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 The Blood Moons and Joel 2:31

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PostSubject: The Blood Moons and Joel 2:31   The Blood Moons and Joel 2:31 I_icon_minitimeMon Mar 31, 2014 3:47 pm

The Blood Moons and Joel 2:31
from the March 25, 2014 eNews issue (visit our website for a FREE subscription)

A number of well known (and not a few not-so-well known) Christian writers have written of late that the coming “blood moons” are Biblical harbingers of Jesus’s imminent return and will fulfill Joel 2:31. I have what for lack of a better term I’ll call a “minority report” view regarding the approaching astronomical and calendar phenomena labeled “The Blood Moons”: they have nothing to do with the imminent return of Christ. That I hold this view does not mean that I do not believe we live in the last days. The existence of Israel seems to me to be conclusive proof of that opinion.

But I’m not convinced that four lunar eclipses, even if they will occur on two consecutive sets of Jewish festivals, is the fulfillment (or even a fulfillment) of Joel 2:31. I take very seriously the Hebrew context and grammar of Joel 2:31 and the Greek grammar and context of Jesus’ comments about the fulfillment of Joel’s prophecy. In failing to consider the grammar, people are missing the point of the passage.

Let’s take a close look at the prophecy of Joel:

The sun will be given over to darkness, and the moon to blood, before the coming of the great and terrifying Day of the Lord.

— Joel 2:31

As you can tell by reading this rendering of Joel’s prophecy cited by the Holy Bible: International Standard Version, there are two events described by one verb. The sun turns dark, and the moon turns red, both at the same time. There are not two actions going on at the same time, one affecting the sun and one affecting the moon. There is only one event going on, and it’s affecting both heavenly bodies at the same time.

The red moon isn’t being caused by sun light being filtered through the earth’s atmosphere to create an oft-observed reddish appearance to the moon. If the moon turns red in the earth’s shadow, by definition of the term eclipse, the sun is shining brightly on the other side of the earth!

Notice also that Joel doesn’t predict four lunar eclipses that will come a year apart. There’s only one event: the darkening of the sun, followed by a red hue coming to moonlight. The red hue is coming from a startling, if not downright terrifying, diminished output of visible light from the sun itself that causes the moon to turn red in appearance. Observers on earth will see a shift toward the red end of the light spectrum of the entire sun, not merely a lunar eclipse.

Whether the sun turning dark is an unexpected shift of our sun’s behavior to be like that of a red giant, or some other phenomenon that’s completely supernatural is anybody’s guess. Personally, I hold the view that the entire universe is electrical in nature, and that stars are an electrical phenomenon, powered by thermoelectric currents contained in interstellar and interplanetary plasma.

I don’t think our sun works by fusion of hydrogen into helium. I think its energy output is electrical, not thermonuclear, in origin. Maybe at the end of days God just turns off the switch?

At any rate, Scripture is completely silent on the cause of the phenomenon. It isn’t silent as to the purpose—it’s to serve as the final harbinger of the end of days, as Jesus pointed out in Matthew 24:29:

“Now immediately after the troubles of those days, ‘The sun will be darkened, the moon will not reflect its light, the stars will fall from the sky, and the powers from the heavens will be disrupted.’”

— Matthew 24:29

The reader will notice that in this quote by Jesus from Joel 2:31, he renders the Hebrew phrase “the moon into blood” (which does not have a verb associated with it in the Hebrew text) by adding the Greek verb “will not reflect its light”. The pronoun “its” in the Greek refers to the light coming from the sun, not the moon. Jesus knew the moon reflects sun light. It does not shine with its own light.

Jesus is saying that the fulfillment of Joel’s prophecy will not be light from the sun being reflected through the earth’s atmosphere. That’s what lunar eclipses contain. Instead, the moon will experience a diminution of light from the sun.

Now let’s look at what happens after the sun and moon are affected. According to Matthew 24:30–31:

Then the sign that is the Son of Man will appear in the sky, and all ‘the tribes of the land will mourn’ as they see ‘the Son of Man coming on the clouds of heaven’ with power and great glory. He’ll send out his angels with a loud trumpet blast, and they’ll gather his elect from the four winds, from one end of heaven to another.”

— Matthew 24:30–31

Do notice, won’t you please, how what Jesus has to say regarding the sun and moon flies in the face of current views about the events surrounding his return. Notice that:

First, the sun and moon being struck appears at the end of the time of trouble, not before it begins.

Second, the stars throughout the universe will fall from their courses. Heavenly “powers” (whatever that may entail, the text doesn’t say) will be disrupted.

