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 reality w/ grain of salt? 70 MILLION UNDER QUARANTINE IN CHINA 40 MILLION INFECTED 16 MILLON dead??

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reality w/ grain of salt? 70 MILLION UNDER QUARANTINE IN CHINA  40 MILLION INFECTED  16 MILLON dead?? Empty
PostSubject: reality w/ grain of salt? 70 MILLION UNDER QUARANTINE IN CHINA 40 MILLION INFECTED 16 MILLON dead??   reality w/ grain of salt? 70 MILLION UNDER QUARANTINE IN CHINA  40 MILLION INFECTED  16 MILLON dead?? I_icon_minitimeFri Jan 24, 2020 8:21 am





16 MILLON dead

Numbers doubling daily because WUHAN travelers spread the virus big time because of Chinese holiday, prior to lockdown and quarantine






Jan 24, 2020
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reality w/ grain of salt? 70 MILLION UNDER QUARANTINE IN CHINA  40 MILLION INFECTED  16 MILLON dead?? Empty
PostSubject: Beijing Calls In Military As Virus Overwhelms Wuhan Hospitals   reality w/ grain of salt? 70 MILLION UNDER QUARANTINE IN CHINA  40 MILLION INFECTED  16 MILLON dead?? I_icon_minitimeFri Jan 24, 2020 8:30 am   

Beijing Calls In Military As Virus Overwhelms Wuhan Hospitals

reality w/ grain of salt? 70 MILLION UNDER QUARANTINE IN CHINA  40 MILLION INFECTED  16 MILLON dead?? Picture-5

[size=10]by Tyler Durden
Fri, 01/24/2020 - 08:29

Summary: Here's a glimpse of new virus-related developments that occurred overnight.

  • Total number of confirmed cases now 900+, 26 dead.
  • China restricts travel for 40+ million people as the death toll surges.
  • Two deaths have been reported outside Wuhan.
  • Some residents displaying symptoms are being turned away from hospitals.
  • Hospitals in Wuhan make urgent pleas for help and supplies.
  • Beijing orders PLA medics to assist in Wuhan treating patients
  • UK and US governments tell citizens to avoid outbreak zones.

* * *
Update (0820ET): Over the past few hours, health officials in Nepal have announced that a student who has returned from Wuhan has been found to carry the virus. Meanwhile, officials in India are reporting three suspected cases.

As the response to the virus overwhelms hospitals in Wuhan, the central military command of the PLA, China's army, has ordered medical personnel based in the city of Wuhan to travel to the city's hospitals and aid doctors and nurses struggling to keep up with the influx of cases.
reality w/ grain of salt? 70 MILLION UNDER QUARANTINE IN CHINA  40 MILLION INFECTED  16 MILLON dead?? 2020.01.24wuhan
The order comes as experts estimate that some 4,000 individuals may have already been infected across the country.
According to the SCMP, 40 medical officers from the city’s military hospital have already started working in the intensive care unit of Wuhan Pulmonary Hospital. The 40 officers are reported to be an advance party and the General Hospital of the People’s Liberation Army in Beijing will send more in the coming days.
Staff at the PLA hospital swore an oath earlier this week promising to do everything they can to combat the virus.
A medical practitioner who worked at the PLA General Hospital said that the hospital would send staff from its infectious disease centre to help run the new hospital and quarantine centre in Wuhan once it was ready.
Staff there held an oath-taking ceremony on Wednesday pledging they would do their utmost to win the battle against the new coronavirus.

Quote :
"We all swore that we will follow the order, make sacrifices if necessary and do our jobs as required and would not be afraid to suffer or even to die," he said. "[We were told that] we triumphed over Sars and we will win again this time."

