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 FAKE SOCIAL MEDIA ACCOUNTS - Dschlopes: “I just spoke with Ezra Cohen Watnick” – Fakes, Impersonations, Trump Bucks Scam – ETC.

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FAKE SOCIAL MEDIA ACCOUNTS - Dschlopes: “I just spoke with Ezra Cohen Watnick” – Fakes, Impersonations, Trump Bucks Scam – ETC. Empty
PostSubject: FAKE SOCIAL MEDIA ACCOUNTS - Dschlopes: “I just spoke with Ezra Cohen Watnick” – Fakes, Impersonations, Trump Bucks Scam – ETC.   FAKE SOCIAL MEDIA ACCOUNTS - Dschlopes: “I just spoke with Ezra Cohen Watnick” – Fakes, Impersonations, Trump Bucks Scam – ETC. I_icon_minitimeFri Jul 29, 2022 7:05 pm

Dschlopes wrote:
I just spoke with Ezra Cohen Watnick

This man actually wrote and contacted the REAL Ezra Cohen Watnick and the REAL ECW replied back to the inquiry. I’ve captured and posted screenshots below for your viewing displeasure. It is highly suggested everyone go have a good long look at this mans telegram channel linked directly below.
FAKE SOCIAL MEDIA ACCOUNTS - Dschlopes: “I just spoke with Ezra Cohen Watnick” – Fakes, Impersonations, Trump Bucks Scam – ETC. Fake_010
I have followed this mans telegram channel for a while. He's the real deal and what he has to say is going to upset some here. Fake Ezra – Fake General McInerney – Scam Trump Bucks - EXPOSED. People are following a lot of nonsense without a shred of good old fashion discernment. Don’t be one of them!
I HATE fakes and I HATE scammers, as we all should. I love it when they are called out and exposed.

Annotations in RED below are mine

FAKE SOCIAL MEDIA ACCOUNTS - Dschlopes: “I just spoke with Ezra Cohen Watnick” – Fakes, Impersonations, Trump Bucks Scam – ETC. Fake_014

FAKE SOCIAL MEDIA ACCOUNTS - Dschlopes: “I just spoke with Ezra Cohen Watnick” – Fakes, Impersonations, Trump Bucks Scam – ETC. Fake_012

FAKE SOCIAL MEDIA ACCOUNTS - Dschlopes: “I just spoke with Ezra Cohen Watnick” – Fakes, Impersonations, Trump Bucks Scam – ETC. Fake_011

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Last edited by researcher on Wed Sep 21, 2022 5:35 pm; edited 1 time in total (Reason for editing : unpin)
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FAKE SOCIAL MEDIA ACCOUNTS - Dschlopes: “I just spoke with Ezra Cohen Watnick” – Fakes, Impersonations, Trump Bucks Scam – ETC. Empty
PostSubject: Re: FAKE SOCIAL MEDIA ACCOUNTS - Dschlopes: “I just spoke with Ezra Cohen Watnick” – Fakes, Impersonations, Trump Bucks Scam – ETC.   FAKE SOCIAL MEDIA ACCOUNTS - Dschlopes: “I just spoke with Ezra Cohen Watnick” – Fakes, Impersonations, Trump Bucks Scam – ETC. I_icon_minitimeSat Jul 30, 2022 12:31 am

And now a final word for today.

FAKE SOCIAL MEDIA ACCOUNTS - Dschlopes: “I just spoke with Ezra Cohen Watnick” – Fakes, Impersonations, Trump Bucks Scam – ETC. Fake_015

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FAKE SOCIAL MEDIA ACCOUNTS - Dschlopes: “I just spoke with Ezra Cohen Watnick” – Fakes, Impersonations, Trump Bucks Scam – ETC. Empty
PostSubject: Re: FAKE SOCIAL MEDIA ACCOUNTS - Dschlopes: “I just spoke with Ezra Cohen Watnick” – Fakes, Impersonations, Trump Bucks Scam – ETC.   FAKE SOCIAL MEDIA ACCOUNTS - Dschlopes: “I just spoke with Ezra Cohen Watnick” – Fakes, Impersonations, Trump Bucks Scam – ETC. I_icon_minitimeSun Jul 31, 2022 7:14 pm

I'm just going to leave this alone for awhile.  Wink  

In the meantime, vet the information rather than the 'messenger'. 

Dschlopes is fully vetted?  Could he be an 'Austin'?  

There's a General Patton account too.  He's probably not really him either.   FAKE SOCIAL MEDIA ACCOUNTS - Dschlopes: “I just spoke with Ezra Cohen Watnick” – Fakes, Impersonations, Trump Bucks Scam – ETC. 1f60e 

Considering what they've done to Julian Assange and other whistleblowers,

considering that we're in a war that depends on an 'informed' public...

how does one play that life and death game?

            I want to know the thoughts of God. Everything else is just details.
            A Miracle is when God makes His Reality our Experience              
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FAKE SOCIAL MEDIA ACCOUNTS - Dschlopes: “I just spoke with Ezra Cohen Watnick” – Fakes, Impersonations, Trump Bucks Scam – ETC. Empty
PostSubject: Re: FAKE SOCIAL MEDIA ACCOUNTS - Dschlopes: “I just spoke with Ezra Cohen Watnick” – Fakes, Impersonations, Trump Bucks Scam – ETC.   FAKE SOCIAL MEDIA ACCOUNTS - Dschlopes: “I just spoke with Ezra Cohen Watnick” – Fakes, Impersonations, Trump Bucks Scam – ETC. I_icon_minitimeMon Aug 01, 2022 8:15 am

Here's a post from John Durham.  Wink

Here's what matters-find the Q information. It is 'Q' that is exposing and breaking down the satanic
matrix that oppresses the people.  It is Q that has it all. 

Showing "Truth" is Q's goal.  There is SO MUCH information that needs to be released that it makes
sense to organize it under different 'heads', and that's what has been set up here to happen. 

One would assume the Durham channel will release info on the work Durham has done to prove
them guilty.   There are many new channels set up to give the people the truth of what has and
is happening. 

There is another aspect to Q.  First, they empower people with the truth.  Then they encourage,
lead, guide people to 'right action' to once again bring freedom to the people. 

Even today there are unsuspecting people who fight this freedom of info, such as complacency
in the face of a stolen election.  They stay blind to the corruption no matter how much they
suffer under it.  They continue to get vaccinated despite the massive proof of what it really is.

You understand Q can take it all down but without commitment and effort of truth loving people
to raise up a new society founded on God principles as the Republic was and is, the satanic elite will
just regroup.

In the end, this only works if enough people want it-demand it-and step up and make it happen.

The freedom, the liberties, the righteous justice we seek  have been granted to us by God Himself,
to be secured and enjoyed through His Might and Power working on the earth through us.

Can you imagine a whole generation bought into satan's deception that there are two things we
should never talk about with others:  religion and politics. 
How easily he paved the road to this hell the earth groans under.

Oh..the post:  Wink
John Henry Durham, [7/29/2022 5:59 PM]

We don't speak out on social media expecting you to just believe us.
Research everything we post and educate yourself.
Our purpose is not to brainwash you.

We are here to open your eyes so you can find the truth for yourself..

            I want to know the thoughts of God. Everything else is just details.
            A Miracle is when God makes His Reality our Experience              
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FAKE SOCIAL MEDIA ACCOUNTS - Dschlopes: “I just spoke with Ezra Cohen Watnick” – Fakes, Impersonations, Trump Bucks Scam – ETC. Empty
PostSubject: Re: FAKE SOCIAL MEDIA ACCOUNTS - Dschlopes: “I just spoke with Ezra Cohen Watnick” – Fakes, Impersonations, Trump Bucks Scam – ETC.   FAKE SOCIAL MEDIA ACCOUNTS - Dschlopes: “I just spoke with Ezra Cohen Watnick” – Fakes, Impersonations, Trump Bucks Scam – ETC. I_icon_minitimeMon Aug 01, 2022 5:05 pm

Q Anonymous Private, [7/31/2022 9:16 AM]

            I want to know the thoughts of God. Everything else is just details.
            A Miracle is when God makes His Reality our Experience              
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FAKE SOCIAL MEDIA ACCOUNTS - Dschlopes: “I just spoke with Ezra Cohen Watnick” – Fakes, Impersonations, Trump Bucks Scam – ETC. Empty
PostSubject: Re: FAKE SOCIAL MEDIA ACCOUNTS - Dschlopes: “I just spoke with Ezra Cohen Watnick” – Fakes, Impersonations, Trump Bucks Scam – ETC.   FAKE SOCIAL MEDIA ACCOUNTS - Dschlopes: “I just spoke with Ezra Cohen Watnick” – Fakes, Impersonations, Trump Bucks Scam – ETC. I_icon_minitimeTue Aug 16, 2022 5:37 pm

I can't get over how Dschlopes makes me think of DS(DeepState) Snopes ('fact' checkers)

So..As weird as Pool can be, most of what he posts has to do with xrp, (in very vision type ways)
and I don't get the message often, but he's no larp.

I bought xrp a long time ago, knowing it would not be a quick return. But I still believe it will be there. It meets every criteria for success and has for the past 5 years. There is word that quick buying during the coming crypto crash will look very good come December. 

