The Materialist Rapture And New-Time Transhumanist Religion
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Subject: The Materialist Rapture And New-Time Transhumanist Religion Mon Jul 01, 2013 11:35 am
The Materialist Rapture And New-Time Transhumanist Religion Proselytizers for “transhumanism” claim that through the wonders of technology, you or your children will live forever. Not only that, but within decades you will be able to transform your body and consciousness into an infinite variety of designs and purposes—self-directed evolution leading to the development of “post human species” possessing comic book character-like super abilities. Indeed, one day we will be god-like: “In the distant future,” Princeton biologist Lee Silver sighed in his book Remaking Eden, we will become immortal “mental beings” as “different from humans as humans are from the primitive worms with tiny brains that first crawled along the earth’s surface.” Transhumanism is becoming the world’s newest religion, offering adherents the kind of hope once within the exclusive province of faith—and without the humbling concept of an omnipotent God to whom one owes prayer...
The Materialist Rapture And New-Time Transhumanist Religion