Judge Andrew Napolitano Goes #Off The Grid | Jesse Ventura
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Subject: Judge Andrew Napolitano Goes #Off The Grid | Jesse Ventura Fri Mar 07, 2014 8:51 am
Judge Andrew Napolitano Goes #Off The Grid | Jesse Ventura
Published on Mar 6, 2014
Judge Andrew Napolitano Goes #OffTheGrid | Jesse Ventura Off The Grid - Ora TV
Fox News' senior judicial analyst, the always candid, Judge Andrew Napolitano joins Jesse Ventura #OffTheGrid to discuss why Snowden deserves a hero's welcome, the battle to legalize same-sex marriage, and then, the Judge throws his support behind the Governor's possible presidential campaign. Should Jesse run? Message him at http://www.ora.tv/offthegrid/askjesse
Judge Andrew Napolitano Goes #Off The Grid | Jesse Ventura