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 'They are trying to deceive the US': More officials conclude North Korea is ramping up nuclear bomb production despite peace talks between Kim and Trump

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'They are trying to deceive the US': More officials conclude North Korea is ramping up nuclear bomb production despite peace talks between Kim and Trump Empty
PostSubject: 'They are trying to deceive the US': More officials conclude North Korea is ramping up nuclear bomb production despite peace talks between Kim and Trump   'They are trying to deceive the US': More officials conclude North Korea is ramping up nuclear bomb production despite peace talks between Kim and Trump I_icon_minitimeSat Jun 30, 2018 11:23 am

[size=34]'They are trying to deceive the US': More officials conclude North Korea is ramping up nuclear bomb production despite peace talks between Kim and Trump[/size]

  • Five unidentified US officials told NBC that in recent months North Korea has stepped up production for nuclear weapons

  • The report says that North Korea has more than one secret nuclear site  

  • 'There is absolutely unequivocal evidence that they are trying to deceive the U.S.,' NBC quoted one official as saying

  • This week satellite images showed one nuclear site still in operation

  • This despite Kim Jong-un's promise to 'work toward' denuclearization of Korea 

PUBLISHED: 23:26 EDT, 29 June 2018 UPDATED: 08:23 EDT, 30 June 2018
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'They are trying to deceive the US': More officials conclude North Korea is ramping up nuclear bomb production despite peace talks between Kim and Trump
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