The Terrifying "Ghosts" In The Machine: Will The Return Of Watchers Technology Unleash Crimes Via "Cyber-Possession"
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Subject: The Terrifying "Ghosts" In The Machine: Will The Return Of Watchers Technology Unleash Crimes Via "Cyber-Possession" Wed May 07, 2014 6:56 am
The Terrifying "Ghosts" In The Machine: Will The Return Of Watchers Technology Unleash Crimes Via "Cyber-Possession"
The curtain lifts. Your eyes slowly flutter open... You look down and discover you are bathed in a pool of blood. Dead at your feet is a Politician; a letter opener is jammed into his chest. Banging is heard at the door. His guards are shouting to get in. They bash open the door and charge into the room, guns trained right at you. You’ve just committed an assassination, and you didn’t even realize it. Welcome to cyber crime of the future–a world where computers are integrated with the human brain, leaving people vulnerable to “cyber-possession.” With human beings, we can only assume the software we install in our brains would be top-notch in sophistication. This means it would be capable of an internet connection, among other things. The internet is an open channel, and with it, anything connected becomes a potential doorway. In this case, the brain can be hacked into and even manipulated by the hacker.
The Terrifying "Ghosts" In The Machine: Will The Return Of Watchers Technology Unleash Crimes Via "Cyber-Possession"