Third, after all of these events occur Christ descends from heaven.

Our takeaway lesson from observing what Jesus had to say about the darkening of the sun and moon during the end of days should call us all to take our Biblical studies a bit more seriously. Maybe the next time something that has the appearance of being an end of days’ phenomenon pops up on our radar, perhaps we should take a closer look at what the Biblical text is saying. All sorts of troubles may be avoided by doing so.

Dr. William Welty is a Greek and Hebrew scholar and serves as a board member of Koinonia House. He is the Executive Director of The ISV Foundation of La Mirada, California, producers of the Holy Bible: International Standard Version. He also serves as Manager of SWANsat Holdings, LLC, a satellite-based telecommunications project currently headquartered in Southern California.
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PostSubject: Re: The Blood Moons and Joel 2:31   The Blood Moons and Joel 2:31 I_icon_minitimeMon Mar 31, 2014 4:23 pm

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PostSubject: Re: The Blood Moons and Joel 2:31   The Blood Moons and Joel 2:31 I_icon_minitimeMon Mar 31, 2014 4:35 pm

Regardless, they'll be interesting eclipses none-the-less and they are both total over Israel. See the links below for details. I don't think these are the Joel blood moons though I do believe they are harbingers, or "signs in the sky" if you will of something more to come prophetically. A warning maybe? Only time will tell though.  [detail of April eclipse]  [detail of October eclipse]
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PostSubject: Re: The Blood Moons and Joel 2:31   The Blood Moons and Joel 2:31 I_icon_minitimeMon Mar 31, 2014 4:48 pm

I also agree with you Spring...they are making too much of these moons!
Just the same it will be interesting to see what is going to happen.
But I say that for/with anything nowadays......I watch and see and pray that the Lord will come soon!
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PostSubject: Re: The Blood Moons and Joel 2:31   The Blood Moons and Joel 2:31 I_icon_minitimeMon Mar 31, 2014 5:06 pm


Last edited by jem on Sun May 25, 2014 7:02 pm; edited 1 time in total
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PostSubject: Re: The Blood Moons and Joel 2:31   The Blood Moons and Joel 2:31 I_icon_minitimeMon Mar 31, 2014 5:22 pm

Yes, most likely a harbinger if there is some meaning associated with them.  But not Joel.
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PostSubject: Re: The Blood Moons and Joel 2:31   The Blood Moons and Joel 2:31 I_icon_minitimeThu Apr 03, 2014 8:54 pm

I'm reposting this with my comment THAT the way I see this is this.
I have seen another article that refers to Him Coming In Summer. (a verse also somewhere that escapes me at the moment)
NOW, that being the case... then the MAY 20 > MAY ? Comet coming in with large debri field Diving just In Front Of Earths Orbit will likely cause this Darkening of the Sun and thereby the Red Moon as we start to enter the Dust ... What Follows.... Summer... after summer Sept-Oct - Destroyer/Nibiru and the Tilting of the Earth, that which causes the Sea to Roar in Luke and thus thus the Floods.

Does one not see these things in verses:
Luke: 21:25,6 As for these things which ye behold, the days will come, in the which there shall not be left one stone upon another, that shall not be thrown down. (DESTRUCTION not by water.. War, nuclear? & Earthquakes, SEE them now?)
Q from Desciples in 7.
A 8. Jesus: many come in his name, "go ye not after them".
9.But when ye shall hear of wars and commotions, be not terrified: for these things must first come to pass; but the end is not by and by
  23  But woe unto them that are with child, and to them that give suck,(now & after 1st nukes) in those days! for there shall be great distress in the land, and wrath upon this people. (Why? Fukushima is affecting already the babies)(Is there not already Distress in all Nations?)
25.--28.And there shall be signs in the sun, and in the moon, and in the stars; and upon the earth distress of nations, with perplexity; the sea and the waves roaring; ((( MAY - JUNE START thru Sept.)))  26  Men’s hearts failing them for fear, and for looking after those things which are coming on the earth: for the powers of heaven shall be shaken.   27  And then shall they see the Son of man coming in a cloud with power and great glory.   28  And when these things begin to come to pass, then look up, and lift up your heads; for your redemption draweth nigh.  ((( is as this below VVV THE SUN )))


I feel it is the correct timing before the flood.. do we not see all these other events?
There are some nut types already saying they are the christ.
Babies mortality rate increased 14% after Fukushima.
Nations Seriously in Distress!!