As we noted below, Wuhan is scrambling to build a makeshift hospital from scratch on the outskirts of the city as a quarantine and treatment center for coronavirus patients. Beijing's ability to quickly expand capacity to treat infected individuals was said to be instrumental in the fight against SARS 17 years ago.
* * *
Asian markets closed on Friday for the Lunar New Year holiday, which officially begins on Saturday. But in China, the Communist Party leadership are scrambling to contain the virus as 13 cities in Hubei Province are now under quarantine, meaning more than 40 million Chinese will be forced to spend the holiday week at home, the South China Morning Post reports.
[url= Shot 2020-01-24 at 6.03.33]reality w/ grain of salt? 70 MILLION UNDER QUARANTINE IN CHINA  40 MILLION INFECTED  16 MILLON dead?? Screen%20Shot%202020-01-24%20at%206.03.33%20AM[/url]
Health authorities reported 66 more suspected cases overnightas a result of broader criteria for people showing symptoms, bringing the total number of suspected cases to 236 as of Friday morning in Hong Kong. Among those cases, more than 100 are now in isolation. Across China, Hong Kong and Macau, authorities have closed schools and suspended the start of the new semester. Even Disneyland Shanghai has announced plans to close for the holiday.

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reality w/ grain of salt? 70 MILLION UNDER QUARANTINE IN CHINA  40 MILLION INFECTED  16 MILLON dead?? JCxIECDA_normal

Xinqi Su 蘇昕琪@XinqiSu

[ltr]Shanghai Disney Resort closes from Saturday till further notice.[/ltr]

reality w/ grain of salt? 70 MILLION UNDER QUARANTINE IN CHINA  40 MILLION INFECTED  16 MILLON dead?? EPBoVZkUYAARRY2?format=png&name=small

10:12 PM - Jan 23, 2020

As authorities in Beijing try to convince the world that they have the outbreak under control, researchers in the US and UK have warned that the total number of cases might be closer to 4,000, according to the New York Times.
South Korea and Japan have each confirmed their second cases, while the US worries that a second case may have been discovered in Texas. Reports that an individual is under quarantine in Sydney have also emerged, while fears about a virus case in New Jersey have already been debunked.
[url= Shot 2020-01-24 at 6.01.30]reality w/ grain of salt? 70 MILLION UNDER QUARANTINE IN CHINA  40 MILLION INFECTED  16 MILLON dead?? Screen%20Shot%202020-01-24%20at%206.01.30%20AM[/url]
Though it's slightly out of date, this map is the most up-to-date accounting of the geographic dispersion of the virus.
[url= Shot 2020-01-24 at 6.04.50]reality w/ grain of salt? 70 MILLION UNDER QUARANTINE IN CHINA  40 MILLION INFECTED  16 MILLON dead?? Screen%20Shot%202020-01-24%20at%206.04.50%20AM[/url]
S&P Global Ratings has issued a statement claiming that, if the situation worsens, the outbreak could knock 1.2 percentage points off China's GDP. Yet, as the number of cases explodes despite the travel ban, the World Health Organization is insistent that the situation hasn't risen to the level of a global pandemic - at least not yet.
[url= Shot 2020-01-24 at 5.42.24]reality w/ grain of salt? 70 MILLION UNDER QUARANTINE IN CHINA  40 MILLION INFECTED  16 MILLON dead?? Screen%20Shot%202020-01-24%20at%205.42.24%20AM[/url]
Back in Wuhan, the center of the outbreak, conditions are deteriorating rapidly. Video purportedly showing the hospital at the center of the outbreak paints a picture of widespread misery as health care workers collapse on their feet, infection rates explode even among those responsible for treating patients. Local media has also reported that there aren't enough testing kits and medical workers available to diagnose new cases.
There have even been reports of patients showing concerning symptoms being turned away from hospitals. Nice to see that their good ol' socialized health care system is clearly so well-prepared for such an outbreak. Desperate for money and supplies, hospitals in Wuhan have resorted to begging the government and the public for help.
[url= Shot 2020-01-24 at 5.58.06]reality w/ grain of salt? 70 MILLION UNDER QUARANTINE IN CHINA  40 MILLION INFECTED  16 MILLON dead?? Screen%20Shot%202020-01-24%20at%205.58.06%20AM[/url]
In the meantime, reports claim that China's censors are removing all frightening videos from domestic social media outlets. There have been reports of people in Shanghai and in Wuhan being herded into makeshift quarantine camps erected near hospitals around the country. In some places, authorities are scrambling to build whole new hospital wings as fast as they can. Chinese officials are scrambling to build a whole new hospital in just five days.

