the Atlantic.
The fact of the matter is that Trump, while considered an outsider to politics, has operated as a consummate politician by catering to many of the special interest groups he ran on not allowing to have influence in his administration—which may ultimately be his undoing if his base abandons him as Mueller moves toward a potential impeachment.
As Democratic Sen. Chuck Shumer told MSNBC’s Rachel Maddow in reference to Trump taking on the Intelligence Community:
“Let me tell you, you take on the intelligence community, they have six ways from Sunday at getting back at you.”
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Subject: Re: SPRING'S 12-15-17 !GENE EDITOR "WMD" CRISPR! & HEALTH RANGER GARDEN vs YOUTUBE FLORIDA! & !!!Assange Warns of Coup to Install Pence as POTUS !! & Fri Dec 15, 2017 9:48 am
North Korea in 2018: Kim’s scary next play for power KIM Jong-un is hellbent on proving his military might. There’s one scary thing he has not done yet, and it’s likely to be his next move.SQ-LAUNCH MISSILE HORIZONTALLY
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Subject: It shouldn’t be long now. Fri Dec 15, 2017 9:59 am
Market Red Flag: Stocks May Be About To Tank: “If There’s One Thing That You Need To Pay Attention To It’s This…”
Mac Slavo December 15th, 2017 SHTFplan.com
Stock and bond markets may be teetering on the edge of a widespread crash following a stellar year that has seen all-time highs across just about every major asset class. Earlier today Zero Hedge reported that Bloomberg market commentator Mark Cudmore says markets could be in for a violent downside break in the weeks ahead. It’s a sentiment also shared by Traders Choice analyst Greg Mannarino, who up until this point has been generally bullish on short-term market movements. On Thursday, however, Mannarino reports that bond buying, which has been used to prop up stocks through massive cash injections in recent weeks and months, failed to keep stocks from falling. This, says Mannarino, is a major red flag that could signal a reversal going forward:
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If there’s one thing that you need to pay attention to it’s this… savage bond buying occurred today in an attempt to re-prop up the stock market and it didn’t work… They’re trying to play a game here and it’s been working time and time again… Without fail every single time… except for today… that has worked. … I am not sounding the alarm saying ‘this is it… this is the market crash.’ What I am saying is that you need to exercise caution right here… there’s a divergence going on and when you see divergences like this your eyes should open up… maybe it’s time to pull profits… maybe it’s time to hedge positions… … If we continue to see this action… the one thing we need to watch for is a simultaneous sell-off which will occur in the bond market and the stock market at the same time… when these things start to fall in tandem get out of the market… They are buying bonds here at a feverish pace… and it failed to prop up stocks… that to me is a red flag. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=P_hFTHrikOg
Earlier this year Brandon Smith of Alt Market warned that the data points show an economy in severe deterioration:
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Corporate earnings expectations continue their dismal path, suggesting that stock markets have been supported by central bank stimulus and blind investor faith in central bank intervention. The stimulus is now being cut off. How long before investor faith is finally lost? These are only a few of the MANY data points that paint a very ugly picture for the US economy. The rest of the world is just as tenuous if not worse. … The question is not “when” we will enter collapse; we are already in the midst of an economic collapse. The real question is, when will the uneducated and the biased finally notice?
It shouldn’t be long now.
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The San Francisco Society for the Prevention of Cruelty to Animals bought a "security robot" to harass homeless people at its Mission District offices, a move that the city has banned and threatened $1,000/day fines for. The SPCA called the robot "K9" and said it would prevent car break-ins. Mostly it was aimed at harassing homeless people who live in nearby tents. They claim the robot successfully evicted the homeless people from those sidewalks, presumably getting them good, sustainable homes and just merely moving them to another part of the city (right? right?). Before the homeless people were chased off, they flung a tarp over the robot, knocked it over and covered its sensors with barbecue sauce.
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On Dec. 1, the Department of Public Works sent the SPCA an email saying that the robot is operating in the public right-of-way "without a proper approval.” SPCA would have to stop using the robot on sidewalks or request a proper permit, according to the DPW email reviewed by the Business Times. Scarlett said the SPCA stopped using the robot on the sidewalks and handed the issue over to the robot’s maker, Mountain View-based Knightscope, for further discussion with the city. Knightscope didn't respond to a request for comment about the status of those talks. The robot is a K5 unit and has a top speed of three miles per hour, according to Knightscope’s website. https://www.knightscope.com/knightscope-k5/ The units are more than five feet tall and weigh 400 pounds. They are equipped with four cameras, “each capable of reading up to 300 license plates per minute” and sending alerts when trespassers or people on a “blacklist” are in an area.
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Subject: Re: SPRING'S 12-15-17 !GENE EDITOR "WMD" CRISPR! & HEALTH RANGER GARDEN vs YOUTUBE FLORIDA! & !!!Assange Warns of Coup to Install Pence as POTUS !! & Sat Dec 16, 2017 11:31 am
Vaccines have become a big issue lately. People debate over the right of an individual to refuse a vaccine that may affect a community. I wonder how long it will be before this debate grows to "genetic vaccines". If this continues it will then be possible to vaccinate someone from violent behavior or give them the DNA to be a better employee. Just as it has become a community/individual issue for biological vaccines it could also become an issue to the community if you don't alter your genes to benefit society. That is a pretty scary place to be in.
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Subject: Re: SPRING'S 12-15-17 !GENE EDITOR "WMD" CRISPR! & HEALTH RANGER GARDEN vs YOUTUBE FLORIDA! & !!!Assange Warns of Coup to Install Pence as POTUS !! &
SPRING'S 12-15-17 !GENE EDITOR "WMD" CRISPR! & HEALTH RANGER GARDEN vs YOUTUBE FLORIDA! & !!!Assange Warns of Coup to Install Pence as POTUS !! &