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 SPRING'S 3-1-2-18 MESSAGE FROM IKE & need to have your rights curtailed…by the government that just failed at every level' &

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PostSubject: SPRING'S 3-1-2-18 MESSAGE FROM IKE & need to have your rights curtailed…by the government that just failed at every level' &    SPRING'S 3-1-2-18 MESSAGE FROM IKE & need to have your rights curtailed…by the government that just failed at every level' &  I_icon_minitimeThu Mar 01, 2018 8:51 pm


SPRING'S 3-1-2-18 MESSAGE FROM IKE & need to have your rights curtailed…by the government that just failed at every level' &  Ike_n_10

  1. need to have your rights curtailed…by the government that just failed at every level'.

  2. Ron Paul: ‘The Fed Is At A Crossroads…Crisis Is Coming’

  3. Peter Schiff: ‘We Will Live Through Another Great Depression Which Will Be MUCH MUCH WORSE’

  4. ThemTube" Is Purging Independent Media Channels But We Have A Solution!
    from Press For Truth:



  7. ‘I’m Not Bluffing’ Putin Tells the West, Announcing Advanced Nuclear Weaponry

  8. The Next "Bomb Cyclone" Is Set To Detonate Off The East Coast

  9. HR McMaster Is Being Pushed Out Of The Trump Administration

  10. A Market Crash Flowchart



Last edited by spring2 on Thu Mar 01, 2018 11:31 pm; edited 15 times in total
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PostSubject: need to have your rights curtailed…by the government that just failed at every level'.    SPRING'S 3-1-2-18 MESSAGE FROM IKE & need to have your rights curtailed…by the government that just failed at every level' &  I_icon_minitimeThu Mar 01, 2018 8:57 pm


  • ABSOLUTE MUST READ:'This week’s gun control argument in a nutshell: because government failed at every level, you need to have your rights curtailed…by the government that just failed at every level'. 

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PostSubject: Ron Paul: ‘The Fed Is At A Crossroads…Crisis Is Coming’   SPRING'S 3-1-2-18 MESSAGE FROM IKE & need to have your rights curtailed…by the government that just failed at every level' &  I_icon_minitimeThu Mar 01, 2018 9:02 pm


Feb 28

Ron Paul: ‘The Fed Is At A Crossroads…Crisis Is Coming’

Mac Slavo - February 28th, 201828 Comments, Join in »

The Fed has created a mountain of problems for everyone in the United States and every single solution that they come up with leads to even more problems. Ron Paul recently discussed what the Fed has done, how it tries to keep things going, and the inevitable economic crisis that is coming.

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PostSubject: Peter Schiff: ‘We Will Live Through Another Great Depression Which Will Be MUCH MUCH WORSE’   SPRING'S 3-1-2-18 MESSAGE FROM IKE & need to have your rights curtailed…by the government that just failed at every level' &  I_icon_minitimeThu Mar 01, 2018 9:54 pm


Peter Schiff: ‘We Will Live Through Another Great Depression Which Will Be MUCH MUCH WORSE’
Mac Slavo
March 1st, 2018

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Financial guru Peter Schiff, who accurately predicted the recession of 2008, says the problems we face now are even bigger. We will live through another Great Depression if Schiff is correct. And one of the main concerns is something very few dare to even mention or show a concern about: the national debt.
Schiff’s podcast from a few days ago highlights a very important problem with not only the economy as we know it but the mainstream media as well. Unable to take their attention off gun control regulations for even a moment to focus on a much bigger concern, the national debt, the mainstream media is effectively trying to hide what’s coming down the pipe. The lack of coverage seems to be spurring a lackadaisical attitude about the almost $21 trillion debt.