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reality w/ grain of salt? 70 MILLION UNDER QUARANTINE IN CHINA  40 MILLION INFECTED  16 MILLON dead?? O2IGXWqj_normal

Sky News


[ltr]China is building a new 1,000-bed hospital in five days to treat victims of the new deadly coronavirus.

Get the latest on the #coronavirus here reality w/ grain of salt? 70 MILLION UNDER QUARANTINE IN CHINA  40 MILLION INFECTED  16 MILLON dead?? 1f449 [/ltr]

reality w/ grain of salt? 70 MILLION UNDER QUARANTINE IN CHINA  40 MILLION INFECTED  16 MILLON dead?? EPCkWUVX4AATPtI?format=jpg&name=small

2:38 AM - Jan 24, 2020

Just as we expected, a shortage of facemasks that inspired hoarding and price gouging in Hong Kong has now spread across Asia, according to the Japan Times.
While they've disappeared from the Chinese Internet, videos showing sick or collapsing patients and health-care workers are flooding US social media.

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reality w/ grain of salt? 70 MILLION UNDER QUARANTINE IN CHINA  40 MILLION INFECTED  16 MILLON dead?? VLTiH3uR_normal

BNO News


[ltr]WATCH: Video shows the situation at a hospital at the epicenter of the coronavirus outbreak; it has now been removed from China's social media platform[/ltr]

reality w/ grain of salt? 70 MILLION UNDER QUARANTINE IN CHINA  40 MILLION INFECTED  16 MILLON dead?? GNJnJibZpUAC7HSE?format=jpg&name=small

2:04 AM - Jan 24, 2020

Quote :
reality w/ grain of salt? 70 MILLION UNDER QUARANTINE IN CHINA  40 MILLION INFECTED  16 MILLON dead?? MXPL6ReX_normal

Quoth the Raven@QTRResearch

[ltr]Brutal …[/ltr]

joyce chan ling@JoceeeeCL

footage of a Wuhan doctor having a mental breakdown#wars #WuhanCoronavirus #wuhanvirus #Wuhan

reality w/ grain of salt? 70 MILLION UNDER QUARANTINE IN CHINA  40 MILLION INFECTED  16 MILLON dead?? 1a3JqaAXXbZX9yxU?format=jpg&name=small

6:44 PM - Jan 23, 2020

Quote :
reality w/ grain of salt? 70 MILLION UNDER QUARANTINE IN CHINA  40 MILLION INFECTED  16 MILLON dead?? MXPL6ReX_normal

Quoth the Raven@QTRResearch

[ltr]Not fucking good …[/ltr]

Alejo Schapirereality w/ grain of salt? 70 MILLION UNDER QUARANTINE IN CHINA  40 MILLION INFECTED  16 MILLON dead?? 1f955

Replying to @aschapire

reality w/ grain of salt? 70 MILLION UNDER QUARANTINE IN CHINA  40 MILLION INFECTED  16 MILLON dead?? 0J5V0HUrt3mOpIvw?format=jpg&name=small

5:33 PM - Jan 23, 2020

But this year, an anxiety-laden quiet is expected instead. Meanwhile, several US media outlets reported that ordinary Chinese are growing increasingly frustrated with their government.

Quote :
"We won’t have a new year celebration tonight. There’s no feeling for it, and no food," a Wuhan resident named Wu Qiang, told the NYT.

Qiang added that his family is so on edge, that a simple sneeze from his son set off alarm bells at home.

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"I think he’s O.K., but now even an ordinary sneeze makes you worry," Mr. Wu said. "You start to think every cough or sneeze might be the virus."

Another woman put it more bluntly.

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"Today should be the Chinese people’s happiest day," she said, "but this sickness has destroyed that feeling."

