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 Khazarian Mafia Seeks Chinese Protection As Military Tribunals Loom - By Benjamin Fulford

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PostSubject: Khazarian Mafia Seeks Chinese Protection As Military Tribunals Loom - By Benjamin Fulford   Khazarian Mafia Seeks Chinese Protection As Military Tribunals Loom - By Benjamin Fulford I_icon_minitimeSat Sep 29, 2018 9:12 pm

Whatever you might think of Benjamin Fulford, one has to admit that he’s a mighty interesting read. The latest report is up from 24 Sept. See below. Grab an adult beverage and settle in for some fun. Small snippet below to start the old juices flowing.

Benjamin Fulford wrote:

The satan-worshipping Khazarian mafia is in a frenzy of fear as military tribunals loom. As a result, they are offering the world (as if it were theirs to give) to China in exchange for protection, according to Gnostic Illuminati and Asian secret society sources. In addition to this, they are threatening to unleash pandemics, blow up the Yellowstone Caldera, set off a massive EMP attack, and cause other mayhem in a futile effort (as these attempts will be neutralized) to blackmail themselves out of the reach of long-delayed justice. Also, they are carrying out a foolish and widely derided smear campaign to derail the appointment of Brett Kavanaugh to the Supreme Court.
Pentagon sources say they used “the threat of 9/11 declassification, which may soon happen, to force George Bush Jr. to publicly back Kavanaugh, whose confirmation would unleash military tribunals.” Remember, Kavanaugh said during his confirmation hearings that the U.S. has been under martial law since shortly after 9/11 and as a result, military tribunals could try, and even sentence to death, civilians guilty of treason.

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Posts : 14644
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Join date : 2011-08-13
Age : 72
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PostSubject: Re: Khazarian Mafia Seeks Chinese Protection As Military Tribunals Loom - By Benjamin Fulford   Khazarian Mafia Seeks Chinese Protection As Military Tribunals Loom - By Benjamin Fulford I_icon_minitimeSat Sep 29, 2018 9:59 pm

I was catching up on some earlier Fulford stuff after reading his latest from the 24th and a few things from his 10 Sept. article caught my eye. I really DON’T keep up with the Fulford stuff but when I run across it from time to time it’s always interesting to “speculate” on. The “daddy Bush is probably dead” thing really caught my eye in this one.

Benjamin Fulford wrote:

The center of action remains the U.S., where the military government backing President Donald Trump has intensified its takedown of the cabal. Pentagon sources are saying the next phase in the attack will involve…
…high-level Republicans like former Vice President Dick Cheney and former President George Bush Jr., who both “will be taken down first for 9/11 treason so that the Democrats can’t complain when Barack Obama and Hillary Clinton are targeted.”
It is worth noting that George H.W. Bush (Sr.) is most likely dead since he did not show up at the John McCain funeral. Also, Bush’s doctor was shot this summer and a while later the man who shot the doctor was likely “suicided,” indicating a possible cover-up of Bush’s death.
In any case, the scenario for the long-awaited arrest of these top cabalists is steadily unfolding. The execution of Senator John “ISIS” McCain allowed him to be replaced with pro-Trump Senator Jon Kyl, the sources note. This will make it easier to confirm Brett Kavanaugh as a Supreme Court Judge, they point out.

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