Let’s start at the beginning. Schiff begins his podcast talking about a book his father wrote; one of the only books to have been banned by the United States government. Yes, the US government banned a book titled “The Federal Mafia: How It Illegally Imposes And Unlawfully Collects Income Taxes” by Irwin Schiff in the “land of the free.”
“The bad news is, we are going to live through another Great Depression and it’s going to be very different. This will be in many ways, much much worse, than what people had to endure during the Great Depression,” Schiff says. “This is going to be a dollar crisis.”
“These hot inflation numbers that we’ve been getting are going to get a lot hotter…all this inflation that has been in the financial markets, in the stock markets, in the bond market, in the real estate market, everybody loved inflation when it was making you rich…the problem is going to be when it makes you poor. That’s when it starts showing up in the cost of living; all the things you need to buy end up being a lot more expensive.”
When you are talking about the magnitude of the debt we have, that extra money [raising interest rates] is big. That’s going to be a big drain on the economy to the extent that we have to pay higher interest to international creditors…a lot of this phony GDP is coming from consumption, while the average American who is consuming is deeply in debt and they are going to impacted dramatically in the increase in the cost of servicing that debt…given how much debt we have, and how much debt is going to be marketed the massive increase in supply will argue for interest rates that are higher.”
“The Fed thinks they create economic growth…by [saying] ‘let’s jack up the stock market and then the economy’s going to grow and people are going to go out and spend more money.’ It’s actually doing damage. If you create a bunch of phony wealth, and people end up spending money that they otherwise would have saved, you are undermining economic growth.”
Everything the Fed has done has undermined real economic growth, that is why this coming collapse is going to be so devastating,” says Schiff. “It’s shrinking government that grows the economy.  When you make government smaller and you free up resources back into the private sector, that’s what grows the economy.”
 Schiff again suggests looking at gold as a way to protect yourself against the dollar’s collapse.
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PostSubject: ThemTube" Is Purging Independent Media Channels But We Have A Solution! from Press For Truth:   SPRING'S 3-1-2-18 MESSAGE FROM IKE & need to have your rights curtailed…by the government that just failed at every level' &  I_icon_minitimeThu Mar 01, 2018 10:24 pm

ThemTube" Is Purging Independent Media Channels But We Have A Solution!

from Press For Truth:

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PostSubject: IRAN BANS USE OF US DOLLARS IN TRADE   SPRING'S 3-1-2-18 MESSAGE FROM IKE & need to have your rights curtailed…by the government that just failed at every level' &  I_icon_minitimeThu Mar 01, 2018 10:30 pm

Published: March 1, 2018


In what may be a preemptive move against further US sanctions, Tehran announced that going forward, merchant purchase orders that are denominated in US Dollars would no longer be allowed to go through import procedures.
According to the state-owned IRNA news agency, the policy is in line with an official request by the Central Bank of Iran and is meant to address fluctuations in market rates of the US dollar. Quoted by IRNA, the central bank director of Foreign Exchange Rules and Policies Affairs, Mehdi Kasraeipour, said the move had "become effective from Wednesday by virtue of a letter sent to the Ministry of Industry, Mines and Trade."
The central banker further explained that the decision "wouldn’t create major trouble" for traders because the share of the greenback in Iran’s trade activities is already negligible.
"It’s been for a long time that Iran’s banking sector cannot use the dollar as a result of the sanctions," said Kasraeipour. As part of a trade embargo, US banks are banned from dealing with Iran.
"Considering that the use of the dollar is banned for Iran and traders are literally using alternative currencies in their transactions, there is no longer any reason to proceed with invoices that use the dollar as the base rate," Kasraeipour added.
As part of the transition, Iranian merchants will need to inform their suppliers to change the base currency from the dollar to other currencies so that the related import documents could be processed at Iran’s entry points. It was unclear if cryptocurrencies are acceptable units, and whether Iran is developing its own version of the Venezuelan Petro.
Merchants will also need to specify whether they would proceed with their payments through banks or currency exchange shops.
Ever since the crackdown on the Iranian banking sector by the US and SWIFT some 5 years ago, Tehran has sought to switch to non-dollar based trade. It has already signed agreements with several countries and is in talks with Russia on using national currencies in settlements.
Last December, Iran announced that it would eliminate the dollar from all bilateral trade with China, which has fast emerged as one of Iran's largest crude oil clients.
Previously, during a meeting with Russian President Vladimir Putin in November, Iranian Supreme Leader Ali Khamenei said that the best way to beat US sanctions against the two countries was joint efforts to dump the American currency in bilateral trade. He told President Putin that by using methods such as eliminating the US dollar and replacing it with national currencies in transactions between two or more parties, the sides could “isolate the Americans.”
* * *
As Federico Pieraccini previously noted, until a few decades ago, any idea of straying away from the petrodollar was seen as a direct threat to American global hegemony, requiring of a military response. However, in recent years, it has become clear to many nations opposing Washington that the only way to adequately contain the fallout from US retaliation was to progressively abandon the dollar. This serves to limit Washington’s capacity for military spending by creating the necessary alternative tools in the financial and economic realms that will eliminate Washington's dominance. This is an essential component in the Russo-Sino-Iranian strategy to unite Eurasia and thereby render the US irrelevant.
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De-dollarization for Beijing, Moscow and Tehran has become a strategic priority. Eliminating the unlimited spending capacity of the Fed and the American economy means limiting US imperialist expansion and diminishing global destabilization. Without the usual US military power to strengthen and impose the use of US dollars, China, Russia and Iran have paved the way for important shifts in the global order.


