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 DAILY 12 JULY 2024

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PostSubject: DAILY 12 JULY 2024    DAILY  12  JULY  2024   I_icon_minitimeFri Jul 12, 2024 7:19 am

            I want to know the thoughts of God. Everything else is just details.
            A Miracle is when God makes His Reality our Experience              
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PostSubject: Re: DAILY 12 JULY 2024    DAILY  12  JULY  2024   I_icon_minitimeFri Jul 12, 2024 10:42 am

Big Picture Question - Big Picture Answer - The Last Refuge

Big Picture Question - Big Picture Answer - The Last Refuge
I was explaining how Joe Biden is now facing two formidable forces against his 2024 election candidacy,

            I want to know the thoughts of God. Everything else is just details.
            A Miracle is when God makes His Reality our Experience              
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PostSubject: Re: DAILY 12 JULY 2024    DAILY  12  JULY  2024   I_icon_minitimeFri Jul 12, 2024 11:19 am

We got a friend you can~  DAILY  12  JULY  2024   1f60a 

            I want to know the thoughts of God. Everything else is just details.
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PostSubject: Re: DAILY 12 JULY 2024    DAILY  12  JULY  2024   I_icon_minitimeFri Jul 12, 2024 11:53 am

Did you know that NASA owns all of the technology found within the Great Pyramid and also owns a large section of the Grand Canyon? :thinking:

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PostSubject: Re: DAILY 12 JULY 2024    DAILY  12  JULY  2024   I_icon_minitimeFri Jul 12, 2024 12:01 pm

Octobry 1582:ok_hand:

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(me: that would be 10 days disappeared)

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PostSubject: Re: DAILY 12 JULY 2024    DAILY  12  JULY  2024   I_icon_minitimeFri Jul 12, 2024 12:06 pm

Did you know Disney World is actually crown property? There's a reason it's called "The Magic Kingdom" :european_castle:

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            I want to know the thoughts of God. Everything else is just details.
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PostSubject: Re: DAILY 12 JULY 2024    DAILY  12  JULY  2024   I_icon_minitimeFri Jul 12, 2024 12:10 pm

JFK also refused to sign off on a false flag event to kill Americans all the other chiefs of staff already signed onto to get us into war with Cuba. After they murdered him, that shithead Johnson used the fake Gulf of Tonkin incident to drag us into war with Vietnam instead where the only people that profited were the central banks that financed it, and the military industrial complex selling toxic chemicals like agent orange, napalm, and other weapons of death.

Once you realize our government has absolutely no problem killing us for profit and lying about it….everything they’re doing now with covid, the vaccines, censorship, the rigged election, and Ukraine, all starts to make more sense.

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            I want to know the thoughts of God. Everything else is just details.
            A Miracle is when God makes His Reality our Experience              
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PostSubject: Re: DAILY 12 JULY 2024    DAILY  12  JULY  2024   I_icon_minitimeFri Jul 12, 2024 12:19 pm

Translation:   I Donald Trump have made moves and signed orders so that we can put the government on pause.  

During this period, we will run a multi layered psyop for multiple reasons. 

Our country was infiltrated. Our citizens were divided and lulled into slavery. 

To correct these issues, we have written a story and produced a show/cover story.  

The show will allow the American people to see what we were up against and, in turn, weoponizing the people... all while saving the kids, revamping the financial system, and derooting corruption of every form globally.     

We are 100% reaching the precipice. It is time. 

It had to be this way.  And it's glorious.  What a time to be alive.

            I want to know the thoughts of God. Everything else is just details.
            A Miracle is when God makes His Reality our Experience              
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PostSubject: Re: DAILY 12 JULY 2024    DAILY  12  JULY  2024   I_icon_minitimeFri Jul 12, 2024 12:21 pm

The truth is that the VAST MAJORITY of US voters are on the same team, as it were.  That our interests are much more aligned than we're led to believe.

I realize that it may not seem like it, but that doesn't make it not true.  

Turns out that many folks have simply bought into the lies sold to them about our true political landscape, not fully unaware that it's the UniParty cabal who knowingly convinces citizens to fight among themselves for a reason thereby keeping our collective gaze off of them when they're the real reason we're having serious problems in the first place.

Note that this makes more sense once you come to understand that the current political landscape we toil to survive under relies on purposefully misleading the masses in pursuit of consolidating ever more $$ and power in the hands of shadowy figures (who no one voted for) that ultimately pull the strings from outside the spotlight of the public's attention.   

