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 Something REALLY Big is about to happen! Blood Moons....

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Something REALLY Big is about to happen!  Blood Moons.... Empty
PostSubject: Something REALLY Big is about to happen! Blood Moons....   Something REALLY Big is about to happen!  Blood Moons.... I_icon_minitimeTue Aug 20, 2013 10:13 am

Something REALLY Big is about to happen!

August 18, 2013

When I heard US Secretary of State Kerry say that the two state “solution” will be decided in 9 months, something clicked in my spirit. This caused me to question why he would choose 9 months? As I was in Turkey last week the thought kept coming to me; why 9 months? Why not 6 months -or a year?

I recently found a message by John Hagee having to do with the coming four blood moons. To hear his message

 Then the constant thoughts of the 9 month period began to make some sense. But first, let me give you a quick overview of the four blood moons. In my lifetime it has only occurred twice on Passover. The first time was in May of 1948 and we know what happened in Israel on May 14th 1948. For the first time in over 2,000 years God re-gathered His Jewish people back to the Land He promised them in an everlasting covenant and the Nation of Israel was born. Heralding the Second Advent of our Messiah Yeshua – and starting God’s timetable once again in Israel – the end-times countdown began. If you want to know the significance of the time in which you now live, keep your eyes on Israel. God loves Israel. Yet her enemies have yet to learn this eternal truth.

First Advent

Yeshua died on the Feast of Pessah, (Passover) was buried on the Feast of Unleavened Bread, and rose on the Feast of First Fruits . Fifty days later the Holy Spirit was sent on the next feast in succession – Shavuot (Pentecost). This was what is referred to as the “first advent”. The first three feasts follow each other, in the first three days, (Pessah, Unleavened Bread, and First Fruits) and we celebrate them all within an 8 day period. On the 50th day, from the second day of Passover “Pessah”. The second day of the Feast of Pessah was the Feast of First Fruits, on the Jewish calendar called “Omer” we have Pentecost “Shavu’ot” leaving only the final 3 Feast to be fulfilled. “Rosh Ha Shannah, Yom Kippur, and Sukkot”.

Second Advent

The Second Advent period commenced in 1967 when a Rabbi was airlifted to the top of Mt. Sinai to blow the Shofar announcing the beginning of the times of the second advent which are the last three Feasts in God’s perfect timetable; Rosh Ha Shannah (new year), for more on this Feast CLICK here. Then Yom Kippur (Day of Atonement). That happened in 1973 in the Yom Kippur War. Leaving only one Feast to take place; Sukkot (Booths) For more on this Feast CLICK. here .

Returning to the “9 months”. The next time that there will be 4 blood red moons at the same time as the Passover Feast will be in 9 months’ time after Kerry declared 9 months.

This is where the real revelation hit me; in I-Thes. 5:3 as travail upon a woman with child; and they shall not escape.

Think about that for a moment. “As travail upon a woman with child; and they shall not escape”. Kerry is saying there will be Peace and Security in the Holy Land in 9 months. “I-Thes. 5:3 For when they shall say, Peace and safety; then sudden destruction cometh upon them” What is it we are finding here? That “as travail comes upon a woman with child; They shall not escape”. A women goes into labor pains after 9 months. Could it be that Passover of 2014 (in 9 months) we will see peace and security between the “Palestinians” and Jews in Israel? That there will be first the labor pains as a women experiences at childbirth and after that – sudden destruction?

Possibly, you like me, find it very interesting that we will have the four blood red moons for the third time in any of our lifetimes? And on the previous last two, great and terrible things happened in Israel. 1948 war, then a nation, the 1967 war, and then we took back the Old City. So what is going to happen in April 2014, if God’s ways stays the same?  My Bible tells me He never changes – therefore we are in for some major prophetic event -or events. First there the pains of judgment and then the blessing. First the cleansing and then the blessing. Can you see what I am saying?

If you are not right with God now, it is always the best time to get that done in Yeshua’s Name.

As for this ministry the time is quickly running out to be as prepared as possible to rescue Jews who have no other means of escaping and coming home to Israel but by sea. The larger boat is needed. Finances are needed to operate these boats and service the connections along with hundreds of other logistics that are costly. Yet maybe we should ask ourselves just how much is a Jewish life worth to God?