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PostSubject: THE PLAN TO BURN UP NORTHERN CALIFORNIA DISCLOSED   SPRING'S 3-1-2-18 MESSAGE FROM IKE & need to have your rights curtailed…by the government that just failed at every level' &  I_icon_minitimeThu Mar 01, 2018 10:36 pm


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PostSubject: HOW MANY LIVES ARE SAVED BY GUNS?   SPRING'S 3-1-2-18 MESSAGE FROM IKE & need to have your rights curtailed…by the government that just failed at every level' &  I_icon_minitimeThu Mar 01, 2018 10:55 pm


Larry Elder makes 3 points about today's debate over firearms, mentally ill

Published: 5 hours ago
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Lost in the current debate about gun control are three important points.

First is how many lives are saved each year through the use of firearms. We know that for the last several years, according to the Centers for Disease Control (which tracks all U.S. deaths by cause), roughly 11,000 lives have been lost through non-suicide deaths involving a firearm each year.
Why ignore gun suicides?
Following the 1994 Brady Handgun Violence Prevention Act’s imposition of a five-day waiting period for the 32 states previously not subject to such waiting periods, gun control supporters expected those states would have seen a reduction in crime, compared with the other 18 “control” states. But according to The Journal of the American Medical Association: “Our analyses provide no evidence that implementation of the Brady Act was associated with a reduction in homicide rates. … We find no differences in homicide or firearm homicide rates to adult victims in the 32 states directly subject to the Brady Act provisions compared with the remaining control states.” The study did find a decrease in gun suicides for men over 55. But the overall suicide rate remained unchanged. Men over 55 simply resorted to other means to kill themselves.
As for determining how many lives are saved by guns, regulations bar the CDC from conducting original research of the defensive use of firearms. But after the Sandy Hook school massacre in 2012, President Barack Obama issued an executive order allowing the agency to review existing studies on causes of and ways to reduce gun violence. As to defensive uses of guns, the CDC report said, “Studies that directly assessed the effect of actual defensive uses of guns (i.e., incidents in which a gun was ‘used’ by the crime victim in the sense of attacking or threatening an offender) have found consistently lower injury rates among gun-using crime victims compared with victims who used other self-protective strategies. … Almost all national survey estimates indicate that defensive gun uses by victims are at least as common as offensive uses by criminals, with estimates of annual uses ranging from about 500,000 to more than 3 million per year, in the context of about 300,000 violent crimes involving firearms in 2008.”
Criminologist and researcher Gary Kleck, using his own commissioned phone surveys and number extrapolation, estimates that Americans use guns for defensive purposes 1.2 million times each year – and that 1 in 6 Americans who have used guns defensively believe someone would have died but for their ability to resort to their defensive use of firearms. Twenty years ago, economist John Lott, author of “More Guns, Less Crime,” and his research partner wrote: “We find that allowing citizens to carry concealed weapons deters violent crimes, and it appears to produce no increase in accidental deaths. If those states which did not have right-to-carry concealed gun provisions had adopted them in 1992, approximately 1,570 murders; 4,177 rapes; and over 60,000 aggravated assaults would have been avoided yearly.”


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Lost World War 2 Fortune Finally Uncovered (Worth $107 Billion)!

