Subject: HOW MUCH CONSUMED IS TOXIC?? Wed Nov 27, 2019 2:31 pm
November 27, 2019 - S.D. Wells Is canola oil consumption the driving force behind doctors prescribing blood thinners?
(Natural News) Over five million American "patients" are taking blood thinners every day, and most of them will keep taking them, under doctor's advisement, until the day they die. So why are so many people at risk of blood clots now, as opposed to previous generations? Medical doctors all claim it's a disease that's genetic, that can't be … [Read More...] 1,390 VIEWS November 27, 2019 - Edsel Cook ALERT: Neonic pesticides in tap water react with chlorine to create hazardous chemicals that are 300 times more toxic
(Natural News) Researchers warn that conventional methods for treating water can trigger chemical reactions in neonicotinoid contaminants. The resulting metabolites are proven to be far more toxic than the original “neonic” pesticides. Their newest experiment followed up on their discovery of neonicotinoids in tap water sources. The … [Read More...]