And if you don't want to try to time it exactly, buy now and just hold. 

And I bought some Trump Bucks.  

Let me put it this way...if these 2 things are not successful, it's all over anyway for everybody and it won't matter.
Trump bucks is said to mature quickly.  By December 2022.

And he just posted this:
Mr. Pool, [8/16/2022 6:31 PM]
🚨Listen up people! 

They are trying to stop the Trump Bucks because they are scared of the effects that they will have on the November elections. 

They try to discredit Trump Bucks so they can win at their dirty games, they want to divide Republicans and Qanons and shake their faith in Donald Trump and Trump Bucks. We can't let them. 

So far we are doing good, that's why they want to postpone the elections. THEY ARE SCARED OF TRUMP. We can't give up, every patriot needs to own at least x100 Trump Golden $5000 bills and keep them safe until the end of September. 

Get your Trump Bucks NOW! Don't wait until it's too late, this is your chance to make a name for yourself 👇

Understand that Patriots having money to live on, to invest, to build and rebuild
is essential to THE PLAN !!

            I want to know the thoughts of God. Everything else is just details.
            A Miracle is when God makes His Reality our Experience              
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FAKE SOCIAL MEDIA ACCOUNTS - Dschlopes: “I just spoke with Ezra Cohen Watnick” – Fakes, Impersonations, Trump Bucks Scam – ETC. Empty
PostSubject: Re: FAKE SOCIAL MEDIA ACCOUNTS - Dschlopes: “I just spoke with Ezra Cohen Watnick” – Fakes, Impersonations, Trump Bucks Scam – ETC.   FAKE SOCIAL MEDIA ACCOUNTS - Dschlopes: “I just spoke with Ezra Cohen Watnick” – Fakes, Impersonations, Trump Bucks Scam – ETC. I_icon_minitimeTue Aug 16, 2022 5:46 pm

And THIS just got posted

:rotating_light:PLEASE READ! 

If you are tired of making ends meet, of being an enslaved person in your OWN country, and of seeing child molesters and criminals run this country to the ground more profound and deeper by the day, this is for YOU! 

Our President Donald Trump created the Trump Bucks ( for ordinary people like us. We are not the 1%, nor do we want to be, but we have to make a balance. 

"The only way that we can make a balance in this country is if we have more millionaires so the 1% can't manipulate and exploit you. I'm giving you a chance today to claim your Trump Golden $1000000 bill and change your life!" - Donald Trump said.

Get at least 200x Golden Trump Bills  ( for your and your family's well-being! Donald Trump is making America RICH AGAIN! 

Hurry up, and the TRB system will be active in September. Get your Trump Bucks today and change yours and the life of your loved ones.

Official SITE to oRdEr Trump Bucks (

            I want to know the thoughts of God. Everything else is just details.
            A Miracle is when God makes His Reality our Experience              
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FAKE SOCIAL MEDIA ACCOUNTS - Dschlopes: “I just spoke with Ezra Cohen Watnick” – Fakes, Impersonations, Trump Bucks Scam – ETC. Empty
PostSubject: Re: FAKE SOCIAL MEDIA ACCOUNTS - Dschlopes: “I just spoke with Ezra Cohen Watnick” – Fakes, Impersonations, Trump Bucks Scam – ETC.   FAKE SOCIAL MEDIA ACCOUNTS - Dschlopes: “I just spoke with Ezra Cohen Watnick” – Fakes, Impersonations, Trump Bucks Scam – ETC. I_icon_minitimeMon Aug 22, 2022 8:58 am

How’s that again? Ivanka pledging and touring all over the country. Did I read that right? Why one would think that Mrs. Kushner, AKA Ivanka Trump, would be TRUMPETING this great news all over her twitter, wouldn’t one think? Anyone heard anything about those tours? Not a peep anywhere, with the exception of the scammers (cough cough Phil Godlewski and ilk) on telegram, as far as I can tell.
Well I went and checked her twitter (linked below) and guess what I DIDN’T find? Go ahead, guess. She’s pushing the living hell out of Jared Kushners book though. You’d think she forgot all about daddies TRUMP BUCKS.

Snippet From Daily 21 August wrote:
Another Ivanka Trump Miracle!
After pledging $200 million to her fathers Trump Bucks, Ivanka continues to help people and now she is touring all over America and explaining to people how they can get and deposit their Trump Bucks.
The first thing you need to do is open the official website and claim your Trump Bucks… blah blah blah… and then Register them on TRB" - Ivanka Trump said.

Now I really hate seeing anyone being taken in by this most obvious scam, but we are all adults here and so carry on, even after all the warnings.

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FAKE SOCIAL MEDIA ACCOUNTS - Dschlopes: “I just spoke with Ezra Cohen Watnick” – Fakes, Impersonations, Trump Bucks Scam – ETC. Empty
PostSubject: Re: FAKE SOCIAL MEDIA ACCOUNTS - Dschlopes: “I just spoke with Ezra Cohen Watnick” – Fakes, Impersonations, Trump Bucks Scam – ETC.   FAKE SOCIAL MEDIA ACCOUNTS - Dschlopes: “I just spoke with Ezra Cohen Watnick” – Fakes, Impersonations, Trump Bucks Scam – ETC. I_icon_minitimeMon Aug 22, 2022 10:21 am


You missed my explanations?  Wink 

I'm not going to try to sell you on it.  But will explain how I read it. 

First, you have to understand how 'the Q' works to get the word out on a day to day basis.
Did Ivanka sit down and write that post?  No.  Does Q have her authority to do that?  Yes.

And yes, disinformation has always been a known and necessary part of the Plan.  So there's that.

The point of it's showing up in a ton of "Q" accounts is for 'support', for validation. 

The alternative is that they have ALL been hacked AND
THAT Q+++ is allowing this mis info to spread. 

WHY would they do that?

WHY would Q screw the very Patriots that they rely on ?  
Certain precepts of this war are understood.  It's no surprise it's not on twtr which is SO HIGHLY
How to they 'covertly' pass on information in order to let us know without opening the gates to
a counter attack?

From the beginning we've been told the WHOLE thing has to come down. 'devolution'.
Not a repair's a replace job.  CUT the financial strings.  And that's a HUGE world wide
operation taking years.  Still ongoing.

When Q says it's DONE, that doesn't mean the results have filtered down into society yet.
BUT  as we get closer to seeing-experiencing the results the warnings get stronger.
Prepare..prepare!!  And get your money out of the bank!!!

And millions of people said, 'and do WHAT with it???'

XRP blockchain tech was hard at work long before we even knew there was a Plan.
It too is an essential part of the Plan.  But crypto is volatile and can be confusing.
The enemies who live off the crooked gravy train are fighting tooth and nail.
The SEC=just one more totally corrupt gov't entity.  

The case will be solved soon-SUDDENLY.  xrp value will shoot up. BUT then the entire crypto
market will crash.  After that, xrp will fly and stay up there.  That's the word as of today.

What we know about the 'bucks' is that they are registered into a system called TRB' and
sometime between the latter part of Sept. (once I heard Dec) they can be registered AND
deposited to Bank of America. 
Do you remember the drawing of a young Trump in the lobby of Bank of America?

            I want to know the thoughts of God. Everything else is just details.
            A Miracle is when God makes His Reality our Experience              
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FAKE SOCIAL MEDIA ACCOUNTS - Dschlopes: “I just spoke with Ezra Cohen Watnick” – Fakes, Impersonations, Trump Bucks Scam – ETC. Empty
PostSubject: Re: FAKE SOCIAL MEDIA ACCOUNTS - Dschlopes: “I just spoke with Ezra Cohen Watnick” – Fakes, Impersonations, Trump Bucks Scam – ETC.   FAKE SOCIAL MEDIA ACCOUNTS - Dschlopes: “I just spoke with Ezra Cohen Watnick” – Fakes, Impersonations, Trump Bucks Scam – ETC. I_icon_minitimeMon Aug 22, 2022 12:07 pm

IVANKA has often contributed to/participated in the Plan.  Remember all the shots of her in
Standing before the Looking Glass or the clock or both?  I forget. 

Shopping with the kids?  The toys they bought were a message. 
She's always been involved.  It's her father, after all...

            I want to know the thoughts of God. Everything else is just details.
            A Miracle is when God makes His Reality our Experience              
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FAKE SOCIAL MEDIA ACCOUNTS - Dschlopes: “I just spoke with Ezra Cohen Watnick” – Fakes, Impersonations, Trump Bucks Scam – ETC. Empty
PostSubject: Re: FAKE SOCIAL MEDIA ACCOUNTS - Dschlopes: “I just spoke with Ezra Cohen Watnick” – Fakes, Impersonations, Trump Bucks Scam – ETC.   FAKE SOCIAL MEDIA ACCOUNTS - Dschlopes: “I just spoke with Ezra Cohen Watnick” – Fakes, Impersonations, Trump Bucks Scam – ETC. I_icon_minitimeFri Aug 26, 2022 5:03 pm

For Your Information - Be Aware...