The second point, often ignored, is the very purpose of the Second Amendment. It is to prevent government tyranny through the power of a citizens’ militia. Since many on the left denounce President Donald Trump as a “tyrant” or a “dictator” or a “Hitler,” they might find that the Second Amendment could come in handy. As to why a 19-year-old can legally get a gun, the Second Amendment refers to a “well-regulated militia” as necessary for our freedom.
And yes, a 19-year-old is part of the militia.
Section 311 of the U.S. Code Title 10 (as last amended in 1958) says: “(a) The militia of the United States consists of all able-bodied males at least 17 years of age and … under 45 years of age who are, or who have made a declaration of intention to become, citizens of the United States and of female citizens of the United States who are members of the National Guard.”
Third, many on the left want to ban the “mentally ill” from obtaining firearms. Currently, firearms cannot be legally possessed by someone determined by a judge to be of danger to himself or to others. What about people who do not meet that standard? It was the left, most prominently the American Civil Liberties Union, that in the 1970s successfully pushed to end “involuntary commitment” for those who do not meet that standard. Bruce Ennis became legal director of the ACLU in 1977 and was known as the father of the “mental health bar.” In 1974 he said, “My personal goal is either to abolish involuntary commitment or to set up so many procedural roadblocks and hurdles that it will be difficult, if not impossible, for the state to commit people against their will.”
So where does this leave us? Given the large number of defensive uses of guns, that the purpose of the right to keep and bear is to stop government tyranny, and the legal and moral difficulties of taking guns away from “crazy people,” Trump’s prescription to “harden the target” and eliminate “gun-free zones” makes the most sense.
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PostSubject: ‘I’m Not Bluffing’ Putin Tells the West, Announcing Advanced Nuclear Weaponry   SPRING'S 3-1-2-18 MESSAGE FROM IKE & need to have your rights curtailed…by the government that just failed at every level' &  I_icon_minitimeThu Mar 01, 2018 11:03 pm

‘I’m Not Bluffing’ Putin Tells the West, Announcing Advanced Nuclear Weaponry

‘I’m Not Bluffing’ Putin Tells the West, Announcing Advanced Nuclear Weaponry

By Patrick Goodenough | March 1, 2018 | 6:51 PM EST

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Russian President Vladimir Putin delivers his state of the nation speech to the Federal Assembly in Moscow on Thursday, March 2, 2018. (Photo: The Kremlin)

( – Ahead of his anticipated re-election this month, Russian President Vladimir Putin in an upbeat speech Thursday unveiled what he characterized as peerless nuclear weaponry, and warned would-be aggressors that Russia is ready to defend itself. “I’m not bluffing,” he declared.
Delivering his state of the union address to lawmakers, Putin said the weapons would render NATO missile defense systems “completely useless.”
The highlights included:
--a nuclear-capable and nuclear-powered cruise missile with an “almost unlimited range, unpredictable trajectory, and ability to bypass” missile defenses.
--a heavy ICBM capable of reaching targets via both the North and South poles, achieving hypersonic speeds and, he said, “untroubled by even the most advanced missile defense systems.”
--unmanned submersible vehicles able to move at speed, intercontinentally, carrying either conventional or nuclear warheads which could be used to engage aircraft, coastal fortifications and infrastructure.
Putin painted the weaponry development as a response to the U.S. decision to withdraw from the Anti-Ballistic Missile (ABM) treaty in 2002, and the development over the years since of missile defense shields on the U.S. mainland, and in Europe and North-East Asia.
“I will say once again what we have repeatedly told our American and European partners who are NATO members: we will make the necessary efforts to neutralize the threats posed by the deployment of the U.S. global missile defense system,” Putin said.
For years Russia had been warning Western countries and making no secret of its own weapons development plans in a bid to encourage the other parties to negotiate, he said in the speech, a copy of which was released by the Kremlin.
‘Nobody really wanted to talk to us about the core of the problem, and nobody wanted to listen to us,” he said. “So listen now.”
‘No one has managed to restrain Russia’
The 1972 U.S.-Soviet ABM treaty prohibited missile defense systems of the type the U.S. has been developing since withdrawing from it. The Pentagon maintains the shields are designed to protect against attack from rogue states like Iran and North Korea, not the Russian or Chinese arsenals.
“They know very well that it’s not about them,” Pentagon spokeswoman Dana White said Thursday, when asked about Putin’s claims on the missile defense systems. “Our missile defense has never been about them.”
On Putin’s announcement of new weaponry in general, White said the Pentagon was “not surprised” at his statements, and added that “the American people should rest assured that we are fully prepared.”
The speech comes a little more than a fortnight before presidential elections which are expected to hand Putin another six year term. He has led Russia, as president or prime minister, since 1999, and victory on March 18 would extend that rule to 2024.
Early on during the lengthy address he countered likely criticism that it was merely a bid for votes.
“The next few years will prove decisive for the country’s future,” he said.
“What I will say now has no connection to the domestic political cycle or even the presidential election,” he said. “No matter who is elected president, each Russian citizen and all of us together must be able to see what is going on in the world, what is happening around us, and what challenges we are facing.”
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Putin used the speech to unveil advanced weapons, which he said Russia has developed in response to to U.S. missile defense systems in Europe and elsewhere. (Photo: The Kremlin)

