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| SPRING'S 3-30-2018 = Israeli Stealth Fighters Fly Over Iran | |
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| Subject: Report: Israeli Stealth Fighters Fly Over Iran Undetected Fri Mar 30, 2018 9:40 am | |
| #1http://www.thegatewaypundit.com/2018/03/report-israeli-stealth-fighters-fly-over-iran-undetected/ Report: Israeli Stealth Fighters Fly Over Iran Undetectedby Jim Hoft March 29, 2018
Al-Jarida photoTwo Israeli fighters reportedly flew over Iran undetected this past month. The Kuwaiti paper Aljarida reported this on Thursday.Jerusalem Post reported: - Quote :
- Two Israeli F-35 fighter jets entered Iranian airspace over the past month, Kuwaiti newspaper Al-Jarida reported on Thursday. The act is a signal of heightened regional tensions, especially in light of recent Israeli military attacks in Syria, including against Iranian bases in the country.
Sources quoted in Al-Jarida stated that two stealth fighters flew over Syrian and Iraqi airspace to reach Iran, and even targeted locations in the Iranian cities Bandar Abbas, Esfahan and Shiraz. Here is the translated report from Aljarida News: - Quote :
- In a move that reflects regional tensions and comes in the midst of information about a plan for a US and Israeli military strike in Syria that will include Iranian positions there or possibly infect Iran itself, Al-Jarida learned from an informed source that two highly advanced F35 fighter jets Iran this month.
The source said that the fighters crossed Syrian airspace into Iraqi airspace, including to Iran, where they carried out reconnaissance missions and targets in the areas of Bandar Abbas, Isfahan and Shiraz, flying at a high altitude over other sites suspected of its relationship with Iran’s nuclear program on the Gulf coast. He pointed out that the two F35 (stealth) aircraft exceeded all radars in the region, including the Russian radars installed in Syria, but refused to disclose whether the operation in coordination with the American side, knowing that Israel and the United States carried out this month exercises cobra Jr.. The seven F35 fighter jets that have entered service in Israel, some of which have recently carried out air strikes in Syria and on the Lebanese-Syrian border, can fly nonstop twice a day in each direction from Israel to Iran. |
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| Subject: The Second Amendment Was Written For Just This Purpose | Jack Mullen Fri Mar 30, 2018 9:51 am | |
| #2https://thegovernmentrag.wordpress.com/2018/03/29/the-second-amendment-was-written-for-just-this-purpose-jack-mullen/ THE GOVERNMENT RAG BLOGTGR Intelligence Briefing | Sign up for newsletter to receive notifications | Visit us at http://thegovernmentrag.comThe Second Amendment Was Written For Just This Purpose | Jack Mullen
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- Quote :
- The right of the citizens to keep and bear arms has justly been considered as the palladium of the liberties of a republic, since it offers a strong moral check against the usurpation and arbitrary power of rulers, and will generally, even if these are successful in the first instance, enable the people to resist and triumph over them. – US vs Miller 1939
- Quote :
- “No freeman shall ever be debarred the use of arms [within his own lands or tenements].”18 1 The Papers of Thomas Jefferson 344 (J. Boyd ed. 1950)).
- Quote :
- I do solemnly swear that I will support and defend the Constitution of the United States against all enemies, foreign and domestic; that I will bear true faith and allegiance to the same; that I take this obligation freely, without any mental reservation or purpose of evasion; and that I will well and faithfully discharge the duties of the office on which I am about to enter. So help me God. Oath of Allegiance
It should be clear now, Americans have an obligation to arm themselves and prepare for the Civil War being fomented by an enemy whose allegiances are to a world government; a world government where they rule as tyrants over all people. The Framers of the US Constitution understood this would likely face Americans and America someday — That day has come. - Quote :
- And be it further enacted, That whenever the laws of the United States shall be opposed or the execution thereof obstructed, in any state, by combinations too powerful to be suppressed by the ordinary course of judicial proceedings, or by the powers vested in the marshals by this act, the same being notified to the President of the United States, by an associate justice or the district judge, it shall be lawful for the President of the United States to call forth the militia of such state to suppress such combinations, and to cause the laws to be duly executed. Militia Act 1792
America is facing a war on two fronts: enemies domestic and enemies foreign. It was no secret the founders provided the guarantee of the Second Amendment for the purpose of keeping their oath – “So Help Me God!.” Without the Second Amendment, none of the words of the Constitution would have any more force than tradition, courtesy and honesty. Currently tradition, courtesy and honesty have been attacked and are now in triage. In the words of the Former President and Buffoon George W. Bush: - Quote :
- “Stop throwing the Constitution in my face! It’s just a goddamned piece of paper!”
