UPDATED LIST IN BLUE DOWN THE PAGE. I will continue to add more sentences as I research this phenomena.
I have been shown a phenomena in the bible that has not been seen until today. It involves the consecutive listing of words that contain the same number value of Hebrew or Greek letters. The result shows the hand of the Almighty and a fullfillment of Daniel 12:4.
For example,
All the words in the Bible with Sum of 1480 (the number of the word 'CHRIST' in Greek) are listed in order from first appearance to the last:
??????? G5547 Christos / Mat 1:16
??????????? G3409 misthoo / Mat 20:1
?????? G2479 ischus / Mar 12:30
??????????????? G4838 sumparalambano / Act 12:25
???????? G1793 entugchano / Act 25:24
???????????? G3718 orthotomeo / 2Ti 2:15
By checking the lexicon, the full meaning of each word is listed. These make a coherent and powerful statement:
[size=150]1480 "Christ, hired, in strength, to take us as a companion, to make intercession, to make a straight path".[/size]
The number of the name 'Jesus' (888) is a long list of words from first occurance to the last that flow from Exodus to 2 Corinthians.
???? H6605 pathach / Exo 28:11
???? H6356 pechetheth / Lev 13:55
???? H6605 pathach / Psa 30:11
?????? H5410 nathiyb / Jer 6:16
????? H8612 Topheth / Jer 19:11
?????? H8581 ta`ab / Eze 16:25
??????? H8498 tekuwnah / Eze 43:11
?????? G2424 Iesous / Mat 1:16
????? G3004 lego / Mat 1:20
??????????????? G3870 parakaleo / Mat 5:4
??????? G1544 ekballo / Mat 12:27
?????????? G1514 eireneuo / Mar 9:50
??????????? G4815 sullambano / Luk 5:7
??????? G1325 didomi / Joh 3:35
????????? G2045 ereunao / Joh 7:52
??????????? G1651 elegcho / Joh 8:9
?????????? G2641 kataleipo / Joh 8:9
???? G2247 helos / Joh 20:25
??????????? G0050 agnoeo / Act 13:27
??????? G2192 echo / 2Co 7:5
?????????? G0841 autarkeia / 2Co 9:8
The sentence reads:
[size=150]OT 888 "Opened is, decay, opened is, the path, (to) the place of fire... Abomination, is arranged.
NT 888 Jesus, calls, beseeches, brings forth, peace, conceives, grants, searches, admonishes and convicts. Leave behind, ...nail, ignorance. Consider and hold fast to, eternal life."[/size]
As you can see, the consecutive list of these words equalling 888 proclaims the Gospel of Jesus. Note that the old testament sentence shows man's condemnation and the New testament sentence shows man's salvation.
The number of the word "Revelation" (1512) also follows this pattern:
???????????? G1049 gazophulakion / Mar 12:41
?????????? G4822 sumbibazo / Act 9:22
??????? G0810 asotia / Tit 1:6
?????????? G0602 apokalupsis / Rev 1:1
The sentence:
[size=150]1512 "Treasure- gathered, ...the riotous life- uncovered".[/size]
Pretty much sums up the last days, when the saints (treasure to God) are resurrected and gathered together with Jesus and the evil masses on the earth are punished in the tribulation.
The number 1008 equals Armageddon, naturally that needed to be included in this study, the result in the Old Testament:
????? H8635 tarbuwth / Num 32:14
????? H8451 towrah / 1Ki 2:3
????? H1624 garah / 2Ki 14:10
???? H2734 charah / Psa 37:1
??????? H2559 chamaq / Jer 31:22
The sentence:
[size=150]1008 "The offspring- of the laws- strove- hotly- turning away and turning aside".[/size]
This is particularly interesting because there are three full 'sentences' found only in the Old Testament that also equal 1008. These repeat the same message as the single words equaling 1008 strung together.
They are all gone aside, they are all together become filthy:
there is none that doeth good, no, not one. Psa 14:3
The LORD is high above all nations, and his glory above the heavens. Psa 113:4
Order ye the buckler and shield, and draw near to battle. Jer 46:3
Words equaling 1008 from the New Testament:
???????????? G3114 makrothumeo / Mat 18:26
??????????? G1848 exoutheneo / Luk 23:11
???????? G1628 ekpheugo / Rom 2:3
??????????? G5374 Philippesios / Phi 4:15
???? G2198 zao / 1Ti 5:6
?????? G2819 kleros / 1Pe 5:3
?????????? G0717 Armageddon / Rev 16:16
The sentence:
[size=150]1008 "Be long suffering of -contempt. (Ye) shall escape - Philippians- eternal life is- God's heritage- Armageddon".[/size]
The Philippians were loved by Paul and stood as an example of one the most faithful of all the early Churches.
