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 Bombshell: Trump is Being Manipulated Into Sending 150,000 Troops to Syria

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PostSubject: Bombshell: Trump is Being Manipulated Into Sending 150,000 Troops to Syria   Bombshell: Trump is Being Manipulated Into Sending 150,000 Troops to Syria I_icon_minitimeTue Apr 11, 2017 11:16 am

Mike Cernovich Bombshell: Trump is Being Manipulated Into Sending 150,000 Troops to Syria
Daniel Lang
April 11th, 2017

Bombshell: Trump is Being Manipulated Into Sending 150,000 Troops to Syria Us-army-marching
Trump’s bombing of Syria last week caught everyone off guard. His supporters, who voted for him in part because he claimed that he was going to repair relations with Russia and take a different course in Syria, felt utterly betrayed by the bombing. His detractors were equally surprised. Neocons and warmongering faux liberals alike were enthusiastic about his actions. The mainstream media pundits who had hounded Trump throughout the election campaign heaped praise on him. Fareed Zakaria said that “Donald Trump became president” after the bombing, and Brian Williams rather creepily said that the images of those tomahawk missiles being launched were “beautiful.”
So what changed? Why did Trump order a bombing that has so thoroughly disenchanted half of his base, while simultaneously earning him brownie points among his political enemies?
Is this a part of some grandiose wider plan that will endear his supporters down the road? Has he sold out? Was he a shill for the political establishment all along? Was he simply manipulated by advisers who don’t have his best interests (or the American people’s interests) at heart?
This early on it’s difficult to tell. One can only speculate. All we can do is hear out every possibility until the most plausible narrative becomes crystal clear.
One possibility is that Trump is being fed a steady stream faulty intelligence by his advisers, who are probably agents of the deep state. That seems to be the opinion of Mike Cernovich, the social media personality who supported Trump throughout his election campaign. In fact, he thinks that H.R. McMaster, Trump’s National Security Adviser, is manipulating his intelligence reports in an effort to push America into a full blown ground war in Syria. And he’s supposedly doing this with the help of David Petreaus.
Quote :
Current National Security Adviser Herbert Raymond “H. R.” McMaster is manipulating intelligence reports given to President Donald Trump, Cernovich Media can now report. McMaster is plotting how to sell a massive ground war in Syria to President Trump with the help of disgraced former CIA director and convicted criminal David Petraeus, who mishandled classified information by sharing documents with his mistress.
As NSA, McMaster’s job is to synthesize intelligence reports from all other agencies. President Trump is being given an inaccurate picture of the situation in Syria, as McMaster is seeking to involve the U.S. in a full scale war in Syria.
The McMaster-Petraeus plan calls for 150,000 American ground troops in Syria.
Many special operations veterans including General Joseph Votel have raised serious concerns about McMaster’s plans for Syria.
Sources also suggest that McMaster is sharing classified information with Petraeus, whose security clearance was revoked.
According to Cernovich, Petraeus and McMaster aren’t the only ones who are in on the plan.
Quote :
Derek Harvey, the top Middle East adviser in the NSC, has close ties with Petraeus and is close with McMaster. (Harvey reportedly faces a massive EEO complaint from subordinates, although that investigation remains open.)
Harvey and McMaster have been trying to subvert Joint Chiefs Chairman General Joseph Dunford and Secretary of Defense James Mattis. Mattis and Dunford support working with our allies in the fight against ISIS. Harvey and McMaster are advocating for a massive American-only ground force.
So far Cernovich has been completely silent on who his source is for this information. This has led many to claim that he’s making it all up. However, Cernovich was the guy who broke the Susan Rice scandal. In fact, in a video posted on Saturday, he claims that he had been sitting on both of these stories, and decided to break the Susan Rice story first to help give his McMaster scoop more legitimacy.
So is this McMaster story true? At this point there isn’t any real proof. All we have is the word of someone who has proven to have the inside scoop in the past. Regardless of the veracity of this narrative, one thing is absolutely true. Some force in our government has pushed us onto the warpath, and we’re about to face one of the most perilous moments in our history because of it.
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Bombshell: Trump is Being Manipulated Into Sending 150,000 Troops to Syria Empty
PostSubject: Re: Bombshell: Trump is Being Manipulated Into Sending 150,000 Troops to Syria   Bombshell: Trump is Being Manipulated Into Sending 150,000 Troops to Syria I_icon_minitimeTue Apr 11, 2017 12:30 pm

What's with this sudden 150,000 ground troops meme? Someone enlighten me please.