In the spirit of the psychopath explaining away inconsistencies in his life’s narrative, enemies, foreign and domestic, through the use of the captured mainstream media, try to convince the American people the Second Amendment is outdated and no longer necessary for any purpose including “hunting” (nothing about the second amendment was related to hunting) or self protection. Like manipulative narcissist, the enemy insists “if only” the people would give up their right to self protection, the Governments will faithfully protect them – and the nation, overall, will be a safer place. Using techniques developed for psychological torture, the enemy uses repetitive mantra with armies of human badgers agitating for more “gun control,” reinforced by false-fabricated-staged trauma inducing events, often perpetrated on children, in their attempt to bypass critical thinking internally and due process and the will of the people externally, for purposes of disarming the people. In the spirit of malignant narcissists or fully evolved psychopaths, the enemy telegraphs their intentions (projection) by the degree to which they are willing to terrorize children and the public at large to accomplish their goals. - Quote :
- Psychopaths are not just identified by their lack of empathy, conscience and their ruthless, manipulative, single-minded, narcissistic and opportunistic ways but also by their almost total lack of application of “System 2” thinking. This means that they have a severe inability to deal with complexity, the welfare of others, or with any further effects of their actions beyond their immediate self-serving objective! 1
Because Americans face fear-causing, trauma inducing, psychological attacks every single day in the form of enemy controlled national and local news, passive aggressive advertising, and the agitation by enemy hostiles mercilessly pushing agendas, we have become emotionally overwhelmed, numb, with a lack of the time necessary to process the traumatic events. These are the tactics of psychological warfare - Quote :
- Psychological Operations or PSYOP are planned operations to convey selected information and indicators to audiences to influence their emotions, motives, objective reasoning, and ultimately the behavior of organizations, groups, and individuals. Used in all aspects of war, it is a weapon whose effectiveness is limited only by the ingenuity of the commander using it.
A psychological warfare campaign is a war of the mind. Your primary weapons are sight and sound. PSYOP can be disseminated by face-to-face communication, audio visual means (television), audio media (radio or loudspeaker), visual media (leaflets, newspapers, books, magazines and/or posters). The weapon is not how its sent, but the message it carries and how that message affects the recipient. Major Ed Rouse (Ret) Psychological Operations/Warfare America is under-siegeEnemies are operating from the inside, usurping positions of authority, creating de-facto government – while being funded from accomplices outside in the form of banking cartels (Central Banks) and the use of mercenary armies causing terrorism and regime changes abroad which is used as further psychological trauma aimed at Americans. America is being traumatized, and everyday pressure intensifies – the call to disarm get louder. It matters not that gun related violence in the USA is falling. It does not matter so-called “Assault Rifles”, the primary target of the disarmers, are involved in negligible gun violence each year; Less than 350 events involving “AR” rifles were reported in 2014. In a population of over 300 Million this number is just noise – negligible compared to other more egregious problems leading to premature death. Students Mobilized as Activist in a Cause they Do Not Understand.Recent marches by Students, agitating on behalf of professional disarmers, were organized by specialized political groups and individuals including ((((((Michael Bloomberg)))))) and his “ Every Town For Gun Safety,” Gabriella Giffords, “Giffords” organization, George Soros Funded “Move On,” Planned Parenthood, the Women’s March LA, and the help of celebrities including ((((((Stephen Spielberg)))))), George Clooney, Oprah and others. ((((((Bloomberg)))))) tossing in $1 million and Giffords funding and arranging for students to come to the “March for Our Lives” from Florida. An article on the Canada Free Press website explains how the Disarm America agenda is organized and funded by Anti-American, dishonest, Zionists and Communists working to take down the last nation on Earth where the population is legally armed. From the Canada Free Press article - Quote :
- Take Everytown, the noisiest and most dishonest anti-gun group on the scene. The one consistent thing about anti-gun groups is that that they are usually the opposite of what their name says they are.