I know many reading this have been praying about when and how much to send to this ministry. Well it’s time to listen closely to God on that question.
Anything you love more than God is an Idol.

When in prayer today, don’t ask what you can get out of God because He wants to know what He can get out of you.

Pray for the peace of Jerusalem, for our son Joel and all the IDF soldiers. Pray for this ministry and your part in it.

Shalom, Jerry Golden
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Something REALLY Big is about to happen!  Blood Moons.... Empty
PostSubject: Re: Something REALLY Big is about to happen! Blood Moons....   Something REALLY Big is about to happen!  Blood Moons.... I_icon_minitimeTue Aug 20, 2013 6:33 pm

very,very interesting.....we wait and watch
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Something REALLY Big is about to happen!  Blood Moons.... Empty
PostSubject: Re: Something REALLY Big is about to happen! Blood Moons....   Something REALLY Big is about to happen!  Blood Moons.... I_icon_minitimeWed Aug 21, 2013 12:16 am

Hi, my name is Steve Jourdan. Most of you don’t know me but you may have seen some of my videos that have been posted here on the forum recently at Endtime Last month when Senator Kerry announced that they would be coming to a solution in  9 months for the Israeli/ Palestinian problem I had the same reaction as Larry Golden. I thought to myself, wow 9 months, 9 months yes the time it takes to bring forth a child. John Kerry whether he knew it  or not was telling us something, that something was going to be birthed in 9 months. You see I believe the elite of the world have a timeline also.

 At the time Kerry had made this announcement I was in the process of editing numbers 6 and 7 of my timeline videos, The Generations and The Sign in the Heavens  and I began to realize just how urgently these two particular videos needed to be viewed by the body of Christ. Larry Golden’s article is titled “Something REALLY Big is about to  happen” , well I have to agree, something REALLY BIG is about to happen, way bigger than any of us has ever imagined.

I would like to take this time to strongly urge all of you here at the Watcher Forum to watch the 7th video “The Signs in the Heavens”. Yes I know its quite lengthy but I truly believe you will be greatly edified. I have nothing to gain here, just trying to serve the body. Freely I’ve received and freely I give.

Servant of the Lord Jesus,
Steve Jourdan         
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Something REALLY Big is about to happen!  Blood Moons.... Empty
PostSubject: Re: Something REALLY Big is about to happen! Blood Moons....   Something REALLY Big is about to happen!  Blood Moons.... I_icon_minitimeWed Aug 21, 2013 1:22 am

Thanks Steve~ Love the opening pic of the country road and the rain w/ thunder on your site.

Habakkuk 2:2-3 is a word I have also been waiting for for over 30 yrs. Personally and Corporately....maybe now Lord.
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Something REALLY Big is about to happen!  Blood Moons.... Empty
PostSubject: Re: Something REALLY Big is about to happen! Blood Moons....   Something REALLY Big is about to happen!  Blood Moons.... I_icon_minitimeWed Aug 21, 2013 8:04 am

Hi Steve, 
Will you tell me what you discovered as the 7 year covenant in 2010?  I watched the last video but that was obviously not addressed.  I did see it on the board though.  
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Something REALLY Big is about to happen!  Blood Moons.... Empty
PostSubject: Re: Something REALLY Big is about to happen! Blood Moons....   Something REALLY Big is about to happen!  Blood Moons.... I_icon_minitimeWed Aug 21, 2013 8:29 am

sixminks wrote:
Hi Steve, 
Will you tell me what you discovered as the 7 year covenant in 2010?  I watched the last video but that was obviously not addressed.  I did see it on the board though.  
 Yes please. I second that request as well. Also if you would post a PDF or LARGER photo of that chart on your web site available for download it would be helpful.

