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 I used to be a fan of rick wiles until he had a catholic priest on

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I used to be a fan of rick wiles until he had a catholic priest on Empty
PostSubject: I used to be a fan of rick wiles until he had a catholic priest on   I used to be a fan of rick wiles until he had a catholic priest on I_icon_minitimeWed Jan 09, 2019 11:37 am

his show and allowed him to promote catholicism without calling him out and confronting him on what he said until folks like me (i was one) wrote and called him and rebuked him for that.....i stopped supporting his ministry financially because of it and so did a bunch more....i hated to do it because he stands for the right things and is not afraid to speak the truths...from a doctrinal perspective, i do disagree with him of a few things, but i do not let differences in doctrine,as long as it is not heresy, affect my view of the person....i hated to do it, but he left me no choice.....catholicism is the same as rabbinical judsism,evil and a tool of satan....rick is fearless, but he missed the boat on that one....anyway, this is a good video from him.....since my eyes are messing up again, i am just listening to videos and cds rather than looking at the screen....actually getting a few things done around here,lol

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Super Elite

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I used to be a fan of rick wiles until he had a catholic priest on Empty
PostSubject: Re: I used to be a fan of rick wiles until he had a catholic priest on   I used to be a fan of rick wiles until he had a catholic priest on I_icon_minitimeWed Jan 09, 2019 11:40 am

another damn good one....ya'll forgive me for not typing much, my eyes and head are killing me from looking at the screen....i'm here, but only for a couple of minutes at a time

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I used to be a fan of rick wiles until he had a catholic priest on
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