We Were Warned – Banker Murders, Conspiracy & Cover Up – Statistically Impossible (Video)
Thursday, February 13, 2014 11:26
(Before It's News)
By Susan Duclos
The Lip TV talks about Wall Street banker murders conspiracy and cover up, which the alternative media has been hammering home since the first two banker murders that were ruled suicides, then a third, then a fourth, then a fifth, now we find out that when lower level bankers are included, 20 bankers have died in the last 2 to 3 weeks.
On February 5, 2014, I reported on big, big things going down where “V’ The Guerrilla Economist, via Steve Quayle, stated outright the initial bankers’ deaths were assassinations and more were coming. That same day, as an update, “V” again via Quayle, that the “hit list” had widened and 43 names were on the list.
What is very interesting about the video below is they are only discussing the statistical probability of 4 deaths in one industry being random as being “remote,” which makes 20 deaths in the same time frame in the same industry, being anything other than an organized elimination, murder, and assassination, an impossibility.
They are being killed to prevent them from testifying as to what they know. Authorities are complicit in the conspiracy and cover up by deliberately closing their eyes to the impossibility of this all being random and no one is doing anything about it.
As “V” pointed out, they are tying up loose ends…… the question now is what comes after all the loose ends are tied up? What do the power elite, the Illuminati have in store for us next?
Susan Duclos owns/writes Wake up America