I also do not see the 4 blood moons involved other than a marker of the times. It is what Jesus said that makes me take note of the events.. let's all watch more carefully!!

It's good for me... think about these.

As this author states: "Our takeaway lesson from observing what Jesus had to say about the darkening of the sun and moon during the end of days should call us all to take our Biblical studies a bit more seriously."

The Blood Moons and Joel 2:31
from the March 25, 2014 eNews issue (visit our website for a FREE subscription)

A number of well known (and not a few not-so-well known) Christian writers have written of late that the coming “blood moons” are Biblical harbingers of Jesus’s imminent return and will fulfill Joel 2:31. I have what for lack of a better term I’ll call a “minority report” view regarding the approaching astronomical and calendar phenomena labeled “The Blood Moons”: they have nothing to do with the imminent return of Christ. That I hold this view does not mean that I do not believe we live in the last days. The existence of Israel seems to me to be conclusive proof of that opinion.

But I’m not convinced that four lunar eclipses, even if they will occur on two consecutive sets of Jewish festivals, is the fulfillment (or even a fulfillment) of Joel 2:31. I take very seriously the Hebrew context and grammar of Joel 2:31 and the Greek grammar and context of Jesus’ comments about the fulfillment of Joel’s prophecy. In failing to consider the grammar, people are missing the point of the passage.

Let’s take a close look at the prophecy of Joel:

The sun will be given over to darkness, and the moon to blood, before the coming of the great and terrifying Day of the Lord.

— Joel 2:31

As you can tell by reading this rendering of Joel’s prophecy cited by the Holy Bible: International Standard Version, there are two events described by one verb. The sun turns dark, and the moon turns red, both at the same time. There are not two actions going on at the same time, one affecting the sun and one affecting the moon. There is only one event going on, and it’s affecting both heavenly bodies at the same time.

The red moon isn’t being caused by sun light being filtered through the earth’s atmosphere to create an oft-observed reddish appearance to the moon. If the moon turns red in the earth’s shadow, by definition of the term eclipse, the sun is shining brightly on the other side of the earth!

Notice also that Joel doesn’t predict four lunar eclipses that will come a year apart. There’s only one event: the darkening of the sun, followed by a red hue coming to moonlight. The red hue is coming from a startling, if not downright terrifying, diminished output of visible light from the sun itself that causes the moon to turn red in appearance. Observers on earth will see a shift toward the red end of the light spectrum of the entire sun, not merely a lunar eclipse.

Whether the sun turning dark is an unexpected shift of our sun’s behavior to be like that of a red giant, or some other phenomenon that’s completely supernatural is anybody’s guess. Personally, I hold the view that the entire universe is electrical in nature, and that stars are an electrical phenomenon, powered by thermoelectric currents contained in interstellar and interplanetary plasma.

I don’t think our sun works by fusion of hydrogen into helium. I think its energy output is electrical, not thermonuclear, in origin. Maybe at the end of days God just turns off the switch?

At any rate, Scripture is completely silent on the cause of the phenomenon. It isn’t silent as to the purpose—it’s to serve as the final harbinger of the end of days, as Jesus pointed out in Matthew 24:29:

“Now immediately after the troubles of those days, ‘The sun will be darkened, the moon will not reflect its light, the stars will fall from the sky, and the powers from the heavens will be disrupted.’”

— Matthew 24:29

The reader will notice that in this quote by Jesus from Joel 2:31, he renders the Hebrew phrase “the moon into blood” (which does not have a verb associated with it in the Hebrew text) by adding the Greek verb “will not reflect its light”. The pronoun “its” in the Greek refers to the light coming from the sun, not the moon. Jesus knew the moon reflects sun light. It does not shine with its own light.

Jesus is saying that the fulfillment of Joel’s prophecy will not be light from the sun being reflected through the earth’s atmosphere. That’s what lunar eclipses contain. Instead, the moon will experience a diminution of light from the sun.

Now let’s look at what happens after the sun and moon are affected. According to Matthew 24:30–31:

Then the sign that is the Son of Man will appear in the sky, and all ‘the tribes of the land will mourn’ as they see ‘the Son of Man coming on the clouds of heaven’ with power and great glory. He’ll send out his angels with a loud trumpet blast, and they’ll gather his elect from the four winds, from one end of heaven to another.”

— Matthew 24:30–31

Do notice, won’t you please, how what Jesus has to say regarding the sun and moon flies in the face of current views about the events surrounding his return. Notice that:

First, the sun and moon being struck appears at the end of the time of trouble, not before it begins.

