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 More Than 450,000 People Impacted by PG&E New Power Blackout in California

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PostSubject: More Than 450,000 People Impacted by PG&E New Power Blackout in California   More Than 450,000 People Impacted by PG&E New Power Blackout in California I_icon_minitimeWed Nov 20, 2019 10:36 pm

More Than 450,000 People Impacted by PG&E New Power Blackout in California

 Strange Sounds


Nov 20, 2019It’s late November right now and PG&E has cut the power again to more than 150,000 customers (450,000 people) in North California.

This cannot be the new normal. California demands better.

More Than 450,000 People Impacted by PG&E New Power Blackout in California PGE-shutoff-november-20-2019PGE new power shutoffs on November 20 2019 will hit 450,000 customers. Picture Josh Edelson/Getty
About 450,000 people will be without power starting at 7 a.m. Wednesday as dry weather and strong winds roll through Northern California, increasing the risk of fires.
This is just half of the original estimates from Pacific Gas & Electric.
The new massive power cut will affect 18 counties in Northern California.
The shutoffs will begin with Lake, Mendocino, Napa, Solano and portions of Sonoma and Yolo counties.
Shutoffs in North valleys, including Shasta and portions of Tehama counties will start at 8 a.m., while the northern Sierra foothills, including Butte and Plumas counties, may experience shutoffs starting around 4 p.m.
Customers are expected to have electricity by the end of Thursday.
According to CalFire, there are no ongoing fires right now. All have been to 100% contained. During the 2019 fire season, 198,392 acres burned down in 6,190 fires, killing 3 people and damaging or destroying 732 structures.
Well friends in California, I hope your are ready to face this new power shutoff. And I hope the fire season will not continue too long. Stay cool! [Pacific Gas & Electric, KTLA, LA Times]

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