This is good, Scott! It's really challenging to look at the world and Live in the Goodness of God at the same time. And that's because they're two separate places, and we won't find much good or evidence of Christ in the's fallen, save the few! Jesus said, don't look for Me there.
The Kingdom of God is WITHIN you.
Luke 17:
20 And when he was demanded of the Pharisees, when the kingdom of God should come, he answered them and said, The kingdom of God cometh not with observation:
21 Neither shall they say, Lo here! or, lo there!
for, behold, the kingdom of God is within you.
And we must be 'born again' into it. And Live, Move and have our Being, there.
How are the effects of the Tribulation on mankind described? As the travails of a woman IN LABOR. The 'cave' is going to cave in.
I had hope that "the Truth that matters"! was going to start coming forward.
They heard God, by their own confession, but they don't seem to 'have it'.
Look again at Plato's 'The Cave", and you'll see that R. Wiles and now even this new collaboration of Stearman and Horn, is still ALL ABOUT the shadows; the patterns, the sources and sorceries, the shadows that went before in history, EVEN to dividing the shadows into 'good camps' and 'bad camps'. Lord help us.
It's still all shadows....the Valley of the Shadow of death, presently ruled over by satan.
What does away with shadows? The Light on the Hill, Christ in His Kingdom, banishes every shadow. And Light and darkness don't mix!!!!!
People just have to admit that waiting for the death of the physical self is a day too late to help anybody else come out of the cave.
What I'm not hearing is how to come OUT OF THE CAVE (Come out of her, my people) and into the Light of Christ and the Kingdom prepared before the beginning, for all those who
Seek it and Find it (within you).
That which seems unreal and impossible IS JUST THAT, UNTIL we find our Life IN HIM, AND Live, Move and have our Being THERE.
Because THERE is the Overcoming Power-in all things-over all things-by His Holy Spirit, which He confirms with 'evidence' - what we call miracles, signs and wonders.
Scripture says the 'doubleminded' should not expect to receive the Blessings, the
Promises. We either
know the Infallibility, the Supremacy of the Kingdom, or we are still stuck between Truth and Illusion. And that causes DOUBT, which causes a short circuit, and the Blessings cannot flow. So Jesus said, 'Believe in your heart,
and doubt not'. Because it's not dependent on us or on the world. It's dependent on the Holy Spirit of God.
No matter how many times and directions we go around this same equation, it always comes down to Abiding in the Presence, and He in us.
All four Gospels state:
Luke 17:
33 Whosoever shall seek to save his life shall lose it; and whosoever shall lose his life (on account of Me) shall preserve it.
I know the understanding I once had towards this verse. It's changed.
Now I know,
As Christ is, so are you in the world.
It is not I who lives, but He who lives in me.
I die daily so that He might live in me. (His Mercies are new every morning. I'm sure we need His Mercies much more than we even think.)
Jesus said, I of My self do nothing.
You shall know the Truth. And the Truth shall set you free. For whom the Son sets free is free indeed.
Once we know our freedom, (when He literally possesses us) we can go with the Holy Spirit back into the cave, and let Him do His Work of ministering, healing, shedding His Light that Lights the path for others, and He persuading them to 'Come, Follow Me'.