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 Joseph Farrell's June 2018 Interviews With Alien Outpost TV - Everything From Soup to Nuts

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Joseph Farrell's June 2018 Interviews With Alien Outpost TV - Everything From Soup to Nuts Empty
PostSubject: Joseph Farrell's June 2018 Interviews With Alien Outpost TV - Everything From Soup to Nuts   Joseph Farrell's June 2018 Interviews With Alien Outpost TV - Everything From Soup to Nuts I_icon_minitimeTue Jun 26, 2018 9:55 am

Can't beat Farrell for a good story, and great speculation. Below is his June 2018 interviews with Alien Outpost TV in two parts. Part one is one hour long, part two is two hours long. It's just Farrell's talking head so no need to actually watch these, just put 'em on in the background. Or just rip 'em to mp3 audio files like I did to listen anywhere.

2018_06_07 Cosmic Wars, Interplanetary Breakaway Elites & Off Planet Origins

Show Notes for Part 01 wrote:
Published on Jun 7, 2018
In this 1st part of a 2 part discussion, I had the honor and privilege to be able to interview Dr. Joseph Farrell in person! Join us in this mind-blowing discussion as we delve deep into the many mysteries of our Ancient past all the way up to modern day!
We began the talk in the far ancient past as we try and unravel the mysterious origins of man. Joseph gave us his thoughts on Zacharia Sitchins work as he states his own ideas as to the origins of humanity and how the human race began. He gave us his thoughts on why the God of the Old Testament in the Bible is a Doom and Gloom kind of God. He also talked about Genesis 1:26, “Come let us make man in our image and after our likeness” and he gave a good explanation to that verse. He explained how Christianity will eventually catch up to terms that its origins are more Egyptian than anything else. He also explained how Mars had a civilization long, long ago and the people there had some type of cataclysmic type event that destroyed all life on the red planet. I entertained the idea that possibly before the cataclysmic event took place, the rich and powerful got a one way ticket to Earth as a type of Ancient Breakaway Civilization that came and seeded life here on this Blue Planet. He mentioned how Mars may have been a moon to another planet that exploded which created the Asteroid Belt. While on the Mars topic we discussed how Cairo, Egypt means “Place or Camp of Mars”. And that could possibly tie in the connections to the Face and Pyramids on Mars with the Pyramids and Sphinx in Egypt.


Ancient Cosmic War
Ancient Origins of Man
Were We Created as a Slave Species?
Intervention of the Gods
Creation Epics
Exploding Planet Myths
Mars Flood and Mythology
Breakaway Civilization
Tribal Legends
Planetary Seeding
Asteroid Mining

2018_06_25 The Cabals Forbidden Knowledge - Nazi Breakaway Group & the Elites Hidden Influence on Humanity

Show Notes for Part 02 wrote:
Published on Jun 25, 2018
We began Part 2 of the discussion continuing to talk about the Breakaway Civilization, Secret Space Program, the Nazis, Antarctica, and the Hidden Finance of the Elite.
Secret Space Program
NAZI Technology
The Nazi Bell
Ancient Vimanas and a possible link with the Nazi Bell
 Hitler being Alive Post WW2
NAZI Money Laundering
Project Paperclip
Thule, Vril, and Black Sun Societies
Roswell UFO being Nazi Germany Technology
Are Nazi’s on the Moon?
Were the Nazi’s able to travel Inter-dimensionally?
Roswell UFO National Security Act of 1947
Alien Technology and Human Accomplishments
Black Knight Satellite
Admiral Byrd Antarctica Expeditions and Operation Highjump
Charles Fort Apollo Missions
Cosmic Versailes
Treaty Rods of God Technology
Asteroid Black Budget Money
Weaponization of Space
JFK Assasination and Admiral Byrd Connection
Top Secret Classified Technology
Bilderberg Group
Elites Depopulation Agendas
Endgame Scenarios
What we can do to fight back!
We discussed his books which gave a perfect blueprint for the bombshell interview we did together. Here is a list of the books we discussed. The Giza Death Star The Cosmic War: Interplanetary Warfare, Modern Physics and Ancient Text Reich of the Black Sun: NAZI Secret Weapons and the Cold War Allied Legend NAZI International: The NAZI’s Postwar Plan to Control Finance, Conflict, Physics and Space The Third Way: The NAZI International, European Union, and Corporate Fascism The SS Brotherhood of The Bell: The NAZIS’ Incredible Secret Technology Genes, Giants, Monsters, and Men: The Surviving Elites of the Cosmic War and Their Hidden Agenda Covert Wars and Breakaway Civilizations: The Secret Space Program, Celestial Psyops and Hidden Conflicts Hess and the Penguins: The Holocaust, Antarctica and the Strange Case of Rudolf Hess Covert Wars and Clash of Civilizations: UFOs, Oligarchs and Space Secrecy

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