Putin said he hoped the announcements he was making would cause any potential aggressor to think twice.
He said such “unfriendly steps” as deploying missile defenses and bringing NATO infrastructure closer to Russia’s borders, would be militarily ineffective, and the costs unjustifiable.
Putin said his country’s “growing military strength” is not a threat to anyone, and Russia has no plans to use its weaponry for offensive or aggressive purposes.
On the contrary, that strength serves as a solid guarantee of global peace – preserving the strategic parity and balance of forces that been key elements of international security since World War II.
To those who for the past 15 years have tried to restrain Russia’s development, including its military development, he said, “everything you have tried to prevent through such a policy has already happened. No one has managed to restrain Russia.”
“Now we have to be aware of this reality and be sure that everything I have said today is not a bluff and it is not a bluff, believe me and to give it a thought and dismiss those who live in the past and are unable to look into the future, to stop rocking the boat we are all in, and which is called the Earth.”
In a final swipe at the U.S., Putin referred to the Trump administration’s new nuclear posture review, which Moscow argues reduces the threshold for the use of nuclear weapons.
Among other things, the NPR outlines plans to discourage Russian aggression by deploying smaller, lower-yield nuclear weapons as a deterrent, thereby challenging any perception that U.S. nuclear weapons are “too big to use,” and so not an effective deterrent.
It also states that circumstances under which the U.S. could use nuclear weapons may include “significant non-nuclear strategic attacks” on the U.S. or allied forces or civilian populations.
Putin’s response in Thursday’s speech was to declare that “any use of nuclear weapons against Russia or its allies – weapons of short, medium or any range at all – will be considered as a nuclear attack on this country. Retaliation will be immediate, with all the attendant consequences.”
“There should be no doubt about this whatsoever,” he added, before calling on nations to sit down and negotiate “a new and relevant system of international security and sustainable development for human civilization.”

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PostSubject: The Next "Bomb Cyclone" Is Set To Detonate Off The East Coast   SPRING'S 3-1-2-18 MESSAGE FROM IKE & need to have your rights curtailed…by the government that just failed at every level' &  I_icon_minitimeThu Mar 01, 2018 11:11 pm


The Next "Bomb Cyclone" Is Set To Detonate Off The East Coast

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by Tyler Durden
Thu, 03/01/2018 - 19:20

“A strong area of low pressure will track off the New England coast Friday, leading to a potpourri of sensible weather impacts across the Northeast. A persistent east-northeast flow will lead to coastal flooding along east-facing shores of New England and the Mid-Atlantic, some of which could be moderate to major intensity particularly in New England.
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This storm will strengthen rapidly, so much so that it may reach “bomb” criteria (24mb/24 hours). As this occurs, a variety of precipitation types are expected along with gusty, potentially damaging winds over a large area. Heavy snow is expected across the Catskills, Southern Tier of New York, and higher elevations of central and southern New England. Combined with strong winds, the heavy wet snow may lead to power outages. Meanwhile, heavy flooding rains are expected along the New England and Mid-Atlantic coasts, where some may see 2-5 inches of rain on top of coastal flooding risks,” said Ed Vallee, head meteorologist at Vallee Weather Consulting LLC.
The North East is preparing for its most severe storm since early January’s “bomb cyclone,” with coastal flooding, damaging winds, wet snow, and heavy rains expected, said Vallee Weather Consulting LLC.
Bloomberg‘s forecast of Winter Storm Riley will progress up the East Coast Friday, putting tens of millions of people and some $468 billion of real estate at risk of dangerous weather.
Bloomberg states this Nor’easter, similar to the one in early January, could reach bombogenesis — or achieve “bomb cyclone” status – by dropping 24-millibars of atmospheric pressure in 24-hours.