Whatever impact the virus had on markets seemed to reverse after the WHO decided not to label the virus a global pandemic. But as the videos and images flooding out of China look increasingly concerning, one analyst warned that the massive response to suppress the virus could be a double-edged sword.
After the State Department issued, then retracted, a travel warning yesterday, the American Embassy in Beijing advised travelers from the US to avoid Hubei Province and the surrounding area. The notice was classified as a Level 4 advisory, the most serious travel warning issued by the US government: Other Level 4 warnings issued by the State Department cover travel to Syria, North Korea, Afghanistan, Iraq, Venezuela and Yemen, among other places.
In the US, infections have popped up in Washington State and in Texas, where a student at Texas A&M is believed to have been infected.
"Drastic steps, such as city-wide quarantine measures, can be a double-edged sword when it comes to market impact," ING senior rates strategist Antoine Bouvet wrote in morning note. "On the one hand they signal the authorities are taking the problem seriously and help containment, on the other hand, they help paint a dramatic picture to investors unfamiliar with dealing with this sort of risk."
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reality w/ grain of salt? 70 MILLION UNDER QUARANTINE IN CHINA  40 MILLION INFECTED  16 MILLON dead?? Empty
PostSubject: Re: reality w/ grain of salt? 70 MILLION UNDER QUARANTINE IN CHINA 40 MILLION INFECTED 16 MILLON dead??   reality w/ grain of salt? 70 MILLION UNDER QUARANTINE IN CHINA  40 MILLION INFECTED  16 MILLON dead?? I_icon_minitimeFri Jan 24, 2020 11:18 am

Psalm 91  1-7

He that dwelleth in the secret place of the most High
shall abide under the shadow of the Almighty.

I will say of the Lord, He is my refuge and my fortress:
my God; in him will I trust.

Surely he shall deliver thee from the snare of the fowler,
and from the noisome pestilence.

He shall cover thee with his feathers,
and under his wings shalt thou trust:
his truth shall be thy shield and buckler.

Thou shalt not be afraid for the terror by night;
nor for the arrow that flieth by day;

nor for the pestilence that walketh in darkness;
nor for the destruction that wasteth at noonday.

A thousand shall fall at thy side,
and ten thousand at thy right hand;
but it shall not come nigh thee.

            I want to know the thoughts of God. Everything else is just details.
            A Miracle is when God makes His Reality our Experience              
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reality w/ grain of salt? 70 MILLION UNDER QUARANTINE IN CHINA  40 MILLION INFECTED  16 MILLON dead?? Empty
PostSubject: Re: reality w/ grain of salt? 70 MILLION UNDER QUARANTINE IN CHINA 40 MILLION INFECTED 16 MILLON dead??   reality w/ grain of salt? 70 MILLION UNDER QUARANTINE IN CHINA  40 MILLION INFECTED  16 MILLON dead?? I_icon_minitimeFri Jan 24, 2020 11:38 am

[size=30]Coronavirus or “crown” virus has people dropping dead in the streets, infected detained in quarantine boxes at travel hubs

Outbreak far worse than officials are leading general public to believe

By Shepard Ambellas -
January 23, 2020


  • 8 cities, 23 million people now under quarantine in China
  • People filmed dropping dead in public
  • Outbreak worse than authorities are claiming
  • U.S. under threat

(INTELLIHUB) — Officials in China have become inundated with people who have fallen ill with the Coronavirus and the outbreak may be far worse than what is being reported by the media.
People continue to fall dead in the streets and elsewhere after contracting the fast-spreading adapting and mutating superbug.
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reality w/ grain of salt? 70 MILLION UNDER QUARANTINE IN CHINA  40 MILLION INFECTED  16 MILLON dead?? Empty
PostSubject: Re: reality w/ grain of salt? 70 MILLION UNDER QUARANTINE IN CHINA 40 MILLION INFECTED 16 MILLON dead??   reality w/ grain of salt? 70 MILLION UNDER QUARANTINE IN CHINA  40 MILLION INFECTED  16 MILLON dead?? I_icon_minitimeFri Jan 24, 2020 11:39 am

[size=30]Chinese being fumigated like roaches! This is not the normal flu!

Something bigger than the media is telling us all is happening in China right now and it's spreading across the world rapidly

By Staff Writer -
January 23, 2020


(INTELLIHUB) — Ominus video footage captured in China reveals how the Chinese are either being fumigated or exterminated by their very own government as a result of a “flu.”
You decide what is taking place in the video.

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reality w/ grain of salt? 70 MILLION UNDER QUARANTINE IN CHINA  40 MILLION INFECTED  16 MILLON dead?? Wpf6lfDz_normal

Marina Finnagan@FinnaganMarina

[ltr]11 million people in Wuhan China quarantined & fumigated like roaches!

