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 Will Romney Fulfill White Horse Prophecy In 2016 As Speculated In Horn's "Zenith 2016" Book? Odds Are Increasing He Will

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Will Romney Fulfill White Horse Prophecy In 2016 As Speculated In Horn's "Zenith 2016" Book? Odds Are Increasing He Will Empty
PostSubject: Will Romney Fulfill White Horse Prophecy In 2016 As Speculated In Horn's "Zenith 2016" Book? Odds Are Increasing He Will   Will Romney Fulfill White Horse Prophecy In 2016 As Speculated In Horn's "Zenith 2016" Book? Odds Are Increasing He Will I_icon_minitimeWed Aug 06, 2014 9:33 am

Will Romney Fulfill White Horse Prophecy In 2016 As Speculated In Horn's "Zenith 2016" Book? Odds Are Increasing He Will

Will Romney Fulfill White Horse Prophecy In 2016 As Speculated In Horn's "Zenith 2016" Book? Odds Are Increasing He Will Romney-White-Horse
For a party without a consensus leader — nor a popular elder statesman like Democratic former president Bill Clinton — Romney is stepping forward in both red and blue states to fill that role for the GOP. “There’s a pretty big void in the party right now for national leaders, and Romney’s in a unique position, having been around the track, to help fill that void,” said Scott Reed, a veteran GOP strategist who oversees the U.S. Chamber of Commerce’s political operation. Romney continues to deny interest in a third presidential run in 2016, but his moves have his supporters yearning for him to give it a go and arguing that he would be a stronger candidate than last time. In recent months, Romney has been endorsing candidates, including a number of establishment favorites who went on to defeat tea party firebrands in hard-fought primaries. Wyoming Gov. Matt Mead (R), whom Romney recently endorsed for reelection, said in an interview that Romney remains the GOP’s best hope of winning back the White House. Asked whether he and other Republican officials are coalescing around Romney as a 2016 favorite, Mead said: 

“There is a movement afoot. . . . I’d tell him, ‘Governor Romney, people here in Wyoming and around the country would encourage you to take another look at it.’ ”
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Will Romney Fulfill White Horse Prophecy In 2016 As Speculated In Horn's "Zenith 2016" Book? Odds Are Increasing He Will Empty
PostSubject: The Book "Zenith 2016" On Mitt Romney & The White Horse Prophecy    Will Romney Fulfill White Horse Prophecy In 2016 As Speculated In Horn's "Zenith 2016" Book? Odds Are Increasing He Will I_icon_minitimeWed Aug 06, 2014 9:35 am

Will Romney Fulfill White Horse Prophecy In 2016 As Speculated In Horn's "Zenith 2016" Book? Odds Are Increasing He Will Zenith2016BookSmall

The Book "Zenith 2016" On Mitt Romney & The White Horse Prophecy 

The clock is ticking down toward the year 2016 when some expect a constitutional crisis to unfold right in time for a Mormon savior to appear on his white horse. Romney has already made his 2016 presidential ambitions public, and he isn’t just any Mormon. He is the miracle baby of a woman who was told by her doctor she could never bear a fourth child. Born anyway in 1947, he became the star-child of George W. Romney, the most prominent Mormon in American politics (as governor of Michigan) and a seventh-generation direct descendant of Parley Parker Pratt, Sr., one of Mormonism’s founding twelve apostles. Named after the close family friend John Willard Marriott (one of the richest Mormons in history), Romney received his patriarchal blessing at nineteen years of age and was told by the Church that the Lord expected...
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Will Romney Fulfill White Horse Prophecy In 2016 As Speculated In Horn's "Zenith 2016" Book? Odds Are Increasing He Will
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