Listen up, FACT, China sends 150,000 troops to N. Korea border on the Yula river. Now we in 'the land of the fee and home of the slave' have the meme going that the USA is going to send 150,000 ground troops to Syria. Think about it people! Oh yeah, and for "what reason" you might ask would we send all those 150,000 troops over to Syria for?

Can you say "OIL PIPELINE"? Yeah, same-o same-o military industrial complex bullshit that gets us and always gets us into another stinking war.

Oh, since I'm on a rant then I might as well end with this; The Chinese didn't put 150,000 troops on the Yalu river to fight the US. They could really care less if we put an ungreased missile up the Pillsbury Dough Boys tight little sphincter. Those Chinese 150,000 . . . they are there to stop the flood of millions N Koreans crossing into and destabilizing China once the N. Korean regime is kaput.

And the next part of the rant: Where the hell are we going to get those 150,000 troops from, hmmmmmm? Maybe I could go along with this if they were pulled from all their collage campus safe spaces. Now there's a thought! We are the snowflake battalion and we're coming to fire rainbow farts at you so you better be very afraid or we might start to cry.


And no, I'm not a real happy camper today.

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Bombshell: Trump is Being Manipulated Into Sending 150,000 Troops to Syria Empty
PostSubject: Re: Bombshell: Trump is Being Manipulated Into Sending 150,000 Troops to Syria   Bombshell: Trump is Being Manipulated Into Sending 150,000 Troops to Syria I_icon_minitimeTue Apr 11, 2017 4:40 pm

Looks like I'm not the only one noticing that 150,000 thing. This from the comment section on All News Pipeline. If anyone else sees another that TexasRedNeck and I didn't catch, report in please.


TexasRedNeck   • 21 minutes ago  
China sending 150,000 troops to Korean border,
Russia sending 150,000 troops to Syria,
US to send 150,000 troops to Syria,
Sounds like a bunch of bull, someone seems to have a fascination with 150,000 troops and spreading BS.

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PostSubject: Re: Bombshell: Trump is Being Manipulated Into Sending 150,000 Troops to Syria   Bombshell: Trump is Being Manipulated Into Sending 150,000 Troops to Syria I_icon_minitimeTue Apr 11, 2017 5:54 pm

This may help to explain some things. It's from March 10th. They're talking about the speach Trump gave to congress a while ago, if you remember that. He really hasn't been the same since.

This was their original coverage of the same topic on March 4th:
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PostSubject: Re: Bombshell: Trump is Being Manipulated Into Sending 150,000 Troops to Syria   Bombshell: Trump is Being Manipulated Into Sending 150,000 Troops to Syria I_icon_minitimeTue Apr 11, 2017 6:57 pm

The 150,000 for Syria is a number being pushed by a General.
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Bombshell: Trump is Being Manipulated Into Sending 150,000 Troops to Syria Empty
PostSubject: Re: Bombshell: Trump is Being Manipulated Into Sending 150,000 Troops to Syria   Bombshell: Trump is Being Manipulated Into Sending 150,000 Troops to Syria I_icon_minitimeTue Apr 11, 2017 7:57 pm

Thank you, Lovisa. I posted a YouTube of Trump backwards speech analysis a month or two ago and all was positive back then. This new stuff is very disconcerting. I'm glad that he also did some at the end of backwards speech on Mike Pence too. I never liked Pence. Snake in the grass. I call him Mike PENIS cause I think he's a real dick! Pardon the rough language. I only wish Jared Kushner would have been included. Maybe next time. The closest I could get to anything 150,000 related on this was the part about the Ukraine's 120,000 vs 30,000 from (don't remember who). Added up to 150K but then - - - ???

SPECULATION AHEAD: I wonder if Trump got called into a private meeting with ???? and was given the facts of life? You know, toe the line, OUR LINE, be a good little boy and just do what we say or else, as ???? picks up a framed photo of the Trump family and remarks at what a great family they are and how he'd hate to see any harm come their way. Sets the photo down, turns, and walks out the door.

As I ponder all this I keep hearing the theme music to Mission Impossible. Like Trump is in between a rock and a hard spot, trapped, knowing it's impossible for him to do what he knows needs doing.

This presidency will self destruct in 5 seconds!

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