Hun, what’s that smell?

No worries dear, it’s just a copious amount of Raid! [img(16.05px,17px)][/img][/ltr]

reality w/ grain of salt? 70 MILLION UNDER QUARANTINE IN CHINA  40 MILLION INFECTED  16 MILLON dead?? Qs4RCUNqUBJ_rD3C?format=jpg&name=small

3:39 PM - Jan 23, 2020
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reality w/ grain of salt? 70 MILLION UNDER QUARANTINE IN CHINA  40 MILLION INFECTED  16 MILLON dead?? Empty
PostSubject: Coronavirus blamed on bat soup as pics emerge of people eating the Chinese delicacy   reality w/ grain of salt? 70 MILLION UNDER QUARANTINE IN CHINA  40 MILLION INFECTED  16 MILLON dead?? I_icon_minitimeFri Jan 24, 2020 5:42 pm

[size=53]Coronavirus blamed on bat soup as pics emerge of people eating the Chinese delicacy[/size]
Bats could "host" the coronavirus, according to experts, and pictures have emerged of locals in Wuhan tucking into bat soup

reality w/ grain of salt? 70 MILLION UNDER QUARANTINE IN CHINA  40 MILLION INFECTED  16 MILLON dead?? 83783287_186457289407248_6431469386933993472_n
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reality w/ grain of salt? 70 MILLION UNDER QUARANTINE IN CHINA  40 MILLION INFECTED  16 MILLON dead?? Empty
PostSubject: China Confirms Wuhan Virus Infections in over 90% of Provinces   reality w/ grain of salt? 70 MILLION UNDER QUARANTINE IN CHINA  40 MILLION INFECTED  16 MILLON dead?? I_icon_minitimeFri Jan 24, 2020 5:43 pm
China Confirms Wuhan Virus Infections in over 90% of Provinces
[url= Confirms Wuhan Virus Infections in over 90% of Provinces][/url]reality w/ grain of salt? 70 MILLION UNDER QUARANTINE IN CHINA  40 MILLION INFECTED  16 MILLON dead?? GettyImages-1195417917-640x480Kevin Frayer/Getty Images
24 Jan 2020724

Chinese state media confirmed on Friday that the coronavirus, spreading from the city of Wuhan, has now infected 29 of China’s 31 provinces, a concession critics will likely take as confirmation that the Chinese government has not been honest about how rapidly the disease is spreading.
Increasingly draconian measures taken abruptly to combat the virus, such as effectively quarantining Wuhan and several other cities, convey the impression of a crisis that is much more serious than Beijing wanted to admit.
Chinese Communist Party (CCP) media claim there have only been 895 confirmed cases of infection and 26 deaths, but these sources now admit the infection has spread across the mainland, and some of the reported deaths have occurred far beyond the Wuhan epicenter of the epidemic.
Furthermore, the South China Morning Post (SCMP) on Friday quoted sources who said the Chinese government is still dramatically under-reporting the number of doctors and nurses who have contracted the virus while treating patients.
As of Friday, Beijing officially stopped treating the Wuhan virus like a minor problem it had well in hand, as the SCMP reported:

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In response to the rapidly growing number of infections, China had shut down outbound transport from 13 cities and counties in Hubei by Friday morning, according to China National Radio.
Health officials have warned on nationwide broadcasts that people should avoid traditional family reunions and other public gatherings during the Lunar New Year period that starts on Saturday.
Confirmed cases of the new coronavirus have been found in several Asian countries, as well as the United States. New infections were confirmed on Friday in South Korea and Japan, while Singapore and Vietnam declared their first cases on Thursday. Other places outside mainland China reporting individuals carrying the virus were Thailand, Taiwan, Hong Kong and Macau.

