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 Greg Evensen & Steve Quayle Tonight on Hagmann - Critical Sit-Rep (mp3 is up)

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Greg Evensen & Steve Quayle Tonight on Hagmann - Critical Sit-Rep (mp3 is up) Empty
PostSubject: Greg Evensen & Steve Quayle Tonight on Hagmann - Critical Sit-Rep (mp3 is up)   Greg Evensen & Steve Quayle Tonight on Hagmann - Critical Sit-Rep (mp3 is up) I_icon_minitimeWed Sep 03, 2014 11:01 am

As usual I'll post a link to download the show afterwards. Show starts 5:00pm PST - 8:00pm EST - 0:00am Zulu


Show Notes wrote:

Greg Evensen & Steve Quayle present their latest findings and intel data dumps concerning the ongoing and soon to explode Trident 3-pronged attack-Tonight on the Hagmann & Hagmann Report – A critical SitRep-Must hear

Greg Evensen & Steve Quayle Tonight on Hagmann - Critical Sit-Rep (mp3 is up) Nuke01-150x150@2xMost Americans have become “Zombified” and oblivious to the current state of war against the citizens of the U.S., and all citizens in the West as a confluence of preplanned events begin to accelerate to an orchestrated, life changing end of the lifestyles and freedoms to which we’ve become accustomed. There is a palpable escalation of events that lead to the inescapable conclusion that none of this is happening by accident, but by plan.

We have been engaged in a covert global war by proxy, however this global war is now beginning to become more overt as situations continue to heat-up in Ukraine, Syria and all across the Middle East. The globalists are pushing and instituting their technocracy through gunboat diplomacy, tied directly to the U.S. dollar, which is facing its own death at the hands of these neo-Satanic globalists. America’s sovereignty and very existence is at stake.

The United States military is being systematically dismantled from within by these same Satanic globalists who are creating untenable positions for those who reject orders of subjugation to a world power. Ranking officers within the military who refuse to forsake their oaths to the U.S. Constitution are being dispelled and identified as threats. Military personnel are beginning to realize their expendability, and might soon experience the same under this regime of tyranny.

There is the pathogenic Ebola nightmare that is taking place throughout Africa and in select cities across the world that also threatens us in the U.S. and all across the West. Medical surveillance of the various Ebola variations suggest potential if not real weaponization.

We are witnessing the convergence of events, a series of preplanned and orchestrated crises, that will impact every listener to this program. We need to be in a state of spiritual, mental and practical state of readiness as everything is in motion for the crescendo of events.

Greg Evensen & Steve Quayle Tonight on Hagmann - Critical Sit-Rep (mp3 is up) SpeakerCLICK HERE TO LISTEN LIVE: 8:00-11:00 PM EASTERN


Steve Quayle – Click HERE

Greg Evensen – Click HERE

Last edited by researcher on Wed Sep 03, 2014 9:49 pm; edited 1 time in total (Reason for editing : mp3)
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Join date : 2011-08-13
Age : 72
Location : San Diego

Greg Evensen & Steve Quayle Tonight on Hagmann - Critical Sit-Rep (mp3 is up) Empty
PostSubject: Re: Greg Evensen & Steve Quayle Tonight on Hagmann - Critical Sit-Rep (mp3 is up)   Greg Evensen & Steve Quayle Tonight on Hagmann - Critical Sit-Rep (mp3 is up) I_icon_minitimeWed Sep 03, 2014 9:48 pm

Link to download the show.

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