Everytown for Gun Safety was formed out of two other groups: Moms Demand Action and Mayors Against Illegal Guns. Both are actually front groups for (((((((((Michael Bloomberg))))))))), the lefty billionaire and former boss of the Big Apple, who used New York City resources to host at least one of its websites. So Everytown is really New York City. March for Our Lives is on every cable channel, but who runs it? The photogenic teen fronts are out front. But it’s obvious to everyone that a bunch of teens don’t have the resources and skills to coordinate a nationwide movement. Instead it’s the experienced activists who are actually running things. The March for Our Lives Fund is incorporated as a 501(c)(4). Donations to 501(c)(4) groups are not tax- deductible. And they don’t have to disclose donors. That’s why they’re a great dark money conduit. But the March for Our Lives website suggests that donors who want to make a tax-deductible donation should write a check to the “March For Our Lives—Everytown Support Fund”. How will (((((((((Bloomberg)))))))))’s organization provide support for the supposed student group? Why have two March for Our Lives Fund, one dark and one light? And why is one being routed through the godfather of the gun control lobby? The students being organized to “March For Our Lives,” have no idea they are being played as pawns in a serious game to disarm Americans. These students and the younger children used during the event for photo opportunities are being used as political tools to support agendas which they are not old enough to understand. Watch the video below to understand how subversive Neo Communist and Zionist in the media organize children into a polished production of very selective slogans in order to work the agenda to disarm America. Children being used by adults with large amounts of money, to be featured in this highly structured psychological operation. I think this is scary stuff — Something Americans are not used to and will have a hard time understanding the KGB propaganda used in this psyop. It is only because of the Second Amendment that I can write these words .In gun free (people forcible disarmed) nations like Venezuela, roaming death squads, likely supporting the political heirarchy currently in place, room the streets killing groups of people. In June of 2012 we see in the news from Venezuela: - Quote :
- Venezuela has brought a new gun law into effect which bans the commercial sale of firearms and ammunition.
Hugo Chavez’s government says the ultimate aim is to disarm all civilians, but his opponents say the police and government may not have the capacity or the will to enforce the new law. Criminal violence is set to be a major issue in presidential elections later in the year. 2 In 2018 we find in the Venezuela News Feed: - Quote :
- A death squad in rural Venezuela gunned down 11 people in cold blood at dawn Saturday in an ongoing gang dispute.
Victims were told to get out of their three respective houses in a town in the Trujillo state, and were then executed. The killers used a combination of shotguns and handguns to murder their targets. Three of the victims were minors, and one victim was from Colombia. The killings are reportedly retribution for an ongoing feud between rival gangs “Cagón” and “Los Cáscaras.” The gangs’ names respectively translate to “Frightened” and “The Fruit Peels.” 3 It is not just Venezuela, similar stories can be found around the world in places were the people were deliberately disarmed. In disarmed South Africa, their Constitution (just a “goddamned piece of paper”) was changed: - Quote :
- The country’s constitution is now likely to be amended to allow for the confiscation of white-owned land without compensation, following a motion brought by radical Marxist opposition leader Julius Malema.
On Wednesday, the South African Parliament voted in a landslide to forcibly seize farmland from white farm owners for redistribution to black South Africans. This comes after a 2017 audit that discovered nearly 72% of farmland in the nation was owned by white farmers. 4 In Europe, forced immigration has caused violence and rape in once peaceful white nations; Sweden now has Europe’s highest recorded rates of sexual assaults. But it’s not just rape – violent crimes are raging across Europe as immigrants from incompatible cultures are forced on the local populations. Those forcing the immigrants on the peoples of Europe are the same people working the “disarm America” movement in the USA. According to a Jewish Study Group Leader in Sweden, - Quote :
- I think there is a resurgence of anti-Semitism because at this point in time Europe has not yet learned how to be multicultural. And I think we are going to be part of the throes of that transformation, which must take place. Europe is not going to be the monolithic societies they once were in the last century. Jews are going to be at the centre of that. It’s a huge transformation for Europe to make. They are now going into a multicultural mode and Jews will be resented because of our leading role. But without that leading role and without that transformation, Europe will not survive. 7
We have shown in previous articles that the main advocates, crusaders and agitators for disarming Americans are Jewish Groups. Checking the newsfeeds for violent crime in Europe we can easily find many articles - Quote :
- The number of violent crimes and sex offences recorded by police in England and Wales has risen sharply over the past year, figures suggest.
