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 Remote viewers predicting catastrophic events for 2013

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Remote viewers predicting catastrophic events for 2013 Empty
PostSubject: Remote viewers predicting catastrophic events for 2013   Remote viewers predicting catastrophic events for 2013 I_icon_minitimeMon Feb 25, 2013 11:06 am

I guess our government sold out to Satan a long time ago. They're just following what the Nazi's did with their involvement with the occult.....

February 24, 2013 by count down to zero time

Remote viewers predicting catastrophic events 2013 and the near term future

Two independent science-based probes provide some, although not definitive, evidence to support a possible catastrophic timeline for Earth in 2013 and the near term future.

1. A 1971 U.S. Department of Defense DARPA chronovisor time travel probe to the year 2013 found the U.S. Supreme Court in Washington, DC under 100 feet of brackish water.

2. In a 2010 Farsight Institute remote viewing probe of June 2013 using the largest number of military-trained remote viewers in history, 39% of the military-trained remove viewers found a global coastal event and devastated coastal cities and populations, with the U.S. Capitol (directly across the street from the U.S. Supreme Court) being devastated and by deep water, congruent with the 1971 DARPA chronovisor probe of 2013.

The results of the 2010 Farsight Institute probe of June 2013 are skewed between a 2013 “catastrophic” timeline and a 2013 “non-catastrophic” timeline.

Back in 2008 some predictions were made by a team of the top, military trained “remote viewers” – each with over a decade of successful service. Lyn Buchanan from US Army Intelligence and Glenn Wheaton, of US Special Forces participated in a project run by Farsight Institute originally designed to detect minute climate changes at selected targets around the globe. Instead of climate change, the remote viewers saw a huge meteoric impact in the ocean with devastating tidal waves and volcanism. All this happening by 2013.

The results were unexpected but should be taken seriously. It appears that the governments of the world are already preparing for such an event. The scientific community believes these predictions to be so strong and reliable that they proposed to let the reputation of remote viewing, as a science, rest upon this horrible prediction.

In 2008 a team of 8 military grade remote viewers were asked to view several targets with the understanding that the actual target assignments for each session would be given to them in the future. The sessions were given a number (S1, S2…) and the notes and drawings from each session were collected, scanned, encrypted and subsequently downloaded by tens of thousands of internet users for some future date, when the encryption codes would be published. This guaranteed that the results of the remote viewing sessions could not be changed.

There was a total of 113 sessions. Once the sessions had been recorded, the targets were selected in a random manner, pairing each session with one of three possible target conditions in 9 different locations around the globe:

Full Story: Here
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Remote viewers predicting catastrophic events for 2013 Empty
PostSubject: Re: Remote viewers predicting catastrophic events for 2013   Remote viewers predicting catastrophic events for 2013 I_icon_minitimeMon Feb 25, 2013 11:54 am

Thanks for that post Colonelz! It was so interesting I wanted to folllow up with the rest of the story! Smile
In general, these remote-viewing data suggest the following types of physical changes across many of the above geographical locations by mid-2013:

1. Impacts from what appear to be large meteors leading to tsunamis and possible volcanism.
2. Extensive and forceful flooding of costal areas.
3. Excessive solar radiation.
4. Storms and other severe weather.

In terms of the effects of these changes on humans, these data also suggest:

1. Massive self-organized relocation from coastal areas (refugees).
2. The breakdown of rescue or other notable governmental functioning.
3. The breakdown of the food supply system.
4. The breakdown of the vehicular transport system.
5. Extensive loss of buildings near coasts.

The two 2013 timelines examined in this study are:

Timeline A:

1 June 2013, 12 noon target local time, following the timeline in which the leadership of the mainstream global scientific establishment continues to ignore or deny (1) the reality of the remote-viewing phenomenon, and
(2) the existence of life not originating from Earth.

Timeline B:

1 June 2013, 12 noon target local time, following the timeline in which by the end of 2009 leaders of the mainstream global scientific establishment publicly recognize (1) the reality of the remote-viewing phenomenon, and
(2) the existence of life not originating from Earth.

More information about this project at Farsight

Two theories are emerging for the global coastal event predicted by the 1971 DARPA and 2010 Farsight Institute probes of the year 2013. One theory is that a catastrophic global coastal event could be caused by an inner solar system flyby of our dual Sun

Another theory is that our solar system is part of the Sagittarius Dwarf galaxy, which is being consumed by the Milky Way galaxy. Celestial bodies from the incoming Milky Way galaxy entering the inner solar system could cause the predicted catastrophic global coastal event.