AND, welcome to the forum.
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Something REALLY Big is about to happen!  Blood Moons.... Empty
PostSubject: Re: Something REALLY Big is about to happen! Blood Moons....   Something REALLY Big is about to happen!  Blood Moons.... I_icon_minitimeWed Aug 21, 2013 8:38 am

Welcome to the forum Steve! Smile

I'm interested in Larry's boat. I've felt impressed  to contribute to these last days plans to help the Jews. What an honor to help. I wish I had more money!  He needs to team up with Rev. Baxter. Smile That would be great, a prophecy college to learn about what's coming and a boat to escape it! Things are becoming so exciting!
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Something REALLY Big is about to happen!  Blood Moons.... Empty
PostSubject: Re: Something REALLY Big is about to happen! Blood Moons....   Something REALLY Big is about to happen!  Blood Moons.... I_icon_minitimeWed Aug 21, 2013 11:23 am

It's the common question isn't it? I was going to ask the same thing as everyone else. I just have a hard time seeing that we are "in" the final week now. I don't think it's very likely. The temple would have to be built pretty soon I would think if that were the case. Also....wormwood should be pretty close to visible as well. Too many holes. Until I have an answer on what the covenant was...I don't buy it. I think the final week begins probably in late 2015. That's what I've thought for awhile now.
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Something REALLY Big is about to happen!  Blood Moons.... Empty
PostSubject: Re: Something REALLY Big is about to happen! Blood Moons....   Something REALLY Big is about to happen!  Blood Moons.... I_icon_minitimeWed Aug 21, 2013 5:03 pm

windsofchange wrote:
Thanks Steve~ Love the opening pic of the country road and the rain w/ thunder on your site.

Habakkuk 2:2-3 is a word I have also been waiting for for over 30 yrs. Personally and Corporately....maybe now Lord.
Yes thanks winds, I chose this picture because to me it represents what we in this age will be facing in the coming months and years. 

And referring to the scriptures in Habakkuk the vision he is seeking the Lord about I believe is what is written in chapter1. I mean think about it, verses 14-17 it says he drags them up with his net and gathers them with his dragnet, from them he lives luxuriously. We can see right before our eyes that the worlds wealth is being consolidated into the hands of fewer and fewer men (the elite) and they have set up this world wide grid system that will result in no one buying or selling  without  taking the mark of the beast. 17 Shall he (satan) therefore continue to empty his net and mercilessly go on slaying the nations forever? But I’ve read the back of the Book- WE WIN!

Also the 4x8 white board that I teach on in the videos is the tablet that everyone can read easily and quickly as he hastens by, for the vision is for the appointed time. Thou it tarry, we wait, staying awake and watching. Our King is coming!

Sure hope you enjoy the videos

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Something REALLY Big is about to happen!  Blood Moons.... Empty
PostSubject: Re: Something REALLY Big is about to happen! Blood Moons....   Something REALLY Big is about to happen!  Blood Moons.... I_icon_minitimeWed Aug 21, 2013 5:10 pm

sixminks wrote:
Hi Steve, 
Will you tell me what you discovered as the 7 year covenant in 2010?  I watched the last video but that was obviously not addressed.  I did see it on the board though.  
Hi Donna, yes great question. In Daniel 9:27 it says that he ( the antichrist) shall enter into a strong and firm covenant with the many for one week(7 years). You’ll notice it says he enters into it, he is not the author of it, he joins it and it lasts for 7 more years. A covenant is a league like the League of Nations of 1917. It’s a contract,  an agreement and it already existed when he joined it.  No I don’t know who the antichrist is but the covenant that I believe he joined is probably the United Nations or the Earth Charter (Gorbachov, Strong) or something of that nature, to  control the world and all of its resources and to bring about a new world order, a one world government, which of coarse he will rule for 3 1/2 years. I really get into this in the first 2 videos.
I didn’t come to the conclusion that this occurred in 2010 by any evidence that I’ve found in the world. After all what we are talking about here is “Mystery Babylon”. Satan’s people who are running the world are in the occult. The word occult if I remember correctly means “hidden”. Events like this will be kept in the utmost secrecy for sure. The good news is that if we keep seeking the Lord He will reveal to us everything we need to know and we won’t be dependent on the systems of the world to know when and where we’re at. I came to it by counting back from 2017. Jesus says in Luke 21:32, Truly I tell you this generation shall not perish or pass away until all has taken place. I calculated the date by adding what a generation is to the year of the budding of the “fig tree”, Israel. Explained very thoroughly in the 6th video, “The Generations”, not what you might think.

Hope that helps a little,


Researcher, I don’t know how to make the picture larger, some people are able to click on it and it makes it larger opening it up in a separate window. I’m having trouble, I am a rank amateur at all this computer stuff and would covet any suggestions.   Thank you.
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Queen Esther

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Something REALLY Big is about to happen!  Blood Moons.... Empty
PostSubject: Re: Something REALLY Big is about to happen! Blood Moons....   Something REALLY Big is about to happen!  Blood Moons.... I_icon_minitimeWed Aug 21, 2013 6:55 pm

jwalker wrote:
windsofchange wrote:
Thanks Steve~ Love the opening pic of the country road and the rain w/ thunder on your site.