Chinese citizens living in the outbreak area describe a health care system completely overwhelmed by coronavirus cases, with hospitals so overcrowded that patients are sent home and told to wait days for treatment.
“There’s not enough staff at the local Center for Disease Control and Prevention. They can’t test all the patients. Some people have begun to panic and want to do the tests immediately, but that’s impossible,” a doctor in Wuhan said, advising patients with mild symptoms to isolate themselves and self-medicate to relieve the burden on treatment centers and minimize the risk of spreading infections by visiting crowded hospitals.
Many Chinese are simply bypassing their government and using social media, especially the Twitter-like Weibo service, to create support groups and exchange information about the outbreak. This, of course, creates the usual danger of social media spreading inaccurate information or inducing panic.
Wuhan and seven nearby cities have been placed under lockdown, creating a scramble at railroad stations and airports to escape before the quarantine went into effect, mixed with complaints that travel from the outbreak area should have been restricted much earlier to keep the virus from spreading. Residents of the quarantine region were reportedly given less than eight hours notice that travel would be suspended, with only two days to go before the normally busy Lunar New Year holiday begins.
Roads into Wuhan have been blocked by the authorities and medical personnel deployed to railroad stations, airports, and toll booths to screen travelers. NPR quoted Wuhan officials describing the situation as a “state of war” as they vowed to “implement wartime measures to resolutely curb the spread of this epidemic.”
“Homes must be segregated, neighbors must be watched,” a committee of local officials said ominously.
The New York Post described soldiers in face masks barricading the entrances to train stations, while doctors in hazmat suits worked on the streets of Wuhan. A Chinese student in Wuhan told the BBC that supermarkets in the city have already been cleaned out and his family only has ten days of food and water stockpiled, while many others caught in the quarantine zone probably have less. 
“This year we have a very scary Chinese New Year. People are not going outside because of the virus,” a taxi driver in Wuhan remarked to reporters.
According to Channel News Asia on Friday, the quarantine quickly grew to include “13 cities and a staggering 41 million people,” a population larger than that of Canada. Tourist attractions such as the Forbidden City in Beijing, Disneyland Shanghai, and parts of the Great Wall of China have been shut down and celebrations of Lunar New Year canceled.
Some highly disturbing videos have been circulating on social media, showing everything from people collapsing in the streets of Wuhan to doctors and nurses breaking down under the stress of battling the disease. As is often the case with viral videos, the authenticity of many of these clips cannot be determined and some of the more alarming imagery could be misinterpreted – for example, people collapsing from illness are not necessarily “dropping dead.”
Disturbing speculation also surrounds a major biological laboratory located only 20 miles from the wet market where the Wuhan virus is believed to have begun infecting humans. The darkest theories speculate about a biological weapon escaping from the laboratory or being deliberately inflicted upon the populace, perhaps to create a market for selling cures to the disease. Less conspiratorial chatter about the laboratory asks why its personnel did not do more to contain the outbreak of the virus in Wuhan.
Some international observers and medical experts believe the Wuhan virus is not a deadly epidemic and is not remotely as serious as the SARS outbreak in 2003, which became a major global crisis. The World Health Organization (WHO) on Thursday decided not to declare an international health emergency, although it vowed to monitor the situation carefully.
“Make no mistake. This is an emergency in China, but it has not yet become a global health emergency. It may yet become one,” said WHO Director-General Tedros Adhanom Ghebreyesus.
Former FDA Commissioner Scott Gottlieb said in a CNBC interview on Friday that the Wuhan virus appears to be more contagious than SARS but less severe, especially when treated by better hospitals than the overwhelmed and under-equipped Chinese facilities in the outbreak area.
Gottlieb noted that while cases of Wuhan virus have appeared in other countries, including the United States, the infection does not appear to be spreading anywhere but China. Thus far, the cases intercepted in other countries have all been travelers who contracted the disease while visiting the Wuhan area.
CNBC quoted other experts who said the apparently rapid spread of the virus might actually be due to better testing methods detecting infected persons more quickly than with SARS, creating the appearance of a disease spreading more rapidly when it is actually being detected and treated more swiftly. Also, while severe illnesses and deaths from a viral outbreak are always alarming, the Wuhan virus appears to have a lower mortality rate than the “regular flu” and its associated secondary infections, assuming the Chinese government has not radically understated the number of infections and fatalities.
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PostSubject: Re: reality w/ grain of salt? 70 MILLION UNDER QUARANTINE IN CHINA 40 MILLION INFECTED 16 MILLON dead??   reality w/ grain of salt? 70 MILLION UNDER QUARANTINE IN CHINA  40 MILLION INFECTED  16 MILLON dead?? I_icon_minitime

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