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 Nathan Leal, News from the Wall #19 - Parts 8 & 9

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PostSubject: Nathan Leal, News from the Wall #19 - Parts 8 & 9   Nathan Leal, News from the Wall #19 - Parts 8 & 9 I_icon_minitimeMon Jun 02, 2014 12:25 pm

News from the Wall #19 - Parts 8 & 9

The Illuminati Unmasked Series - Final Sessions: 
The BRICS Takeover of America - Prepare to be Crushed!

Nathan Leal, News from the Wall #19 - Parts 8 & 9 Brics
[b][b][b]By Nathan Leal - June 1, 2014[/b][/b][/b]
[b][b](Program links to the audios are below.)[/b][/b]

The final sessions of the series!
In this study, I share the final disclosure the series, which is the unpleasant reality of America's decline. It includes very sobering words of challenge that must be visited by God's people.
This information is vital to know, but be is not easy to hear! 

My friends, the truth hurts...

Most Americans are snoozing while the invasion is destroying the very fabric of this nation which includes our children!

The Illuminati New World Order has mandated that America be demolished and looted. This is not a mandate for the future but sadly is now underway.
Over the past few years, the BRICS Nations have been buying up America at fire sale prices. The butchering of America is following a very clever plan of deception, wickedness and betrayal at the highest level.
These final sessions of the series will disclose how this devious scheme is being accomplished in plain site. A great deception is now underway and is going to get worse.
During the 2014 Superbowl, the Illuminati broadcasted a commercial that revealed their New World Order plan to destroy America. It was the Bud Light Commercial that featured Arnold Schwarzenegger making an announcment - "Prepare to be Crushed!" 

The commercial was veiled, symbolic and profound. It has also now been decoded! 
In this study, we will also examine it and see that it was an announcement by the Illuminati that the BRICS looting of America has begun with the help of engineered deception. This will eventually result in a global war!

This is a message for all Christians!
Please share this series with your friends and family.
In His service.

Nathan Leal


Listen to the message here.
Part 8 - The Illuminati Unmasked - The BRICS Takeover - Part 8
Part 9 - The Illuminati Unmasked - The BRICS Takeover - Part 9 
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PostSubject: Re: Nathan Leal, News from the Wall #19 - Parts 8 & 9   Nathan Leal, News from the Wall #19 - Parts 8 & 9 I_icon_minitimeMon Jun 02, 2014 1:09 pm

Thank you brother for posting this.  Nathan continues to be spot on!
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PostSubject: Re: Nathan Leal, News from the Wall #19 - Parts 8 & 9   Nathan Leal, News from the Wall #19 - Parts 8 & 9 I_icon_minitimeMon Jun 02, 2014 8:56 pm

thanks so much for posting these at this time!

After the O speech in Belgium, the pope, Biden and others... 
WE know for certain where WE are!

WE here depend on each other to be watchful in these types of news as well as spiritual

Some of this news is really shocking, I shared the 0 speech with my sister.. a real wow exclamation of course!

Again thanks for the post, I need this type of spiritual info as I do tend to spend too much time looking in other areas.
So the audio is very welcomed to listen while 

God bless you and All of the Watchers here!!
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