Quote :
“The latest storm is being strengthened not only by the sharp gradient of warm and cold air but also record warm spots in the Atlantic. The same thing happened in January, when a winter storm underwent a process known as bombogenesis, with its central pressure — a measure of a its power — dropping 21 millibars in six hours.

Patrick Burke, a senior branch forecaster for the U.S. Weather Prediction Center in College Park, Maryland said, “several storms this winter have caused more flooding than usual due to slightly different tracks, sharper differences between cold and warm air masses and because there’s more moisture in the atmosphere.”

Quote :
“This week’s looming system could become a ‘bomb cyclone’ on Friday,” added Burke.

Meteorologist Steven DiMartino, the operator of NY NJ PA Weather, details the timing and severity of the storm with expected impacts for March 01 through March 03 on the East Coat:

Quote :
An area of low pressure developing over the Mid Mississippi River Valley will approach the region today with increasing clouds through this morning and showers developing this afternoon. Winds will be from the east at 5 to 15 mph. Temperatures will rise into the upper 40’s to lower 50’s on the coast and mid to upper 50’s for the rest of the region.
The area of low pressure will track towards Lake Erie tonight as a warm front lifts towards the region. Periods of rain can be expected, heavy at times. Winds will be from the east at 15 to 25 mph. Temperatures will fall through the 50’s and into the 40’s along the coast and 30’s over the interior.
The area of low pressure will redevelop off the New Jersey coast tomorrow morning and rapidly intensify. Intense rainfall is expected tomorrow morning through tomorrow afternoon along the coast. As cold air builds into the region, the rain will mix with and change over to a very wet snow by tomorrow morning over higher elevations and eventually along the coast by tomorrow evening. Winds will back from the northeast to northwest at 20 to 40 mph with gusts over 60 mph at times. Poor visibility, wind damage, power outages, and major coastal flooding can be expected. Temperatures will fall through the 40’s and into the mid to upper 30’s along the coast while over the interior temperatures will fall from the upper 30’s to lower 40’s into the lower to mid 30’s.
The low-pressure system will exit tomorrow night through Saturday morning with lingering rain and snow showers through the early morning hours. Skies will clear from west to east on Saturday afternoon. Winds will be from the northwest at 15 to 30 mph with gusts over 40 mph. Temperatures will range from the lower to mid 30’s for lows and lower to mid 40’s for highs. See expected impacts below.

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Quote :
High pressure will be in place for Sunday on through Tuesday with clear skies to scattered cloud cover. Temperatures on Sunday will range from the lower to mid 30’s for lows and mid to upper 40’s for highs. Temperatures on Monday will range from the mid to upper 20’s for lows and mid to upper 40’s for highs. Temperatures on Tuesday will range from the mid to upper 20’s for lows and mid to upper 40’s for highs.
An area of low pressure will produce periods of rain on Wednesday. Temperatures will range from the upper 30’s to lower 40’s for lows and upper 40’s to lower 50’s for highs.”

The Weather Channel estimates the total snow and rain amounts for the East Coast storm:

  • The heaviest snowfall amounts are expected to be in parts of western and central New York into far northern Pennsylvania, particularly in higher terrain, where a swath of 8 to 12 inches is likely.
  • Higher elevations such as the hills south of Buffalo, the Catskills and Poconos could see well over a foot of snow.
  • Some snowfall totals around 6 inches are also possible in parts of southeast Lower Michigan, including the Detroit metro area.
  • Rainfall totals of 1 to 2 inches are expected along the I-95 corridor.
  • However, as mentioned earlier, a changeover to heavy, wet snow is a possibility mainly in southern New England. Snowfall totals in this area are highly uncertain, ranging from 6 inches or more to little or no snow.
  • As shown earlier in the high wind section, the combination of heavy, wet snow and/or high winds will likely lead to widespread power outages and downed trees, tree limbs in these areas.

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“Forecast wind gusts (knots) from the GFS 00z Friday-Saturday…note the development of winds around 50-knots over DC — which heads into the Atlantic. Meanwhile, New England takes a body blow from the extreme winds around the center of Low Pressure,” said Ryan Maue, Meteorologist and Chief Scientist @weatherdotus.