The half of 1008 is 504. This number resulted in a particularly interesting sentence built on the consequtive words beginning in Gen 3:22 and ending in 1Co 7:17.
[size=150]504 OT Understand- the offering (that)- opened (the)- camp- (of)- rest. Grain- (and) graven images- cuts in pieces- the law and the testimony. That which sanctifies you- and pardons- and preserves- those of the flesh- seek (and) live. I will not drive them out- those trusting in God- assembled to fight- from their sin- with him in His Kingdom- with shields. In the reign- the province- shall be opened- and sealed. Rebuke me not- (from) the resting place- for thou has lifted me up. Thy testimonies- (are) in the midst. Thou are taken- (by) apples- and made to know... For the garden- entwined- my inheritance- plainly- and scattered them. The daughters & children- I will comfort.
You have brought me forth- bemoaning- witnessing- when he commanded- (I was) made to be like- (the) crushed & broken. Then was opened- in the midst- (and) sealed up- (and) made white and pure- (and) brought forth.
504 NT The gift- died- commanding- sin- to be cast out. Twelve- ones called out by God (from the earth).
Here is an explanation of the fall of Adam, the provision of the law and the promise of salvation through the death and resurrection of "the gift" Jesus Christ.
Apollyon, the angel of the bottomless pit, the destroyer, has the number 1461. This number is found in the order:
???????? G0856 aphedron / Mat 15:17
?????????? G5013 tapeinoo / Mat 23:12
??????? G2480 ischuo / Mar 9:18
???????? G4515 Rhomaisti / Joh 19:20
??????? G2967 koluo / Act 10:47
???????? G2082 esoteros / Act 16:24
??????????? G3000 latreuo / Phi 3:3
???????? G3501 neos / 1Ti 5:2
??????? G0661 apotino / Phm 1:19
???????? G5098 timoria / Heb 10:29
????????? G5287 hupostasis / Heb 11:1
????????? G3140 martureo / 1Jo 5:6
???????? G0623 Apolluon / Rev 9:11
???????????? G4203 porneuo / Rev 18:9
The sentence:
[size=150]1461 A cesspool- (of) lowliness- has power, Rome- forbids- Holy of Holies- (and) sacred service- newly begun. Punishment, assured... bearing record (of) Appollyon- fornicating.[/size]
It is clear that what is being described is the the abomonation of desolation of the Holy temple and the subsequent punishment of God for this act.
This angel has another name, Abaddon, equaling 862. The Greek word string is extraordinary:
G0165 aion / ever Mat 21:19
G3952 parousia / coming Mat 24:27
G4260 probaino / be Luk 1:7
G3173 megas / great Joh 1:50
G5015 tarasso / trouble Joh 5:4
G3089 luo / loose Act 13:43
G2204 zeo / be Act 18:25
G1218 demos / people Act 19:33
G0628 apolouo / wash Act 22:16
G1409 Drousilla / Drusilla Act 24:24
G2198 zao / live Rom 7:9
G3701 optasia / vision 2Co 12:1 the vision
G2015 epiphaneia / appearing 1Ti 6:14 appears brightly
G2406 hierateuma / priesthood 1Pe 2:5 a priesthood
G0003 Abaddon / Abaddon Rev 9:11
G4969 sphazo / slay Rev 13:3 will slaughter
The sentence:
[size=150]Aion-of the second coming- will go forward with- great-fear and distress-destroying-with fervent heat-the people. -Washing away-Drusilla. The vision- lives, a priesthood- appears brightly.- Abaddon (the destroyer) - will slaughter.[/size]
This next number string is wonderful, it is of the word "resurrection (963):
In the Old Testament the words are:
??????? H7223 ri'shown / Isa 43:9
??????? H7665 shabar / Eze 31:12
??????? H7665 shabar / Dan 8:22
?????? H1644 garash / Jon 2:4
?????? H2790 charash / Mic 7:16
New testament:
?????? G2048 eremos / Mat 3:1
????????? G2647 kataluo / Mat 5:17
?????? G4920 suniemi / Mat 13:14
???????? G3419 mnemeion / Mat 27:60
???????????? G3870 parakaleo / Mar 7:32