Hmmmm, but we (mostly me) suspected something didn’t smell right with XRP/RIPPLE months ago, didn’t we (me)? I almost (I said ALMOST) got suckered into this XRP thing a while back myself. Glad I did some investigating on it back then. When I saw the tie-in with the Federal Reserves crypto pick back then I said NOPE. I didn’t get the tie with WEF until a few weeks ago though. The FED and WEF are really two peas in a pod, thinking about it.
The XRP thing was key to me making my mind up about crypto. Never had it & I never will. Play the crypto game at your own risk!

For anyone here wanting to point to Blockchain as being secure - IT AIN'T! I posted a topic on how DARPA cracked Blockchain on this forum a few weeks ago. Only got 13 views and nobody commented. Link to that thread is below. Maybe someone will pay attention this time.

FAKE SOCIAL MEDIA ACCOUNTS - Dschlopes: “I just spoke with Ezra Cohen Watnick” – Fakes, Impersonations, Trump Bucks Scam – ETC. Xrp_we10

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FAKE SOCIAL MEDIA ACCOUNTS - Dschlopes: “I just spoke with Ezra Cohen Watnick” – Fakes, Impersonations, Trump Bucks Scam – ETC. Empty
PostSubject: Re: FAKE SOCIAL MEDIA ACCOUNTS - Dschlopes: “I just spoke with Ezra Cohen Watnick” – Fakes, Impersonations, Trump Bucks Scam – ETC.   FAKE SOCIAL MEDIA ACCOUNTS - Dschlopes: “I just spoke with Ezra Cohen Watnick” – Fakes, Impersonations, Trump Bucks Scam – ETC. I_icon_minitimeFri Aug 26, 2022 5:05 pm


It's not a great surprise, with LeGuarde backing xrp, etc.

I'll try to get back here and explain why this isn't  a bad thing.

Do you want our crypto or theirs.  Ours is designed to give you

The WEF -whatever they have- is there to give them control. 

I believe:  Unfuckwitable  is the term.  Wink

            I want to know the thoughts of God. Everything else is just details.
            A Miracle is when God makes His Reality our Experience              
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FAKE SOCIAL MEDIA ACCOUNTS - Dschlopes: “I just spoke with Ezra Cohen Watnick” – Fakes, Impersonations, Trump Bucks Scam – ETC. Empty
PostSubject: Re: FAKE SOCIAL MEDIA ACCOUNTS - Dschlopes: “I just spoke with Ezra Cohen Watnick” – Fakes, Impersonations, Trump Bucks Scam – ETC.   FAKE SOCIAL MEDIA ACCOUNTS - Dschlopes: “I just spoke with Ezra Cohen Watnick” – Fakes, Impersonations, Trump Bucks Scam – ETC. I_icon_minitimeFri Aug 26, 2022 6:20 pm

The Deep State/Illumanati/Cabal/rich rulers, etc...

didn't need our help to succeed.

The Plan does not exist to walk you down the plank.

Nobody had to get shot, killed, jailed, dragged through the mud, suffered all kinds of attacks,

reputation ruined, families lost,  and so much more, for the NWO to succeed.   

The only thing that needed to happen is America continue on the same path we were on.

The only bad thing that could happen is the same-the people do nothing.  Then we lose.

You'll never be worse off than if we did nothing at all. 

But THIS is our only chance to win.  And we will. 


You described what happens under their control.
Our freedom is what happens under the Plan- primarily xrp- and a few others.

Bitcoin, for instance, was used for human trafficking, drug and gun smuggling, etc.

            I want to know the thoughts of God. Everything else is just details.
            A Miracle is when God makes His Reality our Experience              
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FAKE SOCIAL MEDIA ACCOUNTS - Dschlopes: “I just spoke with Ezra Cohen Watnick” – Fakes, Impersonations, Trump Bucks Scam – ETC. Empty
PostSubject: Re: FAKE SOCIAL MEDIA ACCOUNTS - Dschlopes: “I just spoke with Ezra Cohen Watnick” – Fakes, Impersonations, Trump Bucks Scam – ETC.   FAKE SOCIAL MEDIA ACCOUNTS - Dschlopes: “I just spoke with Ezra Cohen Watnick” – Fakes, Impersonations, Trump Bucks Scam – ETC. I_icon_minitimeSat Aug 27, 2022 4:48 am

The one who controls the money, controls the world.

It is the World ECONOMIC Forum bringing the NWO Reset.

We have an answer.  We HAVE TO have an answer, a way to survive without signing up to
what they're offering.  There is NO freedom in what they're offering.  It is strictly to control
But we have an option.  XRP is one.  XRP is already established throughout the world-EXCEPT
for the US, because our government and agencies are NWO and are fighting against it like
crazy-mostly through the big SEC case.   Look for ISO compliant coins.
And no.  You won't carry coins with you.  It's all electronic.  

XRP is gold backed !!!!!!

I also believe Trump Bucks is one.  It's a way to move your money out of the NWO system and
into the White Hat system prepared for us.  They are continuing to make it available for as
long as possible.

Why?  Dead Patriots can't fight.

Or buy precious metals.  And buy food, water, and anything else you'll need to get through.
I believe we're going to go through another lockdown and the blackout. 
I just hope the unvaxxed can quarantine in their homes.  I think there's enough of us that
they can't possibly put us in camps. 

BUT! This is the hardest part, coming up.  And covid ruined lives and livelihoods.  This will be
What's coming is  'the Storm'.  
And you at least know Ezra is a White Hat, right?  Remember the JFK speech he gave when at
the Pentagon?  

Ezra Cohen (Official), [8/26/2022 2:50 PM]
JFK is the starter
Trump is the finisher

Ezra Cohen (Official), [8/26/2022 6:24 PM]

Deep state play book<
How do you bring CIVILIZATION into a Full DIGITAL banking CONTROL.

> Hunger. Starvation<

This planned Deep State Event WILL blame the WAR on food distribution COLLAPSE<

THEN>the [DS] government will step in as Heros and give out food rations and free money$$

... BUT you have to register through their digital system ( BANKING) that will control your BANKING and connect to the new system... 
But if you break any of the agreements of the long worded pressed digital agreement.. Your bank accounts will be Frozen. 
Or your find or your ASSETS freezed..( You can not speak/write or share misinformation on the current pandemic procedures, vaccines, virus origins, war info. That contradict the mainstream narration)

> Rockefellers

            I want to know the thoughts of God. Everything else is just details.
            A Miracle is when God makes His Reality our Experience              
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FAKE SOCIAL MEDIA ACCOUNTS - Dschlopes: “I just spoke with Ezra Cohen Watnick” – Fakes, Impersonations, Trump Bucks Scam – ETC. Empty
PostSubject: Re: FAKE SOCIAL MEDIA ACCOUNTS - Dschlopes: “I just spoke with Ezra Cohen Watnick” – Fakes, Impersonations, Trump Bucks Scam – ETC.   FAKE SOCIAL MEDIA ACCOUNTS - Dschlopes: “I just spoke with Ezra Cohen Watnick” – Fakes, Impersonations, Trump Bucks Scam – ETC. I_icon_minitimeSat Aug 27, 2022 5:12 am

Who is posting Trump Bucks?  Every White Hat name you should recognize !!!!!!!!!
Who says it's no good?  Somebody we've never heard of before, who is definitely not
connected to Trump or Military or White Hats or Q!!!!!!!

Well, behind the scene he might be.  Sometimes disinfo is necessary.  LOL.
Sometimes a little 'noise' gets peoples attention and then they look harder. 
It's been that way right along.  


100$ > 1.000.000$

Get your Golden Checks now 👇

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FAKE SOCIAL MEDIA ACCOUNTS - Dschlopes: “I just spoke with Ezra Cohen Watnick” – Fakes, Impersonations, Trump Bucks Scam – ETC. Empty
PostSubject: Re: FAKE SOCIAL MEDIA ACCOUNTS - Dschlopes: “I just spoke with Ezra Cohen Watnick” – Fakes, Impersonations, Trump Bucks Scam – ETC.   FAKE SOCIAL MEDIA ACCOUNTS - Dschlopes: “I just spoke with Ezra Cohen Watnick” – Fakes, Impersonations, Trump Bucks Scam – ETC. I_icon_minitimeSat Aug 27, 2022 5:20 am

One last thing.

If you think about what you know of Ezra, of Q-military-the Commander in Chief......what would be the point of putting out this 
fake thing about a separate banking system???

Do you think either Ezra or Q or Trump or Military is incapable of removing those posts???

Or telling you themselves that it's a scam?????

