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 When I try to include text as a quote from the original post, it doesn't allow me to select in the text body, only back in the quote itself.

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When I try to include text as a quote from the original post, it doesn't allow me to select in the text body, only back in the quote itself. Empty
PostSubject: When I try to include text as a quote from the original post, it doesn't allow me to select in the text body, only back in the quote itself.   When I try to include text as a quote from the original post, it doesn't allow me to select in the text body, only back in the quote itself. I_icon_minitimeTue Dec 10, 2013 7:46 pm

Anyone else?

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When I try to include text as a quote from the original post, it doesn't allow me to select in the text body, only back in the quote itself. Empty
PostSubject: Re: When I try to include text as a quote from the original post, it doesn't allow me to select in the text body, only back in the quote itself.   When I try to include text as a quote from the original post, it doesn't allow me to select in the text body, only back in the quote itself. I_icon_minitimeTue Dec 10, 2013 8:43 pm

I'm not sure that I understand? I'll help you out if I can but first I have to understand the problem you are having. Spell it out step by step.

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When I try to include text as a quote from the original post, it doesn't allow me to select in the text body, only back in the quote itself. Empty
PostSubject: same o   When I try to include text as a quote from the original post, it doesn't allow me to select in the text body, only back in the quote itself. I_icon_minitimeTue Dec 10, 2013 9:19 pm

yeah same here with javascript on.

oh yeah... only the cursor inside the quote area will allow typing inside the quote.
cannot get cursor outside the quote area to type other.

And of course without javascript you can't do a quote.
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When I try to include text as a quote from the original post, it doesn't allow me to select in the text body, only back in the quote itself. Empty
PostSubject: Re: When I try to include text as a quote from the original post, it doesn't allow me to select in the text body, only back in the quote itself.   When I try to include text as a quote from the original post, it doesn't allow me to select in the text body, only back in the quote itself. I_icon_minitimeTue Dec 10, 2013 9:27 pm

as a work around you could copy paste the quote and colorize it different from regular text message?
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When I try to include text as a quote from the original post, it doesn't allow me to select in the text body, only back in the quote itself. Empty
PostSubject: Re: When I try to include text as a quote from the original post, it doesn't allow me to select in the text body, only back in the quote itself.   When I try to include text as a quote from the original post, it doesn't allow me to select in the text body, only back in the quote itself. I_icon_minitimeTue Dec 10, 2013 9:32 pm

Can't help you
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When I try to include text as a quote from the original post, it doesn't allow me to select in the text body, only back in the quote itself. Empty
PostSubject: Re: When I try to include text as a quote from the original post, it doesn't allow me to select in the text body, only back in the quote itself.   When I try to include text as a quote from the original post, it doesn't allow me to select in the text body, only back in the quote itself. I_icon_minitimeWed Dec 11, 2013 12:28 am

scottr99 wrote:
Anyone else?

Just click the editor button at the end and it will open for you. You have wysiwyg selected. Smile
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When I try to include text as a quote from the original post, it doesn't allow me to select in the text body, only back in the quote itself. Empty
PostSubject: Re: When I try to include text as a quote from the original post, it doesn't allow me to select in the text body, only back in the quote itself.   When I try to include text as a quote from the original post, it doesn't allow me to select in the text body, only back in the quote itself. I_icon_minitimeWed Dec 11, 2013 12:31 am

Wysiwyg is the editor showing you what the post will look like. It's easier to use the editor mode. They click back and forth.
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When I try to include text as a quote from the original post, it doesn't allow me to select in the text body, only back in the quote itself. Empty
PostSubject: Re: When I try to include text as a quote from the original post, it doesn't allow me to select in the text body, only back in the quote itself.   When I try to include text as a quote from the original post, it doesn't allow me to select in the text body, only back in the quote itself. I_icon_minitimeWed Dec 11, 2013 5:16 am

Sorry I went to bed, I'll check wisiwig.  thank you.

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When I try to include text as a quote from the original post, it doesn't allow me to select in the text body, only back in the quote itself. Empty
PostSubject: Re: When I try to include text as a quote from the original post, it doesn't allow me to select in the text body, only back in the quote itself.   When I try to include text as a quote from the original post, it doesn't allow me to select in the text body, only back in the quote itself. I_icon_minitimeWed Dec 11, 2013 6:22 am

OK, now that Delfi mentioned WYSIWIG the problem makes more sense. Yeah, switch editor modes. I switch back and forth between them all the time (second nature) so I never saw your problem.

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When I try to include text as a quote from the original post, it doesn't allow me to select in the text body, only back in the quote itself. Empty
PostSubject: Re: When I try to include text as a quote from the original post, it doesn't allow me to select in the text body, only back in the quote itself.   When I try to include text as a quote from the original post, it doesn't allow me to select in the text body, only back in the quote itself. I_icon_minitimeWed Dec 11, 2013 6:29 am

researcher wrote:
OK, now that Delfi mentioned WYSIWIG the problem makes more sense. Yeah, switch editor modes. I switch back and forth between them all the time (second nature) so I never saw your problem.

Got it, thanks!

I believe the Bible as the literal and completed Word of God!
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When I try to include text as a quote from the original post, it doesn't allow me to select in the text body, only back in the quote itself. Empty
PostSubject: Re: When I try to include text as a quote from the original post, it doesn't allow me to select in the text body, only back in the quote itself.   When I try to include text as a quote from the original post, it doesn't allow me to select in the text body, only back in the quote itself. I_icon_minitime

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When I try to include text as a quote from the original post, it doesn't allow me to select in the text body, only back in the quote itself.
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