????????? G4744 stilbo / Mar 9:3
??????????? G1605 ekplesso / Mar 11:18
?????? G1131 gumnos / Mar 14:51
?????? G5343 pheugo / Mar 14:52
????????? G0386 anastasis / Joh 11:25
????????? G0582 apographe / Act 5:37
??????????? G0588 apodechomai / Act 15:4
???????? G1919 epigeios / 1Co 15:40
??????????? G5483 charizomai / Eph 4:32
????????????? G1294 diastrepho / Phi 2:15
?????? G3051 logion / Heb 5:12
?????? G3641 oligos / 1Pe 5:12
???????????? G2849 kolazo / 2Pe 2:9
??????????? G3913 paraphronia / 2Pe 2:16
????????? G3089 luo / Rev 20:7
The sentence, first the Old testament:
[size=150]963 The former things- are shattered- are utterly destroyed- divorced and cast away- silenced.[/size]
New Testament:
[size=150]Desolateness- overthrown- consider- the grave- (and) be comforted. Desire- shining garments. Be astonished... Nakedness- flees away- resurrection- transcript- received gladly. On the earth- pardon bestowed- (for) perverseness. The words of God- few- restrain- madness- binding (it) with chains.[/size]
The implications are profound to say the least. The fact that this coherent structure exists in the whole of the bible, spanning both testaments shows the hand of God over the arrangement of books. Without His control through history of the cannon itself, there would be no understandable structure to the sentences. Beyond this, the numbers of the words are also precisely arranged. This is because most words do not have the values relative to the 'core' number (like Chirst 1480 or Jesus 888) except they are written with the Greek or Hebrew structure of open and closed word classes 'verbs, nouns, adverbs etc'. In this way, these words show up relative to the value of the core search words in a limited list. I should add that the 'core' words are usually found many times throughout the bible, however, like the words that add to it in the string, they are listed according to the 1st place they are found in the text only.
The Greek word for 'heaven' is 891:
?????????? H4940 mishpachah / 1Ch 6:60
??????? H5782 `uwr / Isa 51:17
????? H8614 tiphtay (Aramaic) / Dan 3:2
?????? H8532 telath (Aramaic) / Dan 3:23
???? G0300 Amon / Mat 1:10
??????? G3772 ouranos / Mat 5:18
?????? G2595 karphos / Mat 7:3
?????? G0779 askos / Mat 9:17
?????? G2537 kainos / Mat 27:60
????????? G0327 anazeteo / Luk 2:44
??????? G4091 Pilatos / Luk 3:1
???????? G4238 prasso / Luk 3:13
???????? G0630 apoluo / Luk 6:37
?????????? G2638 katalambano / Joh 8:4
?????? G3708 horao / Joh 16:22
?????????? G0941 bastazo / Act 3:2
?????? G2425 hikanos / Act 8:11
?????????? G2658 katantao / Act 26:7
????? G2556 kakos / Rom 1:30
??????????? G3115 makrothumia / Rom 2:4
???????? G2980 laleo / 1Co 14:11
?????? G5568 psalmos / 1Co 14:26
???????? G2936 ktizo / Eph 3:9
??????? G5399 phobeo / Eph 5:33
???????? G4112 plastos / 2Pe 2:3
?????? G0715 arktos / Rev 13:2
The sentence:
[size=150]891 heaven OT 'Kindreds and nations- stired, roused- (the) magistrates- three'.
891 heaven NT 'Builder- heavens-(the) withering- wine skin- new- seek- Pontius Pilate- perpetrated- released-(and) layed ahold. Behold and see- carried away- attained, set aside- evil. Steadfastly- uttering- psalms- creating- fear- forming- the bear (Arcturus)[/size]
Amazing I think, that the Old Testament string says that the nations of the earth stirred up the "Trinity" and the New Testament string describes the "new Covenant" and the release of Barabas and the holding of Jesus by Pilate. It also repeats the reference to God's control and creation of "the Great Bear" in the northern heavens. Job 38:32:
"Canst thou bring forth Mazzaroth in his season? or canst thou guide Arcturus with his sons?"