Theory I:

Astrobiology Magazine presented a probable case for the existence of our dual Sun, a brown dwarf called "Nemesis" or "Nibiru/Planet X". The article titled: “Getting WISE About Nemesis”, stated: “A dark object may be lurking near our solar system, occasionally kicking comets in our direction. Nicknamed “Nemesis” or “The Death Star,”

Theory II:

The Sagittarius Dwarf galaxyX A report in the Astrophysical Journal “demonstrates how the debris from the Sagittarius galaxy, which is 10,000 times smaller in total mass than the Milky Way, is getting consumed by the latter.

Global warming on Earth and in the solar system is thought now to be the product of the Milky Way galaxy consuming our Sagittarius galaxy. “Scientists postulate that as the Sun and its attendant satellites, including Earth, get consumed by the Milky Way, the higher energy levels in this much larger galaxy will cause the Sun to burn hotter, and to emit higher energy. This, scientists say, is one reason temperatures have been rising steadily in all plants in our solar system. As the consumption of Sagittarius by the Milky Way continues, further changes are being spotted, and monitored, in our own planetary system

Celestial bodies now being spotted at the edge of our solar system may in fact be from the incoming Milky Way galaxy.

In a worse case scenario, during a fly-by in the inner solar system, Nemesis, or a similar incoming celestial body from the Milky Way galaxy, could approach within 2.85 AU of our Sun (about 265 million miles), creating huge solar flares and solar storms that in turn create a global coastal event of our planet, devastating coastal human settlements and populations. as foreseen in the 1971 DARPA chronovisor and 2010 Farsight Institute remote viewing probes.

Scientific opinion about the existence of our dual Sun or an incoming celestial body is highly divided. A number of prominent scientists investigating these issues have reportedly met mysterious deaths, and there is evidence of a government cover-up in this area
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Remote viewers predicting catastrophic events for 2013 Empty
PostSubject: Re: Remote viewers predicting catastrophic events for 2013   Remote viewers predicting catastrophic events for 2013 I_icon_minitimeMon Feb 25, 2013 12:02 pm

My gosh, are we tuned in. I was just thinking about that report and wanting to
find it again.
THANKS!!!! UP AND NOW~ Innocent
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PostSubject: Mini Solar System Entering Our's, Says Astrophysicist Jim McCanney   Remote viewers predicting catastrophic events for 2013 I_icon_minitimeMon Feb 25, 2013 12:09 pm

The southern hemisphere, astronomers are currently working together with the army, tracking a mini solar system entering our solar system.

According to physicist James McCanney (Connected With Australian Learmonth Observatory) the Learmonth Solar Observatory in Australia would play a central role in the operation.

The solar observatory is operated by the U.S. Air Force and the Australian government. The observatory is part of a network that is operated by the U.S. National Optical Astronomy Observatory (NOAO).


According to McCanney, many astronomers and soldiers are currently on the location of Project Wormwood, with the study of planetary defense and space debris. The physicist explains that many astronomers discover planets outside our solar system, but keep this information secret.

According to McCanney, astronomers desperately looking for a mini-solar system that enters our solar system. McCanney refers to Dr. Richard Harrington of the United States Naval Observatory, who, shortly before his death on his way to Australia, would confirm the existence of Planet X / Nibiru. This planet would follow the same path as comet Hale-Bopp.

McCanney also points out that most astronomers are assigned to space programs of the elite. Most discoveries are therefore kept secret.


The solar system is according to the physicist subject to change. This change has a strong influence on the sun, the weather, the planets, and so on. Governments are not going to inform the people, because the nation is not prepared for cosmic changes.

What can we expect?

McCanney thinks of more comets in our solar system, comets are captured by gas giants, the emergence of new moons, meteor showers and meteorites more than usual.

Wormwood (Planet X's name from the bible). Nibiru (Planet X's name from ancient Sumerians.

"The third angel sounded his trumpet, and a great star, blazing like a torch, fell from the sky on a third of the rivers and on the springs of water - the name of the star is Wormwood." – Revelation 8:10-11

Video: Listen to the revealing statement of McCanney! source: Indianinthemachine
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Remote viewers predicting catastrophic events for 2013 Empty
PostSubject: Re: Remote viewers predicting catastrophic events for 2013   Remote viewers predicting catastrophic events for 2013 I_icon_minitimeMon Feb 25, 2013 12:40 pm

" 39% of the military-trained remove viewers found a global coastal event and devastated coastal cities and populations"

Doesnt that mean 69%, did not....Remote viewers predicting catastrophic events for 2013 2923029310
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Remote viewers predicting catastrophic events for 2013 Empty
PostSubject:    Remote viewers predicting catastrophic events for 2013 I_icon_minitimeMon Feb 25, 2013 12:54 pm

