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 Nathan Leal News From the Wall #15B

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Nathan Leal News From the Wall #15B Empty
PostSubject: Nathan Leal News From the Wall #15B   Nathan Leal News From the Wall #15B I_icon_minitimeSat Jul 20, 2013 5:42 am

Nathan Leal - July 19, 2013
The Rise of Civil War!  -
Fire from the South & Seeds of Discontent
Nathan Leal News From the Wall #15B Jpeg
The link is below or click on the image above.
This report / transcript contains very important & updated information on the next chapter of civil war that is coming to America.
Summary –  With the ongoing drama of the Zimmerman verdict, America is experiencing the beginnings of a future civil war and racial war. God's people need to understand it.
Note - this report is comprehensive and detailed, please take the time to digest it.
1. What time is it? The Coming Storm.
2. A biblical study on the methods that God uses to send His Warnings.
3. Prophetic signs, tokens, riddles and parables - what are they?
4. Kingdoms have come and gone...Why?
5. It's now America's turn! Signs of her coming demise.
6. Where America is Headed.
7. The Coming Civil War.
8. Finding America's judgment in Scripture - Ezekiel's glimpse.
9. Where it will begin - flashpoints & the Zimmerman Trial.
10. And God said, "Preach to the South."
11. The coming fires of the South.
12. The role of the remnant and a challenge to behave.

Link to Transcript News 15 - Part 2 Here:
Report - Transcribe of News 15 Part 2
Link to program's audio page:
Please share this with your friends and family.
God Bless,
Nathan Leal


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