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FAKE SOCIAL MEDIA ACCOUNTS - Dschlopes: “I just spoke with Ezra Cohen Watnick” – Fakes, Impersonations, Trump Bucks Scam – ETC. Empty
PostSubject: Re: FAKE SOCIAL MEDIA ACCOUNTS - Dschlopes: “I just spoke with Ezra Cohen Watnick” – Fakes, Impersonations, Trump Bucks Scam – ETC.   FAKE SOCIAL MEDIA ACCOUNTS - Dschlopes: “I just spoke with Ezra Cohen Watnick” – Fakes, Impersonations, Trump Bucks Scam – ETC. I_icon_minitimeFri Sep 09, 2022 1:23 pm

Dovie, you are an awesome soul who longs for goodness in the world... and we need more like you! I truly pray that you are blessed by Gods grace, mercy and especially discernment .  Hopium has taken you away into an unbiblical world view imho. Its almost like you are a junky clawing at any good news. We are not the saviors. Trump,Q,the patriots,new agers, UFOers, our combined effort will not change the biblical end. There will be a false savior and then the real one will come ...that is the plan!. This utopia that may be coming may not be what you think it is. It will not be our utopia. The enemy has always mimicked God so he can be like God. This coming utopia is a mimic. Maybe the q thing will be a temporary good thing but there are many red flags here. We have to be close to the end so I think this will not be good for believers until the very end and then it will be glorious!

I love Telegram but it is the fricking wild west. I don't trust channels unless the owner puts out a video stating THIS IS MY CHANNEL... or is linked from their web site. I don't think the white hats not policing these channels is a validation of them, that's just crazy. We all know when money is involved, scammers come out of the woodwork. The white hats say this is a real war with casualties... you may be one of them.
It is hard to come off a drug... hopium is a real drug. I pray for you and all of us, these times are so very dark...Please come Lord Jesus!
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FAKE SOCIAL MEDIA ACCOUNTS - Dschlopes: “I just spoke with Ezra Cohen Watnick” – Fakes, Impersonations, Trump Bucks Scam – ETC. Empty
PostSubject: Re: FAKE SOCIAL MEDIA ACCOUNTS - Dschlopes: “I just spoke with Ezra Cohen Watnick” – Fakes, Impersonations, Trump Bucks Scam – ETC.   FAKE SOCIAL MEDIA ACCOUNTS - Dschlopes: “I just spoke with Ezra Cohen Watnick” – Fakes, Impersonations, Trump Bucks Scam – ETC. I_icon_minitimeFri Sep 09, 2022 3:30 pm

Hi Squib !  Happy to hear from you!  ~from any and all our friends who stay in the shadows.
And I truly appreciate your words of caution. 

It may not seem so, but I am very cautious-daily-about where we're headed.
But there are many levels to look at  AND FROM each day.  And many developments that are not as they appear to be in the world, and fly directly against what q says is happening,
UNLESS one pretty much carries the map in their head and has a sense of how all this works.  

Funny. The "Chris Miller" account on is ratting out this Schlopes guy as I type. Wink
I doubt anyone expected something like Q to happen.  Nor to they really see the war being waged.    The enemy desperately wants to get rid of Q!!!  By ANY means possible.  Often they are put in a position of just staying alive.  

I could give you examples..certainly Julian.  Bill Binney tried to come out and help and they hit him with an emp. Seth Rich.  How many have been falsely accused, jailed, killed..?  Way too many.  
Speaking truth comes at a high price every day, and the ultimate price hangs over their heads: Yet.. they have decided they will pay willingly and knowingly, for the sake of freedom for ALL. Those are God given freedoms they pursue. 

I haven't forgotten the Apocalypse. Wink  Neither has Q.  They warn and warn of
what's coming (and we already see it everywhere).  Q has said Prepare!! over
and over, for every situation we will face.  I prepare !!!  Everyone should.
From the ark to Joseph to Moses.  Even Abraham had to go to
Egypt for a time and came out PREPARED, with riches and provisions. 
When God told Joseph to take Mary and Jesus and flee to Egypt,
I don't know what they left with except knowledge, a priceless
commodity then and now. 

What's coming is WRITTEN-it's unavoidable.  If Q has said "Pray!" once, it's been a myriad of times.  We do have to go through whatever comes, until the Rapture if one believes in it.  And yes, if we don't already see the ac on the earth, we will see the false peace and the antichrist.

We know, and Q knows it's going to get much worse.  But we must strive for Good in ALL aspects of life, for all people, while we are here.   And saving souls is paramount.  
We are still at a point of waking people up-so that-they might yet be saved.
That's what God asks of us in whatever our individual role is. 
Some will come.  Some will not.  
In the end, every knee will bow and every voice proclaim Jesus as Lord and King. 
Until that Day, I support those whose intention is to set the captives
free, to prepare the Way of the Lord, and the Coming Kingdom.

Now that I have my motor running, I do have a couple verses I
rely on, and an awareness of what God will do through a surrendered
individual; of what it means to walk with one foot in the kingdom
and the other on the earth. (not OF the earth-the fallen kingdom,  but on it)
You know it was the day I was going to leave the forum, felt I'd
said all I could, that I ran into Q. Wink  
I may as well have audibly heard the Spirit say-Hold on-Look here-
Do this.  Wink  That's how overwhelmed I was in a Spirit sense. 
And I trust if things don't go HIS Way, we will have done what He
wanted us to do, and it will then be time to move on. 

So, I have a thread sitting about winning in the Spirit, as this is
a Spiritual war.  I could put some verses and thoughts there.

And back to Chris Miller-
Christopher Charles Miller (born October 15, 1965) is an American retired United States Army Special Forces colonel (Green Beret) who served as acting United States secretary of defense from November 9, 2020, to January 20, 2021. He previously served as Director of the National Counterterrorism Center from August 10 to November 9, 2020. Before his civilian service in the Department of Defense.

Who served DIRECTLY under him?  Ezra Cohen.  Wink 
Although I do not imagine he is writing every post personally, I am quite sure that he and President Trump and any other 'White Hat' names I follow and post here COULD AND WOULD have them pulled immediately if there was any such fakery going on!  Wouldn't you think?  

Trump doing 'air Q's at rallies?  We are on solid ground.  I try not to bring the questionable stuff here as SOME disinfo is necessary.  But-you can kind of tell because it's out in left I let them alone. 
So that's what I do.  Each person has to ask God 'what would you
have me do?"  And be ready to do it with all prayer and seeking His
Will for each.  My Faith is ever in the Lord God, as is yours. 
Though it takes all of us, we aren't all called to the same job. 
We ALL are critical 'for such a time as this'.  
 FAKE SOCIAL MEDIA ACCOUNTS - Dschlopes: “I just spoke with Ezra Cohen Watnick” – Fakes, Impersonations, Trump Bucks Scam – ETC. 1f64f  FAKE SOCIAL MEDIA ACCOUNTS - Dschlopes: “I just spoke with Ezra Cohen Watnick” – Fakes, Impersonations, Trump Bucks Scam – ETC. 2764   So don't ever hesitate to speak whatever is on your mind!! Wink
We are brothers and sisters. And God made each and every one of us.

            I want to know the thoughts of God. Everything else is just details.
            A Miracle is when God makes His Reality our Experience              
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FAKE SOCIAL MEDIA ACCOUNTS - Dschlopes: “I just spoke with Ezra Cohen Watnick” – Fakes, Impersonations, Trump Bucks Scam – ETC. Empty
PostSubject: Re: FAKE SOCIAL MEDIA ACCOUNTS - Dschlopes: “I just spoke with Ezra Cohen Watnick” – Fakes, Impersonations, Trump Bucks Scam – ETC.   FAKE SOCIAL MEDIA ACCOUNTS - Dschlopes: “I just spoke with Ezra Cohen Watnick” – Fakes, Impersonations, Trump Bucks Scam – ETC. I_icon_minitimeFri Sep 09, 2022 4:53 pm

Dove wrote:
Funny. The "Chris Miller" account on is ratting out this Schlopes guy as I type.

I have been searching for the better part of an hour for this Chris Miller telegram account without any success. I'm pretty dang good at searching the internet and finding things, as you probably know. You mind providing a link? I would like to see what you are seeing and read what you are reading. Thanks.

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FAKE SOCIAL MEDIA ACCOUNTS - Dschlopes: “I just spoke with Ezra Cohen Watnick” – Fakes, Impersonations, Trump Bucks Scam – ETC. Empty
PostSubject: Re: FAKE SOCIAL MEDIA ACCOUNTS - Dschlopes: “I just spoke with Ezra Cohen Watnick” – Fakes, Impersonations, Trump Bucks Scam – ETC.   FAKE SOCIAL MEDIA ACCOUNTS - Dschlopes: “I just spoke with Ezra Cohen Watnick” – Fakes, Impersonations, Trump Bucks Scam – ETC. I_icon_minitimeFri Sep 09, 2022 5:31 pm

Found this… Christopher C. Miller on telegram. Had to go to Dschlopes to get it. Dschlopes has a little something to say about it.
These are all screenshots from 8 September (yesterday) Funny ain’t it how Phil Godlewski is always called out and named front and center - every - single - time. Clif High has called Godlewski out on his OFFICIAL telegram site multiple times as well. 
These are the links to the screenshots below.

FAKE SOCIAL MEDIA ACCOUNTS - Dschlopes: “I just spoke with Ezra Cohen Watnick” – Fakes, Impersonations, Trump Bucks Scam – ETC. Christ11
FAKE SOCIAL MEDIA ACCOUNTS - Dschlopes: “I just spoke with Ezra Cohen Watnick” – Fakes, Impersonations, Trump Bucks Scam – ETC. Christ12

FAKE SOCIAL MEDIA ACCOUNTS - Dschlopes: “I just spoke with Ezra Cohen Watnick” – Fakes, Impersonations, Trump Bucks Scam – ETC. Christ10

If you go to for the below photo you can open each photo posted individually if you've a mind to do so.

