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 Bone Chilling Face-To-Face Encounter With A Nephilim–Epitome of Hell! (Shocking Videos)

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Bone Chilling Face-To-Face Encounter With A Nephilim–Epitome of Hell! (Shocking Videos) Empty
PostSubject: Bone Chilling Face-To-Face Encounter With A Nephilim–Epitome of Hell! (Shocking Videos)   Bone Chilling Face-To-Face Encounter With A Nephilim–Epitome of Hell! (Shocking Videos) I_icon_minitimeMon Apr 07, 2014 8:38 am

Bone Chilling Face-To-Face Encounter With A Nephilim–Epitome of Hell! (Shocking Videos)

Monday, April 7, 2014 6:25

(Before It's News)

Bone Chilling Face-To-Face Encounter With A Nephilim–Epitome of Hell! (Shocking Videos) Monsters-in-the-dark


“It had the face of an animal, and the body of a man….this was a humanoid with an animal face.  But, I knew immediately what it was…it was a Nephilim!”


It was night when Dr. C.K. Quarterman, (author of Fallen Angels: Giants, UFO Encounters, & the New World Order), took his dog outside. As he waited on his dog to do his business, he saw something sinister standing there in the dark shadows of the night.  It wasn’t a bear. It wasn’t an animal.  It was not human at all–It was a Nephilim!



I can honestly relate to his words in these videos, as I have had quite a few one-on-one experiences with these dark entities myself.  In the first video, I share some of my own creepy personal encounters.  I can tell you that they are VERY real and they will be a huge part of the end times deception—they’ve already begun their work. This is a plan they came up with many generations, long ago!  This is nothing new.

That which has been is what will be, That which is done is what will be done, And there is nothing new under the sun.  —Ecclesiastes  1:9
And there shall be signs in the sun, and in the moon, and in the stars; and upon the earth distress of nations, with perplexity; the sea and the waves roaring;  Men’s hearts failing them for fear, and for looking after those things which are coming on the earth: for the powers of heaven shall be shaken.  —Luke 21:25-26


Prophecy will be fulfilled because God’s Word does not lie! Just take a look at all of the news over  the past few years! The open, blatant sin and disobedience, the hatred for God and His people, strange weather, disasters, and more—we are feeling the birth pangs foretold in the Bible!


Please feel free to email me on my youtube channel if you have had an experience you feel may have been an nephilim close-encounter.  We must wake people up and warn them of what is here, and what is coming—becuase from here on out, it only gets worse! 


Please visit my prophecy news website, VINE OF LIFE NEWS for constant prophecy news updates and inspiration.


God vs. Lucifer – Fallen Angels, Nephilim and the Sons of God


Bone Chilling Face-To-Face Encounter With A Nephilim–Epitome of Hell! (Shocking Videos) Monstersinthedark2
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Bone Chilling Face-To-Face Encounter With A Nephilim–Epitome of Hell! (Shocking Videos)
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