Habakkuk 2:2-3 is a word I have also been waiting for for over 30 yrs. Personally and Corporately....maybe now Lord.
Yes thanks winds, I chose this picture because to me it represents what we in this age will be facing in the coming months and years. 

And referring to the scriptures in Habakkuk the vision he is seeking the Lord about I believe is what is written in chapter1. I mean think about it, verses 14-17 it says he drags them up with his net and gathers them with his dragnet, from them he lives luxuriously. We can see right before our eyes that the worlds wealth is being consolidated into the hands of fewer and fewer men (the elite) and they have set up this world wide grid system that will result in no one buying or selling  without  taking the mark of the beast. 17 Shall he (satan) therefore continue to empty his net and mercilessly go on slaying the nations forever? But I’ve read the back of the Book- WE WIN!

Also the 4x8 white board that I teach on in the videos is the tablet that everyone can read easily and quickly as he hastens by, for the vision is for the appointed time. Thou it tarry, we wait, staying awake and watching. Our King is coming!

Sure hope you enjoy the videos

Hi Steve, Excellent Word!  You're referring Habakkuk 1:14-17

14 Why do You make men like the fish of the sea, like reptiles and creeping things that have no ruler [and are defenseless against their foes]?15[The Chaldean] brings all of them up with his hook; he catches and drags them out with his NET, he gathers them in his dragNET; so he rejoices and is in high spirits.16 Therefore he sacrifices [offerings] to his NET and burns incense to his dragNET, because from them he lives luxuriously and his food is plentiful and rich (THE GLOBALIST ELITES). 17 Shall he (Satan) therefore continue to empty his NET and mercilessly go on slaying the nations forever?

This "NET" in Habakkuk 1:14-17 could this also mean the "www" the "World Wide Web"...When I think of WEB I think of a spider WEB making a NET for his/her next prey...where they (THE GLOBALIST ELITES) can NOW flip the switch on the "World Wide Web", turn off the "money system", get rid of our paper money and FORCEFULLY demand World Wide from the people to join the New World Order, take the MARK, or be murdered...Is this what I'm hearing you say??? Is this where the ELITES are going with this???
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Something REALLY Big is about to happen!  Blood Moons.... Empty
PostSubject: Re: Something REALLY Big is about to happen! Blood Moons....   Something REALLY Big is about to happen!  Blood Moons.... I_icon_minitimeWed Aug 21, 2013 10:56 pm wrote:
jwalker wrote:
windsofchange wrote:
Thanks Steve~ Love the opening pic of the country road and the rain w/ thunder on your site.

Habakkuk 2:2-3 is a word I have also been waiting for for over 30 yrs. Personally and Corporately....maybe now Lord.
Yes thanks winds, I chose this picture because to me it represents what we in this age will be facing in the coming months and years. 

And referring to the scriptures in Habakkuk the vision he is seeking the Lord about I believe is what is written in chapter1. I mean think about it, verses 14-17 it says he drags them up with his net and gathers them with his dragnet, from them he lives luxuriously. We can see right before our eyes that the worlds wealth is being consolidated into the hands of fewer and fewer men (the elite) and they have set up this world wide grid system that will result in no one buying or selling  without  taking the mark of the beast. 17 Shall he (satan) therefore continue to empty his net and mercilessly go on slaying the nations forever? But I’ve read the back of the Book- WE WIN!

Also the 4x8 white board that I teach on in the videos is the tablet that everyone can read easily and quickly as he hastens by, for the vision is for the appointed time. Thou it tarry, we wait, staying awake and watching. Our King is coming!

Sure hope you enjoy the videos

Hi Steve, Excellent Word!  You're referring Habakkuk 1:14-17

14 Why do You make men like the fish of the sea, like reptiles and creeping things that have no ruler [and are defenseless against their foes]?15[The Chaldean] brings all of them up with his hook; he catches and drags them out with his NET, he gathers them in his dragNET; so he rejoices and is in high spirits.16 Therefore he sacrifices [offerings] to his NET and burns incense to his dragNET, because from them he lives luxuriously and his food is plentiful and rich (THE GLOBALIST ELITES). 17 Shall he (Satan) therefore continue to empty his NET and mercilessly go on slaying the nations forever?