FAKE SOCIAL MEDIA ACCOUNTS - Dschlopes: “I just spoke with Ezra Cohen Watnick” – Fakes, Impersonations, Trump Bucks Scam – ETC. Christ13

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PostSubject: Re: FAKE SOCIAL MEDIA ACCOUNTS - Dschlopes: “I just spoke with Ezra Cohen Watnick” – Fakes, Impersonations, Trump Bucks Scam – ETC.   FAKE SOCIAL MEDIA ACCOUNTS - Dschlopes: “I just spoke with Ezra Cohen Watnick” – Fakes, Impersonations, Trump Bucks Scam – ETC. I_icon_minitimeFri Sep 09, 2022 5:40 pm

There is a search at the top of the list of accounts that you've joined.

I just typed in "Chris Miller" and it came up.  Go to the last post and scroll up.
You've no doubt seen that Q and Q info comes under massive attack all day every day.

Many times they let it go.  That's not unusual at all.  And there have been some fake accounts

I've heard, but not concerning these, and apparently a couple got hacked for a short time-like a day or two.

But, chlopes has gotten out of hand, I guess for them to bother to mention it. 
I am satisfied with what I've said,  so I won't repeat it. 
But "the choice to know is always yours".
The 'funny thing' is Q is about to go somewhere new (old as far as Q posts go).  
We'll see how that goes.

            I want to know the thoughts of God. Everything else is just details.
            A Miracle is when God makes His Reality our Experience              
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PostSubject: Re: FAKE SOCIAL MEDIA ACCOUNTS - Dschlopes: “I just spoke with Ezra Cohen Watnick” – Fakes, Impersonations, Trump Bucks Scam – ETC.   FAKE SOCIAL MEDIA ACCOUNTS - Dschlopes: “I just spoke with Ezra Cohen Watnick” – Fakes, Impersonations, Trump Bucks Scam – ETC. I_icon_minitimeFri Sep 09, 2022 6:03 pm

I can't get over that one unknown guy shows up after five years,  screaming 'fake fake'..when yes-and no-

The names are real Patriots.  The info is Q info.  Does that make the info fake?  No.

For one thing, there is safety in numbers.

2ndly, there is too much info to put on one, two, five, ten etc accounts.

The info is tailored to the names that represent that information.  That's simple enough.
The name designates the type information.

You may not have noticed over the years, but this is nothing new. 

When the accounts are all locked, much should be cleared up.

What have we seen?  Q has it all.  They are not here to judge between God's people.

They are here to fight the evil which was on the verge of overtaking the whole world.

Which part today is objectionable?

If they were to walk away today, we will bow to the New World Order or die. 

It appears God is still giving people a chance.

The more we enter into the Apocalypse, the more are going to die.
The numbers are jumping every day.

Every day that we are spared (through dGod's Mercy and Q's activities) 
is another day to reach someone.  
Soon everyone will be acknowledging what's happening.
And each of us will have an opportunity to speak God's Message-the Word. 
AND be an example!  Every good thing we do should be in the Name of Jesus.

            I want to know the thoughts of God. Everything else is just details.
            A Miracle is when God makes His Reality our Experience              
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FAKE SOCIAL MEDIA ACCOUNTS - Dschlopes: “I just spoke with Ezra Cohen Watnick” – Fakes, Impersonations, Trump Bucks Scam – ETC. Empty
PostSubject: Re: FAKE SOCIAL MEDIA ACCOUNTS - Dschlopes: “I just spoke with Ezra Cohen Watnick” – Fakes, Impersonations, Trump Bucks Scam – ETC.   FAKE SOCIAL MEDIA ACCOUNTS - Dschlopes: “I just spoke with Ezra Cohen Watnick” – Fakes, Impersonations, Trump Bucks Scam – ETC. I_icon_minitimeFri Sep 09, 2022 6:32 pm

Dove wrote:
There is a search at the top of the list of accounts that you've joined.

I just typed in "Chris Miller" and it came up.  Go to the last post and scroll up.

Takes one to the join up page at:

I have no "list of accounts". I and many others who refuse to join up on all those social media (track & spy on you) sites cannot see many of the links you post. It's all hush hush & secret secret I suppose if one isn't - "in with the in crowd".

Spring posted about links not working as well a few weeks ago. I believe he was having the same issues as me with links.

I did search telegram for Chris Miller by the way and it came back to me with a page I can do nothing with. See screenshot. 

FAKE SOCIAL MEDIA ACCOUNTS - Dschlopes: “I just spoke with Ezra Cohen Watnick” – Fakes, Impersonations, Trump Bucks Scam – ETC. Cm10

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PostSubject: Re: FAKE SOCIAL MEDIA ACCOUNTS - Dschlopes: “I just spoke with Ezra Cohen Watnick” – Fakes, Impersonations, Trump Bucks Scam – ETC.   FAKE SOCIAL MEDIA ACCOUNTS - Dschlopes: “I just spoke with Ezra Cohen Watnick” – Fakes, Impersonations, Trump Bucks Scam – ETC. I_icon_minitimeFri Sep 09, 2022 7:24 pm

Spring posted about links not working as well a few weeks ago. I believe he was having the same issues as me with links.
I asked him which ones were giving him trouble but he didn't answer.
If no one has signed on that makes it easier for me.  I won't have to give

However, most accounts give article resources I can copy.  All the videos..
nothing I can do about that.  
It could even be that schlopes served a purpose.  There has been a ton of pot
stirring...this Phil Godlewski or whoever...

the 'war' between Flynn and Lin Wood...even given credence by certain 'q'
accounts.  All that to me is just 'purposeful' noise that I stay away from.  
I look for what I feel is valid info and post it.  Bottom line.

Every post has been accompanied with a prompt to join, so...
anyone who wanted to follow, could.

they aren't hiding info from the people..but maybe from the Deep State.
They have to do what they have to do.

We'll see...

            I want to know the thoughts of God. Everything else is just details.
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FAKE SOCIAL MEDIA ACCOUNTS - Dschlopes: “I just spoke with Ezra Cohen Watnick” – Fakes, Impersonations, Trump Bucks Scam – ETC. Empty
PostSubject: Re: FAKE SOCIAL MEDIA ACCOUNTS - Dschlopes: “I just spoke with Ezra Cohen Watnick” – Fakes, Impersonations, Trump Bucks Scam – ETC.   FAKE SOCIAL MEDIA ACCOUNTS - Dschlopes: “I just spoke with Ezra Cohen Watnick” – Fakes, Impersonations, Trump Bucks Scam – ETC. I_icon_minitimeFri Sep 09, 2022 8:32 pm  355 subs 4,734 subs
I found two CM accounts ...will the real Chris Miller please stand up. 85,471 subs 
I can be sure Sathers channel is real... he shows himself all the time... easy to vet. I cant say if he is mossad, but I'm not gonna take an unvetted channels word on it.

I have no doubt Ezra and Chris are real... I don't trust these accounts until they are vetted. 

No doubt Q is a real thingy. No doubt there is a war ongoing.  Some Christian's think Q is good fighting evil and its a God thing, even misusing scripture to prove it. Newagers think it will be world enlightenment, UFOers think ET is helping us. All red flags to me about this plan. 

The Satan is real good at playing both sides...that's his MO. Problem/solution.
Is our hope in this new worldly system?...for when they say peace and safety. God has not called us to trust in the things of this world but to be light and salt and give the great news! We watch, but we must be sober and vigilant.
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PostSubject: Re: FAKE SOCIAL MEDIA ACCOUNTS - Dschlopes: “I just spoke with Ezra Cohen Watnick” – Fakes, Impersonations, Trump Bucks Scam – ETC.   FAKE SOCIAL MEDIA ACCOUNTS - Dschlopes: “I just spoke with Ezra Cohen Watnick” – Fakes, Impersonations, Trump Bucks Scam – ETC. I_icon_minitimeFri Sep 09, 2022 9:41 pm

No doubt Q is a real thingy. No doubt there is a war ongoing.  Some Christian's think Q is good fighting evil and its a God thing, even misusing scripture to prove it. Newagers think it will be world enlightenment, UFOers think ET is helping us. All red flags to me about this plan. 
I can share the answer I came to when I faced the same concerns.

God alone judges as God alone knows a person's heart.
Yet we are to call out evil and defeat it.  Q is not judging
people.  They are judging actions, if you will. 

They are removing the chains that bind God's children into a real slavery they don't even recognize. 
And certainly to end child sacrifice!  What could be closer to the
Heart of God?

For all the rest you named, New Agers, Et'ers, etc.  today God's offer still stands. Forgiveness to whomsoever will come and seek Him out.  Q does not violate that. 
I WOULD BE worried if they did that!

Do you remember the verses talking about people professing they
were too busy-too committed to their lives to come to Jesus?
And so Jesus told the angels to go into the streets and gather up the rif-raf and bring them.  That's interesting !

Do we now see the depths of evil that 'WE THE CHURCH" have allowed to prosper over the earth.  For too many reasons, Christians did not get the job done.