Knife crime and robbery also increased in the 12 months to September 2017 compared with the previous year, the Office for National Statistics said. About 5.3 million crimes were recorded in all in that 12-month period, up 14%. 5 - Quote :
- Migrants may be responsible for most of a recent rise in violent crime in Germany, research commissioned by the government suggests.
The study used data from Lower Saxony, a state where more than 90% of the rise was attributed to young male migrants. The researchers say the findings are not surprising because many migrants who arrived in Germany in recent years are single males aged 14-30. 6 Recently Former Supreme Court Justice John Paul Stevens said in an op-ed piece, the Second Amendment should be repealed. Talking about the student “protesters” Stevens said - Quote :
- “But the demonstrators should seek more effective and more lasting reform. They should demand a repeal of the Second Amendment.” 8
Stevens, a 98 year old Democrat, echoing the sentiments of tyrants through out history, continues to claim ” American citizens do not have the individual right to own a firearm for self-protection” Stevens, one of the dissenting votes during “District of Columbia vs Heller”, worked diligently toward disarming America by attempting to change the definition of the words “Bear Arms”, according to the majority opinion, - Quote :
- … the meaning of “bear arms” that petitioners and JUSTICE STEVENS propose is not even the (some times) idiomatic meaning. Rather, they manufacture a hybrid definition, whereby “bear arms” connotes the actual carrying of arms (and therefore is not really an idiom) but only in the service of an organized militia.
Stevens is also a friend of Israel and the Jewish Agenda, and according to the THE NEW YORK JEWISH WEEK (April 14, 2010,) - Quote :
- “Most of the Jewish groups closely tracking court decisions favor Stevens’ liberal record, with minor qualifications, and do not believe that President Obama will choose a replacement who deviates from the norm.”
We understand there is a Jewish Agenda, in America, to disarm the American people. But wish to remind Israel and the multitudes of dual Citizen Israelis living in America, the United States was founded and built by European’s with a European culture and heritage. Further, Europeans are still the dominate racial group in America; America is not an Israeli satellite state. Jews wishing to be disarmed can move to any part of the world where being disarmed is not a matter of choice. But the USA is a European founded nation with European traditions and culture and a nation founded on the right of the Citizens to protect themselves at all times by being armed. Any one attempting to Usurp this law, like New Jersey or the State of Maryland through legal fiction labeled Statutes of Law are in violation of the Law and thus criminals. Americans are now and have been, since the signing of the Declaration of Independence, Freeman, with the rights and the tools necessary to remain free codified in Law. - Quote :
- “The right to bear arms has always been the distinctive privilege of freemen. Aside from any necessity of self-protection to the person, it represents among all nations power coupled with the exercise of a certain jurisdiction. . . . t was not necessary that the right to bear arms should be granted in the Constitution, for it had always existed.” J. Ordronaux, Constitutional Legislation in the United States 241–242 (1891).
