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 A little alarming

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PostSubject: A little alarming    A little alarming  I_icon_minitimeMon Feb 25, 2013 12:03 pm

Breaking News ~ Russia Threatens USA With Nuclear Attack
Video at bottom of page (have not viewed)

Breaking news Russia threatens USA with Nuclear attack

24 Sunday Feb 2013

Posted by Mary W. in Global News, Government, Russia, U.S. News, Video, World At War

America, confrontation, end times, extinction, full scale regional war, Global News, government, NATO, nuclear weapons, Obama administration, President Barack Obama, President Obama, Russia, thermal nuclear war, United States, US News, usa, video, World at War, wwiii

Russia Warning in St Petersburg against interference in third-party global conflicts, Medvedev said: “At some moment such actions, which undermine sovereignty Syria, Iran, North Korea, can end with a full-fledged regional war, or even, and I don’t want to scare anybody, the use of nuclear weapons

NATO Missile Defense Forcing Russia To Take Countermeasures
February 2013 The lack of agreement on missile defense may negatively affect Russia-NATO cooperation in other areas, too, because Russian relations to the Western alliance rely on strategic stability, Russian Ambassador to NATO Alexander Grushko said in Brussels yesterday. As reported on Voice of Russia radio this morning, Grushko warned that if the nuclear balance is upset by the realization of NATO-supported U.S. plans for a stage-by-stage deployment of a missile defense system, this would strongly affect the entire range of cooperation in the framework of the Russia-NATO Council.

Russia”s probable retaliation measures to the missile defense system also were on the agenda of talks which Speaker of the State Duma Sergey Naryshkin had with French members of parliament in Paris Naryshkin stressed that Russia needs “guarantees backed by objective technical parameters that this system will not be targeted against Russia…. When someone tells us in words that this system is not targeted against Russia but refuses to sign a legally binding agreement in deeds, this certainly raises doubts in us,” he said, insisting that security should be equal for all countries and indivisible. Naryshkin warned that Moscow “cannot twiddle its thumbs while its U.S. partners make decisions on deploying missile defense elements in Europe and putting them into practice…. But this is surely not our choice.” Naryshkin said Russia will have to take measures in response to the missile defense system’s deployment.
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PostSubject: Re: A little alarming    A little alarming  I_icon_minitimeMon Feb 25, 2013 12:10 pm

It would be good if Russia could relate their own words to the position they seem
ready to subjugate Israel to.
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PostSubject: Re: A little alarming    A little alarming  I_icon_minitimeTue Feb 26, 2013 4:52 am

Looks to me they're threatening the German-led European Union than the United States of America itself.

Other than that, with those statements, they officially announced which axis they belong to and which they consider allies.

  • China-Russia (take note: North Korea is a puppet of China) alliance
  • Iran-Russia alliance (with Iran having plenty of puppets)
  • China-Iran alliance - I don't even know if it can be called an alliance per se, because China is only using Iran as a shield against the West (ie German-led EU). China HATES the Western world today as much as it does in the past, and the world refuses to acknowledge that.

I'm not sure if there is a China-Iran-Russia alliance yet, but I don't remember hearing news pertaining to such a 3-way setup, otherwise media will be talking about it. (2-way alliance is always ignored, I noticed)

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PostSubject: Re: A little alarming    A little alarming  I_icon_minitime

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