This "NET" in Habakkuk 1:14-17 could this also mean the "www" the "World Wide Web"...When I think of WEB I think of a spider WEB making a NET for his/her next prey...where they (THE GLOBALIST ELITES) can NOW flip the switch on the "World Wide Web", turn off the "money system", get rid of our paper money and FORCEFULLY demand World Wide from the people to join the New World Order, take the MARK, or be murdered...Is this what I'm hearing you say??? Is this where the ELITES are going with this???
Yes Pat that’s exactly what I am trying to say and you’ve said it very well. If you look at Revelation 18 where its talking about the earth’s businessmen in verses 11-13 listing all the things in which they traffic, the last thing on the list is the slaves and souls of men. This is the culmination, the final outcome of the fall of Adam, of his eating from the fruit of the tree of the knowledge of good and evil. Satan, using men to enslave and destroy all of mankind.  The devil has his man that will be manifested in his own appointed time and Gods got His sons that will be manifested in their appointed time. And we know who wins don’t we. HALLELUJAH!  TO GOD BE ALL THE GLORY
Vs.4  Come out from her, my people, so that you may not share in her sins, neither participate in her plagues.
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Something REALLY Big is about to happen!  Blood Moons.... Empty
PostSubject: Re: Something REALLY Big is about to happen! Blood Moons....   Something REALLY Big is about to happen!  Blood Moons.... I_icon_minitimeThu Aug 22, 2013 12:00 am

Thank you for your honest answer. I will ruminate on it and see what the Spirit shows me.  I don't know who it is or if it will even be someone we know now.  Could be satan himself I just don't see him sharing the glory with a man.  I am open to the possibility of him showing up trying to look like Jesus.  This notion just comes from my personal study so I won't attempt to prove it.  But certainly the spirit of AC is and has been at work a very long time.....
Thanks again,
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Queen Esther

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Something REALLY Big is about to happen!  Blood Moons.... Empty
PostSubject: Re: Something REALLY Big is about to happen! Blood Moons....   Something REALLY Big is about to happen!  Blood Moons.... I_icon_minitimeThu Aug 22, 2013 12:16 am

Thank you Steve Jourdan!!!  A lot to take in and to be more grateful, thankful, humble, loving, caring and forgiving towards others more than ever as we witness The Day Approaching, what Day, The Day of our Lord's Soon Coming Return Hebrews 10:25...

Thank you Jerry Golden for the Golden Report on Something REALLY Big is about to happen!  I shared this Golden Report to over 130 friends on my Facebook and received over 50 responses (ALL Good)!  Your Golden Report eventually found it's way on today's program "Tribulation Now John Baptist Blog Talk Radio" at about 34mins and 30secs he starts reading your material;

Also, Steve Jourdan I then responded with your Endtime Timeline website letting them know to be sure and watch "The Signs in the Heavens" and people are being blessed, encouraged, edified and getting prepared...Thanking me for sharing your Endtime Timeline...

Thank you both for your commitment to our Lord & Savior, Jesus Christ and sharing this most important information to the Church and for being Watchmen on the Wall... Stay in the Race and don't let the enemy throw you off track of your race in any degree; Keep your eyes on the prize; JESUS and He will NEVER FAIL you!!!  Amen & Amen!!!
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Something REALLY Big is about to happen!  Blood Moons.... Empty
PostSubject: Re: Something REALLY Big is about to happen! Blood Moons....   Something REALLY Big is about to happen!  Blood Moons.... I_icon_minitimeThu Aug 22, 2013 12:41 am

Not to seem to critical...but I think you've made a common error in calculating the fig tree/covenant/generation and such. I see no evidence that realistically suggests we are going through the final week right now. The signs that we should be seeing...are not being seen. I also think the covenant is something different from what others see it as. Yes, the AC is confirming the covenant with the many. What is the covenant?

Daniel tells us what it is earlier in the chapter.

