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 Exo Vaticana

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PostSubject: Exo Vaticana   Exo Vaticana I_icon_minitimeMon Feb 18, 2013 12:25 pm

iron and clay... meteors... Nebuchadnezzer's Dream... hmmm

Exo Vaticana Alien-Angel


1 Mount Graham and the L. Project
2 What They See
3 'They' on Mt. Graham?
4 The First Hybrids
5 Days of Noah Redux
6 Are 'They' involved with 'Them?'
7 Close Encounters
8 Beastly Encounters
9 Fairies, Changelings...
10 Portals, Occultism...
11 Christians, UFOs...
12 More Christians, UFOs...
13 Jumping Forward

Last edited by hiscity on Mon Feb 18, 2013 1:07 pm; edited 3 times in total
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PostSubject: Re: Exo Vaticana   Exo Vaticana I_icon_minitimeMon Feb 18, 2013 12:50 pm

Exo Vaticana Panspe10
Very Happy
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Exo Vaticana Empty
PostSubject: Re: Exo Vaticana   Exo Vaticana I_icon_minitimeTue Feb 19, 2013 6:31 pm

Tom Horn on TRUNEWS with Rick Wiles

Tuesday February 19, 2013

snug inside goooogle
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PostSubject: Re: Exo Vaticana   Exo Vaticana I_icon_minitimeTue Feb 19, 2013 7:50 pm

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PostSubject: Re: Exo Vaticana   Exo Vaticana I_icon_minitimeSun Feb 24, 2013 10:26 pm

Episode 918: Omega Man
Exo-Vaticana - Tom Horn and Cris Putnam - Petrus Romanus - The Last Pope
2-23-2013 07:00 pm
Episode 918
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PostSubject: Re: Exo Vaticana   Exo Vaticana I_icon_minitimeMon Feb 25, 2013 9:44 am


I love listening to Tom and Chris even though I can't stand the introductions to omega man radio >_<

Curiosity is the inheritance of mankind. Frequently we want to know something only because it needs to be kept secret.

Just as luck appears in three so does misfortune. Because you don't want to see it, you don't see it coming. Even if you notice it you don't say anything, and if you're told you don't listen. Then boom, the end comes. In our world, if you miss the first sign you're dead let alone all three signs

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Warrior Shepard

Warrior Shepard

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PostSubject: Re: Exo Vaticana   Exo Vaticana I_icon_minitimeMon Feb 25, 2013 3:13 pm

It's interesting. Just went to listen to this on my phone and out of all the broadcasts on Omega Man's station this one is missing from the page....seeing if I can access it through this thread now.

"Woe to you who make your neighbors drink, Who mix in your venom even to make them drunk so as to look on their nakedness! You will be filled with disgrace rather than honor. Now you yourself drink and expose your own nakedness." Habakkuk 2:15
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Warrior Shepard

Warrior Shepard

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PostSubject: Re: Exo Vaticana   Exo Vaticana I_icon_minitimeMon Feb 25, 2013 3:16 pm

found it by using this link. But, nevertheless, still amazing that BTR isn't showing it directly under Omega's listing of previous broadcasts.

"Woe to you who make your neighbors drink, Who mix in your venom even to make them drunk so as to look on their nakedness! You will be filled with disgrace rather than honor. Now you yourself drink and expose your own nakedness." Habakkuk 2:15
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PostSubject: Re: Exo Vaticana   Exo Vaticana I_icon_minitimeMon Feb 25, 2013 3:40 pm

Warrior Shepard wrote:
found it by using this link. But, nevertheless, still amazing that BTR isn't showing it directly under Omega's listing of previous broadcasts.

Hmmmm, strange indeed as it was added to the page on 23 Feb. It is showing OK up on my PC so maybe your phone is pulling data from an out dated cache file. That is if phones even have such a ting as a cache??? Don't really know what those new-fangled smart phones have in 'em though cause I still have a dumb phone. All it does is make & receive calls . . . but it does have a camera in it. 1.3 megapixels. Whoopie!

Oh, and I can still remove the battery from it. Wink
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PostSubject: Re: Exo Vaticana   Exo Vaticana I_icon_minitimeMon Feb 25, 2013 4:01 pm

Hey! all I need is a tiny screwdriver.... oldman chuckle I don't really call it a phone, it's more like a handsize computer. I don't make that many calls but I use the internet browser a ton! Also as a calendar for my work sched. and alarm clock and that's not even including the free apps for my Japanese lessons and other radio shows, bible apps etc. I have 3 different bibles on mine too. Plus Librivox! a browser phone is something you never knew you needed. servin up coolness
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PostSubject: Re: Exo Vaticana   Exo Vaticana I_icon_minitimeTue Feb 26, 2013 8:52 pm

Canary Cry Radio | Think Outside the Cage
Basil and Gonz, 2-25-13

CCR 043: Cris Putnam, Exo-Vaticana, and Emails
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PostSubject: Re: Exo Vaticana   Exo Vaticana I_icon_minitimeTue Feb 26, 2013 10:56 pm

My mob. phone only makes and receives calls... no camera no nothing!

no reception here either, so that's probably why! Very Happy
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PostSubject: Re: Exo Vaticana   Exo Vaticana I_icon_minitimeTue Feb 26, 2013 11:15 pm

Yeah, but who needs a phone down-under when y'all have all those kangaroos?

OK, I know that kangaroos have nothing to do with phones (unless they get tangled up in the wires that is).

Well, then again, maybe they do! lol!

Exo Vaticana CS-165%20Kangaroo%20Cell%20Phone%20Holder-2

Stay thirsty my friend

Exo Vaticana Kangaroo
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PostSubject: Re: Exo Vaticana   Exo Vaticana I_icon_minitime

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