We could delve into God's true purpose of the Apocalypse later if
you like. 
The New Agers, the ET' they deserve to suffer, starve,
be locked up, randomly murdered, sent to war for a money eating
machine driven by greed, supported by lies spewed by leaders who are Satan worshippers?   Are they not also our 'neighbors'?  (Love your neighbor as yourself.)  Why?  So that they begin to learn of,
to have an experience of God's Love.
If we do good works in our own name, we've done nothing. 
I believe I can refer to where we're at in scripture without misusing
it at all, if you like.

One ready verse as we look for Christ's soon return is 
Psalm 110:1   The LORD says to my Lord, "Sit at my right hand, until I make your enemies a footstool for your feet." 
The Peace and Safety comes along with the False Peace of the antichrist.
The Globalists have used it already at NATO.  But I believe it's for Israel.
It's getting late.  Maybe there's more I could respond to in the morning. Wink

            I want to know the thoughts of God. Everything else is just details.
            A Miracle is when God makes His Reality our Experience              
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PostSubject: Re: FAKE SOCIAL MEDIA ACCOUNTS - Dschlopes: “I just spoke with Ezra Cohen Watnick” – Fakes, Impersonations, Trump Bucks Scam – ETC.   FAKE SOCIAL MEDIA ACCOUNTS - Dschlopes: “I just spoke with Ezra Cohen Watnick” – Fakes, Impersonations, Trump Bucks Scam – ETC. I_icon_minitimeFri Sep 09, 2022 10:24 pm

I recall you mentioned vetting.  Not going to happen right now. Much too dangerous. 

And yet!

It happens constantly.  'Future proves past'

What they are posting now follows and proves out the Plan we were given from Oct 30th 2017 till
June 2021 on the Official Q board.   And continuing through differently named sources
since then. 

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PostSubject: Re: FAKE SOCIAL MEDIA ACCOUNTS - Dschlopes: “I just spoke with Ezra Cohen Watnick” – Fakes, Impersonations, Trump Bucks Scam – ETC.   FAKE SOCIAL MEDIA ACCOUNTS - Dschlopes: “I just spoke with Ezra Cohen Watnick” – Fakes, Impersonations, Trump Bucks Scam – ETC. I_icon_minitimeSat Sep 10, 2022 8:40 am

What does it mean to 'vet' someone?  It isn't putting a face to a name. 

I looked it up. Wink It means to do a 'background check' on them to determine
who they are. Particularly important in this case is " Who do they work for? " 

Jordan has been around since the beginning, charging for his analysis of Q.
Is he Q?  Or even remotely connected to Q or world intelligence assets? No.
He has actually disputed Q on Q's own information.  Attacked Q as a larp.
He's done damage.  Now we know why.  Q vetted him.  He is mossad-an
enemy of the people of all nations. 
Now, you know how long Q has known this?  Since the beginning.  But said
nothing,  trusting that the truth would shine it's own light, prove itself out.
And it has for a large part.  But enough is enough.

The Plan is WWG1WGA, shoulder to shoulder.  It's time to come together under
our common goal against our common enemy. 
We don't fight darkness with darkness.  We banish darkness by being the Light...
Of Truth, Liberty, Freedom, in LOVE, as our Father Loves all His children, whether
they have found their way home yet, or not. 

Q releases Q information directly to the people, and never charges.
Q says think for yourselves, do your own research.  Prove it to yourself.
Don't blindly follow anyone! BUT, don't stay uninformed because then you
can be tricked-just as we have been for generations.

We have been fed a multitude of lies in order to manipulate us. And wow has
it worked.  Not much proves it better than 9-11, but the truths are everywhere
when you know.   Oh..we knew things were not right, but Q has exposed the enemy 
we didn't even know we had, along with the massive deceptions of his workings.
The Plan is the way to win.  God wins.

            I want to know the thoughts of God. Everything else is just details.
            A Miracle is when God makes His Reality our Experience              
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I did not mean to imply that you are misusing scripture, but to point out that some in the dominionist movement are. There are many of them around the Q movement. 

I did not say that Sather is legit or vetted, but that his channel is in fact HIS channel. channel Vetted! no mystery nick name like mr pool....its him. Now he is a moron new age blasphemer and that is also a well established fact.

He seems like a piss poor anti Q guy, he just posted this from G flynn.

Q has made some concerning statements about ET... I absolutely believe a coming world wide delusion will involve ET... so I have concerns.

I did not mean to imply that Newagers and ETers are not worth saving, but that the Q thing resonates with what they have been looking for....with what they have been primed flag for me.
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Oh good.  We're closer in our thinking than I thought. Wink
I have 'levels' of points on the ET's. Part of it is that some (many?) people believe it and even 
expect it. It's been heavily pushed thru hollywood/cable shows for years and years and it penetrates
people's psyches. 
I think of 'them' as the fallen angels. People have to do something with the horrific 'crimes against
humanity'  we've seen. We look for some explanation for such evil. We don't consider those people 'human'.

But despite their BELIEFS and IMAGININGS, Q is for all of humanity that values the inherent goodness
of the fellowship of mankind and values their 'brother's' rights and freedoms as much as their own. 

Division is the enemies GREATEST tactic.  There are so many more of us than there are of them,
and they cannot defeat us together-United. But if they can keep us judging one another (which we are
told not to do), hating one another, excluding group after group...
As I said, woe to us that the CHURCH of Christ Followers did not do what needed to be done.

As Q just recently said, the rabbit hole is so much deeper than we know.  But they've seen it all. 
What these demonic creatures on this earth have created is hideous beyond belief.
I hope we don't experience any of it.  I hope NOBODY does.  But it is there, monsters exist
today.  They've engineered monsters.  I can show you some.

And for our fellow humans,  the DOOR is still open.  God Alone will shut it in His Time.  Not me.  Not any of us.  As things get worse, more and more will be looking for answers and hopefully we
are prepared to lead and guide. 

I'll look at the link you gave. Wink

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Oh..and on Jordan showing his face?

The enemy was paying him.  Not out to kill him.

BIG difference there.   And that's as real and truthful as can be.

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“You know, I keep telling people. The plan is ‘We the People.’ The plan is you and I,” said the retired general.
“The plan is me and guys like me and people like me getting out there to encourage people to get involved in the everyday life of this country.”
From the article on Flynn.

He's not lying about that part.  None of them are going to support Q-except Trump
looks like.  Maybe they're doing it to save their hide.  Maybe it's all part of it.
Q association IS STILL major fuel for MSM, who spent no end of effort discrediting
(poisoning) the concept (movement). And with the gestapo..I mean fbi going crazy...

However, there is more to come about Flynn.  Maybe I can find it again. 

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I've been thinking about HOPIUM these few days.  
Of course hope, faith and belief are a necklace of pearls. 
Without it we are Job's wife.  "Why don't (you) just curse God and die."

But we don't, because HOPE springs eternal.  It resides within us and in every living thing.
It is an essential Gift of Life, from the Source of Life. 

I was just watching a Wlm Cooper excerpt, where he spells out what's behind the curtain,
how the gov't within the gov't works and what their motives are.
We've spent years digging beyond the spoon fed narratives, all the while watching truth tellers,
whistle blowers just outright killed with zero consequence, concealed behind mocking lies for their efforts.  (committed suicide with 2 bullets to the back of the head, etc)

We did what we could to spread truth, and were censored and shut down. We voted just to have it stolen.  Most of us are beyond starting a new career, and truly it is all in God's timing for our lives.
There is no need to feel badly about what we cannot do, and Prayer is a mighty weapon after all.

Then comes Q, peeling back the onion to layers beyond our reach, exposing unthinkable truths,
with yet more to come.  What it takes to do what Q does is for all practical purpose to our minds,
supernatural.  We don't have those abilities, never dreamed they existed, or would be brought to
bare in defense of humanity for such a time as this. 

When Q introduced the Plan they suggested only 20% of it could be revealed. Of course the
enemy has the same access to it as we do, and we see only a small portion of the battle that
goes on minute by minute. As Anons floundered and went off on tangents of confusion,  they
released more.    
As we are right now heading into the toughest part, stealth is of the essence.  And so must be our
allegiance to the Hope, faith, belief that Truth wins in the end. 
Confusion is not chaos if we are 'waiting with patience' for all to be revealed.
We will understand soon enough.
But we never give the enemy our battle plan. 

Our Hope and Faith is in God and His Word.  Q's Hope and Faith is in God and His Word.
And they also have faith in us, that given the truth and the opportunity we will RESIST 
the plans of the evil one, and SUPPORT all those willing to build a better, more Just world
for humanity. 
As far as the Coming Kingdom?  It is for those saved who RIGHT NOW obey and come to obey the King.
There will be 'society'.  The Bible says Christ will rule over the nations. 
Millions survive the Tribulation.  Think of them; men, women and children. 

Simply put, RISE UP TOGETHER WITH ONE VOICE, or die by the sword.  And when you meet
Jesus and He says, 'what did you do with the talents I gave you', we'd best have done
something to advance the values that God Esteems Worthy. 