"And I prayed unto the Lord my God, and made my confession, and said, O Lord, the great and dreadful God, keeping the covenant and mercy to them that love him, and to them that keep his commandments."-Daniel 9:4

The covenant is the land covenant God has with Israel. Daniel was seeking after God to return them to the land He promised them. This is what the AC will confirm. He will confirm the land covenant that God made with them...after the psalm 83 war. As for the fig tree prophecy....I see 2 possibilities. It is either referring to the capture of East Jerusalem in 67'....or it is referring to the psalm 83 conflict where Israel captures the royal grant. Remember...the fig tree sprouts its leaves. It is not the fig tree being planted. It's a growing of the nation...not a planting. Just my opinion.

Personally...i'm leaning toward late 2015...early 2016 for the final week to begin. I could be way off....but I see a lot of signs pointing that direction.
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Something REALLY Big is about to happen!  Blood Moons.... Empty
PostSubject: Re: Something REALLY Big is about to happen! Blood Moons....   Something REALLY Big is about to happen!  Blood Moons.... I_icon_minitimeThu Aug 22, 2013 1:10 pm

Hi Steve!  Hey I loved vid 7, haven't seen the others yet.

With the very recent gas attack in Syria it appears this will be the kick-off of something much bigger in the area. It could all happen very quickly, which is how I feel things will transpire.

I believe the Bible as the literal and completed Word of God!
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Something REALLY Big is about to happen!  Blood Moons.... Empty
PostSubject: Re: Something REALLY Big is about to happen! Blood Moons....   Something REALLY Big is about to happen!  Blood Moons.... I_icon_minitimeThu Aug 22, 2013 3:26 pm

From SQ alerts:

8/22/13-Russian's would soon be taking over America, bursting into people's homes and killing them

Two days ago a neighbor girl came over to our home. We have known this girl
since she was an infant. She is currently about 19 years old or 20. She is
not a Christian, and has been living a partying/drugs/alcohol etc.
lifestyle. NEVER would have expected the info she shared. Here is what she
said, two days ago, and completely out of the normal conversation we have
ever had with her. She stated that she had been communicating with a
Russian soldier in Siberia through some type of social site. This Russian
soldier told her that the Russians would soon be taking over America,
bursting into people's homes and killing them. That any one making
statements against the government and/or Obama would be thrown in jail.
That our police were being militarized. And that very soon America's
government would begin to bomb its own citizens. He said if she wanted to
survive she should get out of the city and be above an elevation of 1500
feet. I asked her if he gave any type of a date or timeline. She said He
said by December 15th we would not recognize America.

This girl is not political, not educated, not involved in keeping up with
news/politics. This is the most unlikely person on the planet of the Earth
that I ever would have thought to hear this from. God used THE MOST
unlikely source to confirm to my family of all that we have been hearing
from you and others.

What is the being safer above 1500 feet about? and have you heard the date
of December 15th?

Thank You so much for all you do.

Aug 22, 2013
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Something REALLY Big is about to happen!  Blood Moons.... Empty
PostSubject: Re: Something REALLY Big is about to happen! Blood Moons....   Something REALLY Big is about to happen!  Blood Moons.... I_icon_minitimeThu Aug 22, 2013 3:28 pm

Of course I could even make this up or make it even better... but... grain of salt.

Also most all the economists I keep up with including an ex treasury say that FALL-WINTER

Need I remind about Water Proof Rain Gear / Wear (including boots).
Camping gear, knives, hatchets, axes, log saws, garden tools (all).
Magnesium fire starters. wind proof lighter, water proof maches + vasoline(fire starting),
Backpack, fishing line + hooks (lots), Camo Clothing, Wood stove, stainless cook ware (basic kit backpackable) etc X 100 etc etc.
Long Johns, fire wood / heating oil (NO ELECTRICITY).
Be prepared to flee your home.... if it has a road to it.... expect "Them" or Gangs.
Watch for Packs of Dogs also.

Be sure to use the 50-100 foot proximity rule especially for trading? Let me know how that worked?

on and on and on.

Camo up, Evade, Stay Hidden!!! Be Safe!!!
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Something REALLY Big is about to happen!  Blood Moons.... Empty
PostSubject: Re: Something REALLY Big is about to happen! Blood Moons....   Something REALLY Big is about to happen!  Blood Moons.... I_icon_minitimeThu Aug 22, 2013 9:22 pm

onlyoneimage wrote:
Not to seem to critical...but I think you've made a common error in calculating the fig tree/covenant/generation and such. I see no evidence that realistically suggests we are going through the final week right now. The signs that we should be seeing...are not being seen. I also think the covenant is something different from what others see it as. Yes, the AC is confirming the covenant with the many. What is the covenant?

