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~Face~Book~Face~Tracking~Bloombutt~NYPD~Instagram~ Empty
PostSubject: ~Face~Book~Face~Tracking~Bloombutt~NYPD~Instagram~   ~Face~Book~Face~Tracking~Bloombutt~NYPD~Instagram~ I_icon_minitimeWed Mar 27, 2013 12:10 pm

High-Tech NYPD Unit Tracks Criminals Through Facebook and Instagram Photos
March 26, 2013

Socializing online is landing criminals in custody.

Police are searching for suspects’ photos on Instagram and Facebook, then running them through the NYPD’s new Facial Recognition Unit to put a face to a name, DNAinfo New York has learned.

Detectives are now breaking cases across the city thanks to the futuristic technology that marries mug shots of known criminals with pictures gleaned from social media, surveillance cameras and anywhere else cops can find images.

“It is the one time something you see on a television show is actually working in the real world,” said one top police official who went from a tech skeptic to a fan.

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