Oh, and this globalist UniParty includes both Republicans and Democrats who, in coordination with the fake news media, answer only to their globalist cabal bosses.

Just understand that this is 100% intentional as the idea is to obfuscate said truth from public knowledge AND keep our respective attention off of [them]. 

A master, mind you, that does not (nor ever has) represented the interests of the People.

            I want to know the thoughts of God. Everything else is just details.
            A Miracle is when God makes His Reality our Experience              
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PostSubject: Re: DAILY 12 JULY 2024    DAILY  12  JULY  2024   I_icon_minitimeFri Jul 12, 2024 12:23 pm

Just wait until the vast majority of people suffering the ravages of late-stage #TDS finally figure out that #Trump was always fighting FOR (and NOT against) THEM.  

Boy, are they gonna be pissed. :punch::grin:

FACT: It's okay to love your nation.

And no, that doesn't mean to the exclusion of other nations as is commonly promoted by people with an Anti-US agenda.  

They simply don't wish us to harbor those kinds of feelings about our Republic.

In fact, that's only a straw man logical fallacy (read here: lie) employed to paint love of country in a negative light.

And they lie about it because advances their anti-American agenda while simultaneously diminishing that which unites us.

(noun) loyalty and devotion to a nation, a sense of national consciousness, exalting one nation above others and placing primary emphasis on the promotion of its culture and interests as opposed to those of other nations or supranational groups.

It's once you understand that love of country (regardless of where you are from) is something that unites us and is therefore a good thing, then it makes sense as to why those who wish to divide and conquer us would work overtime to paint the dedicated allegiance of patriots to their nation in a negative light.
'Merica or GTFO!🫡🇺🇸

            I want to know the thoughts of God. Everything else is just details.
            A Miracle is when God makes His Reality our Experience              
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PostSubject: Re: DAILY 12 JULY 2024    DAILY  12  JULY  2024   I_icon_minitimeFri Jul 12, 2024 12:25 pm

Hear me out.
I've said it before but I like to circle back around occasionally to make clear that I don't blame the illegal aliens that are here - not directly.  

I get that.
Most folks do.
They've been promised the world.

Hell, if I was one of them I sure as well would work my ass off to come here for no other reason than self-interest and that of my family.  Wouldn't you?

Yes, the crime, violence, & mayhem we suffer as a result of this sanctioned invasion is beyond terrible, but the truth is that they (the illegal aliens) shouldn't even be here in the first place.

And if they weren't here they wouldn't be committing crimes, bringing therefore unseen levels of violence to our streets, taking our jobs, as well as being enabled to feed endlessly on a never-ending supply of 'milk' from the Govt's teat (aka our wealth mind you).

And while we're on the subject, it goes without saying that our Govt's main responsibility is to protect and provide for our general welfare.  

So why is that not happening?  
In fact, what they're doing is precisely the opposite of what's expected of our body politic as detailed in our Founding documents - and it's absolfreakinglutely unacceptable that they aren't.

But hold the phone, Chuck.  
It gets better. 
The Govt, our Govt, is actually helping fund and expedite the invasion of our borders, often then having border patrol agents work as glorified travel agents to get people transportation to anywhere their hearts desire and those of the children with them.

And that's done even knowing that many of the children are being trafficked. This means that the impt takeaway is that the US Govt is 100% knowingly complicit in the global child sex trafficking industry.

And all of this is being done to try and win an election at all costs, damn the consequences.  All that matters to the UniParty Deep State is raw political power.

To be this desperate it really makes you wonder what they know is going to happen to them if they fail.

            I want to know the thoughts of God. Everything else is just details.
            A Miracle is when God makes His Reality our Experience              
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PostSubject: Re: DAILY 12 JULY 2024    DAILY  12  JULY  2024   I_icon_minitimeFri Jul 12, 2024 12:28 pm

Ellen DeGeneres is ‘done’ with fame after Netflix special: ‘This is the last time you’re going to see me'

            I want to know the thoughts of God. Everything else is just details.
            A Miracle is when God makes His Reality our Experience              
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PostSubject: Re: DAILY 12 JULY 2024    DAILY  12  JULY  2024   I_icon_minitimeFri Jul 12, 2024 12:40 pm

BOOM:boom:  here it is... All of it..  Laid right out by the boss himself. 