Israel (349 in Greek) is another good example of how aligned the text string is with the harmony of the Gospel. The list in Hebrew is exceedingly long but I will show the one in the NT:
?????? G2474 Israel / Mat 2:6
?????? G1188 dexios / Mat 5:29
????????? G0611 apokrinomai / Mat 26:62
?????? G2362 thronos / Luk 1:32
?????????? G3618 oikodomeo / Luk 14:30
??????? G3407 misthios / Luk 15:17
???????? G1209 dechomai / Act 8:14
???????? G1325 didomi / Rom 12:6
????????? G2881 Korinthios / 2Co 6:11
?????????? G1731 endeiknumi / 2Co 8:24
???????? G3958 pascho / Heb 2:18
???????? G4010 Pergamos / Rev 1:11
??????? G2521 kathemai / Rev 17:9
The sentence:
[size=150]NT 349 "Israel-at the right hand, place of honour- answers- (as) throne of the King- built up- a hired servant- taking up- obligation- satisfaction- demonstrating- vexation- (the) elevated height- set down.[/size]
Satan 753
??????? G0450 anistemi / arise Mat 9:9
????????? G2896 krazo / cry Mat 9:27
??????? G4567 Satanas / Satan Mat 12:26
??????? G0191 akouo / hear Mat 14:1
????????? G2835 kodrantes / farthing Mar 12:42
????????? G1992 epistole / epistle Act 15:30
???????????? G2716 katergazomai / work Rom 4:15
??????? G3162 machaira / sword Rom 8:35
???????????? G2654 katanalisko / consume Heb 12:29
[size=150]Arise- cry out, Satan. Understand- (the) two mites- epistle. It is accomplished-, sword- of fire consumes.[/size]
Dragon 973
??????? H5307 naphal / fail Deu 9:25
???????? H1644 garash / drive Jdg 11:7
????? H6238 `ashar / rich Eze 27:33
?????? G5204 hudor / water Mat 3:16
??????? G0565 aperchomai / go Mat 13:46
??????????? G0930 basanistes / tormentor Mat 18:34
?????????? G4863 sunago / gather Mat 25:35
????????? G4036 perilupos / exceeding Mat 26:38
??????????? G1979 episitismos / victuals Luk 9:12
???????????? G1788 entrepo / reverence Luk 18:2
??????? G2335 theoria / sight Luk 23:48
??????????? G4788 sugkleio / conclude Gal 3:22
??????????? G1934 epizeteo / seek Heb 13:14
????? G5205 huetos / rain Rev 11:6
?????? G1404 drakon / dragon Rev 12:3
The sentences:
[size=150]OT Cast down- driven out- gaining riches.
NT Waters- go away- tormentors- gathored together- exceeding sorrowful- providing food- seen in shame-
a spectacle- shut up together as in a net- yearning for- rain- dragon.[/size]
The NT sentence is particularly amazing. It compares exactly with these complete biblical passages:
Psa 74:13 Thou didst divide the sea by thy strength: thou brakest the heads of the dragons in the waters.
Psa 74:14 Thou brakest the heads of leviathan in pieces, [and] gavest him [to be] meat to the people inhabiting the wilderness.
Isa 35:7 And the parched ground shall become a pool, and the thirsty land springs of water: in the habitation of dragons, where each lay, [shall be] grass with reeds and rushes.
Isa 27:1 In that day the LORD with his sore and great and strong sword shall punish leviathan the piercing serpent, even leviathan that crooked serpent; and he shall slay the dragon that [is] in the sea.
Antichrist 1841
?????????? G5290 hupostrepho / return Luk 2:39
??????????? G0505 anupokritos / unfeigned 2Co 6:6
??????? G4954 sussomos / of Eph 3:6
????????????? G4789 sugkleronomos / fellow Heb 11:9
??????????? G0500 antichristos / antichrist 1Jo 2:18
The sentence:
[size=150]NT Turn back- the undisguised- of the same body, same church- a joint heir with- the Antichrist[/size]
This sentence repeats the warning of John the evangelist:
1Jo 2:18 ΒΆ Little children, it is the last time: and as ye have heard that antichrist shall come, even now are there many antichrists; whereby we know that it is the last time.
1Jo 2:19 They went out from us, but they were not of us; for if they had been of us, they would [no doubt] have continued with us: but [they went out], that they might be made manifest that they were not all of us.
Though the 'Christ' is 1480 in Greek, as listed above, it is also written in Greek with the gematria 1680.
??????? G5547 Christos / Christ Mat 1:1
???????????? G4336 proseuchomai / pray Mat 6:5
?????????? G0154 aiteo / ask Mat 18:19
????????? G2064 erchomai / come Mar 10:30
???????????? G4374 prosphero / offer Luk 23:36
?????????? G3116 makrothumos / patiently Act 26:3
?????????? G3348 metecho / be 1Co 9:12
????????? G2658 katantao / come Phi 3:11
??????????? G4337 prosecho / beware 1Ti 4:1
??????????? G5352 phthinoporinos / whose Jud 1:12
??????????? G4448 puroo / burn Rev 3:18
The sentence:
[size=150]Christ. Pray for- ask- to come forth- lead to (the one who can heal him or is ready to show him some kindness, one to a person who is to judge him)- patiently. Partake- attain. Beware- whose fruit withers - burns.[/size]
This clearly explains whom humanity should call upon for salvation, "Christ"... and a warning to those bearing bad fruit. Once again, astonishing.
This phenomena is barely touched of course.