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 Slaughtering the Sacred Cow... by Cris Putnam

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Slaughtering the Sacred Cow... by Cris Putnam Empty
PostSubject: Slaughtering the Sacred Cow... by Cris Putnam   Slaughtering the Sacred Cow... by Cris Putnam I_icon_minitimeSat Aug 17, 2013 1:47 pm

Slaughtering a Sacred Cow: the KJVonly Argument From Psalm 12

By Cris Putnam

A “sacred cow” is an idiom taken from Hindu bovine worship, a practice that Christians consider idolatry. We also call something a sacred cow if its devotees consider it immune from question or criticism. For many fundamentalist Christians the King James Translation has become a sacred cow. Unfortunately, a great many people have been indoctrinated from childhood with scare tactics and fallacious arguments and never meaningfully question what has come to be known as “King James Onlyism” or KJVonlyism.  
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