Stevens’ can have his opinion, thanks to the First Amendment, but when the Second Amendment is ‘repealed’ all other Amendments will be honored when convenient or by courtesy, but not by Law, because Law becomes nothing but a ‘goddamned piece of paper’ in the eyes of fully evolved narcissists with deadly power. People who appreciate and wish to keep the protections against Government provided by the Constitution, including the Bill of Rights, must now understand the Constitution is just paper; the words of men now long gone. For this document to continue to protect and provide for Life, Liberty and Happiness, people must believe in the words and use them to find the moral courage to stand against the destruction of the American Republic. The founders’ found victory in their War for Liberty. It is now left to us to keep the fires of Liberty burning. The Second Amendment Was Written For Just This Purpose We leave the reader with a quote from “United States Versus Miller 307 U.S. 174”: - Quote :
- “The importance of [the Second Amendment] will scarcely be doubted by any persons who have duly re flected upon the subject. The militia is the natural de fence of a free country against sudden foreign invasions, domestic insurrections, and domestic usurpations of power by rulers. It is against sound policy for a free people to keep up large military establishments and standing armies in time of peace, both from the enor mous expenses with which they are attended and the facile means which they afford to ambitious and un principled rulers to subvert the government, or trample upon the rights of the people. The right of the citizens to keep and bear arms has justly been considered as the palladium of the liberties of a republic, since it offers a strong moral check against the usurpation and arbitrary power of rulers, and will generally, even if these are successful in the first instance, enable the people to resist and triumph over them. And yet, though this truth would seem so clear, and the importance of a well-regulated militia would seem so undeniable, it cannot be disguised that, among the American people, there is a growing indifference to any system of militia discipline, and a strong disposition, from a sense of its burdens, to be rid of all regulations. How it is practicable to keep the people duly armed without some organization, it is difficult to see. There is certainly no small danger that indifference may lead to disgust, and disgust to contempt; and thus gradually undermine all the protection intended by the clause of our national bill of rights.”
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| Subject: SYRIA: TRUMP SIGNALS WITHDRAWAL OF US TROOPS Fri Mar 30, 2018 10:18 am | |
| #3 https://www.blacklistednews.com/article/64862/endgame-in-syria-trump-signals-withdrawal-of-us.html ENDGAME IN SYRIA: TRUMP SIGNALS WITHDRAWAL OF US TROOPS Published: March 30, 2018
In a momentous announcement at an event in Ohio on Thursday, Donald Trump said, “We’re knocking the hell out of ISIS. We’ll be coming out of Syria, like, very soon. Let the other people take care of it now.”
What lends credence to the statement that the Trump administration will soon be pulling 2,000 US troops out of Syria – mostly Special Forces assisting the Kurdish-led Syrian Democratic Forces – is that President Trump had recently announced to sack the National Security Advisor Lieutenant General H.R. McMaster.
McMaster represented the institutional logic of the deep state in the Trump administration and was instrumental in advising Donald Trump to escalate the conflicts in Afghanistan and Syria. He had advised President Trump to increase the number of US troops in Afghanistan from 8,400 to 15,000. And in Syria, he was in favor of the Pentagon’s policy of training and arming 30,000 Kurdish border guards to patrol Syria’s northern border with Turkey.
Both the decisions have spectacularly backfired on the Trump administration. The decision to train and arm 30,000 Kurdish border guards had annoyed the Erdogan administration to an extent that Turkey mounted Operation Olive Branch in the Kurdish-held enclave of Afrin in Syria’s northwest on January 20.
After capturing Afrin on March 18, the Turkish armed forces and their Free Syria Army proxies have now cast their eyes further east on Manbij where the US Special Forces are closely cooperating with the Kurdish YPG militia, in line with the long-held Turkish military doctrine of denying the Kurds any Syrian territory west of River Euphrates.
More significantly, however, the US bombers and Apache helicopters struck a contingent of Syrian government troops and allied forces in Deir al-Zor on February 7 that reportedly killed and wounded dozens of Russian military contractors working for the private security firm, the Wagner group.
In order to understand the reason why the US brazenly attacked the Russian contractors, we need to keep the backdrop of seven-year-long Syrian conflict in mind. Washington has failed to topple the government of Bashar al-Assad in Syria. After the Russian intervention in September 2015, the momentum of the battle has shifted in favor of the Syrian government and Washington’s proxies are on the receiving end in the conflict.
Washington’s policy of nurturing militants against the Syrian government has given birth to the Islamic State and myriads of jihadist groups that have carried out audacious terror attacks in Europe during the last three years. Out of necessity, Washington had to make the Kurds the centerpiece of its policy in Syria. But on January 20, its NATO-ally Turkey mounted Operation Olive Branch against the Kurds in the northwestern Syrian canton of Afrin.
In order to save its reputation as a global power, Washington could have confronted Turkey and pressured it to desist from invading Afrin. But it chose the easier path and vented its frustration on the Syrian government forces in Deir al-Zor which led to the casualties of scores of Russian military contractors hired by the Syrian government.