Daniel tells us what it is earlier in the chapter.

"And I prayed unto the Lord my God, and made my confession, and said, O Lord, the great and dreadful God, keeping the covenant and mercy to them that love him, and to them that keep his commandments."-Daniel 9:4

The covenant is the land covenant God has with Israel. Daniel was seeking after God to return them to the land He promised them. This is what the AC will confirm. He will confirm the land covenant that God made with them...after the psalm 83 war. As for the fig tree prophecy....I see 2 possibilities. It is either referring to the capture of East Jerusalem in 67'....or it is referring to the psalm 83 conflict where Israel captures the royal grant. Remember...the fig tree sprouts its leaves. It is not the fig tree being planted. It's a growing of the nation...not a planting. Just my opinion.

Personally...i'm leaning toward late 2015...early 2016 for the final week to begin. I could be way off....but I see a lot of signs pointing that direction.
No only, I don’t  think you are being critical at all, in fact  I find you to be very kind, no problem. Everyone here is entitled to their opinion, that’s what a forum is for isn’t it , the sharing of ideas? You make a very good point , showing in Daniel 9:4 that the covenant has to do with the land of Israel, could be, we will have to wait and see.

Concerning the budding of the fig tree (Israel) I actually used 6 dates ,1897,1917,1937,1947,1967,and 1977. I used 6 definitions of a generation, 40,50,70,80,100, and 120. I put them on a graph and the common denominator is 2017,  then count back 7 years. I explain this in detail in video 6.

After reading your reply I looked up how long it takes for a fig tree to bud after it is planted and its 1 to 2 years and it can produce fruit (figs) within the first 5 years, which could actually support your 2015 calculation. Exciting times for sure.

We’re watchmen on the wall or in the tower, right? Jesus told us to keep awake and watch. We’re staying awake and looking out there to see what we can see to get the gist of the matter, right? You and I and most of the people on the forum are in the same ballpark as to making out what we’re seeing. Just doing our job. Thanks for your reply, it really helps keep me sharp.

And let me say thanks to all of the moderators here and those who keep things running day in and day out. You guys do a really good job. I’ve been keeping up with the forum for 5 years or so and really enjoy it.

Again, thanks everyone
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Something REALLY Big is about to happen!  Blood Moons.... Empty
PostSubject: Re: Something REALLY Big is about to happen! Blood Moons....   Something REALLY Big is about to happen!  Blood Moons.... I_icon_minitimeThu Aug 22, 2013 9:43 pm


Maybe your mistake is that you are counting backwards...and not forward? Wink

We won't know until we see the specifics...but I don't think anyone can reasonably show that the events of the final week are actually happening right now. Unless the temple is being actively built, I can't imagine that we could be that far into it already. I do think we are living very close to the end of the book...but I think the big sign is going to be psalm 83. I'm not going to get too excited until I see that event happen. When Damascus gets destroyed....look out.

Interesting though....I own a book by a crazy guy who says America gets destroyed in 2017. the book makes absolutely no sense, is put together in an awful order, is incoherent.....and yet, just by pure coincidence...I think he might end up being right. There's so much going on, I think between now and 2022....we are going to see so much major prophecy fulfilled.
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Something REALLY Big is about to happen!  Blood Moons.... Empty
PostSubject: Re: Something REALLY Big is about to happen! Blood Moons....   Something REALLY Big is about to happen!  Blood Moons.... I_icon_minitimeTue Aug 27, 2013 11:31 am

Pastor Steve,
Your presentation on the Endtime Timeline is excellent.  I have studied this topic most of my adult life (since 1978).  There has always been some very good analysis that I have seen, but would get stuck on a few points - namely the number of days in Daniel 1260, 1290, 1335, etc.  I never could get these to make sense.  Now it all comes together!  I think that some of the readers on the forum spot check into your series, rather than watching them thoroughly.  I've watched twice.  Now on my 3rd time through, I am taking careful notes.  I've found the following to be intersting in the timeline.  Perhaps it all an unrelated coincidence, but here are some observations that I noticed for 2014 and 2017.

