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 Sudan: Graphic picture warning.. only text posted here.

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Sudan: Graphic picture warning.. only text posted here. Empty
PostSubject: Sudan: Graphic picture warning.. only text posted here.   Sudan: Graphic picture warning.. only text posted here. I_icon_minitimeSun Jan 05, 2014 11:38 am

Mutilated by machete, the tragic orphans of Africa's forgotten war: A truly harrowing dispatch from the world's new Heart of Darkness
By Giovanna Cipriani
PUBLISHED: 17:06 EST, 4 January 2014 | UPDATED: 17:06 EST, 4 January 2014




Recent violence in South Sudan has captured the headlines, but just across the border, similar horrors have been visited upon a country hidden from the outside world. For ten deadly months, the Central African Republic has been ravaged by atrocities between Muslim Séléka rebels, who seized power last March, and Christian militias. Thousands have been killed and almost a million – a fifth of the population – driven from their homes. As the UN warns of impending genocide, The Mail on Sunday reports on a humanitarian crisis where tiny children are being targeted by vigilante mobs.
The horrors I witnessed in the Central African Republic will haunt me for the rest of my life. I have been a war correspondent for more than 20 years and have covered conflicts in Iraq and Afghanistan, and witnessed the bloody ethnic cleansing in Kosovo. But the slaughter I saw in Africa’s new Heart of Darkness shocked me to my core.
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