Second, the stars throughout the universe will fall from their courses. Heavenly “powers” (whatever that may entail, the text doesn’t say) will be disrupted.

Third, after all of these events occur Christ descends from heaven.

Our takeaway lesson from observing what Jesus had to say about the darkening of the sun and moon during the end of days should call us all to take our Biblical studies a bit more seriously. Maybe the next time something that has the appearance of being an end of days’ phenomenon pops up on our radar, perhaps we should take a closer look at what the Biblical text is saying. All sorts of troubles may be avoided by doing so.

Dr. William Welty is a Greek and Hebrew scholar and serves as a board member of Koinonia House. He is the Executive Director of The ISV Foundation of La Mirada, California, producers of the Holy Bible: International Standard Version. He also serves as Manager of SWANsat Holdings, LLC, a satellite-based telecommunications project currently headquartered in Southern California.

The Blood Moons and Joel 2:31
from the March 25, 2014 eNews issue (visit our website for a FREE subscription)

A number of well known (and not a few not-so-well known) Christian writers have written of late that the coming “blood moons” are Biblical harbingers of Jesus’s imminent return and will fulfill Joel 2:31. I have what for lack of a better term I’ll call a “minority report” view regarding the approaching astronomical and calendar phenomena labeled “The Blood Moons”: they have nothing to do with the imminent return of Christ. That I hold this view does not mean that I do not believe we live in the last days. The existence of Israel seems to me to be conclusive proof of that opinion.

But I’m not convinced that four lunar eclipses, even if they will occur on two consecutive sets of Jewish festivals, is the fulfillment (or even a fulfillment) of Joel 2:31. I take very seriously the Hebrew context and grammar of Joel 2:31 and the Greek grammar and context of Jesus’ comments about the fulfillment of Joel’s prophecy. In failing to consider the grammar, people are missing the point of the passage.

Let’s take a close look at the prophecy of Joel:

The sun will be given over to darkness, and the moon to blood, before the coming of the great and terrifying Day of the Lord.

— Joel 2:31

As you can tell by reading this rendering of Joel’s prophecy cited by the Holy Bible: International Standard Version, there are two events described by one verb. The sun turns dark, and the moon turns red, both at the same time. There are not two actions going on at the same time, one affecting the sun and one affecting the moon. There is only one event going on, and it’s affecting both heavenly bodies at the same time.

The red moon isn’t being caused by sun light being filtered through the earth’s atmosphere to create an oft-observed reddish appearance to the moon. If the moon turns red in the earth’s shadow, by definition of the term eclipse, the sun is shining brightly on the other side of the earth!

Notice also that Joel doesn’t predict four lunar eclipses that will come a year apart. There’s only one event: the darkening of the sun, followed by a red hue coming to moonlight. The red hue is coming from a startling, if not downright terrifying, diminished output of visible light from the sun itself that causes the moon to turn red in appearance. Observers on earth will see a shift toward the red end of the light spectrum of the entire sun, not merely a lunar eclipse.

Whether the sun turning dark is an unexpected shift of our sun’s behavior to be like that of a red giant, or some other phenomenon that’s completely supernatural is anybody’s guess. Personally, I hold the view that the entire universe is electrical in nature, and that stars are an electrical phenomenon, powered by thermoelectric currents contained in interstellar and interplanetary plasma.

I don’t think our sun works by fusion of hydrogen into helium. I think its energy output is electrical, not thermonuclear, in origin. Maybe at the end of days God just turns off the switch?

At any rate, Scripture is completely silent on the cause of the phenomenon. It isn’t silent as to the purpose—it’s to serve as the final harbinger of the end of days, as Jesus pointed out in Matthew 24:29:

“Now immediately after the troubles of those days, ‘The sun will be darkened, the moon will not reflect its light, the stars will fall from the sky, and the powers from the heavens will be disrupted.’”

— Matthew 24:29

The reader will notice that in this quote by Jesus from Joel 2:31, he renders the Hebrew phrase “the moon into blood” (which does not have a verb associated with it in the Hebrew text) by adding the Greek verb “will not reflect its light”. The pronoun “its” in the Greek refers to the light coming from the sun, not the moon. Jesus knew the moon reflects sun light. It does not shine with its own light.

Jesus is saying that the fulfillment of Joel’s prophecy will not be light from the sun being reflected through the earth’s atmosphere. That’s what lunar eclipses contain. Instead, the moon will experience a diminution of light from the sun.