It is interesting that 2017 is the 300th anniversary for the founding of the Unified Grand Lodge of England (UGLE).  UGLE was founded on June 24, 1717 (St. John’s Feast).
A couple of other interesting points regarding this:
1.  Look up UGLE on google images (it’s the another name for the great horned owl)
2.  June 24, is also known as the MidSummer’s Eve.  In ancient Egypt, they celebrated the Burning of the Lamps on this day as a commemoration of the return of Sirius (in Orion), which Orion (Osiris) disappeared 70 days earlier from the night sky).  It coincides with the annual Nile flood and is associated with fertility and resurrection.

Also interesting is that 2014 is the 297th anniversary of the founding of UGLE. 

3x99 = 297, or
33x3x3 = 297, or
297 = 3x3x3x11.

I'll leave that to some of those who find number interesting.

Thanks again, Steve!
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Something REALLY Big is about to happen!  Blood Moons.... Empty
PostSubject: Re: Something REALLY Big is about to happen! Blood Moons....   Something REALLY Big is about to happen!  Blood Moons.... I_icon_minitimeThu Aug 29, 2013 11:59 pm

klamkin wrote:
Pastor Steve,
Your presentation on the Endtime Timeline is excellent.  I have studied this topic most of my adult life (since 1978).  There has always been some very good analysis that I have seen, but would get stuck on a few points - namely the number of days in Daniel 1260, 1290, 1335, etc.  I never could get these to make sense.  Now it all comes together!  I think that some of the readers on the forum spot check into your series, rather than watching them thoroughly.  I've watched twice.  Now on my 3rd time through, I am taking careful notes.  I've found the following to be intersting in the timeline.  Perhaps it all an unrelated coincidence, but here are some observations that I noticed for 2014 and 2017.

It is interesting that 2017 is the 300th anniversary for the founding of the Unified Grand Lodge of England (UGLE).  UGLE was founded on June 24, 1717 (St. John’s Feast).
A couple of other interesting points regarding this:
1.  Look up UGLE on google images (it’s the another name for the great horned owl)
2.  June 24, is also known as the MidSummer’s Eve.  In ancient Egypt, they celebrated the Burning of the Lamps on this day as a commemoration of the return of Sirius (in Orion), which Orion (Osiris) disappeared 70 days earlier from the night sky).  It coincides with the annual Nile flood and is associated with fertility and resurrection.

Also interesting is that 2014 is the 297th anniversary of the founding of UGLE. 

3x99 = 297, or
33x3x3 = 297, or
297 = 3x3x3x11.

I'll leave that to some of those who find number interesting.

Thanks again, Steve!
Thank you brother for your comments. It wasn’t until 5 or 6 years ago that I began to see that knowing what the abomination of desolation is and when it is “set up” is the most important key to understanding the timeline of the end times.

Jesus said in Matthew 24:15, So when you see the abomination of desolation, spoken of  by the prophet Daniel standing in the Holy Place – let the reader understand.

In Daniel 12:8-11, Daniel says, I heard but I did not understand. Then I said, O my lord, what shall be the issue and final end of these things?

9And he [the angel] said, Go your way, Daniel, for the words are shut sealed till the time of the end.

10Many shall purify themselves and make themselves white and be tried, smelted and refined, and the wicked shall do wickedly.  And none of the wicked shall understand, but the teachers and those are wise shall understand.

11 And from the time that the continual burnt offering is taken away AND the abomination of desolation is “set up” there shall be 1290 days.

The question is, is the capitalized word AND in verse 11 read as a conjunction or a preposition. Conjunction being that the 2 events,  the continual burnt offering and the abomination of desolation occur together. Or is it a preposition, meaning that the continual burnt offering and the abomination of desolation are 1290 days apart.

In the first video, “The Abomination of Desolation” , we prove that it is a preposition, 1290 days apart. Understanding this is the key to understanding the end time timeline,  as I repeatedly say. It is also one of the mysteries that has been sealed until the time of the end, which is further proof that we are in the time of the end, because the Lord has revealed it to us by the Holy Spirit.
I would strongly encourage all of you here at the forum to watch the videos starting with the first one, since we build the timeline as we go along. I guarantee you, you will see things you have never seen before, as brother klamkin has testified to. To God be all the glory!

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