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 More Protestants Step Forward To Affirm Willingness To Follow Petrus Romanus As Their "Incarnated" Spiritual Leader

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More Protestants Step Forward To Affirm Willingness To Follow Petrus Romanus As Their "Incarnated" Spiritual Leader Empty
PostSubject: More Protestants Step Forward To Affirm Willingness To Follow Petrus Romanus As Their "Incarnated" Spiritual Leader   More Protestants Step Forward To Affirm Willingness To Follow Petrus Romanus As Their "Incarnated" Spiritual Leader I_icon_minitimeWed Nov 27, 2013 11:12 am

More Protestants Step Forward To Affirm Willingness To Follow Petrus Romanus As Their "Incarnated" Spiritual Leader LightningVat

More Protestants Step Forward To Affirm Willingness To Follow Petrus Romanus As Their "Incarnated" Spiritual Leader

I'm Protestant, but I'm fan of Pope Francis. A big fan. I'm under no illusions that he isn't without his flaws, but when it comes to the Christian faith and in particular being Christ-like he just seems to get it, probably more than any other major Christian leader I know. He's the sort of leader I would gladly follow, the kind of Christ-like example I want to follow. But incarnated grace aside, the thing that's really shocked me the most about Pope Francis is the response he's received from those outside the faith. And I don't just mean non-Catholics. I mean those of entirely different religious traditions, but especially those with no religious affiliation at all and...
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More Protestants Step Forward To Affirm Willingness To Follow Petrus Romanus As Their "Incarnated" Spiritual Leader
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