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Quote :

SPRING'S 3-1-2-18 MESSAGE FROM IKE & need to have your rights curtailed…by the government that just failed at every level' &  EowvkH3T_normalRyan Maue |


[ltr]Forecast wind gusts (knots) from the GFS 00z Friday-Saturday...note the development of winds around 50-knots over DC -- which heads into the Atlantic. Meanwhile, New England takes a body blow from the extreme winds around the center of Low Pressure
Link: …[/ltr]

9:38 PM - Feb 28, 2018

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“Tomorrow is going to be one of the most wild weather days in the Northeast of 2018. Damaging winds, coastal flooding, multiple precipitation type transitions, heavy snow, flooding rain,” exclaimed Ed Vallee, head meteorologist at Vallee Weather Consulting LLC.


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Quote :

SPRING'S 3-1-2-18 MESSAGE FROM IKE & need to have your rights curtailed…by the government that just failed at every level' &  OrVkgrkS_normalEd Vallee | Vallee Wx Consulting


[ltr]Tomorrow is going to be one of the most wild weather days in the Northeast of 2018. Damaging winds, coastal flooding, multiple precipitation type transitions, heavy snow, flooding rain. Am I missing anything? :)[/ltr]

6:33 AM - Mar 1, 2018

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Major flooding concerns in Maine

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Quote :

SPRING'S 3-1-2-18 MESSAGE FROM IKE & need to have your rights curtailed…by the government that just failed at every level' &  4N2KnzeE_normalMike Haggett |


[ltr]With flooding from astro high tides already occurring on Marginal Way in #PortlandME, there are three more tides to be concerned with. Add a 1-2' surge + waves, it comes close to major flood level. #Maine #MEwx[/ltr]

7:42 AM - Mar 1, 2018

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  • See Mike Haggett |'s other Tweets

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“Of much more concern & is much more likely right now is the coastal flood threat from southern New England to the Mid-Atlantic States. Major to historic coastal flooding expected in many areas. This storm needs to be taken extremely seriously!!,” warned another meteorologist.


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Quote :

SPRING'S 3-1-2-18 MESSAGE FROM IKE & need to have your rights curtailed…by the government that just failed at every level' &  G6OxefLG_normalRob Lightbown | Crown Weather Services@crownweather

[ltr]Of much more concern & is much more likely right now is the coastal flood threat from southern New England to the Mid-Atlantic States. Major to historic coastal flooding expected in many areas. This storm needs to be taken extremely seriously!![/ltr]

7:41 AM - Mar 1, 2018 · Springfield, MA

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Even the Chief Meteorologist for Royal Caribbean International said one of its vessels “is planning turnaround Saturday in Baltimore” because of the intensity of the storm.


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Quote :

SPRING'S 3-1-2-18 MESSAGE FROM IKE & need to have your rights curtailed…by the government that just failed at every level' &  Xl0z0bWA_normalJames Van Fleet@JamesVanFleet

[ltr]Latest Advisory on developing #Nor’easter for Friday and this weekend @RoyalCaribbean. #Anthem is the Caribbean and not scheduled to return until next weekend. #Grandeur is planning turnaround Saturday in #Baltimore, but we are ready to adjust if Low tracks more south, etc.[/ltr]

8:16 AM - Mar 1, 2018

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Another meteorologist provides 57 illustrations detailing the major storm — expected to hit the North East by Friday.

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Quote :

SPRING'S 3-1-2-18 MESSAGE FROM IKE & need to have your rights curtailed…by the government that just failed at every level' &  ZZ5eM_oM_normalcrankyweatherguy@crankywxguy

[ltr]OUTLOOK 02.28.18
. …
57 Illustrations - 24.5 Megabytes
It's coming but you already knew that. What's coming? Hey give it a read.
. …
OUTLOOK 02.28.18[/ltr]

7:53 AM - Feb 28, 2018

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PostSubject: HR McMaster Is Being Pushed Out Of The Trump Administration   SPRING'S 3-1-2-18 MESSAGE FROM IKE & need to have your rights curtailed…by the government that just failed at every level' &  I_icon_minitimeThu Mar 01, 2018 11:17 pm


HR McMaster Is Being Pushed Out Of The Trump Administration

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Chief of Staff John Kelly and Defense Secretary James Mattis have orchestrated McMaster's ouster, even going so far as to select a leading candidate for the job...