You might ask (and I hope everyone does), 'how did all this happen?  How did we get here?'
My simple answer is we lost the "FEAR OF GOD', and allowed the 'lusts of the flesh' to take over.
If not personally, certainly collectively as His Creation, man.

That's it for now.  You can judge Q by their actions.  It does stand up ! 
And when you don't see what they're doing, have a little faith-just based
on what you have seen so far.  The Proof is there.   Wink  And pray Always.

            I want to know the thoughts of God. Everything else is just details.
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Dear Squib...I think I know what hopium means as you meant it, and I do agree with you.  FAKE SOCIAL MEDIA ACCOUNTS - Dschlopes: “I just spoke with Ezra Cohen Watnick” – Fakes, Impersonations, Trump Bucks Scam – ETC. 1f60a 

And it's been a great spring board to leap from !   FAKE SOCIAL MEDIA ACCOUNTS - Dschlopes: “I just spoke with Ezra Cohen Watnick” – Fakes, Impersonations, Trump Bucks Scam – ETC. 1f44d  So, Thank you!

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A friend from twitter saw our discussion and added:

What is Hope?
As a spiritual tool?

To me, it is the blueprint for a desire of your heart.

Faith is the SUBSTANCE of things hoped for.
Hope is the blueprint.

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            I want to know the thoughts of God. Everything else is just details.
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This world is full of false hopes. Our hope is not in a new economy, new government, military, or cryptic messages... or even the brotherhood of humanity coming together. They will all fail!

"Simply put, RISE UP TOGETHER WITH ONE VOICE, or die by the sword.  And when you meet Jesus and He says, 'what did you do with the talents I gave you', we'd best have done
something to advance the values that God Esteems Worthy."

Our hope is not in the desire of our hearts, but is solid and very specific in the Blessed Hope that is Christ! He is the substance of our hope. Our talents are not for building the kingdoms of this world. We pray Thy kingdom come! not look what WE have done. Our talents are for the populating of His coming kingdom...this is our great commission. This is the greatest of all things we can do! everlasting things! to those things He will say "well done good a faithful servant"!
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Morning Squib, and all.  Wink

In regards to the Great Commission, what better way to make a Way for the Gospel to go forth, than to preserve Freedom.
Freedom of Speech.  Freedom to go about safely. Freedom to Freely give, as we have Freely received. 
You can be sure they are coming after the Word of God, to stop it. As they are now chipping away at all God deems Holy and Righteous, adding more and more leaven to the bread of Life,
and further numbing those without discernment. 

The goal here is NOT to preserve the world as it is.  It has been Usurped, overtaken, by the present ruler of this world-satan.  Called the Usurper in the Bible.  It is, we know, in a fallen state.  

Trump was clear when he stated the goal is not repairing, but Replacing, this fallen system. And with what?  One based on the Word of God.   We who are saved DO have Light to shed. 
We will Rise Up and Raise Up a better Way of honoring God's gift of Life to us, with the time we have, or die trying. (As they say Wink )

We expose the enemy, break his chains, and begin to set the captives free. 
The world has suffered under satan's deceit.  They need to experience the Truth of God's Love.
And who are the one's given that responsibility?
Is this not the works of Christ on the earth?  To show forth the Mercy, the Saving Grace, the Goodness of God at this time,  so that people might know and come to believe enough to seek Him out before the Door is shut and the reaping begins in earnest. 

Where NOW is the Christ in this world?  Within the 'born again' believer.

I am going to write on this.  My dilemma is being brief as the Truth of it is all throughout the NT.
What are we looking at today?

Satan's grand plan for overtaking all the earth..The Great Reset
God's grand plan towards Salvation.  The Great Awakening !

I'm going to mention works here, because "Faith without works is dead". 
And here we are on a "Watcher" website.  Are are concerned about the Righteousness of warning the people?  Think covid.  
Together, we saved thousands, I read earlier. 

James 2:14-21
What use is it, my brethren, if someone says he has faith but he has no works? Can that faith save him? If a brother or sister is without clothing and in need of daily food, and one of you says to them, “Go in peace, be warmed and be filled,” 
and yet you do not give them what is necessary for their body, what use is that?
2 Corinthians 9:8
And God is able to make all grace abound to you, so that always having all sufficiency in everything, 

you may have an abundance for every good deed;
Ephesians 2:10
For we are His workmanship, created in Christ Jesus for good works, which God prepared beforehand so that we would walk in them.

To me, bringing about the Awakening to evil,  replacing these 'barely humans' with God Loving
men and women, or even just those with the good common sense God gave them, whether they know where it came from or not..I'm okay right now with anyone who wishes to overcome evil with good.
God will judge all in His Time.  And I always speak the Gospel too, to whoever I have contact with.

            I want to know the thoughts of God. Everything else is just details.
            A Miracle is when God makes His Reality our Experience              
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You know, I still haven't conveyed my beliefs in exactly the right words, but THIS
terrible truth; This horrid abuse of babies and children, is all I need to know to determine this is the right (God determined) thing to do in this hour.

Many layers of sin and deceit stand between us and their liberation, and that too must be done away with.  So be it. It is the task put before us in whatever way we can help.   The end is God's timing, regardless of what we've determined. 
That may well be where 'hopium' is misplaced, thinking that the end is right around the corner. 

As I read Bible this a.m., it was Rev. 2 which says, "24 But unto you I say, and unto the rest in Thyatira, as many as have not this doctrine, and which have not known the depths of Satan, as they speak; I will put upon you none other burden25 But that which ye have already hold fast till I come. 26 And he that overcometh, and keepeth my works unto the end, to him will I give power over the nations: 27 and he shall rule them with a rod of iron; as the vessels of a potter shall they be broken to shivers: even as I received of my Father. 28 And I will give him the morning star. 29 He that hath an ear, let him hear what the Spirit saith unto the churches.

Not all have come to know the depths of evil.  But we have. I take these verses to say
those that know are now responsible for what we know. We should consider ourselves
Blessed to be called to the Service of the King. 
praise GOD  video.  This is a short version. The full
video is worse. 


The following are images and videos of atrocities that happen to children every single day by evil sick monsters in this world.

Babies are tortured, beaten, and even eaten!!!

Pray like never before.

This is a battle between good and evil. 

We can’t be silent or lazy in our resolve to end child sex trafficking.

The majority of people don’t want to know about it, they don’t want to talk about it, and they sure as hell don’t want to see it.

Maybe they NEED to see it so they will fight against it!

Here FOLLOW  ( Rabbits Army ( be up-to-date.

            I want to know the thoughts of God. Everything else is just details.
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I think it's time to retire this pin. This thread has done its job. It can be found again should the need arise in the saved pin topics.

For the record - I still haven't budged one iota concerning the topic.

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Max Igan is being plagued by scammers claiming to be him. Max has a warning pinned on his BitChute channel and in his videos he NEVER asks for money or crypto or anything else. I've watched hundreds of hours of Max Igan so I know firsthand.

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Posted by Clif High on 23 Sept 2022
Clif High Telegram Message wrote:
people are begging for money in my name. It is NOT me.
i can buy my own coffee, thank you very much.
i won't ask you for money. If an account does that, you can be sure it is NOT ME.

FAKE SOCIAL MEDIA ACCOUNTS - Dschlopes: “I just spoke with Ezra Cohen Watnick” – Fakes, Impersonations, Trump Bucks Scam – ETC. Clif_s12

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You'll find them everywhere.  Once in a while there is a legit 'If you like my work, you can buy me a coffee'.  They themselves put it in their channel header. 

Some people actually do work at this almost 24/7, and I wouldn't fault them a bit for asking.
They ain't getting rich off it for sure!  But anything in direct messages or comments, avoid. 
Scammers are nothing but a a pain for the content providers. 

I think even Clif had up a warning at one time.

            I want to know the thoughts of God. Everything else is just details.
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AND on XRP.  I don't see the post, but...

I wouldn't tell anyone what to do.  Whether to buy or not to buy. 

We bring the info so all can make the decision for themselves.

I asked for a dm if anyone was interested, rather than have to present
all the details...and I didn't hear from anyone.  So...

I bought..and I said why.  That's my opinion, in action.

But there is a Fundamental action within the Plan that is getting missed here.
Report after report says crypto is 100% unavoidable.  It's functional now and
has been for quite the while.  Over time fiat will disappear. 

If you can see this, you'll understand the entire Plan.  FAKE SOCIAL MEDIA ACCOUNTS - Dschlopes: “I just spoke with Ezra Cohen Watnick” – Fakes, Impersonations, Trump Bucks Scam – ETC. 1f447 

With the coming elections, we are coming right up through the dirt with a new tree-A NEW CHOICE-to REPLACE the old.  The old, rotten to the core, corrupt tree will starve and die off. 

XRP-RIPPLE has been built over YEARS for this.  And we HAVE TO think world wide.  Economy/goods move world wide. Nation after nation are already committed to Ripple-the xrp ledger. 

When the switch is made, the world will run on Ripple, whether up front in cases
and behind the scenes in others.  And Schwab will have no control over it.
Or over our information, or our assets. could be really rough in the beginning, but simply put, 2 plates-one is prime rib, one is cricket burgers.  Which one will the world choose?  

