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 It's for us! DHS To Lease $10 Million Firearms Facility

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PostSubject: It's for us! DHS To Lease $10 Million Firearms Facility   It's for us! DHS To Lease $10 Million Firearms Facility I_icon_minitimeTue Feb 26, 2013 5:58 pm

DHS To Lease $10 Million Firearms Facility

Federal agency has purchased around 2 billion bullets over last year

Paul Joseph Watson
February 26, 2013

While the second amendment is under assault from gun control legislation across the country, the Department of Homeland Security is gearing up to use some of the roughly 2 billion rounds of ammunition it has purchased over the last year, by leasing a $10 million dollar firearms facility in Boston.
DHS To Lease $10 Million Firearms Facility 260213dhs

Is the DHS preparing for civil unrest? Image: Wikimedia Commons

“The Department of Homeland Security, Office of Procurement Operations, Federal Protective Service Acquisition Division, East Consolidated Contracting Group has a requirement for a firearms facility within 25-miles of the Boston, Massachusetts area for use by the Federal Protective Service, Region 1 (New England),” states a solicitation posted on FedBizOpps.

The proposed contract will consist of a 12 month initial base period followed by two 12 month renewal options and further 6 month option, a total of 3 and a half years. The cost of leasing the facility is listed as $10 million dollars.

Further details about the firearms facility are unavailable because the documents for the solicitation are listed as “sensitive/secure” and only authorized companies are allowed to view the attached PDF file.

As the DHS attracts increased media attention over its acquisition of massive amounts of ammunition, the agency is becoming increasingly less transparent and preventing the public from seeing details of its purchase activity.
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It's for us! DHS To Lease $10 Million Firearms Facility
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