Now let’s look at what happens after the sun and moon are affected. According to Matthew 24:30–31:

Then the sign that is the Son of Man will appear in the sky, and all ‘the tribes of the land will mourn’ as they see ‘the Son of Man coming on the clouds of heaven’ with power and great glory. He’ll send out his angels with a loud trumpet blast, and they’ll gather his elect from the four winds, from one end of heaven to another.”

— Matthew 24:30–31

Do notice, won’t you please, how what Jesus has to say regarding the sun and moon flies in the face of current views about the events surrounding his return. Notice that:

First, the sun and moon being struck appears at the end of the time of trouble, not before it begins.

Second, the stars throughout the universe will fall from their courses. Heavenly “powers” (whatever that may entail, the text doesn’t say) will be disrupted.

Third, after all of these events occur Christ descends from heaven.

Our takeaway lesson from observing what Jesus had to say about the darkening of the sun and moon during the end of days should call us all to take our Biblical studies a bit more seriously. Maybe the next time something that has the appearance of being an end of days’ phenomenon pops up on our radar, perhaps we should take a closer look at what the Biblical text is saying. All sorts of troubles may be avoided by doing so.

Dr. William Welty is a Greek and Hebrew scholar and serves as a board member of Koinonia House. He is the Executive Director of The ISV Foundation of La Mirada, California, producers of the Holy Bible: International Standard Version. He also serves as Manager of SWANsat Holdings, LLC, a satellite-based telecommunications project currently headquartered in Southern California.
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PostSubject: Re: The Blood Moons and Joel 2:31   The Blood Moons and Joel 2:31 I_icon_minitimeThu Apr 03, 2014 9:00 pm

and this is why Felix is pacing back and forth... waiting.
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PostSubject: Re: The Blood Moons and Joel 2:31   The Blood Moons and Joel 2:31 I_icon_minitimeThu Apr 03, 2014 10:03 pm

Forget everything men of NASA ilk and varying degrees have written about 'science' and re-read The Holy Bible in a literal sense. 

"The Temple at the Center of Time" is just that because of the obvious that's written but now has been 'reinvented' by science men. No wonder a lousy movie like 'gravity' cleans up the award shows.
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PostSubject: Re: The Blood Moons and Joel 2:31   The Blood Moons and Joel 2:31 I_icon_minitimeFri Apr 04, 2014 2:29 pm

I don't think Mark Biltz, the guy who discovered the 4 Blood Moons and one solar eclipse occurring on the Jewish feast days in the next 2 years, was in anyway setting a date for Yeshua's eminent return. Gary Stearman had him on PITN recently. Good epi. He was just marveling at the coincidence that they so happen to fall on Jewish feast days and not just one but 4 of them. Apparently it's happened before in 70 a.d. with the destruction of the temple. In 1948 when the Israel became a Jewish nation and during the 6 day war when they took back the temple mount. He did reference Joel but it was more as an interpretaion for us lay peeps. Kinda like the bible says the sun will turn to sack cloth well, that describes a solar eclipse, and the moon to blood, well, thats what happens in a lunar eclipse. He admits that he doesn't know for sure what will happen, but its an amazing coincidence to have 4 of them on 4 Jewish feast days. The first one is on April 15, 2014 Passover.

As Gary would say "Keep looking up folks."  cheers 

btw Mark biltz totally has a cool voice. He gets so excited to talk about his discovery. And I thank him for it.

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James 4:8 Draw near to God and He will draw near to you....
Psalm 40:8, Colossians 1:9, Isaiah 26:4, Acts 15:11
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PostSubject: Re: The Blood Moons and Joel 2:31   The Blood Moons and Joel 2:31 I_icon_minitimeFri Apr 04, 2014 2:50 pm

Here's that Prophecy in the News interview with Mark Biltz recorded in December 2013.

And here's an update from Mark Biltz recorded in May 2013 at the El Shaddai Ministries Zikron Conference titled "The Significance of the Blood Moons". Might help clear some issues.

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PostSubject: Re: The Blood Moons and Joel 2:31   The Blood Moons and Joel 2:31 I_icon_minitimeFri Apr 04, 2014 4:02 pm

Here's the update on PITN

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James 4:8 Draw near to God and He will draw near to you....
Psalm 40:8, Colossians 1:9, Isaiah 26:4, Acts 15:11
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PostSubject: Re: The Blood Moons and Joel 2:31   The Blood Moons and Joel 2:31 I_icon_minitimeFri Apr 04, 2014 5:04 pm

Any one heard Chris White on this?
He's pretty good too  his website is called "nowhere to run!"
No idea how to get it here though! Smile
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