Ripple was built to check ALL the boxes that have to be there.  Speed, cost, security, interchangeability, ISO compliance, etc.  There's more but I'm listening to POTUS at the same time here and I can't do 2 things at once.  LOL

We were infiltrated and overtaken by foreign, corrupt powers.  We are taking back our country LEGALLY, and peacefully (prayerfully so) by raising up the standard we always wanted.
And EACH AND EVERY BODY gets to choose which they are going to support.

            I want to know the thoughts of God. Everything else is just details.
            A Miracle is when God makes His Reality our Experience              
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FAKE SOCIAL MEDIA ACCOUNTS - Dschlopes: “I just spoke with Ezra Cohen Watnick” – Fakes, Impersonations, Trump Bucks Scam – ETC. Empty
PostSubject: Re: FAKE SOCIAL MEDIA ACCOUNTS - Dschlopes: “I just spoke with Ezra Cohen Watnick” – Fakes, Impersonations, Trump Bucks Scam – ETC.   FAKE SOCIAL MEDIA ACCOUNTS - Dschlopes: “I just spoke with Ezra Cohen Watnick” – Fakes, Impersonations, Trump Bucks Scam – ETC. I_icon_minitimeFri Sep 23, 2022 8:38 pm

Trump bucks.  Imagine if it was a scam and you bought into it.

Are you going to support Trump or anything associated with Trump ever again?

You think people might be angry over that?  How angry do you imagine they might be?

            I want to know the thoughts of God. Everything else is just details.
            A Miracle is when God makes His Reality our Experience              
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FAKE SOCIAL MEDIA ACCOUNTS - Dschlopes: “I just spoke with Ezra Cohen Watnick” – Fakes, Impersonations, Trump Bucks Scam – ETC. Empty
PostSubject: Re: FAKE SOCIAL MEDIA ACCOUNTS - Dschlopes: “I just spoke with Ezra Cohen Watnick” – Fakes, Impersonations, Trump Bucks Scam – ETC.   FAKE SOCIAL MEDIA ACCOUNTS - Dschlopes: “I just spoke with Ezra Cohen Watnick” – Fakes, Impersonations, Trump Bucks Scam – ETC. I_icon_minitimeFri Sep 23, 2022 8:47 pm

It depends if Trump had anything to do with it. If not, then its just another scam.
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FAKE SOCIAL MEDIA ACCOUNTS - Dschlopes: “I just spoke with Ezra Cohen Watnick” – Fakes, Impersonations, Trump Bucks Scam – ETC. Empty
PostSubject: Re: FAKE SOCIAL MEDIA ACCOUNTS - Dschlopes: “I just spoke with Ezra Cohen Watnick” – Fakes, Impersonations, Trump Bucks Scam – ETC.   FAKE SOCIAL MEDIA ACCOUNTS - Dschlopes: “I just spoke with Ezra Cohen Watnick” – Fakes, Impersonations, Trump Bucks Scam – ETC. I_icon_minitimeFri Sep 23, 2022 8:59 pm

It's all very public. (Trump bucks).  I think Scavino has posted them too.  I'll confirm.  

I do believe it would bring down Q+++ if it's all a lie.  They've been available for months. 

I guess if you think things are this dire I can see why you see 'hopium' in me.

            I want to know the thoughts of God. Everything else is just details.
            A Miracle is when God makes His Reality our Experience              
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PostSubject: Re: FAKE SOCIAL MEDIA ACCOUNTS - Dschlopes: “I just spoke with Ezra Cohen Watnick” – Fakes, Impersonations, Trump Bucks Scam – ETC.   FAKE SOCIAL MEDIA ACCOUNTS - Dschlopes: “I just spoke with Ezra Cohen Watnick” – Fakes, Impersonations, Trump Bucks Scam – ETC. I_icon_minitimeFri Sep 23, 2022 9:04 pm

Has Trump officially acknowledged them?
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FAKE SOCIAL MEDIA ACCOUNTS - Dschlopes: “I just spoke with Ezra Cohen Watnick” – Fakes, Impersonations, Trump Bucks Scam – ETC. Empty
PostSubject: Re: FAKE SOCIAL MEDIA ACCOUNTS - Dschlopes: “I just spoke with Ezra Cohen Watnick” – Fakes, Impersonations, Trump Bucks Scam – ETC.   FAKE SOCIAL MEDIA ACCOUNTS - Dschlopes: “I just spoke with Ezra Cohen Watnick” – Fakes, Impersonations, Trump Bucks Scam – ETC. I_icon_minitimeFri Sep 23, 2022 9:13 pm

Let me bring examples in the morning.  I have a headache. Wink   I really do.  LOL.
These glasses really are bad. But I already have a couple other things to finish up tonight.

            I want to know the thoughts of God. Everything else is just details.
            A Miracle is when God makes His Reality our Experience              
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FAKE SOCIAL MEDIA ACCOUNTS - Dschlopes: “I just spoke with Ezra Cohen Watnick” – Fakes, Impersonations, Trump Bucks Scam – ETC. Empty
PostSubject: Re: FAKE SOCIAL MEDIA ACCOUNTS - Dschlopes: “I just spoke with Ezra Cohen Watnick” – Fakes, Impersonations, Trump Bucks Scam – ETC.   FAKE SOCIAL MEDIA ACCOUNTS - Dschlopes: “I just spoke with Ezra Cohen Watnick” – Fakes, Impersonations, Trump Bucks Scam – ETC. I_icon_minitimeFri Sep 23, 2022 10:25 pm

I'm running into some while scrolling.  
Uncensored posts from the Office of Donald J. Trump 
Reserved for the 45th President of the United States

Pic.  Could be cgi.
text:Trump's gold ticket has been officially announced on Fox News.:rotating_light:

We are honored to be part of a great history where every true patriot gets minimum $1000 per ticket + many other privileges with gold tickets. 
The Trump ticket will be approved by the big American banks as the ONLY GOLD TICKET and will change HISTORY! :flag_us:

If you want to be a part of this, act fast and buy a Gold Ticket for each member of the family because it will be sold out very quickly. 
Here’s the official site

            I want to know the thoughts of God. Everything else is just details.
            A Miracle is when God makes His Reality our Experience              
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FAKE SOCIAL MEDIA ACCOUNTS - Dschlopes: “I just spoke with Ezra Cohen Watnick” – Fakes, Impersonations, Trump Bucks Scam – ETC. Empty
PostSubject: Re: FAKE SOCIAL MEDIA ACCOUNTS - Dschlopes: “I just spoke with Ezra Cohen Watnick” – Fakes, Impersonations, Trump Bucks Scam – ETC.   FAKE SOCIAL MEDIA ACCOUNTS - Dschlopes: “I just spoke with Ezra Cohen Watnick” – Fakes, Impersonations, Trump Bucks Scam – ETC. I_icon_minitimeFri Sep 23, 2022 10:38 pm

Unfortunately, we have to announce that today is the last day. Almost 13 million Golden Trump Tickets were sold in just a few days. The sale ends today.

The benefits of the Golden Trump TICKET  are unlimited; The TRB System will be active in November. 

People all over America have been talking about the Trump Tickets in the past few days, especially after President Trump approved them. :white_check_mark:

There are approximately 7000 bills left today. Get at least x10 Golden Trump Tickets 


            I want to know the thoughts of God. Everything else is just details.
            A Miracle is when God makes His Reality our Experience              
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FAKE SOCIAL MEDIA ACCOUNTS - Dschlopes: “I just spoke with Ezra Cohen Watnick” – Fakes, Impersonations, Trump Bucks Scam – ETC. Empty
PostSubject: Re: FAKE SOCIAL MEDIA ACCOUNTS - Dschlopes: “I just spoke with Ezra Cohen Watnick” – Fakes, Impersonations, Trump Bucks Scam – ETC.   FAKE SOCIAL MEDIA ACCOUNTS - Dschlopes: “I just spoke with Ezra Cohen Watnick” – Fakes, Impersonations, Trump Bucks Scam – ETC. I_icon_minitimeFri Sep 23, 2022 10:53 pm
Melania Trump supports the Donald Trump Diamond Check. 

Ever since Donald Trump announced his plan to help Patriots with a Stimulus package of Trump Diamond Checks, big republican names supported him.

Melania Trump, his wife, is one of them. She said that this is a great opportunity for all Patriots because they can literally have their lives changed with this help.

She urged all patriots not to waste another minute and claim their Trump Diamond Checks now, starting 21st of October you can cash them at any American Bank. 

Get at least x10 Trump Check if you TRUST THE PLAN and want him to help you and your family and in return you will get x100 Original Trump Bucks for FREE

            I want to know the thoughts of God. Everything else is just details.
            A Miracle is when God makes His Reality our Experience              
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PostSubject: Re: FAKE SOCIAL MEDIA ACCOUNTS - Dschlopes: “I just spoke with Ezra Cohen Watnick” – Fakes, Impersonations, Trump Bucks Scam – ETC.   FAKE SOCIAL MEDIA ACCOUNTS - Dschlopes: “I just spoke with Ezra Cohen Watnick” – Fakes, Impersonations, Trump Bucks Scam – ETC. I_icon_minitime

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