I want to know the thoughts of God. Everything else is just details. A Miracle is when God makes His Reality our Experience
researcher Admin
Posts : 14787 Reputation : 962 Join date : 2011-08-13 Age : 72 Location : San Diego
Subject: Re: I Have A MARS Thread Too Fri Jul 20, 2018 3:20 pm
Get it while you still can. It was just re uploaded yesterday. Hasn't been seen on YT for quite a long while. I know cause I had reason to search for it a few times the past year or so even though I have the video burned onto a DVD years ago.
Show Notes wrote:
Published on Jul 19, 2018 This two hour documentary investigates an amazing cluster of intelligently designed structures found on Mars. Some seem very ancient and others seem to be rather modern, but all of them are amazing. Volume one is complete with the original Global Surveyor Satellite Photos, ink lifts, artist renditions and computer animations that give you a clear picture and fly-over’s of this 82 acre colony on Mars. These structures are not just some rocks or hills that light and shadow have magically made to look like buildings. These are clearly visible structures, meeting all criteria for intelligent design. See for yourself, and you will understand why this film will change everything we thought we knew about our own ancient past - for the ancient structures on Earth have now been discovered on Mars. The Brookings Report warned the Government not to tell anyone if they found ancient or modern structures on the moon or Mars. They claimed that the general public could not handle such facts, and that it might endanger world civilization. We believe they were correct, for when proofs such as found in Project Redstar are presented, the government and general public mocks and ridicules the evidence. THIS IS DENIAL and what is known as “normalcy bias”. Don’t disturb the “status quo” and especially don’t disturb modern science and all of their lies and distortions of our “evolutionary past”! How did they get there? Who put them there? And for what purpose? Don’t miss this one!