Another reason why Washington struck Russian contractors working in Syria was that the US-backed Syrian Democratic Forces (SDF) – which are mainly comprised of Kurdish YPG militias – had reportedly handed over the control of some areas east of Euphrates River to Deir al-Zor Military Council (DMC), which is the Arab-led component of SDF, and had relocated several battalions of Kurdish YPG militias to Afrin and along Syria’s northern border with Turkey in order to defend the Kurdish-held areas against the onslaught of Turkish armed forces and allied Free Syria Army (FSA) militias.
Syrian forces with the backing of Russian contractors took advantage of the opportunity and crossed the Euphrates River to capture an oil refinery located east of Euphrates River in the Kurdish-held area of Deir al-Zor. The US Air Force responded with full force, knowing well the ragtag Arab component of SDF – mainly comprised of local Arab tribesmen and mercenaries to make t he Kurdish-led SDF appear more representative and inclusive – was simply not a match for the superior training and arms of Syrian troops and Russian military contractors, consequently causing a massacre in which scores of Russian citizens lost their lives.
It would be pertinent to note here that regarding the Syria policy, there is a schism between the White House and the American deep state led by the Pentagon. After Donald Trump’s inauguration as the US president, he has delegated operational-level decisions in conflict zones such as Afghanistan, Iraq and Syria to the Pentagon.
The way the US officials are evading responsibility for the incident, it appears the decision to strike pro-government forces in Deir al-Zor that included Russian contractors was taken by the operational commander of the US forces in Syria and the White House was not informed until after the strike.
Notwithstanding, it bears mentioning that unlike dyed-in-the-wool globalists and “liberal interventionists,” like Barack Obama and Hillary Clinton, who cannot look past beyond the tunnel vision of political establishments, it appears that the protectionist Donald Trump not only follows news from conservative mainstream outlets, like the Fox News, but he has also been familiar with alternative news perspectives, such as Breitbart’s, no matter how racist and xenophobic.
Thus, Donald Trump is fully aware that the conflict in Syria is a proxy war initiated by the Western political establishments and their regional Middle Eastern allies against the Syrian government. He is also mindful of the fact that militants have been funded, trained and armed in the training camps located in Turkey’s border regions to the north of Syria and in Jordan’s border regions to the south of Syria.
According to the last year’s March 31 article [1] for the New York Times by Michael Gordon, the US ambassador to the UN Nikki Haley and the recently sacked Secretary of State Rex Tillerson had stated on the record that defeating the Islamic State in Syria and Iraq was the top priority of the Trump administration and the fate of Bashar al-Assad was of least concern to the new administration.
Under the previous Obama administration, the evident policy in Syria was regime change. The Trump administration, however, looks at the crisis in Syria from an entirely different perspective because Donald Trump regards Islamic jihadists as a much bigger threat to the security of the US.
In order to allay the concerns of Washington’s traditional allies in the Middle East, the Trump administration conducted a cruise missiles strike on al-Shayrat airfield in Homs governorate on April 6 last year after the chemical weapons strike in Khan Sheikhoun. But that isolated incident was nothing more than a show of force to bring home the point that the newly elected Donald Trump is an assertive and powerful president.
Finally, Karen De Young and Liz Sly made another startling revelation in the last year’s March 4 article [2] for the Washington Post: “Trump has said repeatedly that the US and Russia should cooperate against the Islamic State, and he has indicated that the future of Russia-backed Assad is of less concern to him.”
Thus, the interests of all the major players in Syria have evidently converged on defeating Islamic jihadists, and the Obama-era policy of regime change has been put on the back burner. And after the recent announcement of complete withdrawal of US troops from Syria by President Trump, it appears that we are approaching the endgame in Syria, an event as momentous as the Fall of Saigon in 1975, which will mark a stellar military victory for Vladimir Putin.
Sources and links:
1- White House Accepts ‘Political Reality’ of Assad’s Grip on Power in Syria:
2- Pentagon plan to seize Raqqa calls for significant increase in U.S. participation:
https://www.washingtonpost.com/world/national-security/pentagon-plan-to-seize-raqqa-calls-for-significant-increase-in-us-participation/2017/03/04/d3205386-00f3-11e7-8f41-ea6ed597e4ca_story.html |
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