Let's hope they're right! Doom isn't nearly as fun as it sounds! shtf
Although, since all my doom excitement is directly tied to the end of times scenario..... I have to admit, I get a little doom amped. blush
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Remote viewers predicting catastrophic events for 2013 Empty
PostSubject: Re: Remote viewers predicting catastrophic events for 2013   Remote viewers predicting catastrophic events for 2013 I_icon_minitimeMon Feb 25, 2013 1:40 pm

Wonder why/how come way back then, they all homed in on the year 2013?
And I'm also a bit like you Delfi not liking the "doom" thing but knowing what comes with it I am looking forward to it....( sounds all wrong don't it rapture)
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Remote viewers predicting catastrophic events for 2013 Empty
PostSubject: Re: Remote viewers predicting catastrophic events for 2013   Remote viewers predicting catastrophic events for 2013 I_icon_minitimeTue Feb 26, 2013 2:54 am

Here is the video with the explanation of the results of the viewing sessions.
And a 2nd vid with Dames predictions for 2013. [below]

Go to link for 1st video as it's being yanked from around the web.

Last edited by Dove on Tue Feb 26, 2013 3:04 am; edited 1 time in total
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Remote viewers predicting catastrophic events for 2013 Empty
PostSubject: Re: Remote viewers predicting catastrophic events for 2013   Remote viewers predicting catastrophic events for 2013 I_icon_minitimeTue Feb 26, 2013 9:28 am

Good Morning Dovie! :grht: I'm listening to the first video, I didn't know about the Korean thing or the crop fungus thing.... wow, it sounds like he's describing wormwood and some of the other end time events. Thanks for posting this. shofar
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Remote viewers predicting catastrophic events for 2013 Empty
PostSubject: Re: Remote viewers predicting catastrophic events for 2013   Remote viewers predicting catastrophic events for 2013 I_icon_minitimeTue Feb 26, 2013 11:02 am

Second video, he says the Sun will heat up.
Revelation 8 The fourth angel poured out his bowl upon the sun, and it was given to it to scorch men with fire.9 Men were scorched with fierce heat; and they blasphemed the name of God who has the power over these plagues, and they did not repent so as to give Him glory
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Remote viewers predicting catastrophic events for 2013 Empty
PostSubject: Re: Remote viewers predicting catastrophic events for 2013   Remote viewers predicting catastrophic events for 2013 I_icon_minitimeTue Feb 26, 2013 11:18 am

Wow, Major Dames is giving away the video for free and it's bluray!

I'm blown away, Smile Who gives anything away for free anymore. He must really believe it.
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Remote viewers predicting catastrophic events for 2013 Empty
PostSubject: Re: Remote viewers predicting catastrophic events for 2013   Remote viewers predicting catastrophic events for 2013 I_icon_minitimeTue Feb 26, 2013 2:33 pm

Delfi wrote:
Wow, Major Dames is giving away the video for free and it's bluray!

I'm blown away, Smile Who gives anything away for free anymore. He must really believe it.

Maybe it's a marketing technique to get people to buy his remote viewing products?
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Remote viewers predicting catastrophic events for 2013 Empty
PostSubject: Re: Remote viewers predicting catastrophic events for 2013   Remote viewers predicting catastrophic events for 2013 I_icon_minitimeTue Feb 26, 2013 6:18 pm

Ah! I didn't look at it that way, Smile Back in the day when I was doing evil, I read Tarot. Or a pack of playing cards, it didn't matter. I probably could have used a set of kitchen spoons but I would just focus on the person I was reading and I really didn't pay a whole lot of attention to the cards, that was more for the client's benefit. But I would concentrate on them and in a short time, I would start to have thought images. Not vague stuff like, you're going to meet a rich man etc.. I mean specific images that were pertinent to the client.

Sometimes I would start telling them what I thought/saw and they would get very upset or happy or confused because I would be telling them something they didn't want or care to know about but it came to me from them. For example a girl wanted to know about this boy, she gave me the name and described him. I tried to see it but I kept getting the Thought/vision of a older guy in a race car associated with danger. I told her that, because I couldn't see the boy at all, just the older guy and then her mom and her told me that she was being stalked by a an older guy who was a race car driver. They were crying and upset and wanted to know the turnout of this and I couldn't tell them. It wasn't the first time something like this happened but it was the last time I read. I was sorely convicted and after a few weeks, well, needless to say that is in the past and many years ago and I repented and came back to Father and Jesus.

I don't know if being able to "read someone's mind" is evil or just an ability, I couldn't see the future really, just what a person was involved in. So, I don't know if remote viewing is evil either. I don't feel like my ability is evil but it was far from God and that made it evil to me. I'm intrigued by remote viewing and part of me wants to try it but I don't think I will...
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PostSubject: Re: Remote viewers predicting catastrophic events for 2013   Remote viewers predicting catastrophic events for 2013 I_icon_minitime

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