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  • MAR 1, 2018 5:22 PM

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PostSubject: A Market Crash Flowchart   SPRING'S 3-1-2-18 MESSAGE FROM IKE & need to have your rights curtailed…by the government that just failed at every level' &  I_icon_minitimeThu Mar 01, 2018 11:22 pm

[size=23]A Market Crash Flowchart[/size]

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[size=10]by Tyler Durden
Thu, 03/01/2018 - 21:11

On February 5, a 28-sigma surge in VIX driven by a massive short squeeze in inverse VIX ETFs, catalyzed a 1000 point Dow drop, leading to the worst week for stocks in years.
Today, Trump's unofficial declaration of trade war - or at least the intent thereof - has sparked another 500 point Dow drop, just as the "experts" were giving the all clear .
However, while both events have discrete causal factors, what is behind the recent market instability is neither a Vol problem nor a trade problem, but a "years of pent up ultra low rates" problem, which after years of central bank vol suppression and market manipulation, is finally manifesting itself.
As Deutsche shows in the chart at the bottom, the background of the risk-off shift started in January, with the Trump administration's moves to depreciate the dollar ahead of mid-term elections, together with a shift of the type of interest rate rise from favorable to unfavorable, which in turn triggered the drop in share prices and the dollar. Deutsche describes the rise in rates that triggered risk-off as “unfavorable rise”.
Reflecting the sudden reflationary burst, 10y UST yields rose sharply from 2.32% on 22 November 2017 to 2.92% on 22 February. As a result, DB's US rates research team raised its end-2018 10y UST forecast from 2.95% to 3.25%, and sees further upside potential in the terminal real rate of Fed funds, the inflation risk premium and the term premium. It is also possible that a sudden burst of inflation could hit asset prices, as in the 1960s.
And while higher rates initially catalyzed the move lower in risk assets, stocks have subsequently been more influenced by the VIX. As shown in the chart below, recently the S&P500's P/E (more specifically, its risk premium) was determined by VIX.
[url= vs stocks.jpg?itok=SyPKjazJ]SPRING'S 3-1-2-18 MESSAGE FROM IKE & need to have your rights curtailed…by the government that just failed at every level' &  Vix%20vs%20stocks[/url]
Therefore, during a period when higher interest rates cause higher VIX, stock prices should fall. As DB explains, since 5 February, higher (lower) VIX has led to lower (higher) rates.
[url= db charts.jpg?itok=SepGwbVG]SPRING'S 3-1-2-18 MESSAGE FROM IKE & need to have your rights curtailed…by the government that just failed at every level' &  Vix%20db%20charts[/url]
Putting it all together, Deutsche provides the following flowchart to explain why your net retirement account is suddenly a few percent less.
[url= flow chart.jpg?itok=zU9udiWo]SPRING'S 3-1-2-18 MESSAGE FROM IKE & need to have your rights curtailed…by the government that just failed at every level' &  Crash%20flow%20chart[/url]

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PostSubject: WEIRD: COMMANDING OFFICER AT PARKLAND SHOOTING ORDERED UNITS TO “STAGE” OUTSIDE SCHOOL & NOT TO ENGAGE SHOOTER   SPRING'S 3-1-2-18 MESSAGE FROM IKE & need to have your rights curtailed…by the government that just failed at every level' &  I_icon_minitimeThu Mar 01, 2018 11:25 pm



What a bizarre situation surrounding a horrible tragedy that was apparently made much-much worse by the inaction of those trained to act in such events. The lawyers will be lining up in droves and the lawsuits will be legion over this…
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PostSubject: IF YOU WANT TO KNOW HOW TO STOP SCHOOL SHOOTINGS, ASK THE SECRET SERVICE   SPRING'S 3-1-2-18 MESSAGE FROM IKE & need to have your rights curtailed…by the government that just failed at every level' &  I_icon_minitimeThu Mar 01, 2018 11:28 pm

While President Donald Trump has not shied away from offering suggestions on how to prevent school shootings – including one controversial idea to arm teachers – what often gets overlooked in the conversation is research on the subject that has already been done. This research includes one major study of school shootings conducted in part by the very agency charged with protecting the president of the United States himself - the U.S. Secret Service. Has this research been ignored or just forgotten?
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