Listen to every word! 

"You see it now, better then ever, with all of the resignations of bad apples"

"They tried for a coup, it didn't work out so well"

"Corruption at the highest level, spying, surveillance, trying for an overthrow.  And we caught em"

"Democrats are obsessed with hoaxes, delusions,and witch hunts."


Welcome to the PAUSE. 45-47.

We are witnessing some of the most complex military operations the world has ever seen. 

The Joe Biden PSYOP.

            I want to know the thoughts of God. Everything else is just details.
            A Miracle is when God makes His Reality our Experience              
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PostSubject: Re: DAILY 12 JULY 2024    DAILY  12  JULY  2024   I_icon_minitimeFri Jul 12, 2024 12:49 pm

Make more room on the pin head..

He claims "tolerance" as a core value...

DFL House candidate wonders if Biden could ‘just drone strike Trump and end this’

Law Officer (
DFL House candidate wonders if Biden could ‘just drone strike Trump and end this’
By Hayley Feland A DFL candidate for the Minnesota House faced widespread criticism online last week

            I want to know the thoughts of God. Everything else is just details.
            A Miracle is when God makes His Reality our Experience              
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PostSubject: Re: DAILY 12 JULY 2024    DAILY  12  JULY  2024   I_icon_minitimeFri Jul 12, 2024 12:50 pm

Blue city Albuquerque hires equity trainer who calls US military 'home of White supremacy' as part of 'culture change'

The military is 'the home of white supremacy and patriarchy,' according to Albuquerque's equity consultant.

            I want to know the thoughts of God. Everything else is just details.
            A Miracle is when God makes His Reality our Experience              
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PostSubject: Re: DAILY 12 JULY 2024    DAILY  12  JULY  2024   I_icon_minitimeFri Jul 12, 2024 12:53 pm

"One thing about Democrats: they are a military machine. They don't look like it right now, but they are. And they will… focus on what they always do: the end game. And the end game for them is to win this election."
DEVELOPING! Two toddlers were taken to a local hospital after they were found suffering from an apparent overdose in the Winnetka neighborhood of Los Angeles.

The two 3-year-old toddlers were found in cardiac arrest following a possible drug overdose, Los Angeles Police Department Officer Chaves said.
During the traffic stop, the police officer heard a knocking noise coming from the trunk of the car. Upon opening the trunk, the officer found three illegal immigrants. One of the individuals was only 16-years-old.

            I want to know the thoughts of God. Everything else is just details.
            A Miracle is when God makes His Reality our Experience              
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PostSubject: Re: DAILY 12 JULY 2024    DAILY  12  JULY  2024   I_icon_minitimeFri Jul 12, 2024 12:59 pm

BREAKING: A Boeing aircraft flying as American Airlines Flight 590 from Tampa, Florida, has just averted a possible major disaster when several tires burst off the plane during takeoff.

There should be thousands of lawsuits. Bust them!  And Congress too!

            I want to know the thoughts of God. Everything else is just details.
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PostSubject: Re: DAILY 12 JULY 2024    DAILY  12  JULY  2024   I_icon_minitimeFri Jul 12, 2024 1:04 pm

Colbert Turns on Biden Dr Seuss Style Is the Left Jumping Ship

            I want to know the thoughts of God. Everything else is just details.
            A Miracle is when God makes His Reality our Experience              
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PostSubject: Re: DAILY 12 JULY 2024    DAILY  12  JULY  2024   I_icon_minitimeFri Jul 12, 2024 1:18 pm

Weather war in France

(torrential rain blowing sideways) Somebody didn't like the election results

            I want to know the thoughts of God. Everything else is just details.
            A Miracle is when God makes His Reality our Experience              
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PostSubject: Re: DAILY 12 JULY 2024    DAILY  12  JULY  2024   I_icon_minitimeFri Jul 12, 2024 1:21 pm

Library found in Tibet containing 84,000 secret manuscripts (books), including history of mankind for over 1000 years.

Sakya Monastery Perhaps the largest library in the world of our distant history. It was discovered behind a huge wall, 60m long and 10m high.

(me: all must be true, right? (???)

            I want to know the thoughts of God. Everything else is just details.
            A Miracle is when God makes His Reality our Experience              
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PostSubject: Re: DAILY 12 JULY 2024    